The goal is to create maximally-human-usable documentation of datasets, tools, indicators, etc relevant to MBON researchers.
Each entity (eg dataset) would have a directory with a and optional other files. Files to submit to wikidata could also be generated.
- each entity (eg datset) has a homepage
- structured metadata is searchable
- API to access the data
- programmatically ingest data
- create github issue template
- issue triggers a github action via hook to create README file
- multi-part form? keep it really simple at first:
- title
- description
- point of contact
- collapsable subsections in the GH form?
is GHA and GHI the best toolset here or should we use other form-to-trigger stuff?
Can gForms trigger code (g apps scripts?)?
At what point should we just build a new application?
- create new repo under marinebon org
- add info to readme
- be clear that this is minimal entry point for datasets
- create issue template
- create GHA triggered by issue submission that can
- create directory &
- create files to submit to:
- GOOS BIO-ECO portal
- wikidata
- MBON Portal
- OBIS MBON datasets should set Mat as "distributor"