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Created February 6, 2025 22:14
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open Util;
[@deriving (show({with_path: false}), sexp, yojson)]
type deferral_position_t =
| InAp
| OutsideAp;
[@deriving (show({with_path: false}), sexp, yojson)]
type any('e, 't, 'tp, 'r, 'a, 'p) =
| Exp('e)
| Pat('p)
| Typ('t)
| TPat('tp)
| Rul('r)
| Any(unit)
and exp('e, 't, 'tp, 'r, 'a, 'p) =
| Invalid(string)
| EmptyHole
| MultiHole(list('a))
| DynamicErrorHole('e, InvalidOperationError.t)
| FailedCast('e, 't, 't)
| Deferral(deferral_position_t)
| Undefined
| Bool(bool)
| Int(int)
| Float(float)
| String(string)
| ListLit(list('e))
| Constructor(string, 'tp) // Typ.t field is only meaningful in dynamic expressions
| Fun('p, 'e, option('t), option(Var.t)) // 't field is only used to display types in results
| TypFun('tp, 'e, option(Var.t))
| Tuple(list('e))
| Var(Var.t)
| Let('p, 'e, 'e)
| FixF('p, 'e, option(closure_environment_t('e, 't, 'tp, 'r, 'a, 'p)))
| TyAlias('tp, 't, 'e)
| Ap(Operators.ap_direction, 'e, 'e)
| TypAp('e, 't)
| DeferredAp('e, list('e))
| If('e, 'e, 'e)
| Seq('e, 'e)
| Test('e)
| Filter(stepper_filter_kind_t('e), 'e)
| Closure(
[@show.opaque] closure_environment_t('e, 't, 'tp, 'r, 'a, 'p),
| Parens('e) // (
| Cons('e, 'e)
| ListConcat('e, 'e)
| UnOp(Operators.op_un, 'e)
| BinOp(Operators.op_bin, 'e, 'e)
| BuiltinFun(string)
| Match('e, list(('p, 'e)))
/* INVARIANT: in dynamic expressions, casts must be between
two consistent types. Both types should be normalized in
dynamics for the cast calculus to work right. */
| Cast('e, 't, 't)
and pat('e, 't, 'tp, 'r, 'a, 'p) =
| Invalid(string)
| EmptyHole
| MultiHole(list('a))
| Wild
| Int(int)
| Float(float)
| Bool(bool)
| String(string)
| ListLit(list('p))
| Constructor(string, 't) // Typ.t field is only meaningful in dynamic patterns
| Cons('p, 'p)
| Var(Var.t)
| Tuple(list('p))
| Parens('p)
| Ap('p, 'p)
| Cast('p, 't, 't)
and typ('e, 't, 'tp, 'r, 'a, 'p) =
| Unknown(type_provenance('a))
| Int
| Float
| Bool
| String
| Var(string)
| List('t)
| Arrow('t, 't)
| Sum(ConstructorMap.t('t))
| Prod(list('t))
| Parens('t)
| Ap('t, 't)
| Rec('tp, 't)
| Forall('tp, 't)
and tpat('e, 't, 'tp, 'r, 'a, 'p) =
| Invalid(string)
| EmptyHole
| MultiHole(list('a))
| Var(string)
and rul('e, 't, 'tp, 'r, 'a, 'p) =
| Invalid(string)
| Hole(list('a))
| Rules('e, list(('p, 'e)))
and environment_t('e, 't, 'tp, 'r, 'a, 'p) = VarBstMap.Ordered.t_('e)
and closure_environment_t('e, 't, 'tp, 'r, 'a, 'p) = (
environment_t('e, 't, 'tp, 'r, 'a, 'p),
and stepper_filter_kind_t('e) =
| Filter(filter('e))
| Residue(int, FilterAction.t)
and type_hole('a) =
| Invalid(string)
| EmptyHole
| MultiHole(list('a))
and type_provenance('a) =
| SynSwitch
| Hole(type_hole('a))
| Internal
and filter('e) = {
pat: 'e,
act: FilterAction.t,
type exp_term =
| Exp(exp(exp_term, typ_term, tpat_term, rul_term, any_term, pat_term))
and pat_term =
| Pat(pat(exp_term, typ_term, tpat_term, rul_term, any_term, pat_term))
and typ_term =
| Typ(typ(exp_term, typ_term, tpat_term, rul_term, any_term, pat_term))
and tpat_term =
| TPat(tpat(exp_term, typ_term, tpat_term, rul_term, any_term, pat_term))
and rul_term =
| Rul(rul(exp_term, typ_term, tpat_term, rul_term, any_term, pat_term))
and any_term =
| Any(any(exp_term, typ_term, tpat_term, rul_term, any_term, pat_term));
let exp: exp_term = Exp(Cast(Exp(Var("x")), Typ(Int), Typ(Int)));
type exp_t =
| Exp(IdTagged.t(exp(exp_t, typ_t, tpat_t, rul_t, any_t, pat_t)))
and pat_t =
| Pat(IdTagged.t(pat(exp_t, typ_t, tpat_t, rul_t, any_t, pat_t)))
and typ_t =
| Typ(IdTagged.t(typ(exp_t, typ_t, tpat_t, rul_t, any_t, pat_t)))
and tpat_t =
| TPat(IdTagged.t(tpat(exp_t, typ_t, tpat_t, rul_t, any_t, pat_t)))
and rul_t =
| Rul(IdTagged.t(rul(exp_t, typ_t, tpat_t, rul_t, any_t, pat_t)))
and any_t =
| Any(any(exp_t, typ_t, tpat_t, rul_t, any_t, pat_t));
let exp: exp_t =
Exp(Var("x") |> IdTagged.fresh),
Typ(IdTagged.fresh(Int : typ(exp_t, typ_t, tpat_t, rul_t, any_t, pat_t))),
Typ(IdTagged.fresh(Int : typ(exp_t, typ_t, tpat_t, rul_t, any_t, pat_t))),
|> IdTagged.fresh,
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