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Forked from jahil/sysctl.conf
Created August 13, 2021 05:32
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Save 831jsh/4bfdb117d307b88e0eca89dbc64f254c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. freebsd network tuning
# FreeBSD 10.2 -- /etc/sysctl.conf version 0.47
# low latency is important so we highly recommend that you disable hyper
# threading on Intel CPUs as it has an unpredictable affect on latency, cpu
# cache misses and load.
# These settings are specifically tuned for a "low" latency FIOS (300/300) and
# gigabit LAN connections. If you have 10gig or 40gig you will need to increase
# the network buffers as proposed. "man tuning" for more information.
# Before tuning the following two(2) sections on maxsockbuf and buf_max take
# some time to read PSC's tips on Enabling High Performance Data Transfers.
# A standard guide to the socket buffer size is: latency to the host times
# bandwidth in megabits per second divided by 8 bits = socket buffer size. For
# a 150 megabit network which pings 0.1 seconds from our server we calculate
# 0.1 seconds * 150 Mbps / 8 bits = 1.875 megabyte buffer which is below the
# default of 2MB (2097152). If the host is farther away then the latency will
# be higher and the buffer will need to be larger. You may want to increase to
# 4MB if the upload bandwidth is greater the 150 Mbit and latency is over
# 200ms. For 10GE hosts set to at least 16MB as well as to increase the TCP
# window size to 65535 and window scale to 9. For 10GE hosts with RTT over
# 100ms you will need to set a buffer of 150MB and a wscale of 12. "2097152 =
# 2*1024*1024".
# network: 1 Gbit maxsockbuf: 2MB wsize: 6 2^6*65KB = 4MB (default)
# network: 2 Gbit maxsockbuf: 4MB wsize: 7 2^7*65KB = 8MB
# network: 10 Gbit maxsockbuf: 16MB wsize: 9 2^9*65KB = 32MB
# network: 40 Gbit maxsockbuf: 150MB wsize: 12 2^12*65KB = 260MB
# network: 100 Gbit maxsockbuf: 600MB wsize: 14 2^14*65KB = 1064MB
kern.ipc.maxsockbuf=4194304 # (default 2097152)
#kern.ipc.maxsockbuf=16777216 # (default 2097152)
# set auto tuning maximums to the same value as the kern.ipc.maxsockbuf above.
# Use at least 16MB for 10GE hosts with RTT of less then 100ms. For 10GE hosts
# with RTT of greater then 100ms set buf_max to 150MB.
net.inet.tcp.sendbuf_max=4194304 # (default 2097152)
net.inet.tcp.recvbuf_max=4194304 # (default 2097152)
#net.inet.tcp.sendbuf_max=16777216 # (default 2097152)
#net.inet.tcp.recvbuf_max=16777216 # (default 2097152)
# maximum segment size (MSS) specifies the largest payload of data in a single
# TCP segment not including TCP headers or options. mssdflt is also called MSS
# clamping. With an interface MTU of 1500 bytes we suggest an
# net.inet.tcp.mssdflt of 1460 bytes. 1500 MTU minus 20 byte IP header minus 20
# byte TCP header is 1460. With net.inet.tcp.rfc1323 enabled, tcp timestamps
# are added to the packets and the mss is automatically reduced from 1460 bytes
# to 1448 bytes total payload. Note: if you are using PF with an outgoing scrub
# rule then PF will re-package the data using an MTU of 1460 by default, thus
# overriding this mssdflt setting and Pf scrub might slow down the network.
net.inet.tcp.mssdflt=1460 # (default 536)
# minimum, maximum segment size (mMSS) specifies the smallest payload of data
# in a single TCP segment our system will agree to send when negotiating with
# the client. By default, FreeBSD limits the maximum segment size to no lower
# then 216 bytes. RFC 791 defines the minimum IP packet size as 68 bytes, but
# in RFC 793 the minimum MSS is specified to be 536 bytes which is the same
# value Windows Vista uses. The attack vector is when a malicious client sets
# the negotiated MSS to a small value this may cause a packet flood DoS attack
# from our server. The attack scales with the available bandwidth and quickly
# saturates the CPU and network interface with packet generation and
# transmission. By default, if the client asks for a one(1) megabyte file with
# an MSS of 216 we have to send back 4,630 packets. If the minimum MSS is set
# to 1300 we send back only 769 packets which is six times more efficient. For
# standard Internet connections we suggest a minimum mss of 1300 bytes. 1300
# will even work on networks making a VOIP (RTP) call using a TCP connection with
# TCP options over IPSEC though a GRE tunnel on a mobile cellular network with
# the DF (don't fragment) bit set.
net.inet.tcp.minmss=1300 # (default 216)
# H-TCP congestion control: The Hamilton TCP (HighSpeed-TCP) algorithm is a
# packet loss based congestion control and is more aggressive pushing up to max
# bandwidth (total BDP) and favors hosts with lower TTL / VARTTL then the
# default "newreno". Understand "newreno" works well in most conditions and
# enabling HTCP may only gain a you few percentage points of throughput.
# make sure to also add 'cc_htcp_load="YES"' to /boot/loader.conf then check
# available congestion control options with "sysctl" # (default newreno)
# H-TCP congestion control: adaptive backoff will increase bandwidth
# utilization by adjusting the additive-increase/multiplicative-decrease (AIMD)
# backoff parameter according to the amount of buffers available on the path.
# adaptive backoff ensures no queue along the path will remain completely empty
# after a packet loss event which increases buffer efficiency. # (default 0 ; disabled)
# H-TCP congestion control: RTT scaling will increase the fairness between
# competing TCP flows traversing different RTT paths through a common
# bottleneck. rtt_scaling increases the Congestion Window Size (CWND)
# independent of path round-trip time (RTT) leading to lower latency for
# interactive sessions when the connection is saturated by bulk data
# transfers. Default is 0 (disabled) # (default 0 ; disabled)
# Ip Forwarding to allow packets to traverse between interfaces and is used for
# firewalls, bridges and routers. When fast IP forwarding is also enabled, IP packets
# are forwarded directly to the appropriate network interface with direct
# processing to completion, which greatly improves the throughput. All packets
# for local IP addresses, non-unicast, or with IP options are handled by the
# normal IP input processing path. All features of the normal (slow) IP
# forwarding path are supported by fast forwarding including firewall (through
# pfil(9) hooks) checking, except ipsec tunnel brokering. The IP fast
# forwarding path does not generate ICMP redirect or source quench messages
# though. Compared to normal IP forwarding, fast forwarding can give a speedup
# of 40 to 60% in packet forwarding performance which is great for interactive
# connections like online games or VOIP where low latency is critical.
#net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 # (default 0)
#net.inet.ip.fastforwarding=1 # (default 0)
#net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1 # (default 0)
# Reduce the amount of SYN/ACKs the server will re-transmit to an ip address
# whom did not respond to the first SYN/ACK. On a client's initial connection
# our server will always send a SYN/ACK in response to the client's initial
# SYN. Limiting retranstited SYN/ACKS reduces local syn cache size and a "SYN
# flood" DoS attack's collateral damage by not sending SYN/ACKs back to spoofed
# ips, multiple times. If we do continue to send SYN/ACKs to spoofed IPs they
# may send RST's back to us and an "amplification" attack would begin against
# our host. If you do not wish to send retransmits at all then set to zero(0)
# especially if you are under a SYN attack. If our first SYN/ACK gets dropped
# the client will re-send another SYN if they still want to connect. Also set
# "net.inet.tcp.msl" to two(2) times the average round trip time of a client,
# but no lower then 2000ms (2s). Test with "netstat -s -p tcp" and look under
# syncache entries.
net.inet.tcp.syncache.rexmtlimit=0 # (default 3)
# Spoofed packet attacks may be used to overload the kernel route cache. A
# spoofed packet attack uses random source IPs to cause the kernel to generate
# a temporary cached route in the route table, Route cache is an extraneous
# caching layer mapping interfaces to routes to IPs and saves a lookup to the
# Forward Information Base (FIB); a routing table within the network stack. The
# IPv4 routing cache was intended to eliminate a FIB lookup and increase
# performance. While a good idea in principle, unfortunately it provided a very
# small performance boost in less than 10% of connections and opens up the
# possibility of a DoS vector. Setting rtexpire and rtminexpire to ten(10)
# seconds should be sufficient to protect the route table from attack.
net.inet.ip.rtexpire=10 # (default 3600)
#net.inet.ip.rtminexpire=10 # (default 10 )
#net.inet.ip.rtmaxcache=128 # (default 128 )
# Syncookies have a certain number of advantages and disadvantages. Syncookies
# are useful if you are being DoS attacked as this method helps filter the
# proper clients from the attack machines. But, since the TCP options from the
# initial SYN are not saved in syncookies, the tcp options are not applied to
# the connection, precluding use of features like window scale, timestamps, or
# exact MSS sizing. As the returning ACK establishes the connection, it may be
# possible for an attacker to ACK flood a machine in an attempt to create a
# connection. Another benefit to overflowing to the point of getting a valid
# SYN cookie is the attacker can include data payload. Now that the attacker
# can send data to a FreeBSD network daemon, even using a spoofed source IP
# address, they can have FreeBSD do processing on the data which is not
# something the attacker could do without having SYN cookies. Even though
# syncookies are helpful during a DoS, we are going to disable them at this
# time.
net.inet.tcp.syncookies=0 # (default 1)
# TCP segmentation offload (TSO), also called large segment offload (LSO),
# should be disabled on NAT firewalls and routers. TSO/LSO works by queuing up
# large buffers and letting the network interface card (NIC) split them into
# separate packets. The problem is the NIC can build a packet that is the wrong
# size and would be dropped by a switch or the recieving machine, like for NFS
# fragmented traffic. If the packet is dropped the overall sending bandwidth is
# reduced significantly. You can also disable TSO in /etc/rc.conf using the
# "-tso" directive after the network card configuration; for example,
# ifconfig_igb0="inet netmask -tso". Verify TSO is off
# on the hardware by making sure TSO4 and TSO6 are not seen in the "options="
# section using ifconfig.
net.inet.tcp.tso=0 # (default 1)
# Flow control stops and resumes the transmission of network traffic between
# two connected peer nodes on a full-duplex Ethernet physical link. Ethernet
# "PAUSE" frames pause transmission of all traffic on a physical Ethernet link.
# Some ISP's abuse flow control to slow down customers' traffic even though
# full bandwidth is not being used. By disabling physical link flow control the
# link instead relies on TCP's internal flow control which is peer based on IP
# address. The values are: (0=No Flow Control) (1=Receive Pause) (2=Transmit
# Pause) (3=Full Flow Control, Default). We will be disabling flow control on
# the igb interfaces.
#dev.igb.0.fc=0 # (default 3)
# General Security and DoS mitigation
#net.bpf.optimize_writers=0 # bpf are write-only unless program explicitly specifies the read filter (default 0)
#net.bpf.zerocopy_enable=0 # zero-copy BPF buffers, breaks dhcpd ! (default 0)
net.inet.ip.check_interface=1 # verify packet arrives on correct interface (default 0)
#net.inet.ip.portrange.randomized=1 # randomize outgoing upper ports (default 1)
net.inet.ip.process_options=0 # ignore IP options in the incoming packets (default 1)
net.inet.ip.random_id=1 # assign a random IP_ID to each packet leaving the system (default 0)
net.inet.ip.redirect=0 # do not send IP redirects (default 1)
#net.inet.ip.accept_sourceroute=0 # drop source routed packets since they can not be trusted (default 0)
#net.inet.ip.sourceroute=0 # if source routed packets are accepted the route data is ignored (default 0)
#net.inet.ip.stealth=1 # do not reduce the TTL by one(1) when a packets goes through the firewall (default 0)
#net.inet.icmp.bmcastecho=0 # do not respond to ICMP packets sent to IP broadcast addresses (default 0)
#net.inet.icmp.maskfake=0 # do not fake reply to ICMP Address Mask Request packets (default 0)
#net.inet.icmp.maskrepl=0 # replies are not sent for ICMP address mask requests (default 0)
#net.inet.icmp.log_redirect=0 # do not log redirected ICMP packet attempts (default 0)
net.inet.icmp.drop_redirect=1 # no redirected ICMP packets (default 0)
#net.inet.icmp.icmplim=200 # number of ICMP/TCP RST packets/sec, increase for bittorrent or many clients. (default 200)
#net.inet.icmp.icmplim_output=1 # show "Limiting open port RST response" messages (default 1)
#net.inet.tcp.abc_l_var=2 # increment the slow-start Congestion Window (cwnd) after two(2) segments (default 2)
net.inet.tcp.always_keepalive=0 # disable tcp keep alive detection for dead peers, keepalive can be spoofed (default 1)
net.inet.tcp.drop_synfin=1 # SYN/FIN packets get dropped on initial connection (default 0)
net.inet.tcp.ecn.enable=1 # explicit congestion notification (ecn) warning: some ISP routers may abuse ECN (default 0)
net.inet.tcp.fast_finwait2_recycle=1 # recycle FIN/WAIT states quickly (helps against DoS, but may cause false RST) (default 0)
net.inet.tcp.icmp_may_rst=0 # icmp may not send RST to avoid spoofed icmp/udp floods (default 1)
#net.inet.tcp.maxtcptw=50000 # max number of tcp time_wait states for closing connections (default ~27767)
net.inet.tcp.msl=5000 # Maximum Segment Lifetime is the time a TCP segment can exist on the network and is
# used to determine the TIME_WAIT interval, 2*MSL (default 30000 which is 60 seconds)
net.inet.tcp.path_mtu_discovery=0 # disable MTU discovery since many hosts drop ICMP type 3 packets (default 1)
#net.inet.tcp.rfc3042=1 # on packet loss trigger the fast retransmit algorithm instead of tcp timeout (default 1)
net.inet.udp.blackhole=1 # drop udp packets destined for closed sockets (default 0)
net.inet.tcp.blackhole=2 # drop tcp packets destined for closed ports (default 0)
security.bsd.see_other_gids=0 # groups only see their own processes. root can see all (default 1)
security.bsd.see_other_uids=0 # users only see their own processes. root can see all (default 1)
vfs.zfs.min_auto_ashift=12 # ZFS 4k alignment
######### OFF BELOW HERE #########
# Other options not enabled, but included for future reference. The following
# may be needed in high load environments or against DDOS attacks. Take a look
# at the detailed comments for more information and make an informed decision.
# NOTE: The packet limit of net.inet.icmp.icmplim controls the following
# methods: ICMP echo-reply, ICMP timestamp reply, ICMP port unreachable
# (generated as a response to a packet received on a UDP port with no listening
# application) and for limiting the transmission of TCP reset packets on open
# and closed TCP ports. net.inet.icmp.icmplim limits the number of ICMP/TCP RST
# packets per second, but may have to be increased for bit torrent or many
# connectiong clients if you see the log message, "response from xxx to 200
# packets per second". (default 200)
# CUBIC congestion control: is a time based congestion control algorithm
# optimized for high speed, high latency networks and a decent choice for
# networks with minimal packet loss; most internet connections are in this
# catagory. CUBIC can improve startup throughput of bulk data transfers and
# burst transfers of a web server by up to 2x compared to packet loss based
# algorithms like newreno and H-TCP. make sure to also add
# 'cc_cubic_load="YES"' to /boot/loader.conf then check available congestion
# control options with "sysctl". If you have a
# network with greater then one percent packet loss then the next congestion
# control called H-TCP should be tested. # (default newreno)
# The TCP window scale (rfc3390) option is used to increase the TCP receive
# window size above its maximum value of 65,535 bytes (64k). TCP Time Stamps
# (rfc1323) allow nearly every segment, including retransmissions, to be
# accurately timed at negligible computational cost. Both options should be
# enabled by default.
#net.inet.tcp.rfc1323=1 # (default 1)
#net.inet.tcp.rfc3390=1 # (default 1)
# somaxconn is the OS buffer, backlog queue depth for accepting new TCP
# connections. Your application will have its own separate max queue length
# (maxqlen) which can be checked with "netstat -Lan". The default is 128
# connections per application thread. Lets say your Nginx web server normally
# receives 100 connections/sec and is single threaded application. If clients
# are bursting in at a total of 250 connections/sec you may want to set the
# somaxconn at 512 to be a 512 deep connection buffer so the extra 122 clients
# (250-128=122) do not get denied service since you would have 412
# (512-100=412) extra queue slots. Also, a large listen queue will do a better
# job of avoiding Denial of Service (DoS) attacks if, and only if, your
# application can handle the TCP load at the cost of more RAM and CPU time.
# Nginx sets is backlog queue to the same as the OS somaxconn by default.
# Note: "kern.ipc.somaxconn" is not shown in "sysctl -a" output, but searching
# for "kern.ipc.soacceptqueue" gives the same value and both directives stand
# for the same buffer value.
#kern.ipc.soacceptqueue=1024 # (default 128 ; same as kern.ipc.somaxconn)
# Selective Acknowledgment (SACK) allows the receiver to inform the sender of
# packets which have been received and if any packets were dropped. The sender
# can then selectively retransmit the missing data without needing to
# retransmit entire blocks of data that have already been received
# successfully. SACK option is not mandatory and support must be negotiated
# when the connection is established using TCP header options. An attacker
# downloading large files can abuse SACK by asking for many random segments to
# be retransmitted. The server in response wastes system resources trying to
# fulfill superfluous requests. If you are serving small files to low latency
# clients then SACK can be disabled. If you see issues of flows randomly
# pausing, try disabling SACK to see if there is equipment in the path which
# does not handle SACK correctly.
#net.inet.tcp.sack.enable=1 # (default 1)
# Intel PRO 1000 inetwork cards maximum recieve packet processsing limit. Make
# sure to enable hw.igb.rxd and hw.igb.txd in /boot/loader.conf as well.
#hw.igb.rx_process_limit="4096" # (default 100)
#dev.igb.0.rx_processing_limit="4096" # (default 100)
#dev.igb.1.rx_processing_limit="4096" # (default 100)
#dev.em.0.rx_processing_limit="4096" # (default 100)
#dev.em.1.rx_processing_limit="4096" # (default 100)
# SlowStart Flightsize is TCP's initial congestion window as the number of
# packets on the wire at the start of the connection or after congestion.
# Google recommends ten(10), so an MTU of 1460 bytes times ten(10) initial
# congestion window is a 14.6 kilobytes. If you are running FreeBSD 9.1 or
# earlier we recommend testing with a value of 44. A window of 44 packets of
# 1460 bytes easily fits into a client's 64 kilobyte receive buffer space.
# Note, slowstart_flightsize was removed from FreeBSD 9.2 and now we can only
# set the initial congestion window to 10.
#net.inet.tcp.experimental.initcwnd10=1 # (default 1 for FreeBSD 10.1)
#net.inet.tcp.experimental.initcwnd10=1 # (default 0 for FreeBSD 9.2)
#net.inet.tcp.local_slowstart_flightsize=44 # (default 4 for FreeBSD 9.1)
#net.inet.tcp.slowstart_flightsize=44 # (default 4 for FreeBSD 9.1)
# control the amount of send and receive buffer space allowed for any given TCP
# connection. The default sending buffer is 32K; the default receiving buffer
# is 64K. You can often improve bandwidth utilization by increasing the default
# at the cost of eating up more kernel memory for each connec- tion. We do not
# recommend increasing the defaults if you are serving hundreds or thousands of
# simultaneous connections because it is possible to quickly run the system out
# of memory. To calculate: bandwidth divided by 8 bits divided by the MSS times
# 1 million will be the size of the byffer in in kilobytes. For a 60 Mbit FIOS
# connection the buffer should be at least, (60/8/1460*1000000=5136 bytes).
# Since the default buffers are larger then 5136 we stay with the default.
#net.inet.tcp.sendspace=32768 # (default 32768 )
#net.inet.tcp.recvspace=65536 # (default 65536 )
# Increase auto-tuning TCP step size of the TCP transmit and receive buffers.
# The TCP buffer starts at "net.inet.tcp.sendspace" and
# "net.inet.tcp.recvspace" and increases by these increments up to
# "net.inet.tcp.recvbuf_max" and "net.inet.tcp.sendbuf_max" as auto tuned by
# FreeBSD.
#net.inet.tcp.sendbuf_inc=32768 # (default 8192 )
#net.inet.tcp.recvbuf_inc=65536 # (default 16384 )
# host cache is the client's cached tcp connection details and metrics (TTL,
# SSTRESH and VARTTL) the server can use to improve future performance of
# connections between the same two hosts. When a tcp connection is completed,
# our server will cache information about the connection until an expire
# timeout. If a new connection between the same client is initiated before the
# cache has expired, the connection will use the cached connection details to
# setup the connection's internal variables. This pre-cached setup allows the
# client and server to reach optimal performance significantly faster because
# the server will not need to go through the usual steps of re-learning the
# optimal parameters for the connection. Unfortunately, this can also make
# performance worse because the hostcache will apply the exception case to
# every new connection from a client within the expire time. In other words, in
# some cases, one person surfing your site from a mobile phone who has some
# random packet loss can reduce your server's performance to this visitor even
# when their temporary loss has cleared. 3900 seconds allows clients who
# connect regularly to stay in our hostcache. To view the current host cache
# stats use "sysctl net.inet.tcp.hostcache.list" . If you have
# "net.inet.tcp.hostcache.cachelimit=0" like in our /boot/loader.conf example
# then this expire time is negated and not uesd.
#net.inet.tcp.hostcache.expire=3900 # (default 3600)
# By default, acks are delayed by 100 ms or sent every other packet in order to
# improve the chance of being added to another returned data packet which is
# full. This method can cut the number of tiny packets flowing across the
# network and is efficient. But, delayed ACKs cause issues on modern, short
# hop, low latency networks. TCP works by increasing the congestion window,
# which is the amount of data currently traveling on the wire, based on the
# number of ACKs received per time frame. Delaying the timing of the ACKs
# received results in less data on the wire, time in TCP slowstart is doubled
# and in congestion avoidance after packet loss the congestion window growth is
# slowed. Setting delacktime higher then 100 will to slow downloads as ACKs
# are queued too long. On low latecy 10gig links we find a value of 20ms is
# optimal.
#net.inet.tcp.delayed_ack=1 # (default 1)
#net.inet.tcp.delacktime=20 # (default 100)
# Do not create a socket or compressed tcpw for TCP connections restricted to
# the local machine connecting to itself on localhost. An example connection
# would be a web server and a database server running on the same machine or
# freebsd jails connecting to each other.
#net.inet.tcp.nolocaltimewait=1 # (default 0)
# The number of frames the NIC's receive (rx) queue will accept befroe sending
# a kernel inturrupt. If the queue is full and the kernel can not process the
# packets then the packets are dropped. Use "sysctl
# net.inet.ip.intr_queue_drops" and "netstat -Q" and increase if queue_drops is
# greater then zero(0). The real problem is the machine is simply not fast
# enough to handle the traffic. Upgrading the hardware is a better solution.
#net.inet.ip.intr_queue_maxlen=256 # (default 256)
#net.route.netisr_maxqlen=256 # (default 256)
# security settings for jailed environments. it is generally a good idea to
# separately jail any service which is accessible by an external client like
# the web or mail server. This is especially true for public facing services.
# take a look at ezjail,
#security.jail.allow_raw_sockets=1 # (default 0)
#security.jail.enforce_statfs=2 # (default 2)
#security.jail.set_hostname_allowed=0 # (default 1)
#security.jail.socket_unixiproute_only=1 # (default 1)
#security.jail.sysvipc_allowed=0 # (default 0)
#security.jail.chflags_allowed=0 # (default 0)
# decrease the scheduler maximum time slice for lower latency program calls.
# by default we use stathz/10 which equals thirteen(13). also, decrease the
# scheduler maximum time for interactive programs as this is a dedicated
# server (default 30). Also make sure you look into "kern.hz=100" in /boot/loader.conf
#kern.sched.interact=5 # (default 30)
#kern.sched.slice=3 # (default 12)
# increase localhost network buffers. For example, if you run many high
# bandwidth services on lo0 like an http or local DB server and forward public
# external traffic using Pf. Also, if running many jails on lo0 then these may
# help. set to 10x(lo0 mtu 16384 + 40 bytes for header) = 164240 # (default 8192) # (default 8192)
# threads per process
# create core dump file on "exited on signal 6"
#kern.coredump=1 # (default 1)
#kern.sugid_coredump=1 # (default 0)
#kern.corefile="/tmp/%N.core" # (default %N.core)
# ZFS L2ARC tuning - If you have read intensive workloads and limited RAM make
# sure to use an SSD for your L2ARC. Verify noprefetch is enabled(1) and
# increase the speed at which the system can fill the L2ARC device. By default,
# when the L2ARC is being populated FreeBSD will only write at 16MB/sec to the
# SSD. 16MB calculated by adding the speed of write_boost and write_max.
# 16MB/sec is too slow as many SSD's made today which can easily sustain
# 500MB/sec. It is recommend to set both write_boost and write_max to at least
# 256MB each so the L2ARC can be quickly seeded. Contrary to myth, enterprise
# class SSDs can last for many years under constant read/write abuse of a web
# server.
#vfs.zfs.l2arc_noprefetch=1 # (default 1)
#vfs.zfs.l2arc_write_boost=268435456 # (default 8388608)
#vfs.zfs.l2arc_write_max=268435456 # (default 8388608)
# ZFS - Set TXG write limit to a lower threshold. This helps "level out" the
# throughput rate (see "zpool iostat"). A value of 256MB works well for
# systems with 4 GB of RAM, while 1 GB works well for us w/ 8 GB on disks which
# have 64 MB cache.
# For slow drives, set outstanding vdev I/O to "1" to prevent parallel
# reads/writes per zfs vdev. By limiting read write streams we effectually force
# drive access into long sequential disk access for drives like a single
# 5400rpm disk. A value of one is not good for multiple disk spindles.
# TCP keep alive can help detecting network errors and signaling connection
# problems. Keep alives will increase signaling bandwidth used, but as
# bandwidth utilized by signaling channels is low from its nature, the increase
# is insignificant. the system will disconnect a dead TCP connection when the
# remote peer is dead or unresponsive for: 10000 + (5000 x 8) = 50000 msec (50
# sec)
#net.inet.tcp.keepidle=10000 # (default 7200000 )
#net.inet.tcp.keepintvl=5000 # (default 75000 )
#net.inet.tcp.always_keepalive=1 # (default 1)
# UFS hard drive read ahead equivalent to 4 MiB at 32KiB block size. Easily
# increases read speeds from 60 MB/sec to 80 MB/sec on a single spinning hard
# drive. Samsung 830 SSD drives went from 310 MB/sec to 372 MB/sec (SATA 6).
# use Bonnie++ to performance test file system I/O
# global limit for number of sockets in the system. If kern.ipc.numopensockets
# plus net.inet.tcp.maxtcptw is close to kern.ipc.maxsockets then increase this
# value
#kern.ipc.maxsockets = 25600
# spread tcp timer callout load evenly across cpus. We did not see any speed
# benefit from enabling per cpu timers. The default is off(0)
#net.inet.tcp.per_cpu_timers = 0
# Increase maxdgram length for jumbo frames (9000 mtu) OSPF routing. Safe for
# 1500 mtu too.
# seeding cryptographic random number generators is provided by the /dev/random
# device, which provides psudo "real" randomness. The arc4random(3) library call
# provides a pseudo-random sequence which is generally reckoned to be suitable
# for simple cryptographic use. The OpenSSL library also provides functions for
# managing randomness via functions such as RAND_bytes(3) and RAND_add(3). Note
# that OpenSSL uses the random device /dev/random for seeding automatically.
#kern.random.yarrow.gengateinterval=10 # default 10 [4..64]
#kern.random.yarrow.bins=10 # default 10 [2..16]
#kern.random.yarrow.fastthresh=192 # default 192 [64..256]
#kern.random.yarrow.slowthresh=256 # default 256 [64..256]
#kern.random.yarrow.slowoverthresh=2 # default 2 [1..5]
#kern.random.sys.seeded=1 # default 1
#kern.random.sys.harvest.ethernet=1 # default 1
#kern.random.sys.harvest.point_to_point=1 # default 1
#kern.random.sys.harvest.interrupt=1 # default 1
#kern.random.sys.harvest.swi=0 # default 0 and actually does nothing when enabled
# IPv6 Security
# For more info see
# Disable Node info replies
# To see this vulnerability in action run `ping6 -a sglAac ::1` or `ping6 -w ::1` on unprotected node
# Turn on IPv6 privacy extensions
# For more info see proposal
# Disable ICMP redirect
# Disable acceptation of RA and auto linklocal generation if you don't use them
### EOF ###
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