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Last active December 9, 2020 16:24
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Fix for file location 09-12-2020
pushd ~/IOTstack
[ -d ./backups ] || mkdir ./backups
#create the list of files to backup
echo "./docker-compose.yml" >list.txt
echo "./services/" >>list.txt
echo "./volumes/" >>list.txt
if [ -f "./compose-override.yml" ]; then
echo "./compose-override.yml" >>list.txt
#if influxdb is running
if [ $(docker ps | grep -c influxdb) -gt 0 ]; then
echo "./backups/influxdb/" >>list.txt
#setup variables
backupfile="backup-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M").tar.gz"
#compress the backups folders to archive
echo "compressing stack folders"
sudo tar -czf \
./backups/$backupfile \
--exclude=./volumes/influxdb/* \
--exclude=./volumes/nextcloud/* \
-T list.txt
rm list.txt
#set permission for backup files
sudo chown $USER:$USER ./backups/backup*
#create local logfile and append the latest backup file to it
echo "backup saved to ./backups/$backupfile"
sudo touch $logfile
sudo chown $USER:$USER $logfile
echo $backupfile >>$logfile
#show size of archive file
du -h ./backups/$backupfile
#remove older local backup files
#to change backups retained, change below +8 to whatever you want (days retained +1)
ls -t1 ./backups/backup* | tail -n +8 | sudo xargs rm -f
echo "last seven local backup files are saved in ~/IOTstack/backups"
#cloud related - dropbox
if [ -f ./backups/dropbox ]; then
#setup variables
#upload new backup to dropbox
echo "uploading to dropbox"
$dropboxuploader upload ./backups/$backupfile $dropboxfolder/$backupfile
#list older files to be deleted from cloud (exludes last 30)
#to change dropbox backups retained, change below -30 to whatever you want
echo "checking for old backups on dropbox"
files=$($dropboxuploader list $dropboxfolder | awk {' print $3 '} | tail -n +2 | head -n -30)
#write files to be deleted to dropbox logfile
sudo touch $dropboxlog
sudo chown $USER:$USER $dropboxlog
echo $files | tr " " "\n" >$dropboxlog
#delete files from dropbox as per logfile
echo "deleting old backups from dropbox if they exist - last 30 files are kept"
#check older files exist on dropbox, if yes then delete them
if [ $( echo "$files" | grep -c "backup") -ne 0 ] ; then
while IFS= read -r file
$dropboxuploader delete $dropboxfolder/$file
done < "$input"
echo "backups deleted from dropbox" >>$dropboxlog
#cloud related - google drive
if [ -f ./backups/rclone ]; then
echo "synching to Google Drive"
echo "latest 7 backup files are kept"
#sync local backups to gdrive (older gdrive copies will be deleted)
rclone sync -P ./backups --include "/backup*" gdrive:/IOTstackBU/
echo "synch with Google Drive complete"
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