Users | type |
id | Int |
firstName | String (Max length: 30 chars) |
lastName | String (Max length: 30 chars) |
userName | String (Max length: 30 chars) |
password | string (min length:6 chars) |
The document root /var/www/html of all web apps is on NFS share /data on storage server in Stratos Datacenter. We have a requirement where we want to password protect a directory in the Apache web server document root.
URL as per the following requirements (you can use any website-url for it like localhost since there are no such specific requirements as of now):
Nautilus system admin's team is planning to deploy a front end application for their backup utility on Nautilus Backup Server, so that they can manage the backups of different websites from a graphical user interface. They have shared requirements to set up the same; please accomplish the tasks as per detail given below:
a. Install Apache Server on Nautilus Backup Server and configure it to use 8087 port (do not bind it to only, keep it default i.e let Apache listen on server's IP, hostname, localhost, etc).
The Nautilus application development team has shared that they are planning to deploy one newly developed application on Nautilus infra in Stratos DC. The application uses PostgreSQL database, so as a pre-requisite we need to set up PostgreSQL database server as per requirements shared below:
c. Create a database kodekloud_db10 and grant full permissions to user kodekloud_rin on this database.
d. Make appropriate settings to allow all local clients (local socket connections) to connect to the kodekloud_db10 database through kodekloud_rin user using md5 method (Please do not try to encrypt password with md5sum).
We have a backup management application UI hosted on Nautilus's backup server in Stratos DC. That backup management application code is deployed under Apache on the backup server itself, and Nginx is running as a reverse proxy on the same server. Apache and Nginx ports are 8086 and 8095, respectively. We have iptables firewall installed on this server. Make the appropriate changes to fulfill the requirements mentioned below: We want to open all incoming connections to Nginx's port and block all incoming connections to Apache's port. Also make sure rules are permanent.
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8099 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 6300 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j REJECT
The Nautilus system admins team has prepared scripts to automate several day-to-day tasks. They want them to be deployed on all app servers in Stratos DC on a set schedule. Before that they need to test similar functionality with a sample cron job. Therefore, perform the steps below:
ssh tony@stapp01
Linux Network Services
Our monitoring tool has reported an issue in Stratos Datacenter. One of our app servers has an issue, as its Apache service is not reachable on port 5003 (which is our Apache port). The service itself could be down, the firewall could be at fault, or something else could be causing the issue. Use tools like telnet, netstat, etc. to find and fix the issue. Also make sure Apache is reachable from the jump host without compromising any security settings.
ssh tony@stapp01
sudo su
The System admin team of xFusionCorp Industries has installed a backup agent tool on all app servers. As per the tool's requirements they need to create a user with a non-interactive shell.Therefore, create a user named mark with a non-interactive shell in the app02 server
ssh tony@stapp01 ## AppServer 1 Pass= Ir0nM@n
### OR
ssh steve@stapp02 ## Appserver 2 Pass = Am3ric@
### OR
xFusionCorp Industries has hosted several static websites on Nautilus Application Servers in Stratos DC. There are some confidential directories on document root that need to be password protected. Because they are using Apache for hosting the websites, the production support team has decided to use .htaccess with basic auth. There is a website that needs to be uploaded to /var/www/html/dba on Nautilus App Server 2. However, we need to set up the authentication before that. Create /var/www/html/dba directory if doesn't exist. Add a user mariyam in htpasswd and set its password to BruCStnMT5. There is a file /tmp/index.html placed on Jump Server. Copy the same to new directory you created, please make sure default document root should remain /var/www/html. Also website should work on URL http://app-server-hostname:port/dba
ssh steve@stapp02