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ANemcov /
Created July 30, 2017 09:08 — forked from aterreno/
Script to migrate elastic search index mappings between one host and another one
declare -a indexes=(gallery linklist module pageversion poll standardmodule styles video)
echo "Getting mappings from: $SOURCE_URI"
for index in ${indexes[@]}
ANemcov /
Created December 27, 2015 18:50 — forked from skhatri/
remove big files from git history
#list top 10 big files
index_file=$(ls .git/objects/pack/pack-*.idx)
for x in $(git verify-pack -v $index_file| sort -k 3 -n | tail -10); do
git rev-list --objects --all | grep $x
#remove all war
git filter-branch -f --index-filter 'git rm -rf --cached --ignore-unmatch *.war' -- --all
ANemcov / etc_monit_conf.d_local
Created December 19, 2015 09:23 — forked from mikluko/etc_monit_conf.d_local
Monit config to monitor and keep alive ppp connection
set mailserver localhost
set daemon 120 with start delay 240
set logfile syslog facility log_daemon
set httpd port 2812
allow localhost
set alert [email protected]
check host internet with address
if failed icmp type echo count 5 with timeout 30 seconds