This is a work in progress and gets you to a running state (meaning you can bring the UI up via brower and login). It is not however fully tested.
To generate your keys, see and for notes on getting started.
Also see for notes regarding minikube.
In this example, minikube was run on OSX sierra with v0.12.1 and xhyve hypervisor.
Minikube cluster created with minikube start --vm-driver=xhyve
Order for which to create specs with k8s.
- concourse-ns.yml
- concourse-db-deployment.yml
- concourse-db-svc.yml
- concourse-web-secrets.yml
- concourse-web-deployment.yml
- concourse-web-svc.yml
- concourse-worker-secrets.yml
- concourse-worker-deployment.yml