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Created December 25, 2010 16:57
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publish all the flas in the current directory
use strict;
use JSON qw/to_json/;
use IO::All;
use Cwd;
my @flas = ();
my @tempflas = grep {
my $swftest = $_;
$swftest =~ s/\.fla/.swf/;
!-e $swftest;
} glob("*.fla");
my $arr = to_json \@flas;
my $pwd = getcwd();
$pwd = "file:///$pwd/";
my $jsfl =<< "_JSFL_";
var flas = $arr;
var len = flas.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var fla = "$pwd" + flas[i];
var swf = fla.replace(".fla", ".swf");
fl.trace(fla + " -> " + swf);
var doc = fl.getDocumentDOM();
doc.exportSWF(swf, true);
io('temp.jsfl') < $jsfl;
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