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Created February 5, 2025 21:45
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module demonstration of grammar
open Util
module type Grammar = sig
type typ [@@deriving sexp, show]
type exp [@@deriving sexp, show]
module Typ (G : Grammar) = struct
type t =
| Int
| Float
| Bool
| String
| Var of string
| List of G.typ
| Prod of G.typ list
[@@deriving sexp, show]
module Exp (G : Grammar) = struct
type t = Cast of G.exp * G.typ | Add of G.exp * G.exp | Int of int
[@@deriving sexp, show]
module rec Grammar :
(Grammar with type typ = Typ(Grammar).t and type exp = Exp(Grammar).t) =
module T = Typ (Grammar)
module E = Exp (Grammar)
type typ = T.t [@@deriving sexp, show]
type exp = E.t [@@deriving sexp, show]
module rec IdGrammar :
with type typ = int * Typ(IdGrammar).t
and type exp = int * Exp(IdGrammar).t) = struct
module T = Typ (IdGrammar)
module E = Exp (IdGrammar)
type typ = int * T.t [@@deriving sexp, show]
type exp = int * E.t [@@deriving sexp, show]
module T = Typ (Grammar)
module E = Exp (Grammar)
let plain_expression =
(let open E in
( Int 1,
let open T in
Prod [ Int; Bool; String ] )
: Grammar.exp)
let serialized = Grammar.show_exp plain_expression
module IT = Typ (IdGrammar)
module IE = Exp (IdGrammar)
let plain_expression =
(let open IE in
( 3,
( (1, Int 1),
( 7,
let open IT in
Prod [ (4, Int); (5, Bool); (6, String) ] ) ) )
: IdGrammar.exp)
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