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Created July 17, 2020 22:12
Old ad-hoc encapper for Red scripts.
Red [
Title: "ad-hoc build script (encapper?)"
Author: 9214
Purpose: "to bypass current compiler limitations (until dyn-stack is implemented)"
Rationale: {
As of 0.6.2, alpha Red compiler sometimes can't handle too dynamic code,
which leads to all kinds of cryptic errors either DURING or AFTER compilation.
General solution to this problem is:
* copy-paste all of your scripts into one block;
* remove all #include directives (to avoid `cannot open: <file>` errors);
* write into temporary file `Red <header> do <block of scripts>`;
* compile this temporary file and do some cleanup.
Usage: [
O encap <header> <scripts> <config>
o <header> any valid block! header
o <scripts> block! of [
<dir1> [<file1> <file2>]
<dir2> [<file3> <file4>]
<dirN> [<fileN> <fileM>]
] specs in a *specific* order (mapping your project hierarchy and dependencies)
o <config> [
red: <full path to red toolchain (in system format)>
opt: <options for red compiler (in system format)>
Example: [
<header> [Title: "example" Answer: 42]
<scripts> [
%./ []
%../ []
<config> [
red: "X:\path\to\red\executable"
opt: "-r -o Y:\custom\path\to\exe"
Todo: [
o come up with more flexible format for <scripts>
source-of: func [
"get source of the script without preface and header"
script [file!]
/header "get only header instead"
blanks [bitset!]
head [block!]
source [string!]
_ [string!]
parse/case read script [
(blanks: charset reduce [cr lf space tab] head: copy [])
thru ["Red" any blanks ahead "["]
_: to end
parse load _ [set head block! source: to end]
return either header [head][source]
uninclude: func [
"delete all file inclusions from source block"
source [block!]
#process off
replace/deep/all source [#include file!][]
#process on
encap: func [
"pile up all scripts into one compile-able mess"
header [block!]
folders [block!]
config [block!]
tangle [file!]
body [block!]
dir [file!]
scripts [block!]
script [file!]
path [file!]
exe [file!]
tangle: rejoin [what-dir %.tangle- now/date '- now/time]
do config
body: collect [
foreach [dir scripts] folders [
foreach script scripts [
keep uninclude source-of rejoin [dir script]
write/lines tangle compose/only [
Red (header)
do (body)
all [
set [path exe] split-path to-red-file red
change-dir path
not make logic! call/console rejoin [%./ exe space opt space tangle]
delete tangle
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