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Created March 15, 2020 13:37
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Using one loop(for ,e.g. 1 X 16) instead of two(for-for, e.g. 4X4) for performance stuffs
gcc -S -fverbose-asm -g -O0 <<FILE>>.c -O <<FILE>>.s
as -alhnd <<FILE>>.s > <<FILE>>.lst
#related course
/*using one loop instead of two (nested loop)*/
void loop_2d(void){
/*tmp var to hold the res*/
int v=0;
/*const the first loop iteration len*/
const int l=4;
/*index for triggering event*/
int i=0;
/*for a lxl (16) loop*/
for(int a=0;
/*if index of first loop is equal to index of second loop*/
/*update the res*/
v = v + a;
/*update the trigger index*/
i = i + l
+ 1;
/*using nested loop*/
void loop_2d2d(void) {
/*tmp var to hold the res*/
int v=0;
/*const the first loop iteration len*/
const int l=4;
/*for a li(4) loop*/
for(int a=0;
/*for another li(4) loop(performance hit?)*/
for(int b=0;
/*if index of first loop is equal to index of second loop*/
/*update the trigger index*/
v = v + a;
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