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Last active November 19, 2015 18:18
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toml fparsec
open System
open System.Globalization
open FParsec
type Token =
| KeyGroup of string list
| KeyValue of string * obj
let (<||>) p1 p2 = attempt (p1 |>> box) <|> attempt (p2 |>> box)
let spc = many (anyOf [' '; '\t'])
let lexeme s = pstring s .>> spc
let lexemel s= pstring s .>> spaces
let comment = pchar '#' .>>. restOfLine false
let blanks = skipMany ((comment <||> spc) .>> newline .>> spc) .>> spc
let brace p = between (lexemel "[") (lexemel "]") p
let pbool = (lexeme "true" >>% true) <|> (lexeme "false" >>% false)
let pstr = between (lexeme "\"") (lexeme "\"") (manySatisfy ((<>)'"'))
//let pdate' s = try preturn (Instant.FromDateTimeUtc (DateTime.Parse (s, null, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind))) with _ -> fail ""
//let pdate = between spc spc (anyString 20) >>= pdate'
let ary elem = brace (sepBy (elem .>> spaces) (lexemel ","))
let pary = ary pbool <||> ary pint64 <||> ary pstr <||> ary pfloat
let value = pbool <||> pstr <||> pint64 <||> pfloat <||> pary <||> ary pary
let kvKey = many1Chars (noneOf " \t\n=")
let keyvalue = (kvKey .>> spc) .>>. (lexeme "=" >>. value) |>> KeyValue
let kgKey = (many1Chars (noneOf " \t\n].")) .>> spc
let keygroup = blanks >>. brace (sepBy kgKey (lexeme ".")) |>> KeyGroup
let document = blanks >>. many (keygroup <|> keyvalue .>> blanks)
let parse text : Map<string, obj> =
match run document text with
| Success(tokens, _, _) ->
|> List.fold
(fun (currentKg, m) t ->
match t with
| KeyGroup kg -> (kg, m)
| KeyValue (key, value) ->
let key = String.concat "." [ yield! currentKg; yield key]
currentKg, m |> Map.add key value)
([], Map.empty)
|> snd
| __ -> Map.empty
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