- ZF2 - Web Development with Zend Framework 2 - Concepts, Techniques and Practical Solutions by Michael Romer
- ZF2 - Getting Started with Zend Framework 2 - ZF2 Official documentation to start an ZF2 app from 0.
- ZF2 - Getting Started with Rest and Zend Framework 2
- ZF2 - Understanding the Zend Framework 2 event manager
- ZF2 - Using ZFTool for Basic Project Management
- ApiAgility - API Builder, designed to simplify creating and maintaining useful, easy to consume, and well structured APIs.
- ZF2 - ZfcUser
- Doctrine
- DB Migrations
- ZF2 - Phinx - database migration tool
- phpmig - Phpmig is a (database) migration tool for php, that should be adaptable for use with most PHP 5.3+ projects.
- ZF2 - DluTwBootstrap - Facilitates the usage of Twitter Bootstrap in ZF2 applications.
- ZF2 - AssetManager - provides functionality to load assets and static files from your module directories through simple configuration.
- ZF2 - Imbo
- Imbo - image "server" that can be used to add/get/delete images using a REST interface
- ZF2 - EdpModuleLayouts - allows you to specify alternative layouts to use for each module.
- ZF2 - SpiffyRoutes Module - make setting up routes quicker by providing annotations that can be used directly on the controllers/actions themselves.
- Faker - library that generates fake data for you.
- Whoops - php errors for cool kids
- Zend Framework 2 modules by Kyle Spraggs - @spiffyjr
- Zend Framework 2 modules by Wesley Overdijk - @RWOverdijk
- Robo Task - PHP task runner
- Json Schema validation
- http://json-schema.org/
- Understanding JSON Schema
Testing PHP application resources
- Codecepion - Modern Testing in PHP
- Behat - A php framework for testing your business expectations. - BDD
- PHP Quality Assurance Toolchain
- PHP-VCR - Record HTTP interactions in your tests
- PHPdbg - The Interactive PHP Debugger
- psysh - A runtime developer console, interactive debugger and REPL for PHP.
- Sensiolabs Security Checker
- Roave Security Advisories
- Blog post: http://ocramius.github.io/blog/roave-security-advisories-protect-against-composer-packages-with-security-issues/
- The Grumpy Programmer's PHPUnit Cookbook
- The Grumpy Programmer's Guide To Building Testable PHP Applications
- Kevin Schroeder
- Matthew Weier O'Phinney - @mwop
- Rob Allen
- Evan Coury - @EvanDotPro
- Manuel Stosic
- Michael Gallego t
- PuPHPet - a simple GUI to set up virtual machines for PHP development.