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Last active November 3, 2015 05:02
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Effective use of markdown in plain text file for seamless html conversion.
Author: Aaron R. Phalen | Twitter: @aaron_phalen | Email: [email protected]
Markdown language is a programming syntax used to seamlessly convert markdown plain text files into html documents.
Included below are examples of the syntax for writing effective markdown.
Tutorial Time:
10 minutes
1. Italicized Text
Example: _This text will be in italics._
2. Bold Text
Example: **This text will be bold.**
3. Combining Bold Text and Itaicized Text
Example: _**This text will be bold and in italics**_
4. Header
a) #Header One --> <h1>
b) #Header Two --> <h2>
c) #Header Three --> <h3>
d) #Header Four --> <h4>
e) #Header Five --> <h5>
f) #Header Six --> <h6>
Note: Headers cannot be made both or italics, however words or groups of word can be italicized.
#Header _Six_
5. Linking To Website
[google]( --> google
link text can be made bold or italics for emphasis.
[**BuyzDirect**]( BuyzDirect
6. Linking To Images
[!image]( images
image link text can be made bold or italics for emphasis.
7. Block Text (useful with quotations as illustrated below)
>"This is a block quite that is used to call emphasis to text" --> "This is a block quote
that is used to call
emphasis to text."
8. Unordered List w/ Bullet Points
* One
* Two
* Three
9. Ordered List
1. Elon Musk
2. Donald J. Trump
3. Jeff Bezos
10. Nested List
* Calculus
* Sports
* Soccer
* Basketball
* Colors
1. red
2. blue
11. Paragraph Formatting
a) Hard Break
b) Soft Break
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