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AdaLovelance /
Created March 12, 2020 09:03
AppDomainManager Injection

Let's turn Any .NET Application into an LOL Bin

We can do this by experimenting with .config files.

Many defenders catch/detect files that are renamed, they do this by matching Original Filename to Process Name

In this example, we don't have to rename anything. We simple coerce a trusted signed app to load our Assembly.

We do this by directing the application to read a config file we provide.

# SSL with a Gandi certificate

Generer la csr (

openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout monserveur_encrypted.key -out serveur.csr

( n'oubliez pas d'entrer une passphrase pour securiser votre clé privée. )

Gandi renvoye 2 fichiers: