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Created December 10, 2021 11:38
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Flood Fill Python
def floodfill(grid, row, col, newColor):
oldColor = grid[row][col]
if newColor == oldColor:
return grid
recurse(grid, row, col, newColor, oldColor)
return grid
def recurse(grid, row, col, newColor, oldColor):
if grid[row][col] != oldColor:
grid[row][col] = newColor
if row != 0:
recurse(grid, row-1, col, newColor, oldColor)
if col != 0:
recurse(grid, row, col-1, newColor, oldColor)
if row != len(grid)-1:
recurse(grid, row+1, col, newColor, oldColor)
if col != len(grid[0])-1:
recurse(grid, row, col+1, newColor, oldColor)
def gridprint(grid):
for i in range(len(grid)):
for j in range(len(grid[i])):
if j == len(grid[i])-1:
print(grid[i][j], end=' ')
oldgrid = [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]]
newgrid = floodfill([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]], 1, 1, 2)
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