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Last active June 21, 2020 06:08
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A script to convert all personal GitHub repos' default branch from 'master' to 'main'
#! /bin/bash
# The script requires jq ( and gh-cli ( > 0.10
# It assumes the current user is already logged into their GitHub account, and that they have SSH access set up
# with `gh config set git_protocol ssh`
# The script goes over all (up to 100) personal, non-archived, non-forked repositories, that currently has 'master' as
# their default branch and replaces it with NEW_DEFAULT (defined as 'main', but can be easily changed)
# It clones a new local repo from each one, creates a NEW_DEFAULT branch in it, pushes it, and also sets it as the
# default branch in GitHub.
# The script *does not* change or update any existing local repos. This will have to be done manually, or with a
# different script.
# used samples and tips from (thanks, metcalfc)
LOGIN=$(gh api graphql -f query='query b{
viewer {
}' | jq '.data.viewer.login' --raw-output -)
REPOSITORIES=($(gh api graphql -F q='user:${LOGIN} fork:false archived:false' -f query='query($q:String!) {
repos: search(query: $q, type: REPOSITORY, first: 100) {
edges {
node {
... on Repository {
defaultBranchRef {
}' | jq '.data.repos.edges[] | select ("master") |' --raw-output -))
echo "Updating ${#REPOSITORIES[@]} repositories"
for i in "${REPOSITORIES[@]}"; do
echo "updating ${i}"
gh repo clone $i "${TEMP_FOLDER}" || exit 1
OLD_DEFAULT=$(gh api "repos/:owner/:repo" | jq '.default_branch' --raw-output) || exit 1
git checkout -b "$NEW_DEFAULT" "origin/${OLD_DEFAULT}" --no-track || exit 1
git push -u origin "$NEW_DEFAULT" || exit 1
git REMOTE set-head origin "$NEW_DEFAULT" || exit 1
gh api -XPATCH "repos/:owner/:repo" -f default_branch="$NEW_DEFAULT" >/dev/null || exit 1
cd ..
rm -rf ${TEMP_FOLDER}
echo "done ${i}"
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