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Created February 12, 2023 10:01
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import org.ton.bigint.BigInt
import org.ton.block.*
import org.ton.boc.BagOfCells
import org.ton.cell.Cell
import org.ton.cell.CellBuilder
import org.ton.contract.wallet.WalletContract
import org.ton.contract.wallet.WalletTransfer
import org.ton.crypto.hex
import org.ton.hashmap.HashMapE
import org.ton.lite.api.LiteApi
import org.ton.tlb.CellRef
import org.ton.tlb.constructor.AnyTlbConstructor
import org.ton.tlb.constructor.tlbCodec
import org.ton.tlb.storeRef
import org.ton.tlb.storeTlb
import kotlin.math.pow
class HighloadWalletV2(
override val privateKey: PrivateKeyEd25519,
override val workchain: Int = 0,
override val subWalletId: Int = WalletContract.DEFAULT_WALLET_ID + workchain
) : AbstractWallet(privateKey, workchain, subWalletId) {
private fun generateQueryId(timeout: BigInt): BigInt {
return (BigInt.valueOf(utcLongNow()) + timeout).shiftLeft(32)
override fun createDataInit(): Cell = CellBuilder.createCell {
storeUInt(subWalletId, 32) // stored_subwallet
storeUInt(0, 64) // last_cleaned
storeTlb(HashMapE.tlbCodec(16, Cell.tlbCodec()), HashMapE.empty()) // old_queries
override val code: Cell = CODE
override val address: AddrStd = address()
companion object {
val CODE = BagOfCells(
suspend fun transfer(liteApi: LiteApi, transfers: List<WalletTransfer>) {
require(transfers.isNotEmpty() && transfers.size <= 254) { throw BadRequestException("wrong transfers size") }
val message = createTransferMessage(
address(), createStateInit(), transfers
sendExternalMessage(liteApi, message)
fun createTransferMessage(
address: AddrStd,
stateInit: StateInit?,
transfers: List<WalletTransfer>
): Message<Cell> {
val info = ExtInMsgInfo(
src = AddrNone,
dest = address,
importFee = Coins()
val maybeStateInit =
Maybe.of(stateInit?.let { Either.of<StateInit, CellRef<StateInit>>(null, CellRef(it)) })
val transfersBody = transfers.mapIndexed { index, walletTransfer ->
index to walletTransfer
val giftBody = CellBuilder.createCell {
storeUInt(subWalletId, 32)
storeUInt(generateQueryId(BigInt.valueOf(60)), 64)
storeRef(serializeMap(transfersBody, 16) { src, cb ->
cb.storeUInt(src.sendMode, 8)
cb.storeRef(MessageRelaxed.tlbCodec(AnyTlbConstructor), CellRef(createIntMsg(src)))
val body = Either.of<Cell, CellRef<Cell>>(null, CellRef(giftBody))
return Message(
info = info,
init = maybeStateInit,
body = body
fun createDeployMessage() = Message(
init = Maybe.of(
Either.of(null, CellRef(createStateInit())),
body = Either.of(
CellRef(CellBuilder.createCell {
storeUInt(subWalletId, 32)
storeUInt(generateQueryId(BigInt.valueOf(2).pow(16)), 64)
storeTlb(HashMapE.tlbCodec(16, Cell.tlbCodec()), HashMapE.empty())
info = ExtInMsgInfo(
dest = address()
import kotlinx.coroutines.async
import kotlinx.coroutines.coroutineScope
import org.ton.bitstring.BitString
import org.ton.block.*
import org.ton.cell.Cell
import org.ton.cell.CellBuilder
import org.ton.contract.wallet.WalletContract
import org.ton.contract.wallet.WalletTransfer
import org.ton.lite.api.LiteApi
import org.ton.tlb.CellRef
import org.ton.tlb.constructor.AnyTlbConstructor
import org.ton.tlb.storeRef
abstract class AbstractWallet(
open val privateKey: PrivateKeyEd25519,
open val workchain: Int = 0,
open val subWalletId: Int = WalletContract.DEFAULT_WALLET_ID + workchain
) : WalletContract {
public suspend fun transfer(
liteApi: LiteApi,
privateKey: PrivateKeyEd25519,
vararg transfers: WalletTransfer
): Unit = coroutineScope {
val seqno = async { kotlin.runCatching { getSeqno(liteApi) }.getOrNull() ?: 0 }
transfer(liteApi, privateKey, seqno.await(), *transfers)
private suspend fun transfer(
liteApi: LiteApi,
privateKey: PrivateKeyEd25519,
seqno: Int,
vararg transfers: WalletTransfer
) {
val message = createTransferMessage(
address = address,
stateInit = if (seqno == 0) createStateInit() else null,
privateKey = privateKey,
validUntil = Int.MAX_VALUE,
walletId = subWalletId,
seqno = seqno,
payload = transfers
sendExternalMessage(liteApi, message)
companion object {
fun createTransferMessage(
address: AddrStd,
stateInit: StateInit?,
privateKey: PrivateKeyEd25519,
walletId: Int,
validUntil: Int,
seqno: Int,
vararg payload: WalletTransfer
): Message<Cell> {
val info = ExtInMsgInfo(
src = AddrNone,
dest = address,
importFee = Coins()
val maybeStateInit =
Maybe.of(stateInit?.let { Either.of<StateInit, CellRef<StateInit>>(null, CellRef(it)) })
val giftBody = createGiftMessageBody(
val body = Either.of<Cell, CellRef<Cell>>(null, CellRef(giftBody))
return Message(
info = info,
init = maybeStateInit,
body = body
private fun createGiftMessageBody(
privateKey: PrivateKeyEd25519,
walletId: Int,
validUntil: Int,
seqno: Int,
vararg gifts: WalletTransfer
): Cell {
val unsignedBody = CellBuilder.createCell {
storeUInt(walletId, 32)
storeUInt(validUntil, 32)
storeUInt(seqno, 32)
storeUInt(0, 8) // OP_TRANSFER
for (gift in gifts) {
var sendMode = 3
if (gift.sendMode > -1) {
sendMode = gift.sendMode
val intMsg = CellRef(createIntMsg(gift))
storeUInt(sendMode, 8)
storeRef(MessageRelaxed.tlbCodec(AnyTlbConstructor), intMsg)
val signature = BitString(privateKey.sign(unsignedBody.hash()))
return CellBuilder.createCell {
fun createIntMsg(gift: WalletTransfer): MessageRelaxed<Cell> {
val info = CommonMsgInfoRelaxed.IntMsgInfoRelaxed(
ihrDisabled = true,
bounce = gift.bounceable,
bounced = false,
src = AddrNone,
dest = gift.destination,
value = gift.coins,
ihrFee = Coins(),
fwdFee = Coins(),
createdLt = 0u,
createdAt = 0u
val init = Maybe.of(gift.stateInit?.let {
Either.of<StateInit, CellRef<StateInit>>(null, CellRef(it))
val body = if (gift.body == null) {
Either.of<Cell, CellRef<Cell>>(Cell.of(), null)
} else {
Either.of<Cell, CellRef<Cell>>(null, CellRef(gift.body!!))
return MessageRelaxed(
info = info,
init = init,
body = body,
val asd = Any()
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