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Created December 4, 2013 02:21
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Example Lua implementation of a “cat” program, for the education of Vultraz.
-- Usage: lua cat.lua file1 file2 file3 ... fileN
-- Writes the concatenation of all the files to the standard output stream.
for _, filename in ipairs(arg) do
local file, err =, 'rb')
if file then
io.write(file:read '*a')
error(filename .. ": " .. err)
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8573 commented Dec 4, 2013

@Vultraz: Please do try to understand this rather than just copying it without knowing what it does.

If you would ask “but what do these io functions do?”, read (I assume you don’t already know how the io library works, given that Wesnoth doesn’t allow its use.)

If you would ask “but where do I get lua for windows?”, try instead searching Google for “windows lua”.

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