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Last active June 19, 2022 02:04
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  • Save ALiwoto/07bc4907be9e60242df3eab97e0c905a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ALiwoto/07bc4907be9e60242df3eab97e0c905a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A few examples of creating particles2D in godot using only gdscript
class_name MyParticles2D01
extends Particles2D
# Declare member variables here. Examples:
# var a = 2
# var b = "text"
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
self.emitting = true
self.amount = 40
self.lifetime = 1.5
self.one_shot = false
self.preprocess = 0
self.speed_scale = 1
self.explosiveness = 0.07
self.randomness = 0
self.fixed_fps = 0
self.fract_delta = true
self.visibility_rect = Rect2(-100, -100, 200, 200)
self.local_coords = true
self.draw_order = Particles2D.DRAW_ORDER_INDEX
#Process Material:
self.process_material = self.get_process_material()
# Textures:
self.texture = load("res://resources/floaty_64.png")
# Transform:
# self.transform = Transform2D()
self.z_index = 0
self.z_as_relative = true
# Material:
self.material = self.get_material()
func get_process_material() -> Material:
var my_m :=
my_m.render_priority = 0
my_m.next_pass = null
# Time:
my_m.lifetime_randomness = 0
# Trail:
my_m.trail_divisor = 1
my_m.trail_size_modifier = null
my_m.trail_color_modifier = null
# Emission Shape:
my_m.emission_shape = ParticlesMaterial.EMISSION_SHAPE_SPHERE
my_m.emission_sphere_radius = 12
my_m.emission_ring_axis = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
# Flags:
my_m.flag_align_y = false
my_m.flag_rotate_y = false
my_m.flag_disable_z = true
# Direction:
my_m.direction = Vector3(1, 0, 1)
my_m.spread = 180
my_m.flatness = 0
# Gravity
my_m.gravity = Vector3(0, -100, 0)
# Initial Velocity:
my_m.initial_velocity = 50
my_m.initial_velocity_random = 0
# Angular Velocity:
my_m.angular_velocity = 100
my_m.angular_velocity_random = 1
my_m.angular_velocity_curve = null
# Orbit Velocity:
my_m.orbit_velocity = 0
my_m.orbit_velocity_random = 0
my_m.orbit_velocity_curve = null
# Linear Accel
my_m.linear_accel = 0
my_m.linear_accel_random = 0
my_m.linear_accel_curve = null
# Radial Accel:
my_m.radial_accel = 0
my_m.radial_accel_random = 0
my_m.radial_accel_curve = null
# Tangential Accel:
my_m.tangential_accel = 0
my_m.tangential_accel_random = 0
my_m.tangential_accel_curve = null
# Damping:
my_m.damping = 50
my_m.damping_random = 0
my_m.damping_curve = null
# Angle:
my_m.angle = 360
my_m.angle_random = 1
my_m.angle_curve = null
# Scale:
my_m.scale = 1
my_m.scale_random = 0.2
my_m.scale_curve = null
# Color:
my_m.color = Color.gray
# Hue Variation:
my_m.hue_variation = 0.01
my_m.hue_variation_random = 1
my_m.hue_variation_curve = null
# Animation:
my_m.anim_speed = 1
my_m.anim_speed_random = 0
my_m.anim_speed_curve = null
my_m.anim_offset = 0
my_m.anim_offset_random = 0
my_m.anim_offset_curve = null
return my_m
func get_material() -> Material:
var my_m :=
my_m.blend_mode = CanvasItemMaterial.BLEND_MODE_ADD
my_m.light_mode = CanvasItemMaterial.LIGHT_MODE_NORMAL
my_m.particles_animation = true
my_m.particles_anim_h_frames = 7
my_m.particles_anim_v_frames = 7
my_m.particles_anim_loop = false
my_m.render_priority = 0
my_m.next_pass = null
return my_m
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
#func _process(delta):
# pass
class_name MyParticles2D02
extends Particles2D
# Declare member variables here. Examples:
# var a = 2
# var b = "text"
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
self.emitting = true
self.amount = 20
self.lifetime = 1
self.one_shot = false
self.preprocess = 0
self.speed_scale = 1
self.explosiveness = 0.0
self.randomness = 0
self.fixed_fps = 0
self.fract_delta = true
self.visibility_rect = Rect2(-100, -100, 200, 200)
self.local_coords = true
self.draw_order = Particles2D.DRAW_ORDER_INDEX
#Process Material:
self.process_material = self.get_process_material()
# Textures:
self.texture = load("res://resources/offset_glow.png")
# Transform:
# self.transform = Transform2D()
self.z_index = 0
self.z_as_relative = true
# Material:
self.material = self.get_material()
func get_process_material() -> Material:
var my_m :=
my_m.render_priority = 0
my_m.next_pass = null
# Time:
my_m.lifetime_randomness = 0
# Trail:
my_m.trail_divisor = 1
my_m.trail_size_modifier = null
my_m.trail_color_modifier = null
# Emission Shape:
my_m.emission_shape = ParticlesMaterial.EMISSION_SHAPE_SPHERE
my_m.emission_sphere_radius = 5
my_m.emission_ring_axis = Vector3(0, 0, 1)
# Flags:
my_m.flag_align_y = false
my_m.flag_rotate_y = false
my_m.flag_disable_z = true
# Direction:
my_m.direction = Vector3(1, 0, 0)
my_m.spread = 45
my_m.flatness = 0
# Gravity
my_m.gravity = Vector3(0, -150, 0)
# Initial Velocity:
my_m.initial_velocity = 0
my_m.initial_velocity_random = 0
# Angular Velocity:
my_m.angular_velocity = 1
my_m.angular_velocity_random = 1
my_m.angular_velocity_curve = null
# Orbit Velocity:
my_m.orbit_velocity = 0
my_m.orbit_velocity_random = 0
my_m.orbit_velocity_curve = null
# Linear Accel
my_m.linear_accel = 0
my_m.linear_accel_random = 0
my_m.linear_accel_curve = null
# Radial Accel:
my_m.radial_accel = 0
my_m.radial_accel_random = 0
my_m.radial_accel_curve = null
# Tangential Accel:
my_m.tangential_accel = 0
my_m.tangential_accel_random = 0
my_m.tangential_accel_curve = null
# Damping:
my_m.damping = 0
my_m.damping_random = 0
my_m.damping_curve = null
# Angle:
my_m.angle = 360
my_m.angle_random = 1
my_m.angle_curve = null
# Scale:
my_m.scale = 0.5
my_m.scale_random = 0.3
my_m.scale_curve = null
# Color:
my_m.color = Color.gray
# Hue Variation:
my_m.hue_variation = 0.0
my_m.hue_variation_random = 0
my_m.hue_variation_curve = null
# Animation:
my_m.anim_speed = 0
my_m.anim_speed_random = 0
my_m.anim_speed_curve = null
my_m.anim_offset = 0
my_m.anim_offset_random = 0
my_m.anim_offset_curve = null
return my_m
func get_material() -> Material:
var my_m :=
my_m.blend_mode = CanvasItemMaterial.BLEND_MODE_ADD
my_m.light_mode = CanvasItemMaterial.LIGHT_MODE_NORMAL
my_m.particles_animation = false
# my_m.particles_anim_h_frames = 7
# my_m.particles_anim_v_frames = 7
# my_m.particles_anim_loop = false
my_m.render_priority = 0
my_m.next_pass = null
return my_m
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
#func _process(delta):
# pass
class_name MyParticles2D03
extends Particles2D
# Declare member variables here. Examples:
# var a = 2
# var b = "text"
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
self.emitting = true
self.amount = 6
self.lifetime = 1
self.one_shot = false
self.preprocess = 0
self.speed_scale = 1
self.explosiveness = 0.0
self.randomness = 0
self.fixed_fps = 0
self.fract_delta = true
self.visibility_rect = Rect2(-100, -100, 200, 200)
self.local_coords = true
self.draw_order = Particles2D.DRAW_ORDER_INDEX
#Process Material:
self.process_material = self.get_process_material()
# Textures:
self.texture = load("res://resources/random_selection.png")
# Transform:
self.transform = Transform2D(0.0, Vector2(-4, -4))
self.z_index = 0
self.z_as_relative = true
# Material:
self.material = self.get_material()
func get_process_material() -> Material:
var my_m :=
my_m.render_priority = 0
my_m.next_pass = null
# Time:
my_m.lifetime_randomness = 0
# Trail:
my_m.trail_divisor = 1
my_m.trail_size_modifier = null
my_m.trail_color_modifier = null
# Emission Shape:
my_m.emission_shape = ParticlesMaterial.EMISSION_SHAPE_POINT
my_m.emission_ring_axis = Vector3(0, 0, 1)
# Flags:
my_m.flag_align_y = false
my_m.flag_rotate_y = false
my_m.flag_disable_z = true
# Direction:
my_m.direction = Vector3(1, 0, 0)
my_m.spread = 45
my_m.flatness = 0
# Gravity
my_m.gravity = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
# Initial Velocity:
my_m.initial_velocity = 0
my_m.initial_velocity_random = 0
# Angular Velocity:
my_m.angular_velocity = 0
my_m.angular_velocity_random = 0
my_m.angular_velocity_curve = null
# Orbit Velocity:
my_m.orbit_velocity = 0
my_m.orbit_velocity_random = 0
my_m.orbit_velocity_curve = null
# Linear Accel
my_m.linear_accel = 0
my_m.linear_accel_random = 0
my_m.linear_accel_curve = null
# Radial Accel:
my_m.radial_accel = 0
my_m.radial_accel_random = 0
my_m.radial_accel_curve = null
# Tangential Accel:
my_m.tangential_accel = 0
my_m.tangential_accel_random = 0
my_m.tangential_accel_curve = null
# Damping:
my_m.damping = 0
my_m.damping_random = 0
my_m.damping_curve = null
# Angle:
my_m.angle = 360
my_m.angle_random = 1
my_m.angle_curve = null
# Scale:
my_m.scale = 1
my_m.scale_random = 0.3
my_m.scale_curve = null
# Color:
my_m.color = Color.gray
# Hue Variation:
my_m.hue_variation = 0.2
my_m.hue_variation_random = 1
my_m.hue_variation_curve = null
# Animation:
my_m.anim_speed = 0
my_m.anim_speed_random = 0
my_m.anim_speed_curve = null
my_m.anim_offset = 1
my_m.anim_offset_random = 1
my_m.anim_offset_curve = null
return my_m
func get_material() -> Material:
var my_m :=
my_m.blend_mode = CanvasItemMaterial.BLEND_MODE_ADD
my_m.light_mode = CanvasItemMaterial.LIGHT_MODE_NORMAL
my_m.particles_animation = true
my_m.particles_anim_h_frames = 3
my_m.particles_anim_v_frames = 1
# my_m.particles_anim_loop = false
my_m.render_priority = 0
my_m.next_pass = null
return my_m
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
#func _process(delta):
# pass
class_name MyParticles2D04
extends Particles2D
# Declare member variables here. Examples:
# var a = 2
# var b = "text"
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
self.emitting = true
self.amount = 4
self.lifetime = 1
self.one_shot = false
self.preprocess = 0
self.speed_scale = 1
self.explosiveness = 0.0
self.randomness = 0
self.fixed_fps = 0
self.fract_delta = true
self.visibility_rect = Rect2(-100, -100, 200, 200)
self.local_coords = true
self.draw_order = Particles2D.DRAW_ORDER_INDEX
#Process Material:
self.process_material = self.get_process_material()
# Textures:
self.texture = load("res://resources/effect_4.png")
# Transform:
self.transform = Transform2D(0.0, Vector2(-7, -6))
self.z_index = 0
self.z_as_relative = true
# Material:
self.material = self.get_material()
func get_process_material() -> Material:
var my_m :=
my_m.render_priority = 0
my_m.next_pass = null
# Time:
my_m.lifetime_randomness = 0
# Trail:
my_m.trail_divisor = 1
my_m.trail_size_modifier = null
my_m.trail_color_modifier = null
# Emission Shape:
my_m.emission_shape = ParticlesMaterial.EMISSION_SHAPE_POINT
my_m.emission_ring_axis = Vector3(0, 0, 1)
# Flags:
my_m.flag_align_y = false
my_m.flag_rotate_y = false
my_m.flag_disable_z = true
# Direction:
my_m.direction = Vector3(1, 0, 0)
my_m.spread = 45
my_m.flatness = 0
# Gravity
my_m.gravity = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
# Initial Velocity:
my_m.initial_velocity = 0
my_m.initial_velocity_random = 0
# Angular Velocity:
my_m.angular_velocity = -100
my_m.angular_velocity_random = 0
my_m.angular_velocity_curve = null
# Orbit Velocity:
my_m.orbit_velocity = 0
my_m.orbit_velocity_random = 0
my_m.orbit_velocity_curve = null
# Linear Accel
my_m.linear_accel = 0
my_m.linear_accel_random = 0
my_m.linear_accel_curve = null
# Radial Accel:
my_m.radial_accel = 0
my_m.radial_accel_random = 0
my_m.radial_accel_curve = null
# Tangential Accel:
my_m.tangential_accel = 0
my_m.tangential_accel_random = 0
my_m.tangential_accel_curve = null
# Damping:
my_m.damping = 0
my_m.damping_random = 0
my_m.damping_curve = null
# Angle:
my_m.angle = 360
my_m.angle_random = 1
my_m.angle_curve = null
# Scale:
my_m.scale = 1
my_m.scale_random = 0.0
my_m.scale_curve = null
# Color:
my_m.color = Color.gray
# Hue Variation:
my_m.hue_variation = 0.0
my_m.hue_variation_random = 0
my_m.hue_variation_curve = null
# Animation:
my_m.anim_speed = 0
my_m.anim_speed_random = 0
my_m.anim_speed_curve = null
my_m.anim_offset = 0
my_m.anim_offset_random = 0
my_m.anim_offset_curve = null
return my_m
func get_material() -> Material:
var my_m :=
my_m.blend_mode = CanvasItemMaterial.BLEND_MODE_ADD
my_m.light_mode = CanvasItemMaterial.LIGHT_MODE_NORMAL
my_m.particles_animation = false
# my_m.particles_anim_h_frames = 3
# my_m.particles_anim_v_frames = 1
# my_m.particles_anim_loop = false
my_m.render_priority = 0
my_m.next_pass = null
return my_m
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
#func _process(delta):
# pass
class_name MyParticles2D05
extends Particles2D
# Declare member variables here. Examples:
# var a = 2
# var b = "text"
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
self.emitting = true
self.amount = 5
self.lifetime = 1
self.one_shot = false
self.preprocess = 0
self.speed_scale = 1
self.explosiveness = 0.08
self.randomness = 0
self.fixed_fps = 0
self.fract_delta = true
self.visibility_rect = Rect2(-100, -100, 200, 200)
self.local_coords = true
self.draw_order = Particles2D.DRAW_ORDER_INDEX
#Process Material:
self.process_material = self.get_process_material()
# Textures:
self.texture = load("res://resources/spotlight_8.png")
# Transform:
self.transform = Transform2D(0.0, Vector2(-11, -6))
self.z_index = 0
self.z_as_relative = true
# Material:
self.material = self.get_material()
func get_process_material() -> Material:
var my_m :=
my_m.render_priority = 0
my_m.next_pass = null
# Time:
my_m.lifetime_randomness = 0
# Trail:
my_m.trail_divisor = 1
my_m.trail_size_modifier = null
my_m.trail_color_modifier = null
# Emission Shape:
my_m.emission_shape = ParticlesMaterial.EMISSION_SHAPE_BOX
my_m.emission_box_extents = Vector3(20, 30, 1)
my_m.emission_ring_axis = Vector3(0, 0, 1)
# Flags:
my_m.flag_align_y = false
my_m.flag_rotate_y = false
my_m.flag_disable_z = true
# Direction:
my_m.direction = Vector3(1, 0, 0)
my_m.spread = 45
my_m.flatness = 0
# Gravity
my_m.gravity = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
# Initial Velocity:
my_m.initial_velocity = 0
my_m.initial_velocity_random = 0
# Angular Velocity:
my_m.angular_velocity = 0
my_m.angular_velocity_random = 0
my_m.angular_velocity_curve = null
# Orbit Velocity:
my_m.orbit_velocity = 0
my_m.orbit_velocity_random = 0
my_m.orbit_velocity_curve = null
# Linear Accel
my_m.linear_accel = 0
my_m.linear_accel_random = 0
my_m.linear_accel_curve = null
# Radial Accel:
my_m.radial_accel = 0
my_m.radial_accel_random = 0
my_m.radial_accel_curve = null
# Tangential Accel:
my_m.tangential_accel = 0
my_m.tangential_accel_random = 0
my_m.tangential_accel_curve = null
# Damping:
my_m.damping = 0
my_m.damping_random = 0
my_m.damping_curve = null
# Angle:
my_m.angle = 0
my_m.angle_random = 0
my_m.angle_curve = null
# Scale:
my_m.scale = 0.3
my_m.scale_random = 0.3
my_m.scale_curve = load("res://new_curvetexture.curvetex")
# Color:
my_m.color = Color.gray
# Hue Variation:
my_m.hue_variation = 0.0
my_m.hue_variation_random = 0
my_m.hue_variation_curve = null
# Animation:
my_m.anim_speed = 0
my_m.anim_speed_random = 0
my_m.anim_speed_curve = null
my_m.anim_offset = 0
my_m.anim_offset_random = 0
my_m.anim_offset_curve = null
return my_m
func get_material() -> Material:
var my_m :=
my_m.blend_mode = CanvasItemMaterial.BLEND_MODE_ADD
my_m.light_mode = CanvasItemMaterial.LIGHT_MODE_NORMAL
my_m.particles_animation = false
# my_m.particles_anim_h_frames = 3
# my_m.particles_anim_v_frames = 1
# my_m.particles_anim_loop = false
my_m.render_priority = 0
my_m.next_pass = null
return my_m
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
#func _process(delta):
# pass
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ALiwoto commented Jun 19, 2022

● float angular_velocity [default: 0.0]
    set_param(value) setter
    get_param() getter

Initial angular velocity applied to each particle. Sets the speed of rotation of the particle.

Only applied when flag_disable_z or flag_rotate_y are true or the SpatialMaterial being used to draw the particle is using SpatialMaterial.BILLBOARD_PARTICLES.

Min: -720
Max: +720

● float angular_velocity_random [default: 0.0]
    set_param_randomness(value) setter
    get_param_randomness() getter

Angular velocity randomness ratio.

Min: 0.00
Max: 1.00

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ALiwoto commented Jun 19, 2022

● float tangential_accel [default: 0.0]
    set_param(value) setter
    get_param() getter

Tangential acceleration applied to each particle. Tangential acceleration is perpendicular to the particle's velocity giving the particles a swirling motion.

Min: -100
Max: 100

● float tangential_accel_random [default: 0.0]
    set_param_randomness(value) setter
    get_param_randomness() getter

Tangential acceleration randomness ratio.

Min: 0.00
Max: 1.00

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ALiwoto commented Jun 19, 2022

● float damping [default: 0.0]
    set_param(value) setter
    get_param() getter

The rate at which particles lose velocity.

Min: 0
Max: 100

● float damping_random [default: 0.0]set_param_randomness(value) setterget_param_randomness() getter

Damping randomness ratio.

Min: 0.00
Max: 1.00

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ALiwoto commented Jun 19, 2022

● float angle [default: 0.0]
    set_param(value) setter
    get_param() getter

Initial rotation applied to each particle, in degrees.

Only applied when flag_disable_z or flag_rotate_y are true or the SpatialMaterial being used to draw the particle is using SpatialMaterial.BILLBOARD_PARTICLES.

Min: -720
Max: 720

● float angle_random [default: 0.0]
    set_param_randomness(value) setter
    get_param_randomness() getter

Rotation randomness ratio.

Min: 0.00
Max: 1.00

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ALiwoto commented Jun 19, 2022

● float scale [default: 1.0]
    set_param(value) setter
    get_param() getter

Initial scale applied to each particle.

warning: don't increase this property too much, you might not even be able to see any particle in the screen if you increase it too much.

Min: 0.00
Max: 1000.00

● float scale_random [default: 0.0]set_param_randomness(value) setterget_param_randomness() getter

Scale randomness ratio.

Min: 0.00
Max: 1.00

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ALiwoto commented Jun 19, 2022

● float hue_variation [default: 0.0]
    set_param(value) setter
    get_param() getter

Initial hue variation applied to each particle.

Min: -1.00
Max: 1.00

Important if you have set hue_variation property to a non-zero value

● float hue_variation_random [default: 0.0]
    set_param_randomness(value) setter
    get_param_randomness() getter

Hue variation randomness ratio.

Min: 0.00
Max: 1.00

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ALiwoto commented Jun 19, 2022

● float anim_speed [default: 0.0]
    set_param(value) setter
    get_param() getter

Particle animation speed.

Min: 0.00
Max: 128.00

● float anim_speed_random [default: 0.0]
    set_param_randomness(value) setter
    get_param_randomness() getter

Animation speed randomness ratio.

Min: 0.00
Max: 1.00

● float anim_offset [default: 0.0]
    set_param(value) setter
    get_param() getter

Particle animation offset.

Min: 0.00
Max: 1.00

● float anim_offset_random [default: 0.0]
    set_param_randomness(value) setter
    get_param_randomness() getter

Animation offset randomness ratio.

Min: 0.00
Max: 1.00

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