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Abhisirwabotofc / abhi
Created March 6, 2022 09:48
/*Copyright @mr.jasim use it on your risk. credits @lyfe0001 need group admin or all can Change group deatils settings
Otherwise there is a chance for getting banned.*/
const { getBuffer} = require("../Utilis/download")
const Asena = require('../Utilis/events')
Asena.addCommand({ pattern: 'abhiheck ?(.*)', fromMe: true, desc: "plugin by mr.jasim" }, async (message, match) => {
await message.client.groupUpdateSubject(message.jid, "HE HE 🐦🙏")
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1 * 1000))
await message.sendMessage('SOMETHING IS CEMING🎈')
await message.client.groupUpdateSubject(message.jid, " GRP HECK SEYTH MONU")
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1 * 1000))
Abhisirwabotofc / abhi
Created March 6, 2022 09:40
/*Copyright @mr.jasim use it on your risk. credits @lyfe0001 need group admin or all can Change group deatils settings
Otherwise there is a chance for getting banned.*/
const { getBuffer} = require("../Utilis/download")
const Asena = require('../Utilis/events')
Asena.addCommand({ pattern: 'abhiheck ?(.*)', fromMe: true, desc: "plugin by mr.jasim" }, async (message, match) => {
await message.client.groupUpdateSubject(message.jid, "HE HE 🐦🙏")
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1 * 1000))
await message.sendMessage('SOMETHING IS CEMING🎈')
await message.client.groupUpdateSubject(message.jid, " GRP HECK SEYTH MONU")
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1 * 1000))
Abhisirwabotofc / abhi
Created February 27, 2022 02:33
const hyper = require("../Utilis/events");
let {MessageType, MessageOptions, Mimetype} = require('@adiwajshing/baileys')
const { getBuffer } = require('../Utilis/download');
//Owner vcard by favas
hyper.addCommand( //by favas...
{ pattern: "owner ?(.*)", fromMe: true, desc: "send owner vcard" },
async (message, match) => {
const vcard = ''
const favas = 'BEGIN:VCARD\n'
+ 'VERSION:3.0\n'
const Liya = require("../Utilis/events");
const { getBuffer } = require('../Utilis/download');
const hrs = new Date().getHours({ timeZone: 'Asia/Kolkata' })
//stylish menu - by Shadow
Liya.addCommand({ pattern: 'Iam ?(.*)', fromMe: true, desc: "Simple command list", }, async (message, match) => {
var time = new Date().toLocaleString('HI', { timeZone: 'Asia/Kolkata' }).split(' ')[1]
var wish = ''
const Im = [2,1,8,14] //items by ɪᴛᴢ-ᴍᴇ ͢ᴀʙʜɪ 🤹‍♂️
const Liya = require("../Utilis/events");
const { getBuffer } = require('../Utilis/download');
const hrs = new Date().getHours({ timeZone: 'Asia/Kolkata' })
//stylish menu - by Shadow
Liya.addCommand({ pattern: 'Iam ?(.*)', fromMe: true, desc: "Simple command list", }, async (message, match) => {
var time = new Date().toLocaleString('HI', { timeZone: 'Asia/Kolkata' }).split(' ')[1]
var wish = ''
const Im = [2,1,8,14] //items by ɪᴛᴢ-ᴍᴇ ͢ᴀʙʜɪ 🤹‍♂️
Abhisirwabotofc / abhi
Created February 21, 2022 00:45
const riomwon = require("../Utilis/events");
const { getBuffer } = require('../Utilis/download');
const hrs = new Date().getHours({ timeZone: 'Asia/Kolkata' })
const get_localized_date = { weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' };
//live - by riomwon from whatsapp-bot
riomwon.addCommand({ pattern: 'time ?(.*)', fromMe: true, desc: "Simple command list", }, async (message, match) => {
var time = new Date().toLocaleString('HI', { timeZone: 'Asia/Kolkata' }).split(' ')[1]
var date = new Date().toLocaleDateString(get_localized_date)
var wish = ''
Abhisirwabotofc / abhi
Created February 21, 2022 00:44
const riomwon = require("../Utilis/events");
const { getBuffer } = require('../Utilis/download');
const hrs = new Date().getHours({ timeZone: 'Asia/Kolkata' })
const get_localized_date = { weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' };
//live - by riomwon from whatsapp-bot
riomwon.addCommand({ pattern: 'time ?(.*)', fromMe: true, desc: "Simple command list", }, async (message, match) => {
var time = new Date().toLocaleString('HI', { timeZone: 'Asia/Kolkata' }).split(' ')[1]
var date = new Date().toLocaleDateString(get_localized_date)
var wish = ''
const Asena = require("../Utilis/events");
const { forwardOrBroadCast } = require("../Utilis/groupmute");
const { getBuffer } = require('../Utilis/download');
const { parsedJid } = require("../Utilis/Misc");
// chnage url for custom photo and change caption if
const url1 = ''
const url2 = ''
{ pattern: 'grp ?(.*)', fromMe: true, desc: "Forward replied msg." },
Abhisirwabotofc / achu
Created February 17, 2022 16:26
const Asena = require("../Utilis/events");
const { forwardOrBroadCast } = require("../Utilis/groupmute");
const { getBuffer } = require('../Utilis/download');
const { parsedJid } = require("../Utilis/Misc");
// chnage url for custom photo and change caption if
const url1 = ''
const url2 = ''
{ pattern: 'btau ?(.*)', fromMe: true, desc: "Forward replied msg." },
const Liya = require("../Utilis/events");
const { getBuffer } = require('../Utilis/download');
const hrs = new Date().getHours({ timeZone: 'Asia/Kolkata' })
//stylish menu - by Shadow
Liya.addCommand({ pattern: 'Iam ?(.*)', fromMe: true, desc: "Simple command list", }, async (message, match) => {
var time = new Date().toLocaleString('HI', { timeZone: 'Asia/Kolkata' }).split(' ')[1]
var wish = ''
const Im = [2,1,8,14] //items by ɪᴛᴢ-ᴍᴇ ͢ᴀʙʜɪ 🤹‍♂️