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Forked from KMarkert/
Last active January 16, 2023 00:18
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Python script to convert from ICESat-2 ATL08 HDF data to shapefile. Usage: 'python <path> --variables [<var1>,<var2>,...,<varN>] --outFormat <extension> --filterBounds [<W>,<S>,<E>,<N>] --verbose'
# based on Kel Markert's GEDI HDF to shapefile conversion script
import os
import fire
import h5py
import glob
import tqdm
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
# requires fire, h5py, tqdm, numpy, pandas, and geopandas
def gedi_to_vector(file,variables=None,outFormat='CSV',filterBounds=None):
# open hdf5 file
data = h5py.File(file,'r')
# get full file name and extension
name,_ = os.path.splitext(file)
# create empty dataframe to append data to
df = pd.DataFrame()
# loop over all of the hdf5 groups
for k in list(data.keys()):
# if gt in the group name
if 'gt' in k:
# get the geolocation subgroup
geo = data[k]['land_segments']
d = {}
# loop through all of the variables defined earlier
for var in variables:
# assign variable array to dict key
if var in list(data[k]["land_segments"].keys()):
d[var] = np.array(geo[var])
elif var in list(data[k]["land_segments"]['canopy'].keys()):
d[var] = np.array(data[k]["land_segments"]['canopy'][var])
raise ValueError(f"The variable {var} is not in the geolocation or gt group of the file {file}.")
d["gt"] = [k] * len(d[var])
# convert dict of varaibles to dataframe
tdf = pd.DataFrame(d)
# concat to larger dataframe
df = pd.concat([df,tdf],axis=0,sort=False)
# check if the the filterBounds is provided
if filterBounds is not None:
w,s,e,n = filterBounds # expand list to individual variables
# select features on X axis
horizontalMask = (df.longitude >= w) & (df.longitude <= e)
# select features on Y axis
verticalMask = (df.latitude >= s) & (df.latitude <= n)
# combines masks to select features that intersect
spatialMask = verticalMask & horizontalMask
# grab only masked values within the bounds provided
df = df.loc[spatialMask]
# check to make sure that the dataframe has values.
# if not, then return from function without saving df
if df.size == 0:
if outFormat in ['CSV','csv']:
# save dataframe of parsed variables to CSV file
# check if df has the geoinformation
if ('latitude' not in df.columns) or ('longitude' not in df.columns):
raise KeyError("Geospatial variables 'latitude' and/or 'longitude' were not found, "
"please specify these variables to be extracted when writing to geospatial format")
# convert to geodataframe
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
df, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(df.longitude, df.latitude))
# save the geodataframe of variables to file
def main(path,variables=None,verbose=False,outFormat='CSV',filterBounds=None):
# check if the variables to extract have been defined
if variables is None:
raise ValueError("Please provide variables from the GEDI file to convert")
# if variables have been defined, check if provided in correct datetype
if type(variables) is not list:
raise TypeError("Provided variables is not list, please provide argument as '[<var1>,<var2>,<var3>]'")
# check if filterBounds have been provided and in correct datatype
if (filterBounds is not None) and (type(filterBounds) is not list):
raise TypeError("Provided filterBounds is not list, please provide argument as '[W,S,E,N]'")
# check if the output format provided is supported by script
availableFormats = ['CSV','SHP','GeoJSON','GPKG','csv','shp','geojson','gpkg']
if outFormat not in availableFormats:
raise NotImplementedError('Selected output format is not support please select one of the following: "CSV","SHP","GeoJSON","GPKG"')
# check if path provided is a file or folder
if os.path.isfile(path):
flist = [path]
# only search for h5 files in the path provided
flist = glob.glob(os.path.join(path,'*.h5'))
if verbose:
t = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(flist))
# loop through the files and do the conversion
for i,f in enumerate(flist):
if verbose:
_, desc = os.path.split(f)
t.set_description(desc="Processing {}".format(desc))
if verbose:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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To convert ICESat-2 ATL08 HDF data to shapefile, I wonder what exactly --variables [,,...,] I should use? Thanks

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bzgeo commented May 28, 2020

Hi @hwdchang888, here's an example, using h_canopy as a variable to extract:

python C:\gis\ --variables [latitude,longitude,h_canopy] --outFormat shp --filterBounds [-93,7,-76.5,21.75] --verbose

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@bzgeo Thank you very much for your quick response. It works beautifully. Much appreciate your help.

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bzgeo commented Nov 17, 2021 via email

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Hi bzgeo,

I actually managed to get it working, which is why I deleted the comment. Thanks!

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