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Last active July 12, 2021 14:05
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SGF utilities
#!/usr/bin/env node
* @fileOverview Converts Tygem's GIB format to SGF.
// GIB format example.
// \HS
// ...
// \[GAMETAG=S1,R3,D5,G0,W255,Z0,T30-3-1200,C2016:03:26:17:29, ...\]
// \HE
// \GS
// 2 1 0
// 119 0 &4
// INI 0 1 3 &4
// STO 0 2 2 15 15
// ...
// STO 0 119 1 10 8
// \GE
// ('EV', 'World Cup') => 'EV[World Cup]'
const mkProp = (p, v) => (v ? `${p}[${v}]` : '');
// Converts GIB to SGF.
function convert(gib) {
// Gets RootNode from HS~HE and INI.
// Properties: FF, GM, SZ, AP, PB, BR, PW, WR, EV, RE, KM, DT, HA, AB.
const root = `;FF[3]GM[1]SZ[19]AP[]${
pbFromGIB(gib) +
pwFromGIB(gib) +
mkProp('EV', propValueFromGIB(gib, 'GAMENAME')) +
reFromGIB(gib) +
kmFromGIB(gib) +
dtFromGIB(gib) +
// Gets SGF NodeSequence from STOs.
const seq = gib
.filter((line) => line.indexOf('STO ') !== -1)
.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + nodeFromSTO(cur.trim()), '');
return `(${root}${seq})`;
// '1' => 'A'
const oneToA = (x) => String.fromCharCode(97 + parseInt(x, 10));
// 'STO 0 2 2 15 15' => ';W[pp]'
function nodeFromSTO(line) {
const ns = line.split(/\s+/);
const pl = ns[3] === '1' ? 'B' : 'W';
return `;${pl}[${oneToA(ns[4])}${oneToA(ns[5])}]`;
// Gets PB, BR.
function pbFromGIB(gib) {
const v = propValueFromGIB(gib, 'GAMEBLACKNAME');
if (!v) return '';
const pair = parsePlRank(v);
return mkProp('PB', pair[0]) + mkProp('BR', pair[1]);
// Gets PW, WR.
function pwFromGIB(gib) {
const v = propValueFromGIB(gib, 'GAMEWHITENAME');
if (!v) return '';
const pair = parsePlRank(v);
return mkProp('PW', pair[0]) + mkProp('WR', pair[1]);
// Gets DT.
function dtFromGIB(gib) {
const v = propValueFromGIB(gib, 'GAMETAG');
if (!v) return '';
const w = v.match(/C(\d\d\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)/);
return w ? mkProp('DT', w.slice(1).join('-')) : '';
// Gets RE.
function reFromGIB(gib) {
const ginfo = propValueFromGIB(gib, 'GAMEINFOMAIN');
if (ginfo) return mkProp('RE', getRE(ginfo, /GRLT:(\d+),/, /ZIPSU:(\d+),/));
const gtag = propValueFromGIB(gib, 'GAMETAG');
return gtag ? mkProp('RE', getRE(gtag, /,W(\d+),/, /,Z(\d+),/)) : '';
// Gets KM.
function kmFromGIB(gib) {
const ginfo = propValueFromGIB(gib, 'GAMEINFOMAIN');
if (ginfo) {
const v = ginfo.match(/GONGJE:(\d+),/);
if (v) {
const komi = parseInt(v[1], 10) / 10;
if (!Number.isNaN(komi)) return mkProp('KM', komi.toString());
const gtag = propValueFromGIB(gib, 'GAMETAG');
if (gtag) {
const v = gtag.match(/,G(\d+),/);
if (v) {
const komi = parseInt(v[1], 10) / 10;
if (!Number.isNaN(komi)) return mkProp('KM', komi.toString());
return '';
const handicapStones = [
// Gets HA, AB.
function haFromGIB(gib) {
const v = valueOfINI(gib);
if (!v) return '';
const setup = v.split(/\s+/);
const ha = parseInt(setup[2], 10);
return ha >= 2 && ha <= 9
? mkProp('HA', ha) + mkProp('AB', handicapStones[ha])
: '';
// 'lee(8k)' => ['lee', '8k']
function parsePlRank(v) {
const index = v.lastIndexOf('(');
return [
v.substring(0, index).trim(),
v.substring(index + 1, v.length - 1).trim(),
// ('...\[GAMEWHITENICK=xyz\]...', 'GAMEWHITENICK') => 'xyz'
function propValueFromGIB(gib, prop) {
const start = gib.indexOf(`\\[${prop}=`);
if (start === -1) return '';
const end = gib.indexOf('\\]', start + prop.length);
return end === -1 ? '' : gib.substring(start + prop.length + 3, end).trim();
// '...\nINI 0 1 5 ...\n...' => '0 1 5 ...'
function valueOfINI(gib) {
const start = gib.indexOf('INI ');
if (start === -1) return '';
const end = gib.indexOf('\n', start + 4);
return end === -1 ? '' : gib.substring(start + 4, end).trim();
// Gets RE.
function getRE(v, grltRegex, zipsuRegex) {
const gmatch = grltRegex.exec(v);
if (!gmatch) return '';
const grlt = parseFloat(gmatch[1]);
const zmatch = zipsuRegex.exec(v);
return zmatch ? parseRE(grlt, parseFloat(zmatch[1])) : '';
function parseRE(grlt, zipsu) {
const easycases = { 3: 'B+R', 4: 'W+R', 7: 'B+T', 8: 'W+T' };
if (easycases[grlt] !== undefined) return easycases[grlt];
return grlt === 0 || grlt === 1
? `${grlt === 0 ? 'B' : 'W'}+${zipsu / 10}`
: '';
module.exports = convert;
if (require.main === module) {
if (process.argv.length !== 2) {
console.log('Usage: gib2sgf < FILE');
const data = [];
process.stdin.on('data', (chunk) => data.push(chunk));
process.stdin.on('end', () => console.log(convert(data.join(''))));
#!/usr/bin/env node
* @fileOverview Downloads SGF from URL (Tygem and CyberORO).
const { XMLHttpRequest } = require('xmlhttprequest');
const TYGEM_URL_BEGINS = '';
const ORO_URL_BEGINS = '';
const isValidURL = (url) =>
url.indexOf(TYGEM_URL_BEGINS) === 0 || url.indexOf(ORO_URL_BEGINS) === 0;
function httpgetRawSGF(url) {
if (!isValidURL(url)) throw Error('URL not supported.');
const http = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, false);
return url.indexOf(TYGEM_URL_BEGINS) === 0
? http.responseText
.replace(/\r\n/g, '')
.replace(/.*var sgf = "/, '')
.replace(/\).*/, ')')
: http.responseText
.replace(/\r\n/g, '')
.replace(/.*"hidden" name = "gibo_txt" id = "gibo_txt"[^(]*/, '')
.replace(/\).*/, ')');
function httpgetSGF(url) {
const sgf = httpgetRawSGF(url);
if (
sgf[sgf.length - 1] !== ')' ||
(sgf.indexOf('(TE[') !== 0 && sgf.indexOf('(;GM[') !== 0)
throw Error('Invalid response from URL');
// Fixes SGF dialects (KO/TE/RD) for other SGF editors.
// Fixes bad Tygem SGF. e.g., '대주배 16강 .'
// Fixes bad Tygem SGF. e.g., '신진서 '
// Fixes bad Tygem SGF. e.g., '김미리:김미리:4단'.
return sgf
.replace(/\([;]*TE\[/, '(;GM[1]FF[4]EV[')
.replace(/\bRD\[/, 'DT[')
.replace(/\bK[OM]\[\]/, '')
.replace(/\bKO\[/, 'KM[')
.replace(/ \.\]/g, ']')
.replace(/ *\]/g, ']')
.replace(/\[ */g, '[')
.replace(/(P[BW]\[[^\]:]*):[^\]]*\]/g, '$1]');
module.exports = { isValidURL, httpgetSGF };
if (require.main === module) {
try {
if (process.argv.length !== 3)
console.log('Usage: httpget-sgf URL > FILE');
else console.log(httpgetSGF(process.argv[2]));
} catch (error) {
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