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Adam Carpenter Adamj1232

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I have experience micro aggresssion in a small aspect or in a way that was un-noticed by myself. Maybe because I have long hair and look like a 'stoner' but I don't pay much attention to peoples reaction.
I ignore any micro aggressions that I have faced, I haven't really noticed any.
To interupt micro aggressions I could take steps to further ensure Im not micro-aggressive my self and if I hear any micro aggressions speak out to oppose or balance out what is being said
#### My CSS Challenge 1
I chose 100x100px boxes to make squares equal. I set the margin size to 0 and the font-size to 10px in the body to bring boxes to the edge and add small text to the corners.
On Div3 I set position:absolute and right:0 to send that box far right. I set Div2 to position: absolute, right: 100px, margin-right: 5px; this moved Div2 just to the left of Div3 5px.
[CodePen-1] (
#### My CSS Challenge 2
To slant boxes I left Div1 as is from challenge 1, changed Div2 to right: 50%, top: 100px; which places the Div in the middle of the work area and 100px down. Finally I set Div3 to
right:0px and top: 200px which moved it far right and down two box lengths giving it a slope from right to left.
[CodePen-2] (