We are working in pairs. One person is HOLDER. One person is RECEIVER.
As receiver, you don't know much about Bitcoin!! So:
- Download a wallet on your phone. There are many apps, but we need to use signet. Please download Padawan wallet on Android or iPhone , which is signet by default and is very simple. If that fails, use the Electrum wallet on your computer, as instructed to the HOLDER.
- Create a new wallet, write down the seedphrase on paper, (go to Settings->Recovery Phrase), and create a receiving address. Give the receiving address to your HOLDER.
(wait for the HOLDER to create a transaction)
- When you get given a long hex string like this:
, you want to TRY to broadcast it. Go to https://mempool.space/signet/pushtx and enter that text into the box. You should see an error message:Failed to broadcast transaction, reason: non-final
in red text. If you see a different error, something is wrong! If you don't see an error, the money has been sent. - Wait 3+ blocks (so typically 30 minutes or more), check on mempool.space for the current block height. After that time, repeat step 3 and there should be no error. Check your phone wallet (Padawan) and you should have received the money after your HOLDER's untimely death!