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Created May 17, 2018 11:38
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const c = console.log
function partialRight(fn,...presetArgs) {
return function partiallyApplied(...laterArgs){
return fn( ...laterArgs, ...presetArgs );
function reverseArgs(fn) {
return function argsReversed(...args){
return fn( ...args.reverse() );
function partial(fn,...presetArgs) {
return function partiallyApplied(...laterArgs){
return fn( ...presetArgs, ...laterArgs );
//Output to Input
function words(str) {
return String( str )
.split( /\s|\b/ )
.filter( function alpha(v){
return /^[\w]+$/.test( v );
} );
function unique(list) {
var uniqList = [];
for (let v of list) {
// value not yet in the new list?
if (uniqList.indexOf( v ) === -1 ) {
uniqList.push( v );
return uniqList;
var text = "To compose two functions together, pass the \
output of the first function call as the input of the \
second function call.";
var wordsFound = words( text );
var wordsUsed = unique( wordsFound );
// ["to","compose","two","functions","together","pass",
// "the","output","of","first","function","call","as",
// "input","second"]
function uniqueWords(str) {
return unique( words( str ) );
//Machine Making
function compose2(fn2,fn1) {
return function composed(origValue){
return fn2( fn1( origValue ) );
var uniqueWords = compose2( unique, words );
var letters = compose2( words, unique );
var chars = letters( "How are you Henry?" );
// ["h","o","w","a","r","e","y","u","n"]
//General Composition
function compose(...fns) {
return function composed(result){
// copy the array of functions
var list = [...fns];
while (list.length > 0) {
// take the last function off the end of the list
// and execute it
result = list.pop()( result );
return result;
function skipShortWords(words) {
var filteredWords = [];
for (let word of words) {
if (word.length > 4) {
filteredWords.push( word );
return filteredWords;
var text = "To compose two functions together, pass the \
output of the first function call as the input of the \
second function call.";
var biggerWords = compose( skipShortWords, unique, words );
var wordsUsed = biggerWords( text );
// ["compose","functions","together","output","first",
// "function","input","second"]
// Note: uses a `<= 4` check instead of the `> 4` check
// that `skipShortWords(..)` uses
function skipLongWords(words) {
var filteredWords = [];
for (let word of words) {
if (word.length <= 4) {
filteredWords.push( word );
return filteredWords;
var filterWords = partialRight( compose, unique, words );
var biggerWords = filterWords( skipShortWords );
var shorterWords = filterWords( skipLongWords );
biggerWords( text );
// ["compose","functions","together","output","first",
// "function","input","second"]
shorterWords( text );
// ["to","two","pass","the","of","call","as"]
//Alternative Implementationss
function compose(...fns) {
return function composed(result){
return [...fns].reverse().reduce( function reducer(result,fn){
return fn( result );
}, result );
//ostatnia wywołana funkcja moze przyjmować wiele argumentów
function compose(...fns) {
return fns.reverse().reduce( function reducer(fn1,fn2){
//argumenty w ostatniej funckji ['sdasd', 'asds']
return function composed(...args){
return fn2( fn1( ...args ) );
} );
//var biggerWords = compose( skipShortWords, unique, words );
//biggerWords('sdasd', 'asds')
function compose(...fns) {
// pull off the last two arguments
var [ fn1, fn2, ] = fns.reverse();
var composedFn = function composed(...args){
return fn2( fn1( ...args ) );
if (rest.length == 0) return composedFn;
return compose(, composedFn );
//Reordered Composition
function pipe(...fns) {
return function piped(result){
var list = [...fns];
while (list.length > 0) {
// take the first function from the list
// and execute it
result = list.shift()( result );
return result;
var pipe = reverseArgs( compose );
var filterWords = partialRight( compose, unique, words );
// vs
var filterWords = partial( pipe, words, unique ); //szybsze
function saveComment(txt) {
if (txt != "") {
comments[comments.length] = txt;
function trackEvent(evt) {
if ( !== undefined) {
events[] = evt;
function storeData(store,location,value) {
store[location] = value;
function saveComment(txt) {
if (txt != "") {
storeData( comments, comments.length, txt );
function trackEvent(evt) {
if ( !== undefined) {
storeData( events,, evt );
//Separation Enables Focus
function getData() {
return [1,2,3,4,5];
// imperative
var tmp = getData();
var a = tmp[0];
var b = tmp[3];
// declarative
var [ a ,,, b ] = getData();
//Composition as Abstraction
// imperative
function shorterWords(text) {
return skipLongWords( unique( words( text ) ) );
// declarative
var shorterWords = compose( skipLongWords, unique, words );
//Revisiting Points
function ajax(url, data, cb) {
c('ajax', url, data, cb)
if(url === 'http://some.api/order'){
const person = {personId: 10}
} else {
const person = {name: 'pawel'}
function output(txt) {
console.log( txt );
function extractName(person) {
function prop(name,obj) {
return obj[name];
function setProp(name,obj,val) {
var o = Object.assign( {}, obj );
o[name] = val;
return o;
function makeObjProp(name,value) {
return setProp( name, {}, value );
var getPerson = partial( ajax, "http://some.api/persons" );
var getLastOrder = partial( ajax, "http://some.api/order", { id: -1 } );
getLastOrder( function orderFound(order){
getPerson( { id: order.personId }, function personFound(person){
output( );
} );
} );
var extractName = partial( prop, "name" );
var outputPersonName = compose( output, extractName );
var processPerson = partialRight( getPerson, outputPersonName );
var personData = partial( makeObjProp, "id" );
var extractPersonId = partial( prop, "personId" );
var lookupPerson =
compose( processPerson, personData, extractPersonId );
//getLastOrder( lookupPerson );
c(compose(x => x+1, y => y+2, z=> z*3)(0)) //0*3=>0+2=>2+1 = 3
c(pipe(x => x+1, y => y+2, z=> z*3)(0)) // 0+1=>1+2=>3*3 = 9
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