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Created June 9, 2020 17:43
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Create a random file tree in python, e.g. random subfolders and random files.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import os
import random
import string
from pathlib import Path
def random_string(min_length=5, max_length=10):
Get a random string
min_length: Minimal length of string
max_length: Maximal length of string
Random string of ascii characters
length = random.randint(min_length, max_length)
return ''.join(
random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits)
for _ in range(length)
def create_random_tree(basedir, nfiles=2, nfolders=1, repeat=1,
maxdepth=None, sigma_folders=1, sigma_files=1):
Create a random set of files and folders by repeatedly walking through the
current tree and creating random files or subfolders (the number of files
and folders created is chosen from a Gaussian distribution).
basedir: Directory to create files and folders in
nfiles: Average number of files to create
nfolders: Average number of folders to create
repeat: Walk this often through the directory tree to create new
subdirectories and files
maxdepth: Maximum depth to descend into current file tree. If None,
sigma_folders: Spread of number of folders
sigma_files: Spread of number of files
(List of dirs, List of files), all as pathlib.Path objects.
alldirs = []
allfiles = []
for i in range(repeat):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(str(basedir)):
for _ in range(int(random.gauss(nfolders, sigma_folders))):
p = Path(root) / random_string()
for _ in range(int(random.gauss(nfiles, sigma_files))):
p = Path(root) / random_string()
depth = os.path.relpath(root, str(basedir)).count(os.sep)
if maxdepth and depth >= maxdepth - 1:
del dirs[:]
alldirs = list(set(alldirs))
allfiles = list(set(allfiles))
return alldirs, allfiles
def choose_random_elements(basedir, n_dirs, n_files, onfail="raise"):
Select random files and directories. If all directories and files must be
unique, use sample_random_elements instead.
basedir: Directory to scan
n_dirs: Number of directories to pick
onfail: What to do if there are no files or folders to pick from?
Either 'raise' (raise ValueError) or 'ignore' (return empty list)
(List of dirs, List of files), all as pathlib.Path objects.
alldirs = []
allfiles = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(str(basedir)):
for d in dirs:
alldirs.append(Path(root) / d)
for file in files:
allfiles.append(Path(root) / file)
if n_dirs and not alldirs :
if onfail == "raise":
raise ValueError(
"{} does not have subfolders, so cannot select "
selected_dirs = []
selected_dirs = [random.choice(alldirs) for _ in range(n_dirs)]
if n_files and not allfiles:
if onfail == "raise":
raise ValueError(
"{} does not contain any files, so cannot select random files."
elif onfail == "ignore":
selected_files = []
raise ValueError("Unknown value for 'onfail' parameter.")
selected_files = [random.choice(allfiles) for _ in range(n_files)]
return selected_dirs, selected_files
def sample_random_elements(basedir, n_dirs, n_files, onfail="raise"):
Select random distinct files and directories. If the directories and files
do not have to be distinct, use choose_random_elements instead.
basedir: Directory to scan
n_dirs: Number of directories to pick
n_files: Number of files to pick
onfail: What to do if there are no files or folders to pick from?
Either 'raise' (raise ValueError) or 'ignore' (return list with
fewer elements)
(List of dirs, List of files), all as pathlib.Path objects.
alldirs = []
allfiles = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(str(basedir)):
for d in dirs:
alldirs.append(Path(root) / d)
for file in files:
allfiles.append(Path(root) / file)
if n_dirs and len(alldirs) < n_dirs:
if onfail == "raise":
raise ValueError(
"{} does not have enough subfolders, so cannot select "
"enough directories."
elif onfail == "ignore":
selected_dirs = random.sample(alldirs, len(alldirs))
raise ValueError("Unknown value for 'onfail' parameter.")
selected_dirs = random.sample(alldirs, n_dirs)
if n_files and len(allfiles) < n_files:
if onfail == "raise":
raise ValueError(
"{} does not contain enough files, so cannot select "
"enough random files."
elif onfail == "ignore":
selected_files = random.sample(allfiles, len(allfiles))
raise ValueError("Unknown value for 'onfail' parameter.")
selected_files = random.sample(allfiles, n_files)
return selected_dirs, selected_files
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