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Created November 12, 2023 18:06
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Hook usePreventScroll
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* Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
* This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
* of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
* OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
* governing permissions and limitations under the License.
import {
} from '@react-aria/utils';
interface PreventScrollOptions {
/** Whether the scroll lock is disabled. */
isDisabled?: boolean;
// @ts-ignore
const visualViewport = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.visualViewport;
// HTML input types that do not cause the software keyboard to appear.
const nonTextInputTypes = new Set([
* Prevents scrolling on the document body on mount, and
* restores it on unmount. Also ensures that content does not
* shift due to the scrollbars disappearing.
export function usePreventScroll(options: PreventScrollOptions = {}) {
let { isDisabled } = options;
useLayoutEffect(() => {
if (isDisabled) {
if (isIOS()) {
return preventScrollMobileSafari();
} else {
return preventScrollStandard();
}, [isDisabled]);
// For most browsers, all we need to do is set `overflow: hidden` on the root element, and
// add some padding to prevent the page from shifting when the scrollbar is hidden.
function preventScrollStandard() {
const scrollbarWidth = `${
window.innerWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth
return chain(
setStyle(document.documentElement, 'overflow', 'hidden'),
// Mobile Safari is a whole different beast. Even with overflow: hidden,
// it still scrolls the page in many situations:
// 1. When the bottom toolbar and address bar are collapsed, page scrolling is always allowed.
// 2. When the keyboard is visible, the viewport does not resize. Instead, the keyboard covers part of
// it, so it becomes scrollable.
// 3. When tapping on an input, the page always scrolls so that the input is centered in the visual viewport.
// This may cause even fixed position elements to scroll off the screen.
// 4. When using the next/previous buttons in the keyboard to navigate between inputs, the whole page always
// scrolls, even if the input is inside a nested scrollable element that could be scrolled instead.
// In order to work around these cases, and prevent scrolling without jankiness, we do a few things:
// 1. Prevent default on `touchmove` events that are not in a scrollable element. This prevents touch scrolling
// on the window.
// 2. Prevent default on `touchmove` events inside a scrollable element when the scroll position is at the
// top or bottom. This avoids the whole page scrolling instead, but does prevent overscrolling.
// 3. Prevent default on `touchend` events on input elements and handle focusing the element ourselves.
// 4. When focusing an input, apply a transform to trick Safari into thinking the input is at the top
// of the page, which prevents it from scrolling the page. After the input is focused, scroll the element
// into view ourselves, without scrolling the whole page.
// 5. Offset the body by the scroll position using a negative margin and scroll to the top. This should appear the
// same visually, but makes the actual scroll position always zero. This is required to make all of the
// above work or Safari will still try to scroll the page when focusing an input.
// 6. As a last resort, handle window scroll events, and scroll back to the top. This can happen when attempting
// to navigate to an input with the next/previous buttons that's outside a modal.
function preventScrollMobileSafari() {
let scrollable: Element;
let lastY = 0;
let onTouchStart = (e: TouchEvent) => {
// Store the nearest scrollable parent element from the element that the user touched.
scrollable = getScrollParent( as Element);
if (
scrollable === document.documentElement &&
scrollable === document.body
) {
lastY = e.changedTouches[0].pageY;
let onTouchMove = (e: TouchEvent) => {
// Prevent scrolling the window.
if (
scrollable === document.documentElement ||
scrollable === document.body
) {
// Prevent scrolling up when at the top and scrolling down when at the bottom
// of a nested scrollable area, otherwise mobile Safari will start scrolling
// the window instead. Unfortunately, this disables bounce scrolling when at
// the top but it's the best we can do.
let y = e.changedTouches[0].pageY;
let scrollTop = scrollable.scrollTop;
let bottom = scrollable.scrollHeight - scrollable.clientHeight;
if ((scrollTop <= 0 && y > lastY) || (scrollTop >= bottom && y < lastY)) {
lastY = y;
let onTouchEnd = (e: TouchEvent) => {
let target = as HTMLElement;
if (
target instanceof HTMLInputElement &&
) {
// Apply a transform to trick Safari into thinking the input is at the top of the page
// so it doesn't try to scroll it into view. When tapping on an input, this needs to
// be done before the "focus" event, so we have to focus the element ourselves. = 'translateY(-2000px)';
requestAnimationFrame(() => { = '';
let onFocus = (e: FocusEvent) => {
let target = as HTMLElement;
if (
target instanceof HTMLInputElement &&
) {
// Transform also needs to be applied in the focus event in cases where focus moves
// other than tapping on an input directly, e.g. the next/previous buttons in the
// software keyboard. In these cases, it seems applying the transform in the focus event
// is good enough, whereas when tapping an input, it must be done before the focus event. 🤷‍♂️ = 'translateY(-2000px)';
requestAnimationFrame(() => { = '';
// This will have prevented the browser from scrolling the focused element into view,
// so we need to do this ourselves in a way that doesn't cause the whole page to scroll.
if (visualViewport) {
if (visualViewport.height < window.innerHeight) {
// If the keyboard is already visible, do this after one additional frame
// to wait for the transform to be removed.
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
} else {
// Otherwise, wait for the visual viewport to resize before scrolling so we can
// measure the correct position to scroll to.
() => scrollIntoView(target),
{ once: true },
let onWindowScroll = () => {
// Last resort. If the window scrolled, scroll it back to the top.
// It should always be at the top because the body will have a negative margin (see below).
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
// Record the original scroll position so we can restore it.
// Then apply a negative margin to the body to offset it by the scroll position. This will
// enable us to scroll the window to the top, which is required for the rest of this to work.
let scrollX = window.pageXOffset;
let scrollY = window.pageYOffset;
const scrollbarWidth = `${
window.innerWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth
let restoreStyles = chain(
setStyle(document.documentElement, 'overflow', 'hidden'),
setStyle(document.body, 'marginTop', `-${scrollY}px`),
// Scroll to the top. The negative margin on the body will make this appear the same.
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
let removeEvents = chain(
addEvent(document, 'touchstart', onTouchStart, {
passive: false,
capture: true,
addEvent(document, 'touchmove', onTouchMove, {
passive: false,
capture: true,
addEvent(document, 'touchend', onTouchEnd, {
passive: false,
capture: true,
addEvent(document, 'focus', onFocus, true),
addEvent(window, 'scroll', onWindowScroll),
return () => {
// Restore styles and scroll the page back to where it was.
window.scrollTo(scrollX, scrollY);
// Sets a CSS property on an element, and returns a function to revert it to the previous value.
function setStyle(
element: HTMLElement,
style: string,
value: string,
isCssProp?: boolean,
) {
let cur = isCssProp
:[style as any];
if (isCssProp) {, value);
} else {[style as any] = value;
return () => {
if (isCssProp) {, cur);
} else {[style as any] = cur;
// Adds an event listener to an element, and returns a function to remove it.
function addEvent<K extends keyof GlobalEventHandlersEventMap>(
target: EventTarget,
event: K,
handler: (evt: GlobalEventHandlersEventMap[K] | any) => any,
options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions,
) {
target.addEventListener(event, handler, options);
return () => {
target.removeEventListener(event, handler, options);
function scrollIntoView(target: Element) {
// Find the parent scrollable element and adjust the scroll position if the target is not already in view.
let scrollable = getScrollParent(target);
if (scrollable !== document.documentElement && scrollable !== document.body) {
let scrollableTop = scrollable.getBoundingClientRect().top;
let targetTop = target.getBoundingClientRect().top;
if (targetTop > scrollableTop + target.clientHeight) {
scrollable.scrollTop += targetTop - scrollableTop;
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