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Created September 8, 2021 14:57
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Experimental code to match robots.txt rules against a given path.
const patterns = [
const path = '/ab'
//'/aabaabc'; // we need to get this working
//'/aabaabcebced'; // and this one too :D
//'/aabaabxcde'; // this should not work...
function doesRuleMatch(pattern, path) {
const patternChars = pattern.split('');
// walk through the pattern, character by character...
for(let patternPos = 0; patternPos < patternChars.length; patternPos++) {
// if $ appears at the end of the pattern and the path length equals the pattern length, the pattern matches the path.
if(patternChars[patternPos] === '$' && patternPos === (patternChars.length - 1) && path.length == patternPos) {
return true;
// if a wildcard character appears in the pattern..
if (patternChars[patternPos] === '*') {
// when the wildcard is the last character of the pattern, the pattern matches the path
if(patternPos == patternChars.length - 1) {
return true;
// skip to the next character in the pattern
const subPatternStartPos = patternPos + 1;
let subPatternPos = subPatternStartPos;
let subPatternChar = patternChars[subPatternPos];
// find a position where it matches the path
for(let pathPos = patternPos; pathPos < path.length; pathPos++) {
// if the current path character is not the next pattern character and we're not looking at the first subpattern character,
// then reset to the first subpattern character and try this path character again.
// if the current path character is the next pattern character
// then increase the subpatternPos, update subPatternChar and if there are no more subpattern characters, return true.
if(path[pathPos] !== subPatternChar && subPatternPos > subPatternStartPos) {
pathPos--; // check this path character again
subPatternPos = subPatternStartPos; // set subPatternPos back to the first pattern position after the wildcard
subPatternChar = patternChars[subPatternPos]; // reset subPatternChar to the first pattern character after the wildcard
} else if(path[pathPos] === subPatternChar) {
// if no more pattern characters are left, we know the pattern matches the path
if(subPatternPos == patternChars.length) {
return true;
subPatternChar = patternChars[subPatternPos]; // if there are pattern chars left over, we continue our search
else if(patternChars[patternPos] !== path[patternPos]) {
// if the pattern contains a different character than the path at the current position, the pattern doesn't match.
return false;
return true;
console.log( => doesRuleMatch(pattern, path)));
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