I hereby claim:
- I am 9b on github.
- I am 9bplus (https://keybase.io/9bplus) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASDXArDVDZslzdQphHwNk0YbXgJapLZ9yFgrrWCGcK-7Ago
To claim this, I am signing this object:
Below is a suggested recipe and the rationale behind each choice. Since this is a deeply complex blend—with bright florals (Ethiopia, Gesha), hoppy/citrus ferment notes (IPA, Pink Bourbon), and delicate sweetness—our goal is to showcase each layer without over-extracting. We achieve that by balancing concentration, using a slightly extended bloom, and carefully staging our temperatures. | |
--- | |
- **Ratio**: 1:15 | |
**Why**: This slightly more concentrated ratio (compared to a common 1:16) helps intensify the nuanced flavors—particularly the floral and citrus characteristics of the Ethiopian and Pink Bourbon components—while still maintaining enough clarity to let the delicate Gesha notes come through. | |
- **Bloom ratio**: 1:3 |
"""Extract MITRE ATT&CK techniques into a file.""" | |
import bs4 as bs | |
import requests | |
root_url = "https://attack.mitre.org" | |
file_name = "mitre.txt" | |
def get_urls(): | |
"""Get MITRE ATT&CK URLs for processing.""" |
Descriptor: | |
Name: BlockadeIoService | |
DisplayName: Blockade.io | |
Description: Skills for blocking suspicious and malicious indicators using blockade.io | |
SkillGroups: | |
- Format: API | |
Settings: | |
OpenApiSpecUrl: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/9b/f3f3e4d831bddcf0ab3f8a32b471893b/raw/b40421aa882e556794d4305dea50bd7f9acc1188/blockadeio.yaml |
openapi: 3.0.1 | |
info: | |
title: Blockade.io | |
description: Block suspicious and malicious indicators in participating browsers | |
version: "v1" | |
servers: | |
- url: https://api.blockade.io/ |
Modify the script to include your username and API key. | |
Create a virtualenv to keep your space clean: | |
$ virtualenv -p python3 venv3 | |
Activate it: | |
$ source venv3/bin/activate | |
{ | |
'statistics': { | |
'noise': 264, | |
'ips_processed': 283, | |
'duplicate_entries': 4609, | |
'money_saved': '$179.17', | |
'duplicate_ratio': 94.0, | |
'noise_ratio': 93.0, | |
'time_saved': '8:48:00', | |
'interest': 19, |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
!function(e) { | |
function t(i) { | |
if (n[i]) | |
return n[i].exports; | |
var o = n[i] = { | |
"i": i, | |
"l": !1, | |
"exports": {} | |
}; | |
return e[i].call(o.exports, o, o.exports, t), |
{ | |
"condition": "AND", | |
"rules": [ | |
{ | |
"id": "monitor_category", | |
"field": "monitor_category", | |
"type": "string", | |
"input": "select", | |
"operator": "equal", | |
"value": "Competition", |
"""Use image analysis to extract scores from coffee charts.""" | |
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter, ImageEnhance | |
from pytesseract import image_to_string | |
import cv2 | |
import os | |
import sys | |
import numpy as np | |