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Created February 18, 2019 20:05
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StreamZipper with Comonad Instance
import cats._
import cats.implicits._
case class StreamZipper[A](left: Stream[A], focus: A, right: Stream[A]) {
def moveLeft: StreamZipper[A] =
if (left.isEmpty) this
else new StreamZipper[A](left.tail, left.head, focus #:: right)
def moveRight: StreamZipper[A] =
if (right.isEmpty) this
else new StreamZipper[A](focus #:: left, right.head, right.tail)
private lazy val lefts: Stream[StreamZipper[A]] = Stream.iterate(this)(_.moveLeft)
private lazy val rights: Stream[StreamZipper[A]] = Stream.iterate(this)(_.moveRight)
lazy val cojoin = new StreamZipper(lefts, this, rights)
def toList: List[A] = left.toList.reverse ++ List(focus) ++ right.toList
def toIterable: Iterable[A] = left.reverse ++ Iterable(focus) ++ right
object StreamZipper {
def apply[A](left: List[A], focus: A, right: List[A]): StreamZipper[A] = new StreamZipper(left.reverse
.toStream, focus, right.toStream)
def apply[A](ls: Seq[A]): StreamZipper[A] = new StreamZipper(Stream.empty[A], ls.head, ls.tail.toStream)
implicit object ZipperCoMonad extends Comonad[StreamZipper] {
override def extract[A](x: StreamZipper[A]): A = x.focus
override def coflatMap[A, B](fa: StreamZipper[A])(f: StreamZipper[A] => B): StreamZipper[B] =
override def map[A, B](fa: StreamZipper[A])(f: A => B): StreamZipper[B] =
new StreamZipper(, f(fa.focus),
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