This document is intended to aid the development workflow described in Developer HowTo for UI Module for Open Source Mano.
In order to develop in your preferred IDE/text editor, you can "bind mount" a directory from your local computer into an LXD container running on the same host.
First, find out your uid:
$ id
uid=1000(stone) gid=1000(stone) groups=1000(stone),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),113(lpadmin),128(sambashare),129(lxd),131(kismet),138(libvirtd)
On standard Ubuntu hosts, the uid of the first user is 1000. Now, we need to allow LXD to remap this id; you’ll need an additional entry for root to do this:
$ echo 'root:1000:1' | sudo tee -a /etc/subuid /etc/subgid
Assuming you have the SO in a container named SO-ub
, set the idmap so that lxd is aware
$ lxc config set SO-ub raw.idmap 'both 1000 1000'
$ lxc restart SO-ub
Bind a local path to a path inside the container:
lxc config device add SO-ub plugindir disk source=/home/user/myplugin path=/path/to/skyquake/plugins/myplugin
Now you can make changes to the file(s) on your local filesystem and they will be mirrored inside the container.