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Created June 2, 2017 13:34
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# sign funcs
import math
# cli arguments
import argparse
# random rationals
import random
def sign(x):
return math.copysign(1, x)
math.sign = sign
def signstr(num):
if math.sign(num) == -1:
return '-'
return '+'
# set up arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Generate a random rational function.'
parser.add_argument('--degree', '-d', metavar='degree', type=int,
default=5, help='The polynomial’s maximum degree.')
parser.add_argument('--variables', '-v', metavar='var', type=str,
nargs='+', default=['x'], help='An array of variables to use.')
parser.add_argument('--constants', '-c', metavar='const', type=str,
nargs='+', default=['c'], help='An array of constants to use.')
parser.add_argument('--imaginary', '-i', action='store_true',
help='Use imaginary numbers.')
# parse arguments, extract variables
args = parser.parse_args()
degree =
variables = args.variables
consts = args.constants
imag = args.imaginary
consts += ['']
def get_coef(imag):
max_coef = 20
coef = (random.random() - 0.5) * max_coef
if imag:
coef += get_coef(False) * 1j
return coef
def term(deg, variables, consts, imag):
deg = random.randint(0, deg)
ret = '('
var = random.choice(variables)
coef = get_coef(imag)
if deg != 0:
ret += f'{var}'
if deg > 1:
ret += f'^{deg} '
ret += ' '
ret += f'{signstr(coef)} {abs(coef):.3f}'
ret += f'{coef:.3f}'
ret += f'{random.choice(consts)})'
return (deg, ret)
def poly(deg, variables, consts, imag):
ret = ""
i = 0
while i < random.randrange(1, deg):
(degtmp, rtmp) = term(deg, variables, consts, imag)
i += degtmp
ret += rtmp
return ret
def rational(deg, variables, consts, imag):
ret = poly(deg, variables, consts, imag)
if random.random() > 0.3:
ret += f'/({poly(deg, variables, consts, imag)})'
return ret
print(rational(degree, variables, consts, imag))
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