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Created April 24, 2017 01:10
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Creating clients for the frequency server/week2
%% Based on code from
%% Erlang Programming
%% Francecso Cesarini and Simon Thompson
%% O'Reilly, 2008
%% (c) Francesco Cesarini and Simon Thompson
-export([client/3, client_init/2, request_adapter/0]).
-export([test1/0, test_process1/0, test2/0, test_process2/0]).
%I wrote an adapter pattern for the allocate/deallocate methods so that the client
%can communicate with the adapter by sending and receiving messages--rather than
%calling allocate() and deallocate() directly. That way the client can sit in a
%receive waiting for messages from the adapter process, and if the server fails,
%which will also take down the (linked) adapter process, the client will end up
%waiting indefinitely in a receive--unaffected by the server failing. As far as
%the client knows, the server is busy.
% Process diagram:
% () process
% <-> message sending between processes
% --> function call
% (client) <-> (request_adapter --> allocate/deallocate) <-> (server)
% link trap
% To shutdown the whole system,
% I called exit(Client, shutdown) on each client, where the atom
% shutdown is just a random atom different from the atom normal.
% That causes each
% client to immediately end its allocate/deallocate looping.
% Then I called exit(Server, kill) on the server. Calling stop() on the
% sever is problematic because it does not cause the adapter process that
% is linked to the server to shutdown because the sever exits normally
% in response to stop().
% Problems: It seems to me that there is a race condition in my code.
% If I happen to kill a client immediately after it sends a message
% to the adapter, and then I kill the server before the corresponding
% message from
% the adapter is sent, the adapter might live long enough before it
% it is killed (by virtue of being linked to the server) to do:
% f3 ! Msg
% which would cause a badarg error. I tested out that theory by
% putting a timeout at the top of the adpater, and it does cause
% a badarg exception, but all the processes still shutdown, so
% I'm calling it good.
% I used test1() so that I could use the observer to kill
% the server and make sure the clients are unaffected.
test1() ->
spawn(f3, test_process1, []).
test_process1() ->
_Client1 = spawn(f3, client_init, [1, 5000]),
_Client2 = spawn(f3, client_init, [2, 2500]).
% I used test2() so that I could try to shutdown the
% whole system myself.
test2() ->
spawn(f3, test_process2, []). %Enables me to execute observer:start() in the shell.
test_process2() ->
Client1 = spawn(f3, client_init, [1, 5000]),
Client2 = spawn(f3, client_init, [2, 2500]),
timer:sleep(15000), %Let the clients send requests to the server for awhile,
shutdown_system([Client1, Client2], f3).
client_init(Id, Sleep) ->
RequestAdapter = spawn(f3, request_adapter, []),
%process_flag(trap_exit, true),
client(Id, Sleep, RequestAdapter).
request_adapter() ->
%timer:sleep(1000), %For testing race condition.
{allocate, Sender} -> %Client sends this message to the adapter.
Response = allocate(), %The adapter calls allocate()/deallocate() and gets the return value.
Sender ! {self(), Response}, %The adapter sends the server's response back to the client.
{deallocate, Freq, Sender} ->
Response = deallocate(Freq),
Sender ! Response,
stop ->
io:format("request_adapter(~w) stopped~n", [self()] )
client(Id, Sleep, RequestAdapter) ->
RequestAdapter ! {allocate, self()},
{RequestAdapter, {ok, Freq}} ->
io:format("client~w (~w) given frequency: ~w~n", [Id, self(), Freq] ),
do_deallocation(Freq, RequestAdapter, Id),
client(Id, Sleep, RequestAdapter);
{RequestAdapter, {error, no_frequency}} ->
io:format("client~w (~w): **no frequencies available**~n", [Id, self()]),
client(Id, Sleep, RequestAdapter)
do_deallocation(Freq, RequestAdapter, Id) ->
RequestAdapter ! {deallocate, Freq, self()},
ok ->
io:format("client~w (~w) deallocated frequency: ~w~n", [Id, self(), Freq]);
_Other ->
io:format("client~w (~w) couldn't deallocate frequency: ~w~n", [Id, self(), Freq])
shutdown_system(Clients, Server) ->
shutdown_server(whereis(Server) ),
shutdown_clients([]) ->
shutdown_clients([Client|Clients]) ->
io:format("---Shutting down client: ~w~n", [Client]),
exit(Client, shutdown),
shutdown_server(undefined) ->
shutdown_server(Pid) ->
io:format("---Shutting down server: ~w~n", [Pid]),
exit(Pid, kill).
%--- No changes to the server code we were given ----
%These are the start functions used to create and
%initialize the server.
start() ->
spawn(f3, init, [])).
init() ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true), %%% ADDED
Frequencies = {get_frequencies(), []},
% Hard Coded
get_frequencies() -> [10,11,12,13,14,15].
%% The Main Loop
loop(Frequencies) ->
{request, Pid, allocate} ->
{NewFrequencies, Reply} = allocate(Frequencies, Pid),
Pid ! {reply, Reply},
{request, Pid , {deallocate, Freq}} ->
NewFrequencies = deallocate(Frequencies, Freq),
Pid ! {reply, ok},
{request, Pid, stop} ->
Pid ! {reply, stopped};
{'EXIT', Pid, _Reason} -> %%% CLAUSE ADDED
NewFrequencies = exited(Frequencies, Pid),
%% Functional interface
allocate() ->
f3 ! {request, self(), allocate},
{reply, Reply} -> Reply
deallocate(Freq) ->
f3 ! {request, self(), {deallocate, Freq}},
{reply, Reply} -> Reply
stop() ->
f3 ! {request, self(), stop},
{reply, Reply} -> Reply
%% The Internal Help Functions used to allocate and
%% deallocate frequencies.
allocate({[], Allocated}, _Pid) ->
{{[], Allocated}, {error, no_frequency}};
allocate({[Freq|Free], Allocated}, Pid) ->
link(Pid), %%% ADDED
{{Free, [{Freq, Pid}|Allocated]}, {ok, Freq}}.
deallocate({Free, Allocated}, Freq) ->
{value,{Freq,Pid}} = lists:keysearch(Freq,1,Allocated), %%% ADDED
unlink(Pid), %%% ADDED
NewAllocated=lists:keydelete(Freq, 1, Allocated),
{[Freq|Free], NewAllocated}.
exited({Free, Allocated}, Pid) -> %%% FUNCTION ADDED
case lists:keysearch(Pid,2,Allocated) of
{value,{Freq,Pid}} ->
NewAllocated = lists:keydelete(Freq,1,Allocated),
false ->
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