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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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namespace Hello.World
import Iterator
import List
import LinkedList as BaseList
import Map
import OtherInterface
const EXCL_MARK is '!'
private hello is 'Hello'
private world is 'World'
public static @construct(Map argv = [])
instance is Main
anon is (Integer x, Integer y)
return x * y
private showHelloWorld()
stdout String.format('%s %s %s', this.hello,, Main:EXCL_MARK)
private showHelloWorld(String world) // Look, Ma', I am a overload!
world is !world.isVoid() ? world :
stdout String.format('%s %s %s', this.hello, world, Main:EXCL_MARK)
primitive final CustomMap extends Map, List, BaseList implements Iterator
public next()
private for Hello.World interface SomeInterface extends OtherInterface
public thing()
public otherThing()
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