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Transparent Buttons - Proof of Concept
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#NoEnv | |
SetBatchLines, -1 | |
Gui, Margin, 10, 10 | |
Gui, Color, C00000 | |
Gui, Font, s12 | |
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y10 w300 vNormalButton gClick, Normal Button | |
Gui, Add, Button, vBT1 xp y+10 w300 hwndHBTN vTransButton gClick, Transparent Button | |
TransButton_SubClass(HBTN) | |
Gui, Add, Button, vBT2 xp y+10 w300 Default hwndHBTN vDefaultButton gClick, Default Button | |
TransButton_SubClass(HBTN) | |
Gui, Add, Button, vBT3 xp y+10 w300 hwndHBTN vDisabledButton gClick +Disabled, Disabled Button | |
TransButton_SubClass(HBTN) | |
Gui, Font | |
Gui, Add, StatusBar | |
Gui, Show, , Transparent Buttons | |
Return | |
GuiClose: | |
ExitApp | |
Click: | |
SB_SetText(" You clicked on " . A_GuiControl . "!") | |
Return | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
; Namespace: TransButton | |
; Function: Functions for transparent pushbuttons. | |
; AHK version: (U32) | |
; Language: English | |
; Version: me | |
; Note: Transparency is only possible for themed windows. | |
; Transparency is faked by drawing the underlying background of the parent window. | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
; This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. | |
; In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
; Super-global object to store buttons properties | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
Global TransButton_Buttons | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
; TransButton_Subclass() - Installs a window subclass callback for the passed button handle. | |
; Call this function once for each button you want to have a "transparent" background. | |
; Parameters: HBTN - Handle (HWND) of the button. | |
; Return values: On success: True. | |
; On failure: False. | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
TransButton_Subclass(HBTN) { | |
Static SubclassProc := RegisterCallback("TransButton_SubclassProc") | |
If !(IsObject(TransButton_Buttons)) | |
TransButton_Buttons := {} | |
If !DllCall("User32.dll\IsWindow", "Ptr", HBTN, "UPtr") | |
Return False | |
If !(TransButton_SetProperties(HBTN)) | |
Return False | |
If !DllCall("Comctl32.dll\SetWindowSubclass", "Ptr", HBTN, "Ptr", SubclassProc, "Ptr", HBTN, "Ptr", 0) { | |
TransButton_Buttons.Remove(HBTN, "") | |
Return False | |
} | |
TransButton_Buttons.Subclass := SubclassProc | |
WinSet, Redraw, , ahk_id %HBTN% | |
Return True | |
} | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
; TransButton_SetProperties() | |
; Call this function on every change of button properties, such as caption, style, or size. | |
; This function is called internally from TransButton_Subclass() | |
; Parameters: HBTN - Handle (HWND) of the button. | |
; Return values: On success: True. | |
; On failure: False. | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
TransButton_SetProperties(HBTN) { | |
; Styles | |
Static BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON := 0x01, BS_LEFT := 0x0100, BS_RIGHT := 0x0200, BS_CENTER := 0x0300, BS_TOP := 0x0400 | |
, BS_BOTTOM := 0x0800, BS_VCENTER := 0x0C00, WS_DISABLED := 0x08000000 | |
; DrawText() format flags | |
Static DT_LEFT := 0x00, DT_TOP := 0x00, DT_CENTER := 0x01, DT_RIGHT := 0x02, DT_VCENTER := 0x04 | |
, DT_BOTTOM := 0x08, DT_WORDBREAK := 0x10, DT_SINGLELINE := 0x20, DT_NOCLIP := 0x0100, DT_CALCRECT := 0x0400 | |
Static WM_GETFONT := 0x31 | |
If !(HTHEME := DllCall("UxTheme.dll\OpenThemeData", "Ptr", HBTN, "WStr", "Button", "Ptr")) | |
Return False | |
TxColor := DllCall("UxTheme.dll\GetThemeSysColor", "Ptr", HTHEME, "Int", 18, "UInt") | |
RcColor := DllCall("UxTheme.dll\GetThemeSysColor", "Ptr", HTHEME, "Int", 17, "UInt") | |
HFONT := DllCall("User32.dll\SendMessage", "Ptr", HBTN, "Int", WM_GETFONT, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0) | |
VarSetCapacity(CTLRECT, 16, 0) | |
DllCall("User32.dll\GetClientRect", "Ptr", HBTN, "Ptr", &CTLRECT) | |
HDC := DllCall("User32.dll\GetDC", "Ptr", HBTN, "UPtr") | |
VarSetCapacity(TXTRECT, 16, 0) | |
DllCall("UxTheme.dll\GetThemeBackgroundContentRect", "Ptr", HTHEME, "Ptr", HDC, "Int", 1, "Int", 1 | |
, "Ptr", &CTLRECT, "Ptr", &TXTRECT) | |
TL := , TT := | |
TR := NumGet(TXTRECT, 8, "Int"), TB := NumGet(TXTRECT, 12, "Int") | |
DllCall("User32.dll\ReleaseDC", "Ptr", HBTN, "Ptr", HDC) | |
DllCall("UxTheme.dll\CloseThemeData", "Ptr", HTHEME) | |
ControlGetText, BtnText, , ahk_id %HBTN% | |
ControlGet, Styles, Style, , , ahk_id %HBTN% | |
Align := (Styles & BS_CENTER) = BS_CENTER ? DT_CENTER | |
: (Styles & BS_CENTER) = BS_RIGHT ? DT_RIGHT | |
: (Styles & BS_CENTER) = BS_LEFT ? DT_LEFT | |
Align |= DT_WORDBREAK | |
If (Styles & WS_DISABLED) | |
TxColor := RcColor | |
Else | |
RcColor := TxColor | |
If (TransButton_Buttons[HBTN].Pen) { | |
DllCall("Gdi32.dll\DeleteObject", "Ptr", TransButton_Buttons[HBTN].Pen) | |
TransButton_Buttons[HBTN].Pen := 0 | |
} | |
HPEN := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\CreatePen", "Int", 0, "Int", 1, "UInt", RcColor, "UPtr") | |
Properties := {} | |
Properties.Calc := True | |
Properties.Font := HFONT | |
Properties.Pen := HPEN | |
Properties.Caption := BtnText | |
Properties.Styles := Styles | |
Properties.Align := Align | |
Properties.TxColor := TxColor | |
Properties.RcColor := RcColor | |
Properties.CW := NumGet(CTLRECT, 8, "Int") | |
ProPerties.CH := NumGet(CTLRECT, 12, "Int") | |
Properties.TL := NumGet(TXTRECT, 0, "Int") | |
Properties.TT := NumGet(TXTRECT, 4, "Int") | |
Properties.TR := NumGet(TXTRECT, 8, "Int") | |
Properties.TB := NumGet(TXTRECT, 12, "Int") | |
TransButton_Buttons[HBTN] := Properties | |
Return True | |
} | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
; TransButton_SubclassProc() - Subclass procedure to handle WM_PAINT and WM_DESTROY messages. | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
TransButton_SubclassProc(HWND, Message, wParam, lParam, IdSubclass, RefData) { | |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
Static WM_DESTROY := 0x02, WM_PAINT := 0x0F | |
Static BS_BOTTOM := 0x0800, BS_VCENTER := 0x0C00 | |
Static DT_CALCRECT := 0x0400 | |
Static NullBrush := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\GetStockObject", "Int", 5, "UPtr") ; NULL_BRUSH | |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
; Check the message | |
If (Message = WM_DESTROY) { | |
If (TransButton_Buttons[HWND].Pen) | |
DllCall("Gdi32.dll\DeleteObject", "Ptr", TransButton_Buttons[HBTN].Pen) | |
TransButton_Buttons.Remove(HWND, "") | |
DllCall("Comctl32.dll\RemoveWindowSubclass", "Ptr", HWND, "Ptr", TransButton_Buttons.SubclassProc, "Ptr", HWND) | |
Return DllCall("Comctl32.dll\DefSubclassProc", "Ptr", HWND, "UInt", Message, "Ptr", wParam, "Ptr", lParam) | |
} | |
If (Message <> WM_PAINT) | |
Return DllCall("Comctl32.dll\DefSubclassProc", "Ptr", HWND, "UInt", Message, "Ptr", wParam, "Ptr", lParam) | |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
; Prepare drawing | |
Critical | |
Btn := TransButton_Buttons[HWND] | |
CW := Btn.CW, CH := Btn.CH, TL := Btn.TL, TT := Btn.TT, TR := Btn.TR, TB := Btn.TB | |
VarSetCapacity(PS, (4 * 16) + (2 * (A_PtrSize - 4)), 0) ; PAINTSTRUCT structure | |
HDC := DllCall("User32.dll\BeginPaint", "Ptr", HWND, "Ptr", &PS, "Ptr") | |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
; Draw the parent window background within the button | |
DllCall("UxTheme.dll\DrawThemeParentBackground", "Ptr", HWND, "Ptr", HDC, "Ptr", &PS + A_PtrSize + 4) | |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
; GDI RoundRect() draws the border | |
DllCall("Gdi32.dll\SelectObject", "Ptr", HDC, "Ptr", NullBrush, "UPtr") | |
DllCall("Gdi32.dll\SelectObject", "Ptr", HDC, "Ptr", Btn.Pen, "UPtr") | |
DllCall("Gdi32.dll\RoundRect", "Ptr", HDC, "Int", 1, "Int", 1, "Int", CW - 1, "Int", CH - 1, "Int", 5, "Int", 5) | |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
; GDI DrawText() draws the caption | |
DllCall("Gdi32.dll\SelectObject", "Ptr", HDC, "UInt", Btn.Font) | |
DllCall("Gdi32.dll\SetBkMode", "Ptr", HDC, "Int", 1) | |
DllCall("Gdi32.dll\SetTextColor", "Ptr", HDC, "UInt", Btn.TxColor) | |
VarSetCapacity(RECT, 16, 0) | |
If (Btn.Calc) { | |
VC := Btn.Styles & BS_VCENTER | |
If (VC = BS_VCENTER) Or (VC = BS_BOTTOM) OR (VC = 0) { | |
NumPut(TR - TL, RECT, 8, "Int"), NumPut(TB - TT, RECT, 12, "Int") | |
DllCall("User32.dll\DrawText", "Ptr", HDC, "Str", Btn.Caption, "Int", -1, "Ptr", &RECT | |
, "UInt", Btn.Align | DT_CALCRECT) | |
H := NumGet(RECT, 12, "Int") | |
If (VC = BS_BOTTOM) | |
TT := TB - H | |
Else If (H < CH) | |
TT := (CH - H) // 2 | |
Btn.TT := TT | |
} | |
Btn.Calc := False | |
} | |
NumPut(TL, RECT, 0, "Int"), NumPut(TT, RECT, 4, "Int"), NumPut(TR, RECT, 8, "Int"), NumPut(TB, RECT, 12, "Int") | |
DllCall("User32.dll\DrawText", "Ptr", HDC, "Str", Btn.Caption, "Int", -1, "Ptr", &RECT, "UInt", Btn.Align) | |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
; Done! | |
DllCall("User32.dll\EndPaint", "Ptr", HWND, "Ptr", &PAINTSTRUCT) | |
Return 0 | |
} |
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