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PowerShell: Logging Functions
Function Log-Start{
Creates log file
Creates log file with path and name that is passed. Checks if log file exists, and if it does deletes it and creates a new one.
Once created, writes initial logging data
Mandatory. Path of where log is to be created. Example: C:\Windows\Temp
Mandatory. Name of log file to be created. Example: Test_Script.log
.PARAMETER ScriptVersion
Mandatory. Version of the running script which will be written in the log. Example: 1.5
Parameters above
Log file created
Version: 1.0
Author: Luca Sturlese
Creation Date: 10/05/12
Purpose/Change: Initial function development
Version: 1.1
Author: Luca Sturlese
Creation Date: 19/05/12
Purpose/Change: Added debug mode support
Log-Start -LogPath "C:\Windows\Temp" -LogName "Test_Script.log" -ScriptVersion "1.5"
Param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$LogPath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$LogName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$ScriptVersion)
$sFullPath = $LogPath + "\" + $LogName
#Check if file exists and delete if it does
If((Test-Path -Path $sFullPath)){
Remove-Item -Path $sFullPath -Force
#Create file and start logging
New-Item -Path $LogPath -Value $LogName -ItemType File
Add-Content -Path $sFullPath -Value "***************************************************************************************************"
Add-Content -Path $sFullPath -Value "Started processing at [$([DateTime]::Now)]."
Add-Content -Path $sFullPath -Value "***************************************************************************************************"
Add-Content -Path $sFullPath -Value ""
Add-Content -Path $sFullPath -Value "Running script version [$ScriptVersion]."
Add-Content -Path $sFullPath -Value ""
Add-Content -Path $sFullPath -Value "***************************************************************************************************"
Add-Content -Path $sFullPath -Value ""
#Write to screen for debug mode
Write-Debug "***************************************************************************************************"
Write-Debug "Started processing at [$([DateTime]::Now)]."
Write-Debug "***************************************************************************************************"
Write-Debug ""
Write-Debug "Running script version [$ScriptVersion]."
Write-Debug ""
Write-Debug "***************************************************************************************************"
Write-Debug ""
Function Log-Write{
Writes to a log file
Appends a new line to the end of the specified log file
Mandatory. Full path of the log file you want to write to. Example: C:\Windows\Temp\Test_Script.log
Mandatory. The string that you want to write to the log
Parameters above
Version: 1.0
Author: Luca Sturlese
Creation Date: 10/05/12
Purpose/Change: Initial function development
Version: 1.1
Author: Luca Sturlese
Creation Date: 19/05/12
Purpose/Change: Added debug mode support
Log-Write -LogPath "C:\Windows\Temp\Test_Script.log" -LineValue "This is a new line which I am appending to the end of the log file."
Param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$LogPath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$LineValue)
Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value $LineValue
#Write to screen for debug mode
Write-Debug $LineValue
Function Log-Error{
Writes an error to a log file
Writes the passed error to a new line at the end of the specified log file
Mandatory. Full path of the log file you want to write to. Example: C:\Windows\Temp\Test_Script.log
Mandatory. The description of the error you want to pass (use $_.Exception)
.PARAMETER ExitGracefully
Mandatory. Boolean. If set to True, runs Log-Finish and then exits script
Parameters above
Version: 1.0
Author: Luca Sturlese
Creation Date: 10/05/12
Purpose/Change: Initial function development
Version: 1.1
Author: Luca Sturlese
Creation Date: 19/05/12
Purpose/Change: Added debug mode support. Added -ExitGracefully parameter functionality
Log-Error -LogPath "C:\Windows\Temp\Test_Script.log" -ErrorDesc $_.Exception -ExitGracefully $True
Param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$LogPath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$ErrorDesc, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][boolean]$ExitGracefully)
Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value "Error: An error has occurred [$ErrorDesc]."
#Write to screen for debug mode
Write-Debug "Error: An error has occurred [$ErrorDesc]."
#If $ExitGracefully = True then run Log-Finish and exit script
If ($ExitGracefully -eq $True){
Log-Finish -LogPath $LogPath
Function Log-Finish{
Write closing logging data & exit
Writes finishing logging data to specified log and then exits the calling script
Mandatory. Full path of the log file you want to write finishing data to. Example: C:\Windows\Temp\Test_Script.log
Optional. If this is set to True, then the function will not exit the calling script, so that further execution can occur
Parameters above
Version: 1.0
Author: Luca Sturlese
Creation Date: 10/05/12
Purpose/Change: Initial function development
Version: 1.1
Author: Luca Sturlese
Creation Date: 19/05/12
Purpose/Change: Added debug mode support
Version: 1.2
Author: Luca Sturlese
Creation Date: 01/08/12
Purpose/Change: Added option to not exit calling script if required (via optional parameter)
Log-Finish -LogPath "C:\Windows\Temp\Test_Script.log"
Log-Finish -LogPath "C:\Windows\Temp\Test_Script.log" -NoExit $True
Param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$LogPath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$NoExit)
Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value ""
Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value "***************************************************************************************************"
Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value "Finished processing at [$([DateTime]::Now)]."
Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value "***************************************************************************************************"
#Write to screen for debug mode
Write-Debug ""
Write-Debug "***************************************************************************************************"
Write-Debug "Finished processing at [$([DateTime]::Now)]."
Write-Debug "***************************************************************************************************"
#Exit calling script if NoExit has not been specified or is set to False
If(!($NoExit) -or ($NoExit -eq $False)){
Function Log-Email{
Emails log file to list of recipients
Emails the contents of the specified log file to a list of recipients
Mandatory. Full path of the log file you want to email. Example: C:\Windows\Temp\Test_Script.log
Mandatory. The email addresses of who you want to send the email from. Example: "[email protected]"
Mandatory. The email addresses of where to send the email to. Seperate multiple emails by ",". Example: "[email protected], [email protected]"
.PARAMETER EmailSubject
Mandatory. The subject of the email you want to send. Example: "Cool Script - [" + (Get-Date).ToShortDateString() + "]"
Parameters above
Email sent to the list of addresses specified
Version: 1.0
Author: Luca Sturlese
Creation Date: 05.10.12
Purpose/Change: Initial function development
Log-Email -LogPath "C:\Windows\Temp\Test_Script.log" -EmailFrom "[email protected]" -EmailTo "[email protected], [email protected]" -EmailSubject "Cool Script - [" + (Get-Date).ToShortDateString() + "]"
Param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$LogPath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$EmailFrom, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$EmailTo, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$EmailSubject)
$sBody = (Get-Content $LogPath | out-string)
#Create SMTP object and send email
$sSmtpServer = "smtp.yourserver"
$oSmtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($sSmtpServer)
$oSmtp.Send($EmailFrom, $EmailTo, $EmailSubject, $sBody)
Exit 0
Exit 1
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elfim commented Mar 27, 2014

Line 53 is incorrect. Instead of this line: New-Item -Path $LogPath -Value $LogName –ItemType File
it should be this one: New-Item -Path $LogPath -Name $LogName –ItemType File
Line 174 there is a typo: Break is correct

Apart from these little things - your script is great! Thanks a lot Luca!

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As @elfim mentioned in the earlier comment, Line 53 still needs to be fixed. The value for line 53 is still New-Item -Path $LogPath -Value $LogName –ItemType File and it should be New-Item -Path $LogPath -Name $LogName –ItemType File

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Thanks to @elfim and @animetauren .. for identifying that typo
For those who are new to PowerShell .. you can simply reference you functions.ps1 in your script and then use it as normal.
$directorypath = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$incFunctions = $directorypath + "\Logging_Functions.ps1"
logfile = $directorypath + "\myoutput.log"

use the . syntax to include the functions file

. $incFunctions

Log-Write -LogPath $logfile -LineValue "Why is everyone obsessed with hybrid! "

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As a note, when exiting due to failure, a nonzero exit code should be issued.

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How would I invoke the Log-write function with a Copy-item command?

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rfsales commented Apr 27, 2016

I'm getting a diferent error:

New-Item : The Access to the path 'C: \ scripts \ compacta_sql \ logs ' was denied.
No C:\scripts\functions\Logging_Functions.ps1:45 caractere:5

  • New-Item -Path $LogPath -Value $LogName -ItemType File
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : PermissionDenied: (C:\scripts\compacta_sql\logs:String) [New-Item], UnauthorizedAccessException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : NewItemUnauthorizedAccessError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewItemCommand

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Add-Content -Path $sFullPath -Value "***************************************************************************************************"

why am not able to write content to file again..its not giving any error and not writing content to file/

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spxie85 commented Mar 6, 2017

It'd be much better if a function to perform log rotation is included here

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Thank you for this. I appreciate you sharing your work. Some suggestions for improvement:

  1. When adding a bunch of lines at once, such as in Log-Start, consider using a Dot Net's StringBuilder:
    $sb = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
    $text = $sb.ToString()
    Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value $text' Write-Debug $text`

    Then you can emit the same text in two places without having to repeat yourself.

  2. Consider using Join-Path when concatenating strings to form a path. It saves all the trouble with where to put what kind of separator

Just some ideas. Thanks again!

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