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春色惱人眠不得 vernis vicibus perculsi dormire non possunt


春色惱人眠不得 vernis vicibus perculsi dormire non possunt
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7468696e6b /
Last active November 22, 2024 23:28
how to install Okular viewer on macOS Big Sur, using M1/Apple Silicon/arm64
  1. Install homebrew from (follow the instructions there)
  2. tap the repo, brew tap kde-mac/kde
  3. brew edit okular, workaround now is to comment out or delete the line depends_on "chmlib" (won't compile on macos arm64 for now as of 2021-08-18), then save (if using vim you need to first press i to insert/type, when saving then <esc> then :wq then <enter>.
  4. brew install okular, wait for stuff to compile and/or install
  5. It may ask for keychain credentials (to sign the binaries? because of mac arm64 security policy
  6. $(brew --repo kde-mac/kde)/tools/
  7. Now okular is in your $HOME/Applications/KDE folder, and will show up in Launchpad! You can view pdf, djvu, etc documents.
7468696e6b /
Last active April 8, 2021 00:42
How to install Tagaini Jisho on an Apple Silicon/arm64/"M1" Mac (macOS ≥ 11.0)

Step 1: clone repo

% git clone

Step 2: install dependencies (get homebrew if you don't have it, see more info at

% brew install cmake
% brew install qt@5