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Last active October 15, 2020 15:49
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EnrichedHeatmap example code
#/ A minimal example on how to use EnrichedHeatmap together with rtracklayer.
#/ Required data are at
#/ Go for the files :
#/ "GSM3045250_N_ATAC_Kaech_1_peaks.broadPeak.gz" and (genomic regions in BED-like format)
#/ "" (the bigwig files with read counts)
#/ Load a BED file into R with data.table::fread(),
#/ then convert to GRanges format with GenomicRanges::GRanges():
targets <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(
df = fread("GSM3045250_N_ATAC_Kaech_1_peaks.broadPeak.gz", header = FALSE, data.table = FALSE),
seqnames.field = "V1", start.field = "V2", end.field = "V3")
#/ For this tutorial we take the first 10000 regions rather than the full file:
targets <- head(targets, 10000)
#/ We take the center of each region/peak and want to extend by 5kb each direction:
ExtendSize <- 5000
targets.extended <- resize(targets, fix = "center", width = ExtendSize*2)
#/ We load the relevant parts of the bigwig file into R.
#/ This is more efficient than reading the entire file.
BigWig <- rtracklayer::import("",
format = "BigWig",
selection = BigWigSelection(targets.extended))
#/ Create the normalizedMatrix that EnrichedHeatmap accepts as input.
#/ We use the targets center (width=1) because from what I understand normalizeMatrix
#/ does not allow to turn off its "extend" option. Therefore we trick it by simply
#/ providing the peak centers and then let the function extend it by our predefined window size.
normMatrix <- normalizeToMatrix(signal = BigWig,
target = resize(targets, fix = "center", width = 1),
background = 0,
keep = c(0, 0.99), #/ minimal value to the 99th percentile
target_ratio = 0,
mean_mode = "w0", #/ see ?EnrichedHeatmap on other options
value_column = "score", #/ = the name of the 4th column of the bigwig
extend = ExtendSize)
#/ Make a color gradient that covers the range of normMatrix from 0 to the 99th percentile.
#/ The percentile avoids outliers to skew the heatmap:
col_fun = circlize::colorRamp2(quantile(normMatrix, c(0, .99)), c("darkblue", "darkgoldenrod1"))
#/ heatmap function:
EH <- EnrichedHeatmap( mat = normMatrix,
pos_line = FALSE, #/ no dashed lines around the start
border = FALSE, #/ no box around heatmap
col = col_fun, #/ color gradients from above
column_title = "Nice Heatmap", #/ column title
column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 15, fontfamily = "sans"),
use_raster = TRUE, raster_quality = 10, raster_device = "png",
#/ turn off background colors
rect_gp = gpar(col = "transparent"),
#/ legend options:
heatmap_legend_param = list(
legend_direction = "horizontal",
title = "normalized counts"),
#/ options for the profile plot on top of the heatmap:
top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(
enriched = anno_enriched(
gp = gpar(col = "black", lty = 1, lwd=2),
) #/ end of EnrichedHeatmap function
#/ Save as pdf to disk:
draw(EH, #/ plot the heatmap from above
heatmap_legend_side = "bottom", #/ we want the legend below the heatmap
annotation_legend_side = "bottom", #/ legend on the bottom side
padding = unit(c(4, 4, 4, 4), "mm") #/ some padding to avoid labels beyond plot borders
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