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Last active October 2, 2023 04:58
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Game of Life for R216K2A
; Game of Life for R216K2A with RT2
; v1.02
; There is no figures included in the source (Too painful to add them with dw)
; So you'll have to add them yourself with the PROP tool after compiling the code
; Base position: cell 384 (First cell of line 4 of RAM)
; R0 = Terminal port
; R1 = Current cell position
; R2 = Target cell position
; R3 = Current line
; R4 = Used for counting nearby cells
; R5 = Total frame count
; R6 = PrintText and PrintHex argument
; R7 = Used by PrintText and PrintHex
mov sp, 0
mov r0, 0
mov r5, 0
bump r0
send r0, 0x200F ; Set colors
send r0, 0x10B0 ; Write to the last line of the screen
call PrintText
mov r6, r5
add r5, 0x0001
call PrintHex
send r0, 0x1000
mov r1, 384
mov r2, 400 ; Base position (384) + Line length (16)
mov r3, 0
xor r4, r4
add r4, [r1 - 129]
add r4, [r1 - 128]
add r4, [r1 - 127]
add r4, [r1 - 1]
add r4, [r1 + 1]
add r4, [r1 + 127]
add r4, [r1 + 128]
add r4, [r1 + 129]
cmp r4, 2
jl .CellIsDead
jg .NotTwoCells
cmp [r1], 1
jne .CellIsDead
jmp .CellIsAlive
cmp r4, 3
jne .CellIsDead
mov [r1 + 64], 1
send r0, '*'
jmp .EvaluateOut
mov [r1 + 64], 0
send r0, ' '
add r1, 1
cmp r1, r2
jne .LineLoop
add r1, 112 ; Set base position to the next line
add r2, 128 ; And set the target position to the (Next line + line length)
add r3, 1 ; Add 1 to line count
cmp r3, 11 ; Check if current line is 12 (Counting from 0 so 11)
jne .CalculateLine
; WriteBack
; R1 = First cell of the line position
; R2 = Unused (Since V1.02)
; R3 = Current line
; R4 = ""Copying buffer""
mov r1, 448
mov r3, 0
; Manually unrolled to copy 16 cells (An entire line) per iteration
mov r4, [r1] ; 0
mov [r1 - 64], r4 ; 0
mov r4, [r1 + 1] ; 1
mov [r1 - 63], r4 ; 1
mov r4, [r1 + 2] ; 2
mov [r1 - 62], r4 ; 2
mov r4, [r1 + 3] ; 3
mov [r1 - 61], r4 ; 3
mov r4, [r1 + 4] ; 4
mov [r1 - 60], r4 ; 4
mov r4, [r1 + 5] ; 5
mov [r1 - 59], r4 ; 5
mov r4, [r1 + 6] ; 6
mov [r1 - 58], r4 ; 6
mov r4, [r1 + 7] ; 7
mov [r1 - 57], r4 ; 7
mov r4, [r1 + 8] ; 8
mov [r1 - 56], r4 ; 8
mov r4, [r1 + 9] ; 9
mov [r1 - 55], r4 ; 9
mov r4, [r1 + 10] ; 10
mov [r1 - 54], r4 ; 10
mov r4, [r1 + 11] ; 11
mov [r1 - 53], r4 ; 11
mov r4, [r1 + 12] ; 12
mov [r1 - 52], r4 ; 12
mov r4, [r1 + 13] ; 13
mov [r1 - 51], r4 ; 13
mov r4, [r1 + 14] ; 14
mov [r1 - 50], r4 ; 14
mov r4, [r1 + 15] ; 15
mov [r1 - 49], r4 ; 15
add r1, 128 ; Set target position to the next line
add r3, 1 ; Add 1 to line count
cmp r3, 11 ; Check if current line is 12 (Counting from 0 so 11)
jne WriteBackLine
jmp CalculateFrame
mov r7, [r6]
send r0, r7
add r6, 1
mov r7, [r6]
jnz .PrintChar
mov r7, r6
and r7, 0xF000
shr r7, 12
send r0, [.TABLE + r7]
mov r7, r6
and r7, 0x0F00
shr r7, 8
send r0, [.TABLE + r7]
mov r7, r6
and r7, 0x00F0
shr r7, 4
send r0, [.TABLE + r7]
mov r7, r6
and r7, 0x000F
send r0, [.TABLE + r7]
.TABLE: dw "0123456789ABCDEF"
.FRAMES: dw "Frame: 0x", 0
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