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AFlorencia / template-snippets.txt
Created December 3, 2020 22:55 — forked from cod3cow/template-snippets.txt
Template Snippets for Joomla!
# all php files :: disallow direct access of file
# between <?php and ?>
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
# index.php :: define variable with application
# between <?php and ?>
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
# index.php :: define variable with document
# between <?php and ?>
AFlorencia / jQuery.Adjacent.Wrapping.htm
Created July 17, 2018 18:40 — forked from BigglesZX/jQuery.Adjacent.Wrapping.htm
Wrap two adjacent elements in a containing div using jQuery
This is a useful trick if you want to wrap two sibling elements in a containing element, for example to fix stupid float bugs in IE7. I had a bit of a time figuring out how to select the right elements (wrapping is easy enough with one element, or one element's children), so I thought I'd share for the Greater Good.
From markup like this:
<div class='form-container'>
<div class='form-label'>Name (required)</div>
<div class='form-field'><input type="text" name="you-name" value="" class="textbox" size="30" maxlength="200" /></div>
<div class='form-label'>Email (required)</div>
### ===========================================================================
### Security Enhanced & Highly Optimized .htaccess File for Joomla!
### automatically generated by Admin Tools 3.6.8 on 2016-01-15 22:02:05 GMT
### Auto-detected Apache version: 2.5 (best guess)
### ===========================================================================
### The contents of this file are based on the same author's work "Master
### .htaccess", published on
### Admin Tools is Free Software, distributed under the terms of the GNU