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AHK 1.1 version of SKAN's IconEx.ahk ->
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/* _______________________________________________________________________________________ | |
_____ ______ __ _ | |
|_ _| | ____| /_ || | _ _ _ SKAN (Suresh Kumar A N) | |
| | ___ ___ _ __ | |__ __ __ | || |_| | | | | | [email protected] | |
| | / __/ _ \| '_ \| __| \ \/ / | ||___| | | ' | | | |
_| || (_| (_) | | | | |____ > < | | | | | |__| | Created on : 13-May-2008 | |
|_____\___\___/|_| |_|______/_/\_\ |_|(_) |_| \.___/ Last Modified : 10-Aug-2012 | |
[ I C O N E X P L O R E R A N D E X T R A C T O R ] Version : 1.4u | |
_______________________________________________________________________________________ | |
*/ | |
#NoEnv | |
#SingleInstance, Force | |
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir% | |
SetBatchLines, -1 | |
Process, Priority, , High | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
SaveButton := 0x79 -1 ; (VK code for F9) Note: modify -1 to -2 for F8 and so on... | |
KeyName := "F9" ; depends on the VK code you use above | |
Deff := A_ScriptDir ; Default ICON save folder | |
CallB := RegisterCallback("EnumResNameProc") | |
tFolder := A_WinDir . "\System32\shell32.dll" ; default folder in address bar | |
AhkVersion := A_AhkVersion . (A_IsUnicode ? (A_PtrSize = 8 ? " (U64)" : " (U32)") : " (ANSI)") | |
GuiTitle := "IconEx - v1.4u [ AutoHotkey v" . AhkVersion . " ]" | |
RT_GROUP_ICON := 14 | |
RT_ICON := 3 | |
STM_SETIMAGE := 0x172 | |
If FileExist(A_Temp . "\IconEx.tmp") { | |
FileRead, tFolder, %A_Temp%\IconEx.tmp | |
FileDelete, %A_Temp%\IconEx.tmp | |
} | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
Gui, Font, s10 Normal, Tahoma | |
Gui, Add, Combobox, x7 y7 w550 h21 Choose1 -Theme hwndhSHAC vtFolder, %tFolder% | |
ControlGet, hMyEdit, hWnd,, Edit1, ahk_id %hSHAC% | |
; SHAutoComplete(): Sean - | |
; For constants : | |
DllCall("Shlwapi.dll\SHAutoComplete", "Ptr", hMyEdit, "UInt", 0x1|0x10000000) | |
Gui, Font, s8 Normal, Tahoma | |
Gui, Add, Button, x+2 w33 h24 +Default gUpdateResourceList, &Go | |
Gui, Add, Button, x+2 w52 h24 gSelectFolder, &Browse | |
Gui, Add, ListView | |
, x7 y+5 h280 w235 -Theme -E0x200 +0x4 +0x8 +Border vLVR gLVR +BackGroundFFFFFA c444466 AltSubmit | |
, Resource File|Icons|IconGroup | |
LV_ModifyCol(1 ,"170") | |
LV_ModifyCol(2, "42 Integer") | |
LV_ModifyCol(3, "0") | |
Gui, Add, ListView | |
, x+0 yp h280 w405 -Theme +Icon -E0x200 +0x100 +BackGroundFFFFFC cBB2222 Border AltSubmit vLVI gLVI hwndLVC2 | |
Gui, Add, Hotkey, x2 y+79 w1 h1 +Disabled vHotkey gCreateSimpleIcon | |
Loop 8 { | |
Ix += 1 | |
Gui, Add, Text, x+10 yp-70 0x1203 w70 h70 vI%Ix% hWndIcon%Ix% gSelectSimpleIcon | |
Gui, Add, Text, xp yp+70 0x201 w70 h16 vIconT%Ix%, - | |
} | |
Gui, Add, Text, x2 y+79 w1 h1 | |
Loop 8 { | |
Ix += 1 | |
Gui, Add, Text, x+10 yp-70 0x1203 w70 h70 vI%Ix% hWndIcon%Ix% gSelectSimpleIcon | |
Gui, Add, Text, xp yp+70 0x201 w70 h16 vIconT%Ix%, - | |
} | |
Gui, Add, Button, x7 y+30 gAccelerator, &File | |
Gui, Add, Button, x+5 gAccelerator, &Icon | |
Gui, Add, Button, x+5 gAccelerator, A&ddress Bar | |
Gui, Add, Button, x+5 gAccelerator, &Reload | |
Gui, Font | |
Gui, Add, StatusBar, vSB gFindTarget | |
SB_SetParts(40, 425) | |
GoSub, UpdateResourceList | |
SB_SetText("Type the path to a folder/file. Auto complete enabled", 2) | |
Gui, Show, w655 h535, %GuiTitle% | |
Return ; // end of auto-execute section // | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
UpdateResourceList: | |
SendInput, {Escape} | |
ControlGetText,tFolder,, ahk_id %hSHAC% | |
If ! InStr(FileExist(tFolder), "D") | |
Folder := tFolder | |
Else Folder := tFolder . "\*.*" | |
GoSub, SetFolder | |
Gui, ListView, LVI | |
LV_Delete() | |
Gui, ListView, LVR | |
LV_Delete() | |
SB_SetText(" Loading files.. Please wait" , 2) | |
FileCount := 0 | |
Loop, %Folder% | |
{ | |
If A_LoopFileExt Not in EXE,DLL,CPL,SCR | |
Continue | |
hModule := LoadLibraryEx(A_LoopFileLongPath) | |
If (hModule = 0) | |
Continue | |
IGCount := 0 | |
IconGroups := "" | |
DllCall("Kernel32.dll\EnumResourceNames", "Ptr", hModule, "Ptr", 14, "Ptr", CallB, "Ptr", 0) | |
DllCall("Kernel32.dll\FreeLibrary", "Ptr", hModule) | |
If (IGCount = 0) | |
Continue | |
FileCount++ | |
StringUpper, FileName, A_LoopFileName | |
Gui, ListView, LVR | |
LV_ADD("", FileName, IGCount, IconGroups) | |
SB_SetText("`t" . FileCount, 1) | |
} | |
SB_SetText("`t" . FileCount, 1) | |
SB_SetText(" Done!" , 2) | |
GuiControl, Focus, LVR | |
RowNo := 1 | |
GoSub, LVRSUB | |
Gui, ListView, LVI | |
LV_Modify(1, "Select") | |
Gui, ListView, LVR | |
GuiControl, Focus, LVR | |
LV_Modify(1, "Select") | |
GuiControl, Focus, tFolder | |
Return | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
LVR: | |
If (A_GuiEvent = "k") { | |
If (A_EventInfo = 40 || A_EventInfo = 38) { | |
RowNo := LV_GetNext(0, "Focused") | |
GoTo, LVRSUB | |
Return | |
} | |
If (A_EventInfo = SaveButton) { | |
RowNo := LV_GetNext(0, "Focused") | |
If (RowNo <> 0) | |
GoSub, ExtractIconRes | |
Return | |
} | |
} | |
If (A_GuiEvent <> "Normal") | |
Return | |
RowNo := A_EventInfo | |
If (RowNo = 0) { | |
Loop, 16 { | |
GuiControl, , IconT%A_Index%, - | |
SendMessage, %STM_SETIMAGE%, 0x1, 0, , % "ahk_id " . Icon%A_Index% | |
} | |
Gui, ListView, LVI | |
LV_Delete() | |
If (ImageListID) | |
IL_Destroy(ImageListID) | |
ImageListID := 0 | |
SB_SetText("", 2) | |
SB_SetText("", 3) | |
Return | |
} | |
Gui, ListView, LVR | |
LV_GetText(File, RowNo,1) | |
LV_GetText(IGC, RowNo,2) | |
LV_GetText(IG, RowNo,3) | |
SB_SetText("Press <" . KeyName . "> to save all icons in " . File , 2) | |
Gui, ListView, LVI | |
LV_Delete() | |
If (ImageListID) | |
IL_Destroy(ImageListID) | |
ImageListID := IL_Create(10, 10, 1) | |
LV_SetImageList(ImageListID) | |
Loop, %IGC% | |
IL_Add(ImageListID, tFolder . "\" . File, A_Index) | |
Loop, Parse, IG, | | |
{ | |
Gui, ListView, LVI | |
LV_Add("Icon" . A_Index, A_LoopField) | |
} | |
RowNo := 1 | |
GoSub, LVISUB | |
Gui, ListView, LVR | |
Return | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
LVI: | |
Gui, ListView, LVI | |
If (A_GuiEvent = "k") { | |
If (A_EventInfo >= 37) && (A_EventInfo <= 40) { | |
RowNo := LV_GetNext(0, "Focused") | |
LV_GetText(IconGroup, RowNo, 1) | |
SB_SetText("Press <" . KeyName . "> to save the Icon Group " . IconGroup, 2) | |
GoTo, LVISUB | |
Return | |
} | |
If (A_EventInfo = SaveButton) { | |
RowNo := LV_GetNext(0, "Focused") | |
If (RowNo <> 0) | |
GoSub, ExtractIcon | |
Return | |
} | |
If (A_EventInfo = 0x79) { | |
GoSub, ApplyIconToFolder | |
Return | |
} | |
} | |
If (A_GuiEvent <> "Normal") | |
Return | |
RowNo := A_EventInfo | |
LV_GetText(IconGroup, RowNo, 1) | |
SB_SetText("Press <" . KeyName . "> to save the Icon Group " . IconGroup, 2) | |
Gui, ListView, LVI | |
LV_GetText(IconGroup, RowNo,1) | |
hMod := LoadLibraryEx(tFolder . "\" . File) | |
Buff := GetResource(hMod, IconGroup, RT_GROUP_ICON, nSize, hResData) | |
Icos := NumGet(Buff + 4, 0, "UShort") | |
Buff += 6 | |
SB_SetText("`t" . Icos . " Icons in < Group " . IconGroup . " >", 3) | |
Loop, %Icos% { | |
W := NumGet(Buff + 0, 0, "UChar") | |
H := NumGet(Buff + 0, 1, "UChar") | |
BPP := NumGet(Buff + 0, 6, "UShort") | |
nID := NumGet(Buff + 0, 12, "UShort") | |
Buff += 14 | |
If ((W + H) = 0) { | |
SendMessage, %STM_SETIMAGE%, 0x1, 0, , % "ahk_id " . Icon%A_Index% | |
DllCall("Kernel32.dll\FreeResource", "Ptr", hResData) | |
GuiControl, ,IconT%A_Index%, PNG ICON | |
Continue | |
} | |
IconD := GetResource(hMod, nID, RT_ICON, nSize, hResData) | |
Wi := (W > 64) ? 64 : W | |
Hi := (H > 64) ? 64 : H | |
hIcon := DllCall("User32.dll\CreateIconFromResourceEx", "Ptr", IconD, "UInt", nSize, "Int", 1 | |
, "UInt", 0x00030000, "Int", Wi, "Int", Hi, "UInt",(LR_SHARED := 0x8000), "UPtr") | |
SendMessage, %STM_SETIMAGE%, 0x1, 0, , % "ahk_id " . Icon%A_Index% | |
SendMessage, %STM_SETIMAGE%, 0x1, hIcon, , % "ahk_id " . Icon%A_Index% | |
DllCall("Kernel32.dll\FreeResource", "Ptr", hResData) | |
GuiControl, , IconT%A_Index%, %W%x%H%-%BPP%b | |
} | |
Loop % (16 - Icos) { | |
Ix := Icos + A_Index | |
GuiControl, , IconT%Ix%, - | |
SendMessage, %STM_SETIMAGE%, 0x1, 0, , % "ahk_id " . Icon%Ix% | |
} | |
DllCall("Kernel32.dll\FreeResource", "Ptr", hResData) | |
DllCall("Kernel32.dll\FreeLibrary", "Ptr", hModule) | |
Return | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
ExtractIconRes: | |
FileSelectFolder, TargetFolder, *%DEFF%, 3, Extract Icons! Where to? | |
If (TargetFolder = "") | |
Return | |
GoSub, SetFolder | |
hModule := LoadLibraryEx(tFolder . "\" . File) | |
Loop, Parse, IG, | | |
{ | |
FileN := SubStr("000" . A_Index, -3) . "-" . SubStr("00000" . A_LoopField, -4) . ".ico" | |
SB_SetText((FileN := TargetFolder . "\" . FileN), 2) | |
IconGroup := A_LoopField | |
GoSub, WriteIcon | |
} | |
DllCall("Kernel32.dll\FreeLibrary", "Ptr", hModule) | |
SB_SetText(IGC . " Icons extracted!", 2) | |
DllCall("Kernel32.dll\Sleep", "UInt", 1000) | |
SB_SetText(TargetFolder, 2) | |
Return | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
ExtractIcon: | |
LV_GetText(IconGroup, RowNo, 1) | |
FileN := SaveIcon(Deff . "\" . File . "_IG" . SubStr("_00000" . IconGroup, -4) . ".ico") | |
If (FileN = "") | |
Return | |
hModule := LoadLibraryEx(tFolder . "\" . File) | |
GoSub, WriteIcon | |
DllCall("Kernel32.dll\FreeLibrary", "Ptr", hModule) | |
SB_SetText(FileN, 2) | |
Return | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
WriteIcon: | |
hFile := FileOpen(FileN, "rw", "CP0") | |
sBuff := GetResource(hModule, IconGroup, RT_GROUP_ICON, nSize, hResData) | |
Icons := NumGet(sBuff + 0, 4, "UShort") | |
hFile.RawWrite(sBuff + 0, 6) | |
sBuff += 6 | |
Loop, %Icons% { | |
hFile.RawWrite(sBuff + 0, 14) | |
hFile.WriteUShort(0) | |
sBuff += 14 | |
} | |
DllCall("Kernel32.dll\FreeResource", "Ptr", hResData) | |
EOF := hFile.Pos | |
hFile.Pos := 18 | |
Loop %Icons% { | |
nID := hFile.ReadUShort() | |
hFile.Seek(-2, 1) | |
hFile.WriteUInt(EOF) | |
DataOffSet := hFile.Pos | |
sBuff := GetResource(hModule, nID, RT_ICON, nSize, hResData) | |
hFile.Seek(-0, 2) | |
hFile.RawWrite(sBuff + 0, nSize) | |
DllCall("Kernel32.dll\FreeResource", "Ptr", hResData) | |
EOF := hFile.Pos | |
hFile.Pos := DataOffset + 12 | |
} | |
hFile.CLose() | |
Return | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
SelectSimpleIcon: | |
StringTrimLeft, FNo ,A_GuiControl, 1 | |
GuiControlGet, IconT%fNo% | |
If ((IconT := IconT%fNo%) = "-") | |
Return | |
SB_SetText("Press <" . KeyName . "> to save Icon " . IconT . " from Icon Group " . IconGroup , 2) | |
GuiControl, Enable, Hotkey | |
GuiControl, Focus, Hotkey | |
GuiControl, ,Hotkey | |
SetTimer, DisableHotkey, -5000 | |
Return | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
DisableHotkey: | |
GuiControlGet, Hotkey, Enabled | |
If (Hotkey) { | |
GuiControl, ,Hotkey | |
GuiControl, Disable, Hotkey | |
GuiControl, Focus, LVI | |
StatusBarGetText, SbTxt, 2, IconEx | |
InStr(SbTxt, "to save Icon") ? SB_SetText("", 2) : | |
} | |
Return | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
CreateSimpleIcon: | |
SB_SetText("", 2) | |
GuiControlGet, Hotkey | |
GuiControl, Disable, Hotkey | |
IfNotEqual, Hotkey, %KeyName%, Return | |
FileN := SaveIcon(Deff . "\" . File . "_" . SubStr("0000" IconGroup, -4) . "_" | |
. SubStr("0" . FNo, -1) . "_" . IconT . ".ico") | |
If (FileN = "") | |
Return | |
hModule := LoadLibraryEx(tFolder . "\" . File) | |
Buffer := GetResource(hModule, IconGroup, RT_GROUP_ICON, nSize, hResData) | |
tBuff := Buffer + 6 + ((Fno - 1) * 14) | |
nID := Numget(tBuff + 0, 12, "Ushort") | |
hFile := FileOpen(FileN, "w", "CP0") | |
hFile.WriteUShort(0) | |
hFile.WriteUShort(1) | |
hFile.WriteUShort(1) | |
hFile.RawWrite(tBuff + 0, 12) | |
hFile.WriteUInt(22) | |
DllCall("Kernel32.dll\FreeResource", "Ptr", hResData) | |
Buff := GetResource(hModule, nID, RT_ICON, nSize, hResData) | |
hFile.RawWrite(Buff + 0, nSize) | |
hFile.Close() | |
DllCall("Kernel32.dll\FreeResource", "Ptr", hResData) | |
DllCall("Kernel32.dll\FreeLibrary", "Ptr", hModule) | |
SB_SetText(FileN, 2) | |
Return | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
FindTarget: | |
StatusBarGetText, SB, 2, A | |
If FileExist(SB) | |
Run, %COMSPEC% /c "Explorer /select`, %SB%", ,Hide | |
Return | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
SetFolder: | |
ControlGetText, tFolder, , ahk_id %hSHAC% | |
If !InStr(FileExist(tFolder), "D") { | |
SplitPath, tFolder, , tFolder | |
StringUpper, tFolder, tFolder | |
ControlSetText, , %tFolder%, ahk_id %hSHAC% | |
} | |
Return | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
SelectFolder: | |
GoSub, SetFolder | |
FileSelectFolder, nFolder, *%tFolder%, , Select a Resource Folder | |
If (nFolder = "") | |
Return | |
ControlSetText, ,%nFolder%, ahk_id %hSHAC% | |
GoSub, SetFolder | |
GoSub, UpdateResourceList | |
Return | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
Accelerator: | |
If (A_GuiControl = "&File") | |
GuiControl, Focus, LVR | |
Else If (A_GuiControl = "&Icon") | |
GuiControl, Focus, LVI | |
ELse If (A_GuiControl = "A&ddress Bar") | |
GuiControl,Focus,tFolder | |
Else If (A_GuiControl = "&Reload") && FileExist(tFolder . "\" . File) { | |
FileAppend, %tFolder%\%File%, %A_Temp%\IconEx.tmp | |
Reload | |
} | |
Return | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
ApplyIconToFolder: | |
FileSelectFolder, applyFolder, ::{20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d}, 0, Apply FolderIcon | |
If (applyFolder= "" || ErrorLevel) | |
Return | |
DesktopIni := applyFolder . "\Desktop.ini" | |
IniRead, iconFile, %DesktopIni%, .ShellClassInfo, IconFile, %A_Space% | |
If (SubStr(iconFile, 1, 7) == "IconEx_") | |
FileDelete, %applyFolder%\%iconFile% | |
iconFile := ("IconEx_" . HashStr(A_Now) . ".ico") | |
FileN := applyFolder . "\" . iconFile | |
hModule := LoadLibraryEx(tFolder . "\" . File) | |
LV_GetText(IconGroup, RowNo, 1) | |
GoSub, WriteIcon | |
DllCall("Kernel32.dll\FreeLibrary", "Ptr", hModule) | |
SB_SetText(FileN, 2) | |
IniWrite, %IconFile%, %DesktopIni%, .ShellClassInfo, IconFile | |
IniWrite, 0 , %DesktopIni%, .ShellClassInfo, IconIndex | |
FileSetAttrib, +S, %applyFolder% | |
FileSetAttrib, +SH, %DesktopIni% | |
FileSetAttrib, +SH, %FileN% | |
; SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED := 0x8000000 | |
DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHChangeNotify", "Int", 0x8000000, "UInt", 0x0, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr" ,0) | |
Run, Properties "%applyFolder%" | |
Return | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
GuiContextMenu: | |
StatusBarGetText, SbTxt, 2, IconEx | |
StringTrimLeft, SbTxt, SbTxt, 14 | |
If (SubStr(SbTxt, 1, 4) = "save") | |
SendInput, {%KeyName%} | |
Return | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
GuiClose: | |
ExitApp | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
EnumResNameProc(hModule, lpszType, lpszName, lParam) { | |
Global IconGroups, IGCount | |
If (lpszName > 0xFFFF) | |
lpszName := StrGet(lpszName) | |
IconGroups .= (IconGroups <> "" ? "|" : "") . lpszName | |
IGCount++ | |
Return True | |
} | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
GetResource(hModule, rName, rType, ByRef nSize, ByRef hResData) { | |
Arg := (rName + 0 = "") ? &rName : rName | |
hResource := DllCall("Kernel32.dll\FindResource", "Ptr", hModule, "Ptr", Arg, "Ptr", rType, "UPtr") | |
nSize := DllCall("Kernel32.dll\SizeofResource", "Ptr", hModule, "Ptr", hResource, "UInt") | |
hResData := DllCall("Kernel32.dll\LoadResource", "Ptr", hModule, "Ptr" , hResource, "UPtr") | |
Return DllCall("Kernel32.dll\LockResource", "Ptr", hResData, "UPtr") | |
} | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
SaveIcon(Filename, Prompt := "Save Icon As") { | |
FileSelectFile, File, 16, %Filename%, %Prompt%, Icon (*.ico) | |
Return ((File <> "" && SubStr(File, -3) <> ".ico") ? File . ".ico" : File) | |
} | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
LoadLibraryEx(File) { | |
Return DllCall("Kernel32.dll\LoadLibraryEx", "Str", File, "Ptr", 0, "UInt", 0x02, "UPtr") | |
} | |
; ====================================================================================================================== | |
HashStr(sStr) { | |
VarSetCapacity(hHash, 16, 0) | |
DllCall("Shlwapi.dll\UrlHash", "Str", sStr, "UIntP", dHash, "UInt", 4) | |
If (A_IsUnicode) | |
DllCall("msvcrt.dll\swprintf", "Str", hHash, "Str", "%08X", "UInt", dHash) | |
Else | |
DllCall("msvcrt.dll\sprintf", "Str", hHash, "Str", "%08X", "UInt", dHash) | |
Return hHash | |
} |
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Is it possible to do something like this, but for bitmap image strips? Like toolbar icons (bitmaps) etc? This is really great for working with icons, thanks for sharing it. It makes it so much easier to find obscure icons deep inside of Window or another programs folder.