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Last active October 3, 2015 07:25
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Information on proxy servers, installation, and use in the python programming language.
Author: Aaron Phalen | Twitter: @aaron_phalen | Email: [email protected]
Understading Proxy Servers With Examples in Python
In this succinct gist, a theory behind the workings, types, and configuration of a
proxy server will be discussed. Additionally, types of proxies, basic legality, and
purpose of proxy use will be touched upon. Basic examples will show utilizing a proxy
for http requests in the python programming language.
What Is A Proxy Server?:
In layman terms, a proxy is the use of a network to conceal the original
destination of a network request. More frequently this requests is
an http request, which is the most common way to request data from a website.
Types Of Proxies:
1) Transparent Proxy - A proxy that identifies itself with the server as a proxy and does not
conceal the original ip address of the network request. Instead, the ip address is attached
to the header of the request, which is useful for caching websites or less frequently
avoiding ip bans. When you think of a transparent proxy, think about the request being
transparent in how it communicates and identifies itself with the server.
2) Anonymous Proxy - A proxy that indentifies itself with the server as a proxy and conceals
the orignal ip address of the request with reasonable success.
3) Distorting Proxy - A proxy that identifies itself with the server as a proxy, however
makes an incorrect original network ip address available in request headers.
4) High Anonymity Proxy - A proxy server that does not identify with the server as a proxy,
and does not make available the original ip address.
Proxy Risks: Anyone looking to use a proxy server, needs to consider what information they will
be passing through the proxy, along with considering a reputation of a proxy server
company. An unknown proxy server company (run by crooks, hackers, whomever) coupled
with exposed unencrypted data during transporation, will jeopardize your data and
web security.
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