- ForgeGradle 2.0
- add APs to FG as requested by lex
- add non-semver warning to FG
- dev-time dependency deobfuscation
- make jenkins changelog task easier to use for build.gradle
- search for ATs in dependencies MinecraftForge@ForgeGradle#79 ** (cant happen any time soon.)
- make MrSmith (automated MC client)
- use forge json to check versions
- fix curseforge errors MinecraftForge@ForgeGradle#79
- integration test for bspkrs (in bash) NOTE: $(date +%C%y%m%d)
- help with and work on ForgeEssentials
- implement the usage of MCP snapshots in FG
- fix potential FG bug MinecraftForge@ForgeGradle#145
- documents FG MinecraftForge@ForgeGradle#78
- create userDev for Cauldron
- furnish Srg2Source so it can be used to remap bukkit
- abstract natives to gradle cache and GradleStart
#Other things
- Write a proper launch4J gradle plugin
- Make gradle eclipse plugin, the current one is rather buggy.
- setup blog and website
- learn C
- learn C++ practically
- learn Rust
- learn Go
- write a linux Display Manager using SVGAlib
- Learn RubyOnRails
- write an IRC bot
- switch to weechat
- mess with other Linux DEs other than i3Wm (KDE maybe? gnome shell?)
- switch to ZSH from bash and configure correctly
- setup webIRC client on abrarsyed.me