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Created April 6, 2017 16:41
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  • Save 9999years/87f9c603be356de3156c48d7d5bb3ecc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save 9999years/87f9c603be356de3156c48d7d5bb3ecc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
% usage: \unicode[font]{codepoint}, e.g. \unicode[\emojifont]{1F60E} or \unicode{1F47D}
% requires --shell-escape be enabled (to use \write18) and curl to be in the path
% prints something like U+XXXX § SECTION SIGN
% note that the codepoint MUST be in all-caps, due to how \symbol works
{\immediate\write18{curl -o .cp#2.txt}
\texttt{U+#2} {#1\symbol{"#2}}
\texttt{\input{.cp#2.txt}}\immediate\write18{del .cp#2.txt}}
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