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Last active April 12, 2022 13:48
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  • Save ALenfant/6766560 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ALenfant/6766560 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An implementation of the KSPA algorithm (for K-Shortest Paths based on A* found at, using the igraph library, in Python 3. This algorithm has the particularity of being able to find the k shortest paths in a multigraph (a graph, directed or not, with parallel edges). Implemented accor…
def heuristic_cost_estimate(graph, source, target):
#Possible implementation here
return 0 #Heuristic = 0 : same as Dijkstra
def reconstruct_path(came_from, current_node):
if current_node in came_from:
p = reconstruct_path(came_from, came_from[current_node])
return p + [current_node]
return [current_node]
def Astar(graph, source, target, weights=None):
closedset = set() #The set of nodes already evaluated.
openset = set([source]) #The set of tentative nodes to be evaluated, initially containing the start node
came_from = {} #The map of navigated nodes
g_score = {} #Cost from start along the best known path
f_score = {} # Estimated total cost from start to goal through y
g_score[source] = 0
f_score[source] = g_score[source] + heuristic_cost_estimate(graph, source, target)
while len(openset) > 0: #while openset is not empty
current = min(openset, key=f_score.get) #the node in openset having the lowest f_score[] value
if current == target:
return reconstruct_path(came_from, target)
for neighbor_edge in #graph.neighborhood(current, mode=igraph.OUT):
neighbor =
if weights == None:
tentative_g_score = g_score[current] + 1
tentative_g_score = g_score[current] + neighbor_edge[weights] #dist_between(current,neighbor)
if neighbor in closedset and tentative_g_score >= g_score[neighbor]:
if neighbor not in openset or tentative_g_score < g_score[neighbor]:
came_from[neighbor] = current
g_score[neighbor] = tentative_g_score
f_score[neighbor] = g_score[neighbor] + heuristic_cost_estimate(graph, neighbor, target)
if neighbor not in openset:
openset.add(neighbor) #add neighbor to openset
return None #Failure to find a path
#Tranforms a vertex sequence to the corresponding sequence of edges' "ids"
def VertexListToEdgeList(graph, nodelist, id_attribute, weights=None):
edge_list = []
for i in range(len(nodelist)-1):
if weights == None:
#No weights
edge =[i], _target=nodelist[i+1])
possible_edges =[i], _target=nodelist[i+1])
edge = possible_edges[0]
if len(possible_edges) > 1:
for possible_edge in possible_edges:
if possible_edge[weights] < edge[weights]:
edge = possible_edge
return edge_list
def contains(small, big):
for i in range(len(big)-len(small)+1):
for j in range(len(small)):
if big[i+j] != small[j]:
return i, i+len(small)
return False
def EdgeListCost(graph, edgelist, weights):
if weights == None:
#No weights, each edge is worth 1
potential_current_path_cost = len(edgelist)
potential_current_path_cost = sum([[edge][weights] for edge in edgelist])
return potential_current_path_cost
def KSPA(graph, source, target, num_paths, weights=None):
# Copy the graph because we will modify it
import copy
initial_graph = graph #Kept for cost calculations since sometimes edges are deleted
graph = copy.deepcopy(graph)
# Give another set of ids to the edges that will not change
for edge in
edge["abs_id"] = edge.index
# Copy the graph because we will modify it
import copy
graph = copy.deepcopy(graph)
##Step 1
import queue
optional_path = set() #Possible next paths to consider
optional_path_queue = queue.PriorityQueue() #Possible next paths to consider, with cost as priority (a get() will return the lowest-cost path inside)
optional_path_vertices = {} #Dict with each optional_path as keys containing paths in therms of vertices
current_path_vertices = Astar(graph, source, target, weights=weights) #Shortest path
if current_path_vertices == []:
return []
current_path = VertexListToEdgeList(graph, current_path_vertices, "abs_id", weights=weights) #to a list of edge "ids"
current_path = tuple(current_path) #To a tuple (to add in a set if necessary) #Current path to consider
result_path = [current_path] #Contains the results as paths of edges (identified by their id in the initial graph) by order of priority
result_path_vertices = [current_path_vertices] #Contains the results as path of vertices (identified by their id) (same order)
result_path_costs = [] #Contains the cost of each result
k = 1 #Number of shortest paths already computed
#Main loop
while True:
edges_to_delete = [] #Contains the edges to delete before trying to find the next shortest path
deleted_edges = [] #Contains a list of tuples (source, target, attributes) of the temporarily deleted edges
##Step 2
#If we have no more possible path or enough paths
if current_path == None or k >= num_paths:
break #Leave the main loop
##Step 3
#loop for every node until the end node
for i in range(len(current_path)):
edge_id = current_path[i]
node_j = current_path_vertices[i] = edge_id).source
path_before_node_j = current_path[:i] #Path until node j
path_before_node_j_vertices = current_path_vertices[:i]
##Step 4
#For each reachable node...
next_edges = [] #Will contain the list of outgoing edges that respect condition R
for next_edge in
#Condition R checks
if != node_j and not in path_before_node_j_vertices:
next_edges.append(next_edge["abs_id"]) #Condition R respected, we keep this edg
edge_to_delete = next_edge
for next_edge in next_edges:
#In order to avoid current_path from adding to optional_path again:
checked_path = path_before_node_j + (next_edge,) #New path tuple
set_of_paths_to_check = set()
set_of_paths_to_check = set_of_paths_to_check.union(result_path)
set_of_paths_to_check = set_of_paths_to_check.union(optional_path)
for path_to_check in set_of_paths_to_check:
if contains(checked_path, path_to_check) != False:
edge_to_delete =
#We'll delete later to avoid id conflicts/edge shuffling
##Step 5
#We will look for the next shortest path, let's delete the edges to delete
edges_to_delete =
for edge_to_delete in edges_to_delete:
if edge_to_delete.source != node_j:
raise Exception("Wrong edge to delete!") #References to edges shifted
deleted_edges.append((edge_to_delete.source,, edge_to_delete.attributes()))
edges_to_delete = [] #TODO placer correctement dans loop
if len( > 0:
raise Exception("Wrong edge deleted!") #References to edges shifted
#Then look for the next shortest path
new_shortest_path_vertices = Astar(graph, node_j, target, weights=weights) #Shortest path
#If there is one
if new_shortest_path_vertices != None:
#Find the used edge's "ids"
new_shortest_path = VertexListToEdgeList(graph, new_shortest_path_vertices, "abs_id", weights=weights) #to a list of edge "ids"
new_shortest_path = tuple(new_shortest_path) #To a tuple (to add in a set if necessary)
#We concatenate the shortest path between the node j and the end vertex to the left part of the path until j
new_optional_path = path_before_node_j + new_shortest_path
new_optional_path_vertices = path_before_node_j_vertices + new_shortest_path_vertices
new_optional_path_cost = EdgeListCost(initial_graph, new_optional_path, weights)
if[-1]).target != target:
raise Exception("Wrong selected path") #Safeguard
#We add the path to the list of possible ones
optional_path_vertices[new_optional_path] = new_optional_path_vertices #[ = edge_id).source for edge_id in new_optional_path] #we convert it to a list of vertex ids
optional_path_queue.put_nowait((new_optional_path_cost, new_optional_path))
#Delete all following edges
edges_to_delete =
for edge_to_delete in edges_to_delete:
if edge_to_delete.source != node_j:
raise Exception("Wrong edge to delete!") #References to edges shifted
deleted_edges.append((edge_to_delete.source,, edge_to_delete.attributes()))
edges_to_delete = []
#Next iteration (next node j)
#We tried all edges so we are at the end node
##Step 7
#We select the path with the minimal cost and consider it as current_path
if optional_path == None:
raise Exception("Error") #This should NOT happen, optional_path can be empty though
break #this will exit the loop since current_path == None
current_path_cost, current_path = optional_path_queue.get_nowait()
except queue.Empty:
print("No more possible paths")
if current_path == None:
raise Exception("error to manage")
current_path_vertices = optional_path_vertices[current_path] #We set the path containing vertices ids for the next iteration
#We have the path with the least cost
#We remove it from optional_path since it has been selected
#We've got a new path!
k = k + 1
##Step 8?
#TODO:Is it needed to add all edges back????
for deleted_edge in deleted_edges:
path_source, path_target, path_attributes = deleted_edge
graph.add_edge(path_source, path_target)[len( - 1].update_attributes(path_attributes)
deleted_edges = []
return result_path, result_path_vertices, result_path_costs
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Hi ALenfant,
I need to determine k-shortest paths in a multigraph, and find your above code to be the right fit to solve my problem.
I am new to complex Python programming, and find it hard as to how to make the code work.

Would you be able to share any input files and high-level instructions on how to execute this code.

I'll really appreciate your help on this.


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