The following Google Apps Script script automatically adds hyperlinks to text following a given pattern in Google Sheets cells.
The pattern provided below will automatically add hyperlinks to strings matching
. For instance, [Foo!B4]
will point to #gid=<foo_gid>&range=B4
/** @type [RegExp, (match: RegExpExecArray, range: SpreadsheetApp.Range) => string | undefined][] */
const patterns = [
[ /\[(\w+!)?([A-Z]+[0-9]+(?::[A-Z]+[0-9]+)?)\]/g,
(match, range) => {
let gid = range.getSheet().getSheetId();
if (match[1] !== undefined) {
const sheetName = match[1].substring(0, match[1].length - 1);
const sheet = range.getSheet().getParent().getSheetByName(sheetName);
if (sheet === null)
gid = sheet.getSheetId();
return `#gid=${gid}&range=${match[2]}`;
function onEdit(/** @type {{ readonly range: SpreadsheetApp.Range }} */ e) {
const richTextValue = e.range.getRichTextValue(),
text = richTextValue.getText();
// By default, `builder` is undefined, which avoids an unecessary call to
// the Spreadsheet service when there is no link to set.
/** @type SpreadsheetApp.RichTextValueBuilder */
let builder;
for (const [pattern, getLinkUrl] of patterns) {
/** @type RegExpExecArray */
let match = null;
while (match = pattern.exec(text)) {
const linkUrl = getLinkUrl(match, e.range);
if (linkUrl) {
if (builder === undefined)
builder = richTextValue.copy();
builder.setLinkUrl(match.index, match.index + match[0].length, linkUrl);
// If the builder is defined (i.e. a link was set), we update the RichTextValue.
if (builder !== undefined) {
Here is another pattern that can be used to link to users, assuming a sheet named "Users",
whose A
column is the identifier or name of each user, and the list of users starts at 2
(since the row 1 is for the header).
[ /(?:\b|^)(?:User\/|@)(\S+)/g, // Matches strings like @민주 or User/Greg
(match, range) => {
const userId = match[1];
const usersSheet = range.getSheet().getParent().getSheetByName("Users"),
namesRange = usersSheet.getRange(2, 1, usersSheet.getLastRow()),
textFinder = namesRange.createTextFinder(userId).matchEntireCell(true);
const firstOccurence = textFinder.findNext();
if (firstOccurence !== null) {
return `#gid=${usersSheet.getSheetId()}&range=${firstOccurence.getA1Notation()}`;
The pattern above can be easily adapted for other things. For instance, one could
look up invoices using the pattern /(?:\b|^)Invoice\/(\S+)/g
and getting the sheet
"Invoices" instead of "Users" above.
const pattern = /(?:\b|^)Invoice\/(\S+)/g, // The pattern to match against.
sheetName = "Invoices", // The name of the sheets to link to.
startRow = 2, // The first row containing values (starting at 1).
column = 1; // The column containing the identifiers / keys (starting at 1).
const patterns = [
// snip...
[ pattern,
(match, range) => {
const id = match[1];
const sheet = range.getSheet().getParent().getSheetByName(sheetName),
matchRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, column, sheet.getLastRow() - startRow + 2),
textFinder = matchRange.createTextFinder(id).matchEntireCell(true);
const firstOccurence = textFinder.findNext();
if (firstOccurence !== null) {
return `#gid=${sheet.getSheetId()}&range=${firstOccurence.getA1Notation()}`;
// snip...