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Created August 25, 2023 09:00
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`git checkout $branch`, but handles files that are assumed not to have changed.
# use
export def main [branch: string] {
let result = (do { git checkout $branch } | complete)
let stderr = $result.stderr
if $result.exit_code == 1 or ($stderr | str contains 'Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout') {
let files_to_save = ($stderr | rg '^\s+(.+)$' -r '$1' | lines)
let tmp_dir = (mktemp -d)
touch $"($tmp_dir)/EMPTY"
for f in $files_to_save {
let f_tmp_path = ($tmp_dir | path join $f)
mkdir ($f_tmp_path | path dirname)
cp $f $f_tmp_path
git checkout --ignore-skip-worktree-bits $f
git checkout $branch
for f in $files_to_save {
git merge-file $f $"($tmp_dir)/EMPTY" ($tmp_dir | path join $f)
rm -rf $tmp_dir
} else {
echo $stderr
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