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Created March 8, 2023 02:27
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  • Save Aderks/c802f29d9c77065b781747501d7a2f33 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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[WARN] [03-08|01:52:53.601] no log dir set, console logging only
[INFO] [03-08|01:52:53.601] Starting metrics server                  addr=
[WARN] [03-08|01:52:53.609] no log dir set, console logging only
[INFO] [03-08|01:52:53.609] Build info                               git_branch=heads/v2.40.1 git_tag=v2.40.1-dirty git_commit=94b4cee5a898a47b9241ce824622af6350e5dc5b
[INFO] [03-08|01:52:53.609] Starting Erigon on Bor Mainnet...
[INFO] [03-08|01:52:53.610] Maximum peer count                       ETH=300 total=300
[INFO] [03-08|01:52:53.610] starting HTTP APIs                       APIs=net,web3,eth,admin,debug,txpool,engine,rpc,trace
[INFO] [03-08|01:52:53.611] torrent verbosity                        level=WRN
[INFO] [03-08|01:52:55.713] Set global gas cap                       cap=50000000
[INFO] [03-08|01:52:55.715] [Downloader] Runnning with               ipv6-enabled=true ipv4-enabled=true download.rate=100mb upload.rate=4mb
[INFO] [03-08|01:52:55.715] Opening Database                         label=chaindata path=/home/erigon/.bor/chaindata
[INFO] [03-08|01:52:55.723] Initialised chain configuration          config="{ChainID: 137, Homestead: 0, DAO: <nil>, DAO Support: true, Tangerine Whistle: 0, Spurious Dragon: 0, Byzantium: 0, Constantinople: 0, Petersburg: 0, Istanbul: 3395000, Muir Glacier: 3395000, Berlin: 14750000, London: 23850000, Arrow Glacier: <nil>, Gray Glacier: <nil>, Terminal Total Difficulty: <nil>, Merge Netsplit: <nil>, Shanghai: <nil>, Cancun: <nil>, Sharding: <nil>, Prague: <nil>, Engine: bor}" genesis=0xa9c28ce2141b56c474f1dc504bee9b01eb1bd7d1a507580d5519d4437a97de1b
[INFO] [03-08|01:52:55.723] Effective                                prune_flags= snapshot_flags="--snapshots=true" history.v3=false
[INFO] [03-08|01:53:06.783] Initialising Ethereum protocol           network=137
[INFO] [03-08|01:53:07.388] Starting private RPC server              on=
[INFO] [03-08|01:53:07.388] new subscription to logs established
[INFO] [03-08|01:53:07.388] rpc filters: subscribing to Erigon events
[INFO] [03-08|01:53:07.388] New txs subscriber joined
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:07.388] Establishing event subscription channel with the RPC daemon ...
[INFO] [03-08|01:53:07.388] new subscription to newHeaders established
[INFO] [03-08|01:53:07.389] Reading JWT secret                       path=/home/erigon/.bor/jwt.hex
[INFO] [03-08|01:53:07.390] HTTP endpoint opened for Engine API      url= ws=true ws.compression=true
[INFO] [03-08|01:53:07.390] HTTP endpoint opened                     url=[::]:8545 ws=true ws.compression=true grpc=false
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:07.395] Couldn't add port mapping                proto=tcp extport=30304 intport=30304 interface="UPnP or NAT-PMP" err="no UPnP or NAT-PMP router discovered"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:07.395] Couldn't add port mapping                proto=udp extport=30304 intport=30304 interface="UPnP or NAT-PMP" err="no UPnP or NAT-PMP router discovered"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:07.396] QuerySeeds read nodes from the node DB   count=0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:07.398] QuerySeeds read nodes from the node DB   count=0
[INFO] [03-08|01:53:07.398] Started P2P networking                   version=68 self=enode://2fbbc0537c487f6202323984d5572f2ef5f57824a413e74e8a818b8550ed04a2573d24399f1d135d3ae9621a4ac5359ff5d44892d624f05c3a1a615b93d8d2fd@ name=erigon/v2.40.1-stable-94b4cee5/linux-amd64/go1.20.1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:07.402] Couldn't add port mapping                proto=tcp extport=30303 intport=30303 interface="UPnP or NAT-PMP" err="no UPnP or NAT-PMP router discovered"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:07.402] Couldn't add port mapping                proto=udp extport=30303 intport=30303 interface="UPnP or NAT-PMP" err="no UPnP or NAT-PMP router discovered"
[INFO] [03-08|01:53:07.403] [txpool] Started
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:07.404] QuerySeeds read nodes from the node DB   count=30
[INFO] [03-08|01:53:07.406] Started P2P networking                   version=67 self=enode://2fbbc0537c487f6202323984d5572f2ef5f57824a413e74e8a818b8550ed04a2573d24399f1d135d3ae9621a4ac5359ff5d44892d624f05c3a1a615b93d8d2fd@ name=erigon/v2.40.1-stable-94b4cee5/linux-amd64/go1.20.1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:07.408] QuerySeeds read nodes from the node DB   count=30
[INFO] [03-08|01:53:07.416] [1/15 Snapshots] Fetching torrent files metadata
[INFO] [03-08|01:53:07.435] [snapshots] Blocks Stat                  blocks=40000k indices=40000k alloc=3.1GB sys=3.7GB
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:07.435] [1/15 Snapshots] DONE                    in=36.329023ms
[INFO] [03-08|01:53:07.435] [2/15 Headers] Waiting for headers...    from=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:07.435] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:07.516] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9ede0d33c46cb2b4ee24
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:07.570] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9ede0d33c46cb2b4ee24 err="network id does not match: theirs 40925, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:07.805] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=13113538f3ca7d898d99
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:07.879] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3eb16c0cd88c631c35e9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:07.918] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7a5f60b15e4fa7ee5055
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:07.926] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=13113538f3ca7d898d99 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.036] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3eb16c0cd88c631c35e9 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.052] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=840dd91f49aef1373204
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.096] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7a5f60b15e4fa7ee5055 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.284] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b27ef8c6ae48ba78d815
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.296] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=840dd91f49aef1373204 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.309] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=66c47d11bbfd79ecbe59
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.309] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=66c47d11bbfd79ecbe59 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.346] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b27ef8c6ae48ba78d815 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.391] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0a8c028922ad590999f6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.407] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9762b4625e5fcd71c2f4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.427] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=756da9a5976c86359ad8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.433] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9e6e76ce5d7401bf4b69
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.433] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eb989ac4d497bc2019a4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.436] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.440] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f4395b443f37038fc844
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.445] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1e648aa48e01bbbe1bd8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.464] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=face1d8d0d4a1604e59c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.465] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f5b2d502533b598441b8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.466] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7a800279e15344e623b8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.471] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e708948c065b1ac3af1a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.486] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=47834b8dd2421ca557ca
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.504] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aeba4234307519b04636
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.507] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0a8c028922ad590999f6 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.527] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9762b4625e5fcd71c2f4 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.557] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=756da9a5976c86359ad8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.559] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eb989ac4d497bc2019a4 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.567] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9e6e76ce5d7401bf4b69 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.568] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aca3e7869215ee3c95c9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.580] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f4395b443f37038fc844 err="network id does not match: theirs 999, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.587] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aeba4234307519b04636 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.590] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1e648aa48e01bbbe1bd8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.593] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e0cb890b223c1a7e92e2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.613] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f5b2d502533b598441b8 err="network id does not match: theirs 100100, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.613] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7a800279e15344e623b8 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.617] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=face1d8d0d4a1604e59c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.623] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e708948c065b1ac3af1a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.645] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=47834b8dd2421ca557ca err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.653] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b192f46244790efee2d5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.680] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aca3e7869215ee3c95c9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.718] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e0cb890b223c1a7e92e2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.749] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cc9eac2cf6027a09b086
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.810] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b192f46244790efee2d5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.871] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9944815e774f6796f017
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.925] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9944815e774f6796f017 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.925] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=00de93a0f512683c40be
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:08.954] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cc9eac2cf6027a09b086 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:09.036] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cd8328376f8e738c6d32
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:09.052] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=034e9f89cd814bee77ac
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:09.074] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=04874f93f38a33815d1b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:09.091] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cd8328376f8e738c6d32 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:09.193] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=64c5a2272a366da33b96
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:09.216] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=00de93a0f512683c40be err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:09.218] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=034e9f89cd814bee77ac err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:09.229] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=de79c86a7fd2034c1002
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:09.229] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=04874f93f38a33815d1b err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:09.281] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c733cf8f5d569240c183
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:09.326] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=64c5a2272a366da33b96 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:09.353] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=45d40ed153fb575bc002
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:09.353] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=45d40ed153fb575bc002 err="network id does not match: theirs 1337803, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:09.378] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=de79c86a7fd2034c1002 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:09.436] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:09.457] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c733cf8f5d569240c183 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:09.866] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5211a4880cb4288172c5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:10.033] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5211a4880cb4288172c5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:10.437] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:10.587] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d65cdf99ccfc989e4c18
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:10.712] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d65cdf99ccfc989e4c18 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:11.438] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:11.601] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=76ddadf270d9fc26b629
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:11.652] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=76ddadf270d9fc26b629 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:11.734] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1493d431e95b81d7c76b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:11.745] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=44a9da8f10577618efe7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:11.763] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f300506e27cfcc60390f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:11.803] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=482ffdcd6fb1761250b8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:11.850] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1493d431e95b81d7c76b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:11.894] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f300506e27cfcc60390f err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:11.956] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=482ffdcd6fb1761250b8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:12.439] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:13.432] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4b94dbe2ac44ef23d8f2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:13.440] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:13.546] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fe1a6679cbb22292517e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:13.587] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4b94dbe2ac44ef23d8f2 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:13.759] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fe1a6679cbb22292517e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:14.440] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:14.579] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=61abffcec19e54bdbc46
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:14.996] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=77008c9d10a27f8a6324
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.019] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9e6a23b09c6db8f35c34
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.032] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=77008c9d10a27f8a6324 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.067] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9e6a23b09c6db8f35c34 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.164] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d5689fa2c8b0694ed4f0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.203] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5c0393acb913afc1cd3a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.223] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f88f9a57dee3d3d311a7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.226] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=91f9105f79c799b001ea
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.229] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1e6a136e429c7c9c212c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.268] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ef0672eac0e45ff48f29
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.268] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ef0672eac0e45ff48f29 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.269] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f88f9a57dee3d3d311a7 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.273] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5cae348a1668b46e8927
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.276] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1e6a136e429c7c9c212c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.279] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=91f9105f79c799b001ea err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.288] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d5689fa2c8b0694ed4f0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.290] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4e5e1835edae3dba37be
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.290] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4e5e1835edae3dba37be err="network id does not match: theirs 11297108109, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.295] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9c40030e61edc2667ac5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.295] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9c40030e61edc2667ac5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.299] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=13f6c9b88b591bc683a5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.342] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5c0393acb913afc1cd3a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.349] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5cae348a1668b46e8927 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.360] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e81eb8b2e87438f45282
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.360] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e81eb8b2e87438f45282 err="network id does not match: theirs 1337, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.363] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2092381e47dabfc46341
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.366] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a2f7d3618bdccecf9816
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.372] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e5fc97c85ba3b0c75736
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.441] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.483] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a2f7d3618bdccecf9816 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.483] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2092381e47dabfc46341 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.486] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=13f6c9b88b591bc683a5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.490] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e5fc97c85ba3b0c75736 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.715] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5650808fd09b90535ab4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.828] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=18569262fe88c8f5025f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.829] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7820a46a4bcdc5abcddd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.832] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bda31e5f082c8e56f5d7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.833] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=459707bc75cce52ec739
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.854] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9287ab7568bb3baa839c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.854] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9287ab7568bb3baa839c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.875] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=18569262fe88c8f5025f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.881] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7820a46a4bcdc5abcddd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.881] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bda31e5f082c8e56f5d7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.883] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=459707bc75cce52ec739 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.909] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=607d576f625146506c9b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.950] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e4ea77431e938afdc52d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.976] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3eeb9d0258d1db7e0a77
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.978] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bd4535007d8d2dc05a7b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.997] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=607d576f625146506c9b err="network id does not match: theirs 2828, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:15.997] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=302e61676fb0a738ca4c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.000] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1517032a8b26c791b511
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.004] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b13a3415aead593aadaa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.011] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=816a37eafec2d417e783
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.012] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5650808fd09b90535ab4 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.028] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e2948005d0918e1e6df1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.029] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=72f4ec64a9406f2416ad
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.030] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dc12ca7e385902833f43
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.032] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=613592f41284419e34f1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.033] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ab738c1b5775ba4f9a0b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.034] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a7da57e039ba6be04772
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.052] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=94f279db573736237539
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.060] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e4ea77431e938afdc52d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.075] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=34279f83eea6fc35e6ca
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.100] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bd4535007d8d2dc05a7b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.103] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3eeb9d0258d1db7e0a77 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.124] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b13a3415aead593aadaa err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.131] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=302e61676fb0a738ca4c err="network id does not match: theirs 513100, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.139] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1517032a8b26c791b511 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.151] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=816a37eafec2d417e783 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.177] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=72f4ec64a9406f2416ad err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.179] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e2948005d0918e1e6df1 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.183] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dc12ca7e385902833f43 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.183] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ab738c1b5775ba4f9a0b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.184] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=613592f41284419e34f1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.202] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=51d03d4cab795320171e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.202] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=51d03d4cab795320171e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.206] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bfe93e022b9895dc86b7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.206] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bfe93e022b9895dc86b7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.215] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=94f279db573736237539 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.224] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=34279f83eea6fc35e6ca err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.441] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.583] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fef6400c36cd2119cac1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.600] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c364fd3fdcc0861196f3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.650] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=50a15c45e1ae323535c0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.651] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=752ed15d99801acf1e79
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.702] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=752ed15d99801acf1e79 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.704] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=50a15c45e1ae323535c0 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.708] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fef6400c36cd2119cac1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.732] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c364fd3fdcc0861196f3 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.818] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e2588d81e93f19c40879
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:16.824] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2fa69b787eabe15f28c6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:17.046] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2fa69b787eabe15f28c6 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:17.059] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e2588d81e93f19c40879 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:17.443] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:18.399] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c07108044b51ceb01f74
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:18.444] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:18.460] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c07108044b51ceb01f74 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:18.535] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b63687a51c3410710a31
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:18.579] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b736e7a8539f3b6b2244
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:18.665] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b63687a51c3410710a31 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:18.729] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b736e7a8539f3b6b2244 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:19.444] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:20.445] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:21.446] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:22.446] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:23.447] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:24.448] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:25.448] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:26.448] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[INFO] [03-08|01:53:27.435] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:27.436] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:28.436] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:28.974] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5be677552334961078a6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.027] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5be677552334961078a6 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.118] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=78bbc0c0221cd3321493
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.134] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f8ebfeb918fdd002c2dc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.135] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a917a23cfb1cc481a85f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.135] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=587175da9a87bb20e327
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.249] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b15cb859bfb660865764
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.264] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f8ebfeb918fdd002c2dc err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.271] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=78bbc0c0221cd3321493 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.273] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=587175da9a87bb20e327 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.298] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a917a23cfb1cc481a85f err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.325] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=865b72d16cd910d64a2c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.437] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.467] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b15cb859bfb660865764 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.555] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=724b14ff4c74af3fc284
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.556] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=865b72d16cd910d64a2c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.574] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=90123fcfc0a7f20acce8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.599] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=724b14ff4c74af3fc284 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.625] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9bd7686d5b7f3a1b7ac5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.625] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9bd7686d5b7f3a1b7ac5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.628] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=90123fcfc0a7f20acce8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.739] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=38c745efd79a8252f382
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.766] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a7b1e3ef5886ee73acb5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.770] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=78672118d80bd7691693
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.778] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=94cf26165c9b02c9ebaa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.781] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=32d616cceb22fc6bc5bb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.793] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1fdf7472273a05da0e73
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.804] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f03ee3c65e8d906aaee3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.819] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=72c3005f703192955fb5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.866] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=38c745efd79a8252f382 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.914] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a7b1e3ef5886ee73acb5 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.921] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=78672118d80bd7691693 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.941] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=32d616cceb22fc6bc5bb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.941] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=94cf26165c9b02c9ebaa err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.943] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1fdf7472273a05da0e73 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.960] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f03ee3c65e8d906aaee3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:29.982] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=72c3005f703192955fb5 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:30.075] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=10083d5862b6baaba169
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:30.077] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8c0af24dd643506fa94b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:30.198] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=10083d5862b6baaba169 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:30.202] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8c0af24dd643506fa94b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:30.205] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a1197a2ed6e95eff4cb5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:30.256] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a1197a2ed6e95eff4cb5 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:30.349] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=49cb4bf39002546361a6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:30.437] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:30.470] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=49cb4bf39002546361a6 err="network id does not match: theirs 61803, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:30.490] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8e22637bfce56203df62
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:30.490] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8e22637bfce56203df62 err="network id does not match: theirs 668273, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:30.898] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=416a0fedfcdcf72bbedf
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:30.898] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=416a0fedfcdcf72bbedf err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:30.962] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=26ca2120e76833fe0bdc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:31.097] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=26ca2120e76833fe0bdc err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:31.438] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:31.673] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=181b227450305aeecb19
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:31.683] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=45a74d606718c74620d7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:31.691] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=215a51edd145b0dced55
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:31.789] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=181b227450305aeecb19 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:31.807] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=45a74d606718c74620d7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:31.816] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=215a51edd145b0dced55 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:32.061] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f2c7b79d08169e98361c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:32.204] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5d531968f2ed79131dec
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:32.356] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5d531968f2ed79131dec err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:32.374] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f2c7b79d08169e98361c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:32.439] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:33.440] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:34.441] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:35.442] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:35.493] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=098e5e601de9a58ccbd0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:35.536] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0f60091f3d2f593b6d9d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:35.536] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0f60091f3d2f593b6d9d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:35.544] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=098e5e601de9a58ccbd0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:35.661] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6ac8ecc1be6e11f4c2b4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:35.688] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a07f18e6fe0923c91637
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:35.689] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a1ced5b1dd7e306bb9a3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:35.689] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=99bc895436a51dc89d1d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:35.691] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c120db39a45f34beb27e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:35.798] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6ac8ecc1be6e11f4c2b4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:35.839] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a07f18e6fe0923c91637 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:35.840] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a1ced5b1dd7e306bb9a3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:35.841] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=99bc895436a51dc89d1d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:35.843] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c120db39a45f34beb27e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.246] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0764bf0a5c2652dcc304
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.255] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=da22acd559a13d33b8de
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.261] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f75bff870f24f3f692d9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.286] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=892074c4dd0a08b06f33
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.289] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0764bf0a5c2652dcc304 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.293] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2e2c5a936c4154b7afd9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.294] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2e2c5a936c4154b7afd9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.295] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=be348c1575af3f893e72
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.303] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=da22acd559a13d33b8de err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.307] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f75bff870f24f3f692d9 err="network id does not match: theirs 18159, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.349] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=892074c4dd0a08b06f33 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.359] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=be348c1575af3f893e72 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.365] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5ad217e453d5c49fe406
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.365] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5ad217e453d5c49fe406 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.366] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f296a7d6b621ea18a6c8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.400] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6c7cf361abc611f1dd52
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.401] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a035d8b984ee054e1c21
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.418] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7cc01f9ebc529b4a1ad8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.425] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e07424b67a97ac735cd1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.432] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=69a1bb403f890bcc1f7f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.439] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0ebdbdeb1041e7a3e6dd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.443] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.462] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1161bc8b03ae1e2687f4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.464] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=004e70266a579c9ed2b0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.466] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f296a7d6b621ea18a6c8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.472] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ed7052f002b2bdaeadef
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.473] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2efa3ddd06e6b1c82d21
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.479] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=27591ef9bdd99559437b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.518] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a035d8b984ee054e1c21 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.519] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=de6aaf73e9355c5aa72c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.555] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e07424b67a97ac735cd1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.567] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=69a1bb403f890bcc1f7f err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.575] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0ebdbdeb1041e7a3e6dd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.591] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e23e7c101da39d9f0329
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.610] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1161bc8b03ae1e2687f4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.617] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=004e70266a579c9ed2b0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.630] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2efa3ddd06e6b1c82d21 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.641] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 39600557, latest header in db: 40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.641] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.697] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=de6aaf73e9355c5aa72c err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.704] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fbaf720c7c518056516a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.807] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e23e7c101da39d9f0329 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:36.935] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=db9bf7e4665f9cb42bb8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.003] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=db9bf7e4665f9cb42bb8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.025] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4f4bbf9050e9c885f1ed
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.040] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=02c0ad8c67cc08b7bc7a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.051] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3cbff68aed3baf58baca
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.059] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0d5c1c92e98722733f44
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.075] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4f4bbf9050e9c885f1ed err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.100] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=92a95d80d94e7bfb1702
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.102] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3faf833e19d230b9a2d5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.118] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a7c867ff919294b7498d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.159] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=02c0ad8c67cc08b7bc7a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.179] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3cbff68aed3baf58baca err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.187] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0d5c1c92e98722733f44 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.250] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=92a95d80d94e7bfb1702 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.253] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3faf833e19d230b9a2d5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.255] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f43f3ef46b2c0ffce2b6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.277] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a7c867ff919294b7498d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.350] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fe48142d7a80f8459add
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.399] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d50ba01fee95957ebff3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.421] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f43f3ef46b2c0ffce2b6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.478] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fe48142d7a80f8459add err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.529] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=64f11ed632b8965a1aaf
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.549] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d50ba01fee95957ebff3 err=EOF
[INFO] [03-08|01:53:37.553] [2/15 Headers] Processed                 highest inserted=40090767 age=7s
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.553] [2/15 Headers] DONE                      in=30.118098297s
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.559] [3/15 CumulativeIndex] DONE              in=5.697062ms
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.648] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9700410c0ab3b154b482
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.694] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9700410c0ab3b154b482 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.728] [4/15 BlockHashes] DONE                  in=168.674482ms
[INFO] [03-08|01:53:37.728] [5/15 Bodies] Processing bodies...       from=40090297 to=40090767
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.745] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=64f11ed632b8965a1aaf err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.806] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8cce3f4994d457373f61
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.826] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5ed9acb2c7269e0b7af3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.928] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8cce3f4994d457373f61 err="network id does not match: theirs 3030, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:37.962] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5ed9acb2c7269e0b7af3 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:38.204] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bd3fd633731e60356d8b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:38.231] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=61f5bb5fca643c44a8d0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:38.231] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=61f5bb5fca643c44a8d0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:38.381] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bd3fd633731e60356d8b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:38.654] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ebf4624bf7c79054d697
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:38.806] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ebf4624bf7c79054d697 err="network id does not match: theirs 40925, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:39.604] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5473fabf714ba9b22fe8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:39.829] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5473fabf714ba9b22fe8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.108] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f0d374bbc7589278fa0c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.112] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f5d1d3f71ba9e4f6c249
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.132] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d8e9ac8ef3e8a23280f9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.155] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f0d374bbc7589278fa0c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.163] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f5d1d3f71ba9e4f6c249 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.233] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f9d811e35f54aced4b52
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.265] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8e16c26fff294c585948
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.294] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a970e47dd981f0a8324a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.299] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=657267927fa81fe7c1ce
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.307] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f9d811e35f54aced4b52 err="network id does not match: theirs 2100, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.315] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a5a1600cf1927b517106
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.326] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=51e21f185c8be73ec72d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.341] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fad4160d15f486b072c3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.390] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8e16c26fff294c585948 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.434] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a970e47dd981f0a8324a err="network id does not match: theirs 4844001004, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.442] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=657267927fa81fe7c1ce err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.464] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fad4160d15f486b072c3 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.465] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8593e3e4777127588746
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.467] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a5a1600cf1927b517106 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.481] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=51e21f185c8be73ec72d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.616] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8593e3e4777127588746 err="network id does not match: theirs 30746, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.744] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6627a9b09afa680cabc5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.785] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1560360ab10ca31d6c1d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.793] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6627a9b09afa680cabc5 err="network id does not match: theirs 511, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.854] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1560360ab10ca31d6c1d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.883] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8518b22a4fa0dc41b201
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.886] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9e37082b56a4c564a9df
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.897] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6c72c879b4011e09685c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.899] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f14e8582af689c6dbf05
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.920] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=660448ca921bf54e6e5e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.935] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8518b22a4fa0dc41b201 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.937] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b1b0d6d67d0952c1e5c3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.938] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9e37082b56a4c564a9df err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:41.958] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e79ff5076aecaef5e174
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.022] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6c72c879b4011e09685c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.024] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f14e8582af689c6dbf05 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.027] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ab36f41bb0f8716603f5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.030] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=660448ca921bf54e6e5e err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.045] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9452a88afbe81d199ae7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.077] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d646554729742ab2cca2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.078] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=06a43beb5e89398ee0d8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.079] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=568ce6ee442de2f661e0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.082] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b1b0d6d67d0952c1e5c3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.086] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fe218dafdae0f210e186
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.113] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e79ff5076aecaef5e174 err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.117] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2943c911d1fab97dc8a0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.150] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ab36f41bb0f8716603f5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.177] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9452a88afbe81d199ae7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.198] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=06a43beb5e89398ee0d8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.198] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d646554729742ab2cca2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.237] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fe218dafdae0f210e186 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.242] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=89dccb832457cbbe1dd8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.265] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f3414717fa77f863ba38
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.286] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2943c911d1fab97dc8a0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.296] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=568ce6ee442de2f661e0 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.346] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4c89a4a432136c5f7652
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.352] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9b6bd3be1ec9737e7743
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.394] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4c89a4a432136c5f7652 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.402] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9b6bd3be1ec9737e7743 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.473] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=89dccb832457cbbe1dd8 err="network id does not match: theirs 96, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.480] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f3414717fa77f863ba38 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.524] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=87f5ad50370172967f31
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.525] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4982279a38b634ba46af
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.658] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4982279a38b634ba46af err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:42.659] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=87f5ad50370172967f31 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:43.547] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bc3ee1a9d678d24fbe23
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:47.988] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=74acd4c253de43b34c94
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:48.036] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=74acd4c253de43b34c94 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:48.162] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=89d39eea05d1aedbbf2b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:48.190] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1f28e2fe79ed10f07445
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:48.297] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=89d39eea05d1aedbbf2b err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:48.339] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1f28e2fe79ed10f07445 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.350] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=76ddadf270d9fc26b629
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.401] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=76ddadf270d9fc26b629 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.462] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6259287830cc20de8b12
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.492] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6259287830cc20de8b12 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.502] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8887d69b188666473687
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.503] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ea23ac04eaced70b1c47
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.510] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cc75e5bbd68175ed49f5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.518] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f300506e27cfcc60390f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.546] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1041a439f0ecdb9b9c06
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.550] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=482ffdcd6fb1761250b8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.552] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8887d69b188666473687 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.553] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ea23ac04eaced70b1c47 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.558] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e7deacf16d68dd6ca158
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.566] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cc75e5bbd68175ed49f5 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.577] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0b92de2bc680330cbe1e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.606] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=30cca6bad3f7aa07bc68
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.617] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c451777b8359fd598264
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.642] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0227e69934bec516d036
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.649] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d4a35646e952599882d2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.651] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f300506e27cfcc60390f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.667] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7d06019289240bd51280
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.667] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1041a439f0ecdb9b9c06 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.685] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e7deacf16d68dd6ca158 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.702] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=482ffdcd6fb1761250b8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.704] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0f07df89185f15a9fe79
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.714] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cc151b845c17c675b568
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.714] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0b92de2bc680330cbe1e err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.718] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dd78e0740d79ed49964c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.757] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=30cca6bad3f7aa07bc68 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.760] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0227e69934bec516d036 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.772] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=86456735dda4f3260f0a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.773] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d4a35646e952599882d2 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.773] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c451777b8359fd598264 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.790] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4cc7c262cd3823c79d62
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.798] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7d06019289240bd51280 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.855] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0f07df89185f15a9fe79 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.869] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cc151b845c17c675b568 err="network id does not match: theirs 97, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.873] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dd78e0740d79ed49964c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:49.894] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=86456735dda4f3260f0a err="network id does not match: theirs 111, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.224] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ce514c04d915fe5ec3a5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.237] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e87efca2e83150b3ca0a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.278] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ce514c04d915fe5ec3a5 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.296] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e87efca2e83150b3ca0a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.314] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ffa607f5ecf16ef7e3ec
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.360] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d4bf7fd31d88f6e741dd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.360] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f9c2720ff68cc1d6bcb9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.365] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ffa607f5ecf16ef7e3ec err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.386] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ae732f984d6f5ea255df
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.429] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f657e5096fa78af13969
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.441] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=83e38cba41cacbafd93c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.444] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=46fc82d8b3d5f69ccd00
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.449] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=79ab519f654b913e4925
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.453] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=333ac9cb5afde4ce402e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.457] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0cfba8e7160679d1254e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.473] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=797818ab5a259264f072
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.481] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d4bf7fd31d88f6e741dd err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.481] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f9c2720ff68cc1d6bcb9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.507] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ae732f984d6f5ea255df err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.510] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8def234bcc25e4cd6a54
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.584] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f657e5096fa78af13969 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.588] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=83e38cba41cacbafd93c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.596] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=46fc82d8b3d5f69ccd00 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.600] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=79ab519f654b913e4925 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.605] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=797818ab5a259264f072 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.614] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0cfba8e7160679d1254e err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.620] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ccc8d754701869b91543
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.620] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=333ac9cb5afde4ce402e err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.659] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8def234bcc25e4cd6a54 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.669] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d234105849cb8f812e2f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.669] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d234105849cb8f812e2f err="network id does not match: theirs 11297108099, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:50.825] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ccc8d754701869b91543 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.037] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=72e56526653d9af7bdae
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.046] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9d2e5ad647c98d0f95d6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.083] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=72e56526653d9af7bdae err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.095] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9d2e5ad647c98d0f95d6 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.134] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9c2fde272a0b02c1d7d8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.153] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8383ee8e94bb22416bf9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.188] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fe73f1a2e8ac344ebc7e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.188] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d127d73a80f8fdbd5ed6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.199] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1d20db06c2a48efffee8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.203] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8383ee8e94bb22416bf9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.203] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=760fda718d5f1f3aeb3e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.228] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9c2fde272a0b02c1d7d8 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.253] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4acd1419c7f34ec0f225
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.260] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f6a48429ade45285775d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.265] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=20aa1c69cf7d6e87c41b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.307] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fe73f1a2e8ac344ebc7e err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.310] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d127d73a80f8fdbd5ed6 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.326] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1d20db06c2a48efffee8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.332] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=760fda718d5f1f3aeb3e err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.333] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=41c96e4619a497cb0531
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.404] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4acd1419c7f34ec0f225 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.411] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f6a48429ade45285775d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.417] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=20aa1c69cf7d6e87c41b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.451] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a53e26ca2c0c09798fb0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.526] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=41c96e4619a497cb0531 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:51.695] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a53e26ca2c0c09798fb0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:52.128] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=239cd2ddb6c10dcae969
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:52.259] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=239cd2ddb6c10dcae969 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:52.402] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=34984bdec34df984407e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:52.462] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f901ad0bb2a61658b76a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:52.530] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=34984bdec34df984407e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:52.618] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f901ad0bb2a61658b76a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:55.281] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f845fc1ef81e854a0cce
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:55.281] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f845fc1ef81e854a0cce err=EOF
[INFO] [03-08|01:53:57.728] [5/15 Bodies] No block bodies to write in this log period block number=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:57.884] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8b31040092e369ba37ee
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:57.885] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4d124196e99691ed5de7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:57.933] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8b31040092e369ba37ee err="network id does not match: theirs 3334, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:57.934] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4d124196e99691ed5de7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.036] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=044dacedc42321b688f4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.037] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=646c42583f6ba85b9e6f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.054] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f2a31b2c6b3868920f88
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.070] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f0233f9e2a0c92d7cc7f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.082] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ea5e04647ba38b1707fa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.089] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7f5e6e8da6899af6dbaa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.099] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=86ec15e50a92ec16aa8c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.110] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8319ab58582d0cd2bc0d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.130] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ea5e04647ba38b1707fa err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.142] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7f5e6e8da6899af6dbaa err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.161] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=044dacedc42321b688f4 err="network id does not match: theirs 4919, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.163] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=646c42583f6ba85b9e6f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.168] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dab7eddeabf3f6efa5eb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.172] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8319ab58582d0cd2bc0d err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.186] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f2a31b2c6b3868920f88 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.225] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dabe43b638ec1fcd6559
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.234] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fe124111099bf1ff7add
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.240] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f0233f9e2a0c92d7cc7f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.243] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=74bd2142b608bf9ee0ab
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.244] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=88a580812e133092eb7b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.255] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=86ec15e50a92ec16aa8c err="network id does not match: theirs 248, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.271] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=63d1843bc65e8b0a4da7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.278] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ed3e3e87bd46ab857ab8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.288] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c0f52a7521dc9b31a096
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.292] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=74bd2142b608bf9ee0ab err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.296] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=88a580812e133092eb7b err="network id does not match: theirs 1337803, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.320] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=63d1843bc65e8b0a4da7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.330] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ed3e3e87bd46ab857ab8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.347] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dabe43b638ec1fcd6559 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.360] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fe124111099bf1ff7add err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.415] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a40988d6d5d7e8412026
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.426] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=66b0ef7d6d664071c22d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.428] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=57013ac5fec5b07a93bb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.442] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c0f52a7521dc9b31a096 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.468] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9f01fab982c8621ef785
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.477] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7355f4f7f47f42b3ea15
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.486] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e4f71e678af89999549c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.525] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b3023b3559939b2101f4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.549] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=66b0ef7d6d664071c22d err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.556] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=57013ac5fec5b07a93bb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.575] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8168458e4f06d6ed7615
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.577] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5814bd3b5dfe0f97e265
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.627] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7355f4f7f47f42b3ea15 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.631] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9f01fab982c8621ef785 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.631] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a40988d6d5d7e8412026 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.631] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8d7182258d60f9a51623
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.643] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e4f71e678af89999549c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.661] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=df3e2544fce9e6f923c9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.667] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8f0ac313fbc681f55bf1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.699] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b3023b3559939b2101f4 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.711] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=df3e2544fce9e6f923c9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.722] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8f0ac313fbc681f55bf1 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.734] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4c113aa38446b2797732
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.790] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8168458e4f06d6ed7615 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.793] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5814bd3b5dfe0f97e265 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.800] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dd67ce45000b738142d9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.859] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8d7182258d60f9a51623 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.860] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b40e5f18ea56e9816d89
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.860] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dd3892de4c7539121efe
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.864] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=87813083c5a58265f3d4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.912] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=87813083c5a58265f3d4 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.916] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4b7c0c1989f269e26a29
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.920] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dd67ce45000b738142d9 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.920] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c9cb2e07b68e2730c5b7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.928] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b7de52a78a078a33b512
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.958] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aeb53e8733afa1b4192b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.958] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aeb53e8733afa1b4192b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.982] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2785e95e0a1226505692
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:58.984] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4b7c0c1989f269e26a29 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.000] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c482f46ba993d941bd18
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.009] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b40e5f18ea56e9816d89 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.009] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dd3892de4c7539121efe err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.019] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ab3b8b858ac190153908
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.029] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4c113aa38446b2797732 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.032] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=39f7e6123babe90fc6ac
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.033] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=39f7e6123babe90fc6ac err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.042] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c9cb2e07b68e2730c5b7 err="network id does not match: theirs 73799, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.082] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8db54616bfc1f51f90ae
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.113] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b7de52a78a078a33b512 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.115] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c482f46ba993d941bd18 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.121] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2785e95e0a1226505692 err="network id does not match: theirs 30746, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.130] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9cf69168317e3e9ef18c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.139] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ce9fd5b23cf50f0dcd99
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.202] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=665dbfd5fa3a2348e2e0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.237] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8db54616bfc1f51f90ae err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.244] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9cf69168317e3e9ef18c err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.262] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ce9fd5b23cf50f0dcd99 err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.352] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=665dbfd5fa3a2348e2e0 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.636] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=99246ede4159fefa06a7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.773] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=99246ede4159fefa06a7 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.853] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cc9276502a2b6309797f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.910] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d04c8128858ca5653b16
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.942] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8c57e9c5a1fb2786e2e2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:53:59.975] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cc9276502a2b6309797f err="network id does not match: theirs 1337802, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:00.062] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d04c8128858ca5653b16 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:00.070] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8c57e9c5a1fb2786e2e2 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:00.146] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ab3b8b858ac190153908 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:01.967] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b39bd44cd4110eed87d2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:02.057] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b39bd44cd4110eed87d2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:02.120] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ee2c961c1121cdf8b1d7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:02.192] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ee2c961c1121cdf8b1d7 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.553] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b97bb92f07c3f6dfd1da
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.603] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b97bb92f07c3f6dfd1da err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.613] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5cae348a1668b46e8927
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.613] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dbfa68ee59f45d0cc764
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.613] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dbfa68ee59f45d0cc764 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.648] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0d3bf9f51ccde8e3613b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.660] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c324fee227bdf23c6bc3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.692] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5cae348a1668b46e8927 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.696] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0d3bf9f51ccde8e3613b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.703] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=70bcdeb26fcbd8520a8e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.706] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=32bd85f3079b2ee8c3d4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.711] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=732ad4b723d11cb241a5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.713] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c324fee227bdf23c6bc3 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.756] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7d3e727abeae9852b5b4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.759] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2ba2993993625884306c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.764] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3c64f8a7b944815c1181
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.774] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ad843fb01172ecbca5ff
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.801] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4e81265f576a5aaa9043
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.813] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=39b7e1a733cfe93420b8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.823] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=31d6999a107d6827f7c5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.825] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=70bcdeb26fcbd8520a8e err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.831] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=32bd85f3079b2ee8c3d4 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.831] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=65ab925ad502727df599
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.839] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=732ad4b723d11cb241a5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.853] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4a7284a8f872b56a39a4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.864] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0e794451f43f980d2563
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.874] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=154c04051aa792245b09
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.886] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ad843fb01172ecbca5ff err="network id does not match: theirs 75, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.887] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c186406586bfecf2c712
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.895] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0d181f668e07a3077bdc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.907] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7d3e727abeae9852b5b4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.910] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2ba2993993625884306c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.917] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b720352e8216c9efc470
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.917] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b720352e8216c9efc470 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.920] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3c64f8a7b944815c1181 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.925] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4e81265f576a5aaa9043 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.939] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=39b7e1a733cfe93420b8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.954] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=31d6999a107d6827f7c5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.957] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aca04ae1a54cb0320f83
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.970] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=65ab925ad502727df599 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.998] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e81eb8b2e87438f45282
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:03.998] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e81eb8b2e87438f45282 err="network id does not match: theirs 1337, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.004] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4a7284a8f872b56a39a4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.016] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0e794451f43f980d2563 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.031] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=154c04051aa792245b09 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.052] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c186406586bfecf2c712 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.064] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0d181f668e07a3077bdc err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.100] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=46ed689bf4923128791b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.209] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aca04ae1a54cb0320f83 err="network id does not match: theirs 2019, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.374] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=46ed689bf4923128791b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.375] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d06b78f066f30ae90291
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.421] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d06b78f066f30ae90291 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.530] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=500141fdc898072d992c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.579] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e8fbe37baf88515cd65c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.592] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e500e0d2281cee314a95
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.592] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1d6f540e16605df99d9b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.613] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=24b8867eb39ef198d90b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.622] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6d923da139bddc0d6db9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.655] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=500141fdc898072d992c err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.682] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6ba33812e2443aa86b92
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.718] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6ba33812e2443aa86b92 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.728] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e8fbe37baf88515cd65c err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.736] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=24b8867eb39ef198d90b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.739] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=51ffc3300d357eae3bc8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.745] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e500e0d2281cee314a95 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.746] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1d6f540e16605df99d9b err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.748] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6d923da139bddc0d6db9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.855] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e43637edd095734fa7c9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.863] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=514793f76d1fa3c18bc8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.880] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9713b6b9b5ffde869b21
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.966] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=51ffc3300d357eae3bc8 err="network id does not match: theirs 20402, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.977] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e43637edd095734fa7c9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:04.988] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=514793f76d1fa3c18bc8 err="network id does not match: theirs 63000, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:05.019] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9713b6b9b5ffde869b21 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:05.186] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cfb8e096d19cf92d7c65
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:05.259] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8d314efc8e79f821af0e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:05.312] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9db9c8e8e6d2085d0ca6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:05.337] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cfb8e096d19cf92d7c65 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:05.384] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8d314efc8e79f821af0e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:05.463] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9db9c8e8e6d2085d0ca6 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:05.759] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0847e0cac57f16e71ea1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:05.908] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0847e0cac57f16e71ea1 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:06.304] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7d4bfa373a571e7950a9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:06.352] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7d4bfa373a571e7950a9 err=EOF
[INFO] [03-08|01:54:07.388] [txpool] stat                            block=40090155 pending=0 baseFee=0 queued=0 alloc=3.4GB sys=3.7GB
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:09.771] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=beb2636a4e14445c36f8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:10.104] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=beb2636a4e14445c36f8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:11.267] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=18569262fe88c8f5025f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:11.295] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9287ab7568bb3baa839c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:11.296] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9287ab7568bb3baa839c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:11.312] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=18569262fe88c8f5025f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:11.348] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0966c688bea5f2223ae9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:11.472] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0966c688bea5f2223ae9 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:11.842] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=168f7f08eb33b93236c6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:11.869] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=637da785fa2cbf613ef8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:11.893] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=168f7f08eb33b93236c6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:11.930] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=637da785fa2cbf613ef8 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.023] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=09379340bb87f1e78991
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.055] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9f83175ca450d38bc9db
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.177] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=09379340bb87f1e78991 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.211] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9f83175ca450d38bc9db err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.493] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e100dc2648b761110409
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.612] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=99655746e1b99987789c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.619] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1f074f64ed8b5c2977a9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.627] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=054653c15b54c84e80b1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.630] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 39600557, latest header in db: 40090767
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.655] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=35ffe6c1c48765a608e6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.655] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5ecf50863bceaff39c6a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.656] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fc8aaa0567e2db051aff
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.705] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5ecf50863bceaff39c6a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.705] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=35ffe6c1c48765a608e6 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.706] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fc8aaa0567e2db051aff err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.717] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1555216daa40731b12c6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.741] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=99655746e1b99987789c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.751] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1f074f64ed8b5c2977a9 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.754] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=acf43cf46ce5bc659616
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.763] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=054653c15b54c84e80b1 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.800] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1555216daa40731b12c6 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.856] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=edbff91fb84d7785ccb7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.862] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c3bae4e1db971e839755
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.921] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=97b28963ab8cbbdc9ff8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:12.955] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=acf43cf46ce5bc659616 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:13.007] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=edbff91fb84d7785ccb7 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:13.017] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c3bae4e1db971e839755 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:13.044] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=97b28963ab8cbbdc9ff8 err="network id does not match: theirs 73799, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:13.143] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1be6d13875a97f32298c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:13.436] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1be6d13875a97f32298c err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[INFO] [03-08|01:54:17.729] [5/15 Bodies] No block bodies to write in this log period block number=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:20.935] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4d104c6ba5d341e06daa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:20.955] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ccd8104576be52799ec6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:20.955] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ccd8104576be52799ec6 err="shutting down"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.001] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4d104c6ba5d341e06daa err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.057] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=95597cf2da3fa3294644
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.106] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c7ddc5b58ef58f424bdc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.108] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bb455505352cb9344447
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.117] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4663408d3c801d0cfba3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.173] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1f24c76d2420fa3f1f96
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.186] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=95597cf2da3fa3294644 err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.258] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c7ddc5b58ef58f424bdc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.260] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bb455505352cb9344447 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.274] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4663408d3c801d0cfba3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.316] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=985d13279598f6775ddd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.357] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1f24c76d2420fa3f1f96 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.515] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=92865d2f682d2ac3c29a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.566] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=92865d2f682d2ac3c29a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.571] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=985d13279598f6775ddd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.577] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=07702871d274399219f6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.578] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=07702871d274399219f6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.628] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9c70aeb5d15e23c59469
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.654] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e7ff59eb9d070f9bf260
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.657] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a76ad1fab6164cbb0017
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.661] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9c70aeb5d15e23c59469 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.704] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a76ad1fab6164cbb0017 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.712] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=48b85c358250ff8b8be7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.774] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e7ff59eb9d070f9bf260 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.847] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b56f1f31cb5dcada8416
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.849] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3da314d93cb6102b714e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.860] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=48b85c358250ff8b8be7 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.890] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ff1ffe6aae20dfb66af3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.896] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b56f1f31cb5dcada8416 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.901] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3da314d93cb6102b714e err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.938] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=32bfe2d8dcb2be905635
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.959] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ff1ffe6aae20dfb66af3 err="network id does not match: theirs 4918, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.994] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=013a8a75e0d01acacdca
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.994] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=db56e1605f5470fb004c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.998] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a59c1c94fbcaf31758ca
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:21.999] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9456f8247082c3f1acd8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:22.000] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7e3acbbdb147de245383
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:22.021] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4d1b84dd82916716700f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:22.030] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b545b16685d58e58818f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:22.049] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e8858c1b2f1d855e0d5e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:22.066] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1fa26c882b30f0bed836
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:22.066] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1fa26c882b30f0bed836 err="network id does not match: theirs 9731, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:22.067] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4aa110aeb99c976d5541
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:22.117] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=db56e1605f5470fb004c err="network id does not match: theirs 123, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:22.121] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a59c1c94fbcaf31758ca err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:22.122] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7e3acbbdb147de245383 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:22.123] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9456f8247082c3f1acd8 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:22.128] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=32bfe2d8dcb2be905635 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:22.158] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4d1b84dd82916716700f err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:22.172] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b545b16685d58e58818f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:22.199] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e8858c1b2f1d855e0d5e err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:22.211] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=013a8a75e0d01acacdca err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:22.448] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e75598c11d7fbef66ccd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:22.564] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e75598c11d7fbef66ccd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:22.587] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1cfcd160dec01d385920
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:22.649] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1cfcd160dec01d385920 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:22.772] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4e059bbaa102afb2ff89
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:22.908] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4e059bbaa102afb2ff89 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.564] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c7527410c32ef3896ffc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.602] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4ee82b8536187bf7ea01
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.614] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=16c91dfbe5101f49d8de
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.630] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5549752617058e1f4411
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.690] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c7527410c32ef3896ffc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.725] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=76ddadf270d9fc26b629
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.746] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4ee82b8536187bf7ea01 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.764] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=16c91dfbe5101f49d8de err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.777] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=76ddadf270d9fc26b629 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.788] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5549752617058e1f4411 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.790] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dfe7e0ed08eff8904f52
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.841] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dfe7e0ed08eff8904f52 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.876] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e6105700f2faaf3306e1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.896] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f300506e27cfcc60390f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.899] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f097ff51f2cba59bec7c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.912] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d26cb2554a41c4432ebd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.912] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=78762c3ebc3e1eacadb1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.917] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0227e69934bec516d036
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.919] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=645ab6bba0071003a54e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.924] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=482ffdcd6fb1761250b8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.927] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e6105700f2faaf3306e1 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.940] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b22e2d9a4b05d61673db
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.963] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f097ff51f2cba59bec7c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.990] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2e00559fc55f742fe131
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:25.991] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5051234cbc3e2b712efc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.016] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=33532e47a14dba7603c9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.024] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d26cb2554a41c4432ebd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.024] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=78762c3ebc3e1eacadb1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.029] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a3bfb352daaebe26c5f5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.038] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0227e69934bec516d036 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.039] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=645ab6bba0071003a54e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.045] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f300506e27cfcc60390f err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.071] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b22e2d9a4b05d61673db err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.074] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=482ffdcd6fb1761250b8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.078] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=017e17b4d6beae041937
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.090] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b3778b75339f7b3c2162
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.123] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e459dca44c9fb3d94c7e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.136] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=33532e47a14dba7603c9 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.142] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5051234cbc3e2b712efc err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.145] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2e00559fc55f742fe131 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.203] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a3bfb352daaebe26c5f5 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.230] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=017e17b4d6beae041937 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.246] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0ab15a4d10d1482e87d2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.294] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b3778b75339f7b3c2162 err="network id does not match: theirs 22776, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.338] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e459dca44c9fb3d94c7e err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.404] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0ab15a4d10d1482e87d2 err="network id does not match: theirs 30746, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.427] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=17b0198d78fadd433c33
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.427] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=17b0198d78fadd433c33 err="network id does not match: theirs 11297108109, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.573] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e7cb1212c4baac294a96
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.582] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ef287d373fb3e08ce36b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.618] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e7cb1212c4baac294a96 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.627] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ef287d373fb3e08ce36b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.722] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=027d0c09a20d10c80ed8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.722] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=027d0c09a20d10c80ed8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.729] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b269476f62e99d17da56
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.752] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d18c4ce6a41b4ba1e13f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.780] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d6043259501ca1c71c4f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.780] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d6043259501ca1c71c4f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.783] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0f113c70f70c8dedaf80
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.831] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d4d583acdc3cfa8d341b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.833] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c47081a54953c0a14630
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.836] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=01c098edd869848e744f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.849] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=da0f1ddce62361822ae9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.849] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b269476f62e99d17da56 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.866] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0c391eb514d8bbaf2892
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.884] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d18c4ce6a41b4ba1e13f err="network id does not match: theirs 513100, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.891] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c222c9262626a4a68a10
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.899] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=da0f1ddce62361822ae9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.925] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0c391eb514d8bbaf2892 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.930] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0f113c70f70c8dedaf80 err="network id does not match: theirs 316, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.946] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=355b61ab565f4ab1ad4f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.947] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=355b61ab565f4ab1ad4f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.953] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d4d583acdc3cfa8d341b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.958] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=01c098edd869848e744f err="network id does not match: theirs 2828, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.969] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=39b0ddbeece039288703
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.991] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a1df133d855b25b62e9f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.996] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3e66e448db1f2ece16c0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:26.998] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=36c918327956d980d85b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.005] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c47081a54953c0a14630 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.012] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a1df133d855b25b62e9f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.042] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=30d9440dbedf49686d0d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.042] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c222c9262626a4a68a10 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.045] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cdc15d7d8510969333b2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.080] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=39b0ddbeece039288703 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.121] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3e66e448db1f2ece16c0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.125] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=36c918327956d980d85b err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.195] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cdc15d7d8510969333b2 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.200] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=30d9440dbedf49686d0d err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.217] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=25f3054ee645c292892c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.227] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3cc7536968b0f498faf6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.227] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3cc7536968b0f498faf6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.233] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d50e0e42358173180261
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.280] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=25f3054ee645c292892c err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.313] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5633259954a42b9f19db
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.354] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e6dbb44b0d97bbd8a8f3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.426] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5633259954a42b9f19db err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.476] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d50e0e42358173180261 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.487] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e6dbb44b0d97bbd8a8f3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.805] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6457cf5dbce86ead35e0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.811] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5cc8958e88419c1709f5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.873] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5cc8958e88419c1709f5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.876] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=011ec55d544304c3b6f4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:27.926] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6457cf5dbce86ead35e0 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:28.191] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 37114367, latest header in db: 40090767
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:28.252] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=225d85acd78065c86e59
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:28.252] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=225d85acd78065c86e59 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:29.748] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8c4ab13b91735e3d73f7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:29.897] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8c4ab13b91735e3d73f7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.397] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a96e564052489307029c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.456] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a96e564052489307029c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.523] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=469264c8880270276c9e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.573] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=469264c8880270276c9e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.574] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b9a4b2c5b92b9d15768d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.618] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9b734c24e9a1cd013720
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.668] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=723aba4ed18627a9f9bd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.669] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=349e06189e23144d3cec
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.675] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ccd7dea65eb267097afc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.677] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=49ef6acc9db3007ce2f4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.682] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7d1827a58b337c5ee0bc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.700] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1a489f2ff00faeb4314e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.720] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ff76ed88be99059fa42f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.722] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a3c09a812bb6f106908c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.726] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b9a4b2c5b92b9d15768d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.729] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dd8574c0e4826cb16887
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.737] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=41d363f3009b85a6b89c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.772] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f59bcf62ac918c412486
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.791] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9b734c24e9a1cd013720 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.791] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=723aba4ed18627a9f9bd err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.797] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=349e06189e23144d3cec err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.806] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=49ef6acc9db3007ce2f4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.828] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=26aa8522bdedaed6fe3d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.841] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1a489f2ff00faeb4314e err="network id does not match: theirs 11155111, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.869] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ff76ed88be99059fa42f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.872] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a3c09a812bb6f106908c err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.878] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ccd7dea65eb267097afc err="network id does not match: theirs 29032022, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.886] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7d1827a58b337c5ee0bc err="network id does not match: theirs 22776, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.893] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=87261dac43fabb119a98
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.894] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=41d363f3009b85a6b89c err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.905] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dd8574c0e4826cb16887 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.947] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f59bcf62ac918c412486 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:34.974] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1a56a64093fd89c492b6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.022] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1a56a64093fd89c492b6 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.032] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=26aa8522bdedaed6fe3d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.050] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=87261dac43fabb119a98 err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.125] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1536e355cf29cc644af1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.131] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9f81c2bf8d76dba05407
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.176] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1418515d3eff6d680a5f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.176] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1536e355cf29cc644af1 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.177] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ac696368c9beddd54bfb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.182] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cf48f13299fcabbee979
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.184] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9f81c2bf8d76dba05407 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.188] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a27847749340de5c26c6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.280] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c9a19d7ed1558b8034ce
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.293] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=47bcc990ed07660f1720
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.320] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aaa09540530fbbebaa59
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.325] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bc80559a86f1cbf7edce
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.325] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bc80559a86f1cbf7edce err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.325] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1418515d3eff6d680a5f err="network id does not match: theirs 1313114, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.328] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ac696368c9beddd54bfb err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.334] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cf48f13299fcabbee979 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.345] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a27847749340de5c26c6 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.410] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c9a19d7ed1558b8034ce err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.468] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aaa09540530fbbebaa59 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.501] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3e64803ccdd99b81690d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.501] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=47bcc990ed07660f1720 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.508] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=edb0fac7b14eec195b2b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.653] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3e64803ccdd99b81690d err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.751] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=edb0fac7b14eec195b2b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.870] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8a8730fe6ed2b4026fee
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:35.988] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8a8730fe6ed2b4026fee err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:36.058] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d2f04bc7be1a884b701a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:36.097] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e0bd01032df85e872b1d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:36.205] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d2f04bc7be1a884b701a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:36.250] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e0bd01032df85e872b1d err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:36.386] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b36a7d4ac607d17f6a61
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:36.683] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b36a7d4ac607d17f6a61 err=EOF
[INFO] [03-08|01:54:37.728] [5/15 Bodies] No block bodies to write in this log period block number=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:37.797] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cb9f30f0a79b861d5e7b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:37.946] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cb9f30f0a79b861d5e7b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:38.859] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2174f7b73b2761693bbf
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:38.995] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2174f7b73b2761693bbf err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.601] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4718c581e956afc6d0fb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.643] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4718c581e956afc6d0fb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.721] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5346b5af5233b55186ec
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.765] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5346b5af5233b55186ec err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.765] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1493d431e95b81d7c76b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.768] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b79517daf2a09a0fc784
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.777] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=66cd6a154c4ab74bc31c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.799] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e80292b8611dd7e7c7f4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.800] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a8d10230fd13d4529923
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.812] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b79517daf2a09a0fc784 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.827] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=66cd6a154c4ab74bc31c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.832] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fa64a616716bc733613f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.833] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fa64a616716bc733613f err="network id does not match: theirs 2021, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.861] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a8d10230fd13d4529923 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.872] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dd94bc0ab798b368bbf2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.887] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=23550bc0ef818fc8453a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.891] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1493d431e95b81d7c76b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.905] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=596cc27d7f618da43479
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.925] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0c75002ad5682d27bd7a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.931] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b690da2a6ac867f6656a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.933] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c738f9579b849c1b360c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.937] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=02b996033b791ab234ff
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.941] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e80292b8611dd7e7c7f4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.974] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=92df36ea63e0a74fd288
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.979] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2a89b64a790f03911190
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.980] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8e70fb110212bcd716a1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.980] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a47bf9845c22fc7ec7c2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.981] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ff4a3b6a40e5d930b524
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.986] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f5a6176e1bbfd0008377
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:40.988] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dd94bc0ab798b368bbf2 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.013] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=23550bc0ef818fc8453a err="network id does not match: theirs 4919, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.037] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=596cc27d7f618da43479 err="network id does not match: theirs 10200, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.040] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=682c6b84129562afc95c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.070] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0c75002ad5682d27bd7a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.079] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b690da2a6ac867f6656a err="network id does not match: theirs 4919, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.084] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c738f9579b849c1b360c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.085] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=02b996033b791ab234ff err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.101] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f29cc5c506d22ca53077
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.131] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8e70fb110212bcd716a1 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.131] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a47bf9845c22fc7ec7c2 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.131] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2a89b64a790f03911190 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.133] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ff4a3b6a40e5d930b524 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.143] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=92df36ea63e0a74fd288 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.174] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=986df319ad15d29c27a4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.243] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=682c6b84129562afc95c err="network id does not match: theirs 39, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.321] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f29cc5c506d22ca53077 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.444] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=986df319ad15d29c27a4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.498] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=47017902cf9212176482
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.519] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6c427d0f9b6bf55f0ded
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.525] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d2d8f2bd2ea2828dc3ce
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.530] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fb9b227cbcf972a6ff23
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.530] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=49773e674c8b59cb6b45
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.531] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=47017902cf9212176482 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.537] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d74a61eef3b265f6495a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.564] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6c427d0f9b6bf55f0ded err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.573] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=49773e674c8b59cb6b45 err="network id does not match: theirs 513100, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.574] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d2d8f2bd2ea2828dc3ce err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.580] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fb9b227cbcf972a6ff23 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.591] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d74a61eef3b265f6495a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.592] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7a07cf0673cb6a892e6c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.638] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=539d639fa7a4b79165a7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.638] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=539d639fa7a4b79165a7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.670] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6591ca8444c40af59ac1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.681] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=261e0f537831ca1a4c0d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.685] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=07c47f4ae4302f4bec0d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.703] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=519b9ddc94de539705e1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.718] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=81b2f5e45e60ede49419
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.727] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=58c77bee1b46cc1129ff
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.751] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=de08e19806dd80e1b301
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.763] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8f36246e14eda5777502
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.789] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6591ca8444c40af59ac1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.807] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=261e0f537831ca1a4c0d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.810] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=07c47f4ae4302f4bec0d err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.823] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bacce5c71f73b4f34b18
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.826] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4f459447b32797d3747e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.826] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4f459447b32797d3747e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.836] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=27883427528bbff648f8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.837] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=519b9ddc94de539705e1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.854] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=81b2f5e45e60ede49419 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.876] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3ac0db0f9142b8e2b99c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.876] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3ac0db0f9142b8e2b99c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.878] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=58c77bee1b46cc1129ff err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.904] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=de08e19806dd80e1b301 err="network id does not match: theirs 74818, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.923] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8f36246e14eda5777502 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:41.974] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bacce5c71f73b4f34b18 err="network id does not match: theirs 1902, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:42.031] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=27883427528bbff648f8 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:42.240] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f5a6176e1bbfd0008377 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:42.283] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=99c056d6dfa704bdcc03
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:42.344] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9e99fb3a8f1fe8969f34
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:42.402] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=99c056d6dfa704bdcc03 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:42.421] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=af83466ca22d7dd7bd20
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:42.430] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e62af4421aaaeb5fba59
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:42.445] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7a07cf0673cb6a892e6c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:42.496] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9e99fb3a8f1fe8969f34 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:42.496] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=68f648efc6d881e7132e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:42.573] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=af83466ca22d7dd7bd20 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:42.586] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e62af4421aaaeb5fba59 err="network id does not match: theirs 1116, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:42.648] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=68f648efc6d881e7132e err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:43.272] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0fb1af933303268b29c9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:43.469] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9a2066db523fdb4a231a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:43.507] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0fb1af933303268b29c9 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:43.573] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b2302c84d04b32dc1033
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:43.573] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b2302c84d04b32dc1033 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:43.597] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2ee061ba374bd6077c4d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:43.653] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0a114de3a87cd2ed64ef
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:43.720] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0a52d5ace4391019d147
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:43.727] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2ee061ba374bd6077c4d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:43.812] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0a114de3a87cd2ed64ef err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:43.825] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=72661b7329aaceabcd42
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:43.872] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0a52d5ace4391019d147 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:44.069] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=72661b7329aaceabcd42 err="network id does not match: theirs 1337803, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.297] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9ede0d33c46cb2b4ee24
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.353] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9ede0d33c46cb2b4ee24 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.401] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=79ea0ec16c53b6cab05a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.401] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c08262f2c09b4d643ad9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.451] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=79ea0ec16c53b6cab05a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.451] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c08262f2c09b4d643ad9 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.461] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=13cde95c61db1493139a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.485] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1f132468aea772c38014
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.534] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=13cde95c61db1493139a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.560] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1216d0884fd0659d6831
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.591] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8de83282717d5fc922ef
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.594] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e10d7f0b7e47d76d315a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.601] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b328d313f2569abf224d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.615] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=98a49c02c5541fba106d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.627] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=62c631514beaf4616538
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.639] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=15f25ce0d293bfc39020
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.640] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=15f25ce0d293bfc39020 err="network id does not match: theirs 1994, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.687] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1216d0884fd0659d6831 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.711] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=69707bfa77ddf2815ebc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.733] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e10d7f0b7e47d76d315a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.736] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8de83282717d5fc922ef err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.750] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b328d313f2569abf224d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.764] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=98a49c02c5541fba106d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.771] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=de6af26739a83baa8c29
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.771] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=de6af26739a83baa8c29 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.782] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=62c631514beaf4616538 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.809] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=baf5e7b4cae92983664d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.915] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=69707bfa77ddf2815ebc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.927] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=98786bf17fa140cefa7f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.967] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=98786bf17fa140cefa7f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:47.983] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d647a7a9bcf9ade7feb7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.047] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d647a7a9bcf9ade7feb7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.058] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=baf5e7b4cae92983664d err="network id does not match: theirs 7575, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.091] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f3f01b1298e4c394e390
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.102] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=793ae0218500896ad2fb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.118] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ebfc90f48f2b2da13192
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.156] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6f4c45b29e1567f59d4e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.207] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f3f01b1298e4c394e390 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.220] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3b5f84679a1c17a8ab49
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.227] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=793ae0218500896ad2fb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.229] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=846b69283cd68f2bf214
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.230] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f5dca3cf211f7a046656
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.251] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ebfc90f48f2b2da13192 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.267] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3b5f84679a1c17a8ab49 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.275] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0cd6c147cb02b76f79e5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.280] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=846b69283cd68f2bf214 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.285] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f5dca3cf211f7a046656 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.307] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6f4c45b29e1567f59d4e err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.324] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0cd6c147cb02b76f79e5 err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.328] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ca009147c08eafc07b6d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.331] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4b2c0e05c2324b1a8e48
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.332] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4b2c0e05c2324b1a8e48 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.337] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=13130b8d971e54c688f7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.366] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b2778816b92e18998605
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.376] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b47e9b05012a5f761225
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.380] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2c5c49739be017504fc7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.417] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9c3353e69c1d83e10eb5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.429] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=09c8feee70d839b4f12e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.439] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ca009147c08eafc07b6d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.442] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1601a2570a338f753ab6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.451] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=13130b8d971e54c688f7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.504] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2c5c49739be017504fc7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.546] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cd266b5e9f6b919b211a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.546] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cd266b5e9f6b919b211a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.547] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b47e9b05012a5f761225 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.552] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8ae8928cb88eaea2ba5f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.573] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9c3353e69c1d83e10eb5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.579] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=09c8feee70d839b4f12e err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.611] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1601a2570a338f753ab6 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.751] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7aca4588e6cf0bfd3431
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.767] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=85304100e46b3d2c1fda
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.775] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8ae8928cb88eaea2ba5f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.838] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=85304100e46b3d2c1fda err="network id does not match: theirs 1000, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.935] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=126fc62c6c5974164822
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.937] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6c854be17433e81384ac
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.968] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a4a05ad1528300ee4e6a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:48.976] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9c7c69e9443e93114513
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:49.046] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=571e7123bd9cc57ed076
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:49.086] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a4a05ad1528300ee4e6a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:49.090] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=126fc62c6c5974164822 err="network id does not match: theirs 248, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:49.094] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6c854be17433e81384ac err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:49.170] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9c7c69e9443e93114513 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:49.203] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=571e7123bd9cc57ed076 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:49.376] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b32109e2de7213495b52
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:49.533] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b32109e2de7213495b52 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:50.030] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4fd9dd479461ba9dbedc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:50.092] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8ef77135b9bc5e83ffb2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:50.154] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4fd9dd479461ba9dbedc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:50.190] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=469f400b76614e8bb729
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:50.192] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ff0a0f3035c3a0ee7a9a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:50.252] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8593e3e4777127588746
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:50.256] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8ef77135b9bc5e83ffb2 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:50.267] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ff0a0f3035c3a0ee7a9a err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:50.393] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=469f400b76614e8bb729 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:54:50.408] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8593e3e4777127588746 err="network id does not match: theirs 30746, ours 137"
[INFO] [03-08|01:54:57.728] [5/15 Bodies] No block bodies to write in this log period block number=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.060] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2cfe04a16a0e0a944d82
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.066] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bcb42ff17a52af7ac120
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.106] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2cfe04a16a0e0a944d82 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.115] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bcb42ff17a52af7ac120 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.213] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e3df54b81bf3340450f0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.224] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dc26702140ee74d7f20e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.266] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5b181b66875c05e2a493
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.336] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e3df54b81bf3340450f0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.360] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dc26702140ee74d7f20e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.415] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5b181b66875c05e2a493 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.690] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=03386a86acbd05d163ef
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.731] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0774c438c65443d8a4cc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.731] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0774c438c65443d8a4cc err="shutting down"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.746] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=03386a86acbd05d163ef err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.825] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ee3a8507b445112431e0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.843] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=da22acd559a13d33b8de
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.844] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ff648b722ec70adb90dd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.866] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=892074c4dd0a08b06f33
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.877] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2e2c5a936c4154b7afd9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.877] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2e2c5a936c4154b7afd9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.895] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=da22acd559a13d33b8de err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.895] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f296a7d6b621ea18a6c8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.896] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ff648b722ec70adb90dd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.930] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=892074c4dd0a08b06f33 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.953] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ee3a8507b445112431e0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.967] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e57dfdc3e9e58d5476f3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.979] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=669bfbdb06f8ba6b04f9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.983] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=24894b4c09c51c6ad22d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:01.998] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f296a7d6b621ea18a6c8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.009] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f615757fc236a833a66a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.019] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ae60d4353b8eb922a26c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.027] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9b250e75c04b35fc62fd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.042] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b8e5a04716fead4d0fa2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.048] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=66871ce820f9d2a4fb2d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.050] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=004e70266a579c9ed2b0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.052] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9ff8109cd19e9f88b564
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.053] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2efa3ddd06e6b1c82d21
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.055] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e325d90aa5a7d21415db
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.078] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e57dfdc3e9e58d5476f3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.097] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=669bfbdb06f8ba6b04f9 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.099] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6357b73a363d1a3aa5cb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.100] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6357b73a363d1a3aa5cb err="network id does not match: theirs 1337, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.103] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=24894b4c09c51c6ad22d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.142] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f615757fc236a833a66a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.169] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9b250e75c04b35fc62fd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.193] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b8e5a04716fead4d0fa2 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.202] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9ff8109cd19e9f88b564 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.204] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=004e70266a579c9ed2b0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.209] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2efa3ddd06e6b1c82d21 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.211] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e325d90aa5a7d21415db err="network id does not match: theirs 80001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.242] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ae60d4353b8eb922a26c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.285] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=66871ce820f9d2a4fb2d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.387] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=21521fd0fbf9c99d1b5b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.415] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=21521fd0fbf9c99d1b5b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.427] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=19a28bcdd3cc60812405
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.432] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8530475eae27a73b183d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.432] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=95bdc0aec79df1104995
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.474] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=19a28bcdd3cc60812405 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.483] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8530475eae27a73b183d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.483] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=95bdc0aec79df1104995 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.566] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c3d0f5dc4e57c492ab14
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.631] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c97ad4456149d74cd3d5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.683] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c3d0f5dc4e57c492ab14 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.731] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4a166de4ce093ff72e8f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.781] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c97ad4456149d74cd3d5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.853] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4a166de4ce093ff72e8f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:02.900] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a2e1ca16b7e6345cc44c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:03.105] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a2e1ca16b7e6345cc44c err="network id does not match: theirs 29032022, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:04.363] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3c0b2606ee7ed9d9fe60
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:04.513] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3c0b2606ee7ed9d9fe60 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[INFO] [03-08|01:55:06.784] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=11 eth67=1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.125] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3981817ffc4e46e1f222
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.175] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7f6c18e86730cc10d0b1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.179] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3981817ffc4e46e1f222 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.226] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7f6c18e86730cc10d0b1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.252] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4ea91d86e4c7679b2a8a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.330] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=462054e7311d8b607db9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.363] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9dda02c7d77900aefbd6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.369] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4ea91d86e4c7679b2a8a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.370] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=93c2d23c62dd80d2e2f6
[INFO] [03-08|01:55:07.389] [txpool] stat                            block=40090155 pending=0 baseFee=0 queued=0 alloc=3.7GB sys=3.9GB
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.479] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=462054e7311d8b607db9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.536] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9dda02c7d77900aefbd6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.541] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=93c2d23c62dd80d2e2f6 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.663] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=caf392f5465b60552fa7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.710] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=caf392f5465b60552fa7 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.722] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=083f3a68e8802289b4e1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.731] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a302cd036a8f7c32f08c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.771] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=083f3a68e8802289b4e1 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.784] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a302cd036a8f7c32f08c err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.854] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=64559a160e66bcf9a0f9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.870] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=11063b8ab85dc14794e6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.871] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=04ec799a7672c72e765f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.873] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f3129e022a0a6e2d1227
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.878] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=430b454c46300d246936
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.889] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=456e451347d20ce202f0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.894] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=962ef08bac83a3b38341
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.928] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a6a99f2058121b97ddee
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.929] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=432b9149e09a852858bf
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.931] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cef0f4491de10f89f1b7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.979] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=22e6ac68cd5d2aa89746
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.980] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a339a5a8254e94761d70
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:07.995] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=64559a160e66bcf9a0f9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.004] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=430b454c46300d246936 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.005] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=839a434b87e27131d22b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.018] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=11063b8ab85dc14794e6 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.019] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=456e451347d20ce202f0 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.021] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=04ec799a7672c72e765f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.022] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f3129e022a0a6e2d1227 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.028] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=962ef08bac83a3b38341 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.077] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a6a99f2058121b97ddee err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.080] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=432b9149e09a852858bf err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.080] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cef0f4491de10f89f1b7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.093] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3d429dd1defd820401dc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.093] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3d429dd1defd820401dc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.169] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=77fb0854c839fdde4457
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.182] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=22e6ac68cd5d2aa89746 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.186] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a339a5a8254e94761d70 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.221] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=839a434b87e27131d22b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.313] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ab0dd106fbddf878f72b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.321] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=77fb0854c839fdde4457 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.333] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ef3d01a47832334e09dc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.383] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ef3d01a47832334e09dc err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.460] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ab0dd106fbddf878f72b err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.692] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8c36bc716929eaf57ff9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:08.849] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8c36bc716929eaf57ff9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:09.126] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=54bf47f1e807dd46910d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:09.168] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=54bf47f1e807dd46910d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:11.088] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=87f58f5f80e4eefe7b18
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:11.128] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d4344b38a2b19dd5e227
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:11.136] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=87f58f5f80e4eefe7b18 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:11.195] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d4344b38a2b19dd5e227 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:11.257] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=35e9ea7145d255e13740
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:11.295] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6d3a0849c2d0cec06e2c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:11.344] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6d3a0849c2d0cec06e2c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:11.389] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=35e9ea7145d255e13740 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:11.429] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b8d845cb000ec5bb7ebb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:11.548] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b8d845cb000ec5bb7ebb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:11.639] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=355b61ab565f4ab1ad4f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:11.639] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=355b61ab565f4ab1ad4f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:11.698] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8839713766d68be6cb94
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:11.953] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8839713766d68be6cb94 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.129] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=76ddadf270d9fc26b629
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.177] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=76ddadf270d9fc26b629 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.183] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b97bb92f07c3f6dfd1da
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.194] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=168f7f08eb33b93236c6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.233] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b97bb92f07c3f6dfd1da err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.241] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dbfa68ee59f45d0cc764
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.241] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dbfa68ee59f45d0cc764 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.243] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=168f7f08eb33b93236c6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.295] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f300506e27cfcc60390f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.331] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=32bd85f3079b2ee8c3d4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.331] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=482ffdcd6fb1761250b8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.339] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=732ad4b723d11cb241a5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.359] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=09379340bb87f1e78991
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.397] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3c64f8a7b944815c1181
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.403] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ad843fb01172ecbca5ff
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.412] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9f83175ca450d38bc9db
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.426] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f300506e27cfcc60390f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.436] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4e81265f576a5aaa9043
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.455] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=32bd85f3079b2ee8c3d4 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.462] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=65ab925ad502727df599
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.466] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=732ad4b723d11cb241a5 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.477] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4a7284a8f872b56a39a4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.481] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=613592f41284419e34f1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.483] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=482ffdcd6fb1761250b8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.492] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=09379340bb87f1e78991 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.496] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=94f279db573736237539
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.515] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ad843fb01172ecbca5ff err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.537] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b720352e8216c9efc470
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.537] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b720352e8216c9efc470 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.554] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3c64f8a7b944815c1181 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.563] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4e81265f576a5aaa9043 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.569] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9f83175ca450d38bc9db err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.582] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aca04ae1a54cb0320f83
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.601] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=65ab925ad502727df599 err="network id does not match: theirs 9372, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.627] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4a7284a8f872b56a39a4 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.630] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=613592f41284419e34f1 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.654] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=94f279db573736237539 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.750] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=46ed689bf4923128791b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.831] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aca04ae1a54cb0320f83 err="network id does not match: theirs 2019, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.990] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=43d2c29d30c0644965f5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:12.990] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c124545462969dec69ff
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.013] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=961c25031f8ca5582117
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.014] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=961c25031f8ca5582117 err="network id does not match: theirs 1337, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.035] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c0fc997eb64cc68f79da
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.037] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=46ed689bf4923128791b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.038] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c0fc997eb64cc68f79da err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.039] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=43d2c29d30c0644965f5 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.043] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c124545462969dec69ff err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.126] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2092381e47dabfc46341
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.138] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=558047db9c8bd4a17549
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.138] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=137cc12d060dfc25ba19
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.144] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=978dc4f9c0364844c971
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.154] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c1d4f404aff3e7479326
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.156] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f3ac78ffed0f0189130a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.188] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cfb8e096d19cf92d7c65
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.199] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=31e64172da253edcda4a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.200] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dcd9d5e92622663cb482
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.200] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eb7568c362dfe005ac8b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.202] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1d3a39a88fd3248b7c42
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.203] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eac287353aa99e9df314
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.239] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e9fcb311f100df0a26f0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.246] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2092381e47dabfc46341 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.252] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f529c1bbe50d611c1b02
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.262] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=137cc12d060dfc25ba19 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.279] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=558047db9c8bd4a17549 err="network id does not match: theirs 9372, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.289] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e90094479c60474063b2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.302] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c1d4f404aff3e7479326 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.305] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f3ac78ffed0f0189130a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.317] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=978dc4f9c0364844c971 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.341] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cfb8e096d19cf92d7c65 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.356] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dcd9d5e92622663cb482 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.356] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eb7568c362dfe005ac8b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.357] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=31e64172da253edcda4a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.360] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1d3a39a88fd3248b7c42 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.360] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eac287353aa99e9df314 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.363] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e9fcb311f100df0a26f0 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.383] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f529c1bbe50d611c1b02 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.420] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2bb334e06936219a6b55
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.439] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e90094479c60474063b2 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.637] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2bb334e06936219a6b55 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.691] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=de38cecbefb4ae82a075
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.732] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=de38cecbefb4ae82a075 err="network id does not match: theirs 32520, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.855] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=38a043a9d357aebe261c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.892] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b01b361287b0ce7c77cb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.950] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aed7284bce8d914a8f4e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.950] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aed7284bce8d914a8f4e err="network id does not match: theirs 9731, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.985] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=38a043a9d357aebe261c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:13.995] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3bd606ebf9c7608565c6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:14.017] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b01b361287b0ce7c77cb err="network id does not match: theirs 51895, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:14.076] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bb40f221305f42e847f4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:14.147] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3bd606ebf9c7608565c6 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[INFO] [03-08|01:55:17.729] [5/15 Bodies] No block bodies to write in this log period block number=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.233] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4d104c6ba5d341e06daa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.252] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ccd8104576be52799ec6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.252] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ccd8104576be52799ec6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.297] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4d104c6ba5d341e06daa err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.339] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=95597cf2da3fa3294644
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.391] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e8230a3adb5d7f413a09
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.392] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8ebac928875725fe17b6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.400] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bb455505352cb9344447
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.404] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c7ddc5b58ef58f424bdc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.408] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3e2e7e002cdcc085046f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.409] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=80f5fb4ebe588120b0e2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.412] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4663408d3c801d0cfba3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.457] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=95597cf2da3fa3294644 err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.468] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c944dd704137462c7463
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.474] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c66e6a366e5a438efae3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.475] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1f24c76d2420fa3f1f96
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.504] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8ebac928875725fe17b6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.511] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=069cee3ac225f435684a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.527] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3e2e7e002cdcc085046f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.530] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=80f5fb4ebe588120b0e2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.550] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bb455505352cb9344447 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.556] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c7ddc5b58ef58f424bdc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.569] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4663408d3c801d0cfba3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.596] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=985d13279598f6775ddd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.617] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c944dd704137462c7463 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.625] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c66e6a366e5a438efae3 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.662] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1f24c76d2420fa3f1f96 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.682] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=069cee3ac225f435684a err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.740] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=447a6e63d88abcc98589
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.780] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e8230a3adb5d7f413a09 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.843] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=985d13279598f6775ddd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.928] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ccd69f4c2f85bdfef3fb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:20.946] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=447a6e63d88abcc98589 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.080] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e536c3764265f8f8af7c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.129] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5899a052ac92e0038fb0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.129] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5899a052ac92e0038fb0 err="network id does not match: theirs 2021, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.131] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e536c3764265f8f8af7c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.152] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d086a72eb07a89cc7b6b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.210] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3d612f23441c80b8bfd9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.225] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d086a72eb07a89cc7b6b err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.226] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ccd69f4c2f85bdfef3fb err="network id does not match: theirs 2151, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.276] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6e49631a854900e7096d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.289] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b9839f2973e9ed519794
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.292] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=95e2c5af47612a55dff1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.325] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3d612f23441c80b8bfd9 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.334] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=39022e4a9d8437e50b60
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.354] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8965f6fd961641ad81da
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.416] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6bd857423c91db174a75
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.422] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c6b8562c31a67d2d1b60
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.426] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6e49631a854900e7096d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.429] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=208da2130a635ab35b00
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.446] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b9839f2973e9ed519794 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.470] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8965f6fd961641ad81da err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.499] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=39022e4a9d8437e50b60 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.543] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=67c0cdb7058c8918aa63
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.543] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=67c0cdb7058c8918aa63 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.560] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c6b8562c31a67d2d1b60 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.621] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6bd857423c91db174a75 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.654] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=208da2130a635ab35b00 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.737] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b6494cd4aeeea408bb55
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:21.737] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b6494cd4aeeea408bb55 err="network id does not match: theirs 1994, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:22.362] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dac29f1434a622dc8173
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:22.451] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dac29f1434a622dc8173 err="network id does not match: theirs 51895, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:24.800] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=387b67b2864c2dd93dfe
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:24.871] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=387b67b2864c2dd93dfe err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:28.471] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c81e08235d91f9a89172
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:28.480] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=218f6e99e064ab247702
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:28.482] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7d61dc9c865b5d20c6f4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:28.483] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6c2697ea41730a1f714b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:28.517] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c81e08235d91f9a89172 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:28.532] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=218f6e99e064ab247702 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:28.536] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7d61dc9c865b5d20c6f4 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:28.536] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6c2697ea41730a1f714b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:28.668] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a2bab10f4e7258d46f6a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:28.673] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=37aecd4a0eb97bc08567
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:28.678] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=27f0a1dd6ef79f66b011
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:28.679] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=35d541d6a92943b8baea
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:28.808] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=812e1f5411f9e8773ef9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:28.813] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a2bab10f4e7258d46f6a err="network id does not match: theirs 61115, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:28.820] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=37aecd4a0eb97bc08567 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:28.827] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=27f0a1dd6ef79f66b011 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:28.831] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=35d541d6a92943b8baea err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.025] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=812e1f5411f9e8773ef9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.142] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=62a9571c59423236b8ee
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.149] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b24ddcf87f8961ebdf79
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.149] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b24ddcf87f8961ebdf79 err="network id does not match: theirs 5521742, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.189] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=62a9571c59423236b8ee err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.201] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d13556023a0a4c2902fa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.240] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5d7fed04cf885053ce2b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.288] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5ffcd6be9174c8b1c5cb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.302] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c0a03b0f53c36306260a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.313] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d13556023a0a4c2902fa err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.359] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fad209de538d06b7e9fa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.381] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=51ae4ab05c05ef1ad80f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.403] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a6b748043283dc12f542
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.406] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=901438e5748cef7edf69
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.407] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=73a1a9c0a1f8adde5854
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.415] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=396ea081281a931ea134
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.424] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=66c28a6987f22891ec75
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.448] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a6b748043283dc12f542 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.451] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=901438e5748cef7edf69 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.452] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=73a1a9c0a1f8adde5854 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.460] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ceebd5801c39a6e19aec
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.465] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=396ea081281a931ea134 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.467] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c0a03b0f53c36306260a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.477] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=66c28a6987f22891ec75 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.516] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fad209de538d06b7e9fa err="network id does not match: theirs 17, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.551] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=51ae4ab05c05ef1ad80f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.614] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3f0096d34888b49471da
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.615] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b2e0f602ac7c8fe70f10
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.633] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=99de8904087b8e26700a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.702] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ceebd5801c39a6e19aec err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.763] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3f0096d34888b49471da err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.767] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b2e0f602ac7c8fe70f10 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:29.802] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0b60527e5c152f92c873
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:30.042] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=26ce3fa39ec3721a334e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:30.043] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0b60527e5c152f92c873 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:30.087] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=27548dd6c9f839a3569d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:30.087] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7bcdc63da4a26b6e69fd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:30.134] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=787eaa5454abd0241376
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:30.169] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=26ce3fa39ec3721a334e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:30.182] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=787eaa5454abd0241376 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:30.199] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ede4c000bf8110c04cdb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:30.234] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=27548dd6c9f839a3569d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:30.238] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7bcdc63da4a26b6e69fd err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:30.403] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ede4c000bf8110c04cdb err="network id does not match: theirs 212, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:30.445] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c513c4d472df54f16fc5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:30.527] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7a4bc9b58cea3c33b0dd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:30.556] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7a4bc9b58cea3c33b0dd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:30.567] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f33d633bf9af57985e3c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:30.599] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7ad6a77df7f82985db7b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:30.614] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f33d633bf9af57985e3c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:30.650] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c513c4d472df54f16fc5 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:30.793] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8d465b2310ffb6081c2e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:30.816] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a68b9d0dffbaffc561bb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:30.955] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8d465b2310ffb6081c2e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:30.964] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a68b9d0dffbaffc561bb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:31.590] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3de6ed6916250345a59e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:31.713] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3de6ed6916250345a59e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:33.581] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5d7ce32860c2919c5b7f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:33.609] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=927c8c9a1704deed16d2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:33.616] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5d7ce32860c2919c5b7f err="network id does not match: theirs 732, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:33.659] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=927c8c9a1704deed16d2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:33.688] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1850b146fa33412bcc7f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:33.754] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8c3caada8e449364e2e7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:33.777] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1850b146fa33412bcc7f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:33.782] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cc189cf36522649102dc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:33.876] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8c3caada8e449364e2e7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:33.917] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cc189cf36522649102dc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:34.003] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=11d2121522a45bc05b78
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:34.175] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=676084c3993ea422808d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:34.182] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e6fd40bdb741c8eb310d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:34.185] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8c268da67fa8c57c62aa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:34.186] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=07512e5c58ded6efac85
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:34.235] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8c268da67fa8c57c62aa err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:34.237] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=07512e5c58ded6efac85 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:34.250] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=11d2121522a45bc05b78 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:34.285] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 0, latest header in db: 40090767
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:34.300] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4fd47c2809dd5b0d4e75
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:34.316] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2881d344a6ace662aba6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:34.333] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0d3219f521d9a7970d37
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:34.378] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b674599d3a3bc7620e43
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:34.410] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4fd47c2809dd5b0d4e75 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:34.437] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2881d344a6ace662aba6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:34.458] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0d3219f521d9a7970d37 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:34.530] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b674599d3a3bc7620e43 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:35.675] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9ede0d33c46cb2b4ee24
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:35.703] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c2f9f7d06bf6ea14aa2b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:35.731] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9ede0d33c46cb2b4ee24 err="network id does not match: theirs 40925, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:35.749] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0f60091f3d2f593b6d9d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:35.749] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0f60091f3d2f593b6d9d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:35.753] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c2f9f7d06bf6ea14aa2b err="network id does not match: theirs 248, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:35.823] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2d6c600070c31f1a5952
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:35.846] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1ca992893a2626c26b91
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:35.864] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1f132468aea772c38014
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:35.864] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e7c9f0c285ae1803dda8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:35.900] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a1ced5b1dd7e306bb9a3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:35.901] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f9cfe25a89739b1ec6b7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:35.911] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0cbc19a2648c2a6427b8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:35.912] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ec4e98a13765d93deb6a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:35.929] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5df49b836d481fbf3688
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:35.934] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2d6c600070c31f1a5952 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:35.936] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=399d11d06ffa2f618170
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:35.938] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=35feb0618923084a8597
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:35.956] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2b6ddac97709a582fc08
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:35.957] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=374b00b81713cbee3a34
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:35.968] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1ca992893a2626c26b91 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:35.997] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e7c9f0c285ae1803dda8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.024] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0b9b8c0b7c23f2cecc44
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.051] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a1ced5b1dd7e306bb9a3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.051] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f9cfe25a89739b1ec6b7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.058] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=399d11d06ffa2f618170 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.063] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=35feb0618923084a8597 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.068] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0cbc19a2648c2a6427b8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.068] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ec4e98a13765d93deb6a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.088] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=374b00b81713cbee3a34 err="network id does not match: theirs 10200, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.133] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2b6ddac97709a582fc08 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.192] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0b9b8c0b7c23f2cecc44 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.492] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a61b9e35593bde48ec81
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.534] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3f44b33218059b623654
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.538] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a61b9e35593bde48ec81 err="network id does not match: theirs 73927, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.581] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3f44b33218059b623654 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.619] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5ab33fbbb92ea5e60bf7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.625] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7db010d55b8901759ebd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.634] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=13db415f4161d2602f03
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.643] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e07424b67a97ac735cd1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.652] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=99165fddea61e2362bc6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.659] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=15cdcc1e0e3d374752c3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.675] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=037d3a2a5451e6b8d848
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.683] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c71d2039de019ff6fae9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.705] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8bf8c22ba0e0222170ad
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.706] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4401401c623800508c2c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.735] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6a774253462d55109521
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.740] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=12635e1d2acd2ed0ad68
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.742] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5ab33fbbb92ea5e60bf7 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.744] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=08ba60fa26b0f35d528c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.748] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7db010d55b8901759ebd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.750] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=13db415f4161d2602f03 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.774] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=99165fddea61e2362bc6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.775] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e07424b67a97ac735cd1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.790] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=15cdcc1e0e3d374752c3 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.808] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ad5c0fd9993aa16de722
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.822] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c71d2039de019ff6fae9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.823] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=037d3a2a5451e6b8d848 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.857] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8bf8c22ba0e0222170ad err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.857] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4401401c623800508c2c err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.885] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6a774253462d55109521 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.891] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=12635e1d2acd2ed0ad68 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.897] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=08ba60fa26b0f35d528c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.907] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=94a575088ea55fafb525
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:36.908] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=94a575088ea55fafb525 err="network id does not match: theirs 54321, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.024] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ad5c0fd9993aa16de722 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.144] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d55b680077767e1c74fa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.190] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=70389ded5a3a10d36419
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.195] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d55b680077767e1c74fa err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.262] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=70389ded5a3a10d36419 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.274] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f7cbdf4e44e192b5ad57
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.283] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=41f5201deee0fa2790e4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.308] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3d850d90efa81c493567
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.314] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a8f87783a5e38d7508c8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.346] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0ae4f766f799a8d8fb1e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.356] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3d850d90efa81c493567 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.359] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e0280bdb31af9a422742
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.390] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f7cbdf4e44e192b5ad57 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.402] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a8f87783a5e38d7508c8 err="network id does not match: theirs 2100, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.404] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=41f5201deee0fa2790e4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.432] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=00affe2a44013829a5bc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.453] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=917d617c53fb8e5fffc7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.459] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=787cae4f838d7f2113c5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.497] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0ae4f766f799a8d8fb1e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.510] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e1bbbc6ac16c0faa05af
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.515] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e0280bdb31af9a422742 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.558] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=00affe2a44013829a5bc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.575] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=917d617c53fb8e5fffc7 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.600] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=787cae4f838d7f2113c5 err="network id does not match: theirs 11155111, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.647] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e93a73d5c326ae30a981
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.674] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e1bbbc6ac16c0faa05af err="network id does not match: theirs 4918, ours 137"
[INFO] [03-08|01:55:37.728] [5/15 Bodies] No block bodies to write in this log period block number=40090297
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.802] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e93a73d5c326ae30a981 err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.894] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=67264a5013d071b9b404
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.917] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4c4bba97d8ef18d94c80
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:37.947] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=67264a5013d071b9b404 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:38.091] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=abff910efd5d35c4d17b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:38.243] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=abff910efd5d35c4d17b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:38.677] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=48818e50330ea4d9bb84
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:38.710] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=84017847ef0a5754291b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:38.734] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=48818e50330ea4d9bb84 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:38.866] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=84017847ef0a5754291b err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:39.161] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=02d8fa6ce15bd05f1fe5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:39.165] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5ea7f5b16e117118aaa2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:39.514] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=532cef434268c6982dd2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:39.523] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1c1b331520a9c7ef6861
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:39.564] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=532cef434268c6982dd2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:39.576] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1c1b331520a9c7ef6861 err="network id does not match: theirs 2020, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:39.692] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=907ebf043aa6154fa29a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:39.789] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=12d543741e12a870d9d4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:39.829] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=907ebf043aa6154fa29a err="network id does not match: theirs 9372, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:39.969] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=12d543741e12a870d9d4 err="network id does not match: theirs 777, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.320] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7510d69304b9b04a48fe
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.379] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=508995a4d22981b49090
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.444] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7510d69304b9b04a48fe err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.524] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0a95d00af2b8105980d0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.534] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=508995a4d22981b49090 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.687] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bc8ead68e23f421b8990
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.738] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bc8ead68e23f421b8990 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.749] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0a95d00af2b8105980d0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.786] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=340011f8d9a4fb75313b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.821] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dab2e3b2efd4d54debd8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.829] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dabe43b638ec1fcd6559
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.850] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=340011f8d9a4fb75313b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.857] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=118d2abb5282a2451513
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.857] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=118d2abb5282a2451513 err="network id does not match: theirs 11297108109, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.861] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b6f07cb3d2f8715f5d43
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.888] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c4b93c175d57cf51a4a5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.891] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ee29efdf678752f37847
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.893] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=68df51989a4a0199d67e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.896] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=71e8a4d344fff2b0acb0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.909] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=02c7b64298264ab04305
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.912] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a30dec87e380ba7c492a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.938] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dab2e3b2efd4d54debd8 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.949] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dabe43b638ec1fcd6559 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.977] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a555996727b168ac4d55
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.977] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a555996727b168ac4d55 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.997] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b3a20e7e21088632dc43
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:41.998] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b6f07cb3d2f8715f5d43 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.025] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=550d9f1d59a4d91151eb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.034] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=02c7b64298264ab04305 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.038] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c4b93c175d57cf51a4a5 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.039] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a30dec87e380ba7c492a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.041] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ee29efdf678752f37847 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.046] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=68df51989a4a0199d67e err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.052] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=71e8a4d344fff2b0acb0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.105] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8b31040092e369ba37ee
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.109] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4d124196e99691ed5de7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.155] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8b31040092e369ba37ee err="network id does not match: theirs 3334, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.159] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4d124196e99691ed5de7 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.208] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=550d9f1d59a4d91151eb err="network id does not match: theirs 20782078, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.252] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f0233f9e2a0c92d7cc7f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.254] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=044dacedc42321b688f4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.262] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=646c42583f6ba85b9e6f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.274] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b3a20e7e21088632dc43 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.278] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f2a31b2c6b3868920f88
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.306] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ea5e04647ba38b1707fa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.311] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7f5e6e8da6899af6dbaa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.317] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4c91feca894658d42542
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.321] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d3d09b12694dceeb9c1e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.347] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=34f846efa714cfe858d8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.355] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ea5e04647ba38b1707fa err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.362] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7f5e6e8da6899af6dbaa err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.373] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=221950ae113ece48eaec
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.379] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=044dacedc42321b688f4 err="network id does not match: theirs 4919, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.390] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=646c42583f6ba85b9e6f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.393] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f0233f9e2a0c92d7cc7f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.414] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f2a31b2c6b3868920f88 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.439] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4c91feca894658d42542 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.444] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d3d09b12694dceeb9c1e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.479] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=34f846efa714cfe858d8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.510] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e211048a014d7eb74b0b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.512] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c0f52a7521dc9b31a096
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.514] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bfde6ebbec09f9446fed
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.515] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bfde6ebbec09f9446fed err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.522] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=221950ae113ece48eaec err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.576] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0ae373dedf8d7d2f3ec8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.610] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2ccff508bab51c3b7ab0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.630] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0ae373dedf8d7d2f3ec8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.641] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a40988d6d5d7e8412026
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.661] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e211048a014d7eb74b0b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.665] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c0f52a7521dc9b31a096 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.703] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c92bc2aec94d491c49e8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.747] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a3cbea1a3182f6a5e73d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.777] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bb892e97126364de09e6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.818] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c92bc2aec94d491c49e8 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.828] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8f984b0db27e07f4ee1f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.857] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a40988d6d5d7e8412026 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.877] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2ccff508bab51c3b7ab0 err="network id does not match: theirs 34, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.883] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a3cbea1a3182f6a5e73d err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.928] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bb892e97126364de09e6 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:42.973] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=45287a2bb4e0d3f65da8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:43.005] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8f984b0db27e07f4ee1f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:43.021] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d859db566d1ef6339518
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:43.024] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=45287a2bb4e0d3f65da8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:43.090] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d859db566d1ef6339518 err="network id does not match: theirs 100, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:43.125] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2854ea2954c4859033e7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:43.246] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9d0dde6b7d7fde020a44
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:43.252] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2854ea2954c4859033e7 err="network id does not match: theirs 4919, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:43.288] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=207ec9b31b71014849ae
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:43.358] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=383e214343f83ddbc6ba
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:43.374] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9d0dde6b7d7fde020a44 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:43.438] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=207ec9b31b71014849ae err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:43.553] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2a5b37027c1d8325fe75
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:43.567] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e27699485e878f138893
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:43.601] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=383e214343f83ddbc6ba err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:43.705] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2a5b37027c1d8325fe75 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:43.723] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e27699485e878f138893 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:44.474] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dfb0d75b622a9811a11f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:44.524] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dfb0d75b622a9811a11f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:44.619] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9e4925c953959ead207b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:44.634] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d2a4d587df6271ab0fff
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:44.676] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bcd6db61ca5997e08fba
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:44.688] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=51e21f185c8be73ec72d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:44.692] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=94cf26165c9b02c9ebaa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:44.738] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9e4925c953959ead207b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:44.742] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3be50b2ab19aec920d77
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:44.762] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d2a4d587df6271ab0fff err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:44.824] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bcd6db61ca5997e08fba err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:44.844] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=51e21f185c8be73ec72d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:44.847] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=94cf26165c9b02c9ebaa err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:44.851] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=57b42f474bd3531eb90a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:45.007] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=57b42f474bd3531eb90a err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:48.617] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=80d6101220d905ca4070
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:48.724] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f0437d18ae458acae6a9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:48.796] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c47815aa5454941a24b6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:48.799] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 40016551, latest header in db: 40090767
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:48.853] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f0437d18ae458acae6a9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:48.864] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=57d01dd35209dd1151da
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:48.901] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8c2176d82f108a39a818
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:48.951] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8c2176d82f108a39a818 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:48.962] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c47815aa5454941a24b6 err="genesis hash does not match: theirs d4e56740f876aef8c010b86a40d5f56745a118d0906a34e69aec8c0db1cb8fa3, ours a9c28ce2141b56c474f1dc504bee9b01eb1bd7d1a507580d5519d4437a97de1b"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:49.064] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=57d01dd35209dd1151da err="network id does not match: theirs 2828, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:49.077] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=93e4763954563f394b23
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:49.100] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=47b0efbdca88b2a16b70
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:49.104] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ab456a1935afb8e52155
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:49.112] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e62963957e34f35caffa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:49.113] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=997080a201eb66647f78
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:49.214] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=93e4763954563f394b23 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:49.235] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=da9a95054db40728ef11
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:49.249] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=47b0efbdca88b2a16b70 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:49.254] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ab456a1935afb8e52155 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:49.267] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e62963957e34f35caffa err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:49.268] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=997080a201eb66647f78 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:49.451] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=da9a95054db40728ef11 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:49.705] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3146dcc43e46d41cac10
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:49.753] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3146dcc43e46d41cac10 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:49.851] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e35cf79e652905eb7b50
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:49.866] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=75a5f06fcc722e038be2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:49.909] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=819fcae79d4fbab9425b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:49.909] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9e357113d58a85978a45
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:49.970] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e35cf79e652905eb7b50 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:49.994] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=75a5f06fcc722e038be2 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.058] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9e357113d58a85978a45 err="network id does not match: theirs 18159, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.058] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=819fcae79d4fbab9425b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.391] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=da22acd559a13d33b8de
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.392] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=84404ae36766bc792abb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.420] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=892074c4dd0a08b06f33
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.440] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=da22acd559a13d33b8de err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.440] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=84404ae36766bc792abb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.455] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bca401fb1d350e962666
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.456] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bca401fb1d350e962666 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.483] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=892074c4dd0a08b06f33 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.518] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=397c8cc1a8ca3c22c6aa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.543] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8c260dd6057e139b4280
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.560] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=239668b8961736a9ca42
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.569] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=397c8cc1a8ca3c22c6aa err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.571] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=831645b1fef436acaab0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.595] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=552dc040a4b83546795b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.598] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9ff8109cd19e9f88b564
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.599] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=004e70266a579c9ed2b0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.605] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2efa3ddd06e6b1c82d21
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.647] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=831645b1fef436acaab0 err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.647] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=576fe64d1a0d77f714a5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.669] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8c260dd6057e139b4280 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.694] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=239668b8961736a9ca42 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.697] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=576fe64d1a0d77f714a5 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.719] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9d7e2a19fb38d8fee90a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.725] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4b5d41faeae7a0fe1159
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.746] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9ff8109cd19e9f88b564 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.747] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=552dc040a4b83546795b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.750] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=004e70266a579c9ed2b0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.751] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=29887703b24efd66e3a9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.761] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2efa3ddd06e6b1c82d21 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.780] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=93aefd5adc3dcc48fe40
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.793] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e3dfbfeb5e426c4ab2a0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.794] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aefacec2ce2620d84c73
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.801] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=133ca1fe5dd680dc5a31
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.802] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8024f79bc59da224832f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.802] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8024f79bc59da224832f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.869] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9d7e2a19fb38d8fee90a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.877] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4b5d41faeae7a0fe1159 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.914] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=29887703b24efd66e3a9 err="network id does not match: theirs 9372, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.915] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e3dfbfeb5e426c4ab2a0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.918] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aefacec2ce2620d84c73 err="network id does not match: theirs 2828, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:50.929] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=133ca1fe5dd680dc5a31 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:51.023] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=93aefd5adc3dcc48fe40 err="network id does not match: theirs 2151, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:51.164] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=02ee175ec3dafb29cba8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:51.164] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=02ee175ec3dafb29cba8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:51.253] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bca93f9c59d1e6e3fd49
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:51.304] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bca93f9c59d1e6e3fd49 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:51.419] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1bf46cdc0e35d5733905
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:51.449] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c4c0d51a3f14db0c7449
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:51.523] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ec0918bb9028153687d2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:51.564] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3dfebd775af4d48602aa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:51.595] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ec0918bb9028153687d2 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:51.597] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c4c0d51a3f14db0c7449 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:51.633] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=251118c5c92aa1935351
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:51.655] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3dfebd775af4d48602aa err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:51.804] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=251118c5c92aa1935351 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:51.816] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c3be2e82cd875c142304
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:51.873] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bc33aa894620e9aca0d2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:52.033] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c3be2e82cd875c142304 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:52.163] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bc33aa894620e9aca0d2 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:52.486] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=92f492cfaf38a02924f0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:52.496] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ed09a9e54b9c1fdf64ee
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:52.536] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=92f492cfaf38a02924f0 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:52.550] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ed09a9e54b9c1fdf64ee err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:52.635] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e74213aa4acb0362123b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:52.643] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f0d2a9be1106401e7589
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:52.701] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6f2cd2b53b0f5774d3dd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:52.702] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5ddd5244ba7fe2c5a9d2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:52.760] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e74213aa4acb0362123b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:52.773] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f0d2a9be1106401e7589 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:52.793] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=117049ce796bb813fc56
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:52.859] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5ddd5244ba7fe2c5a9d2 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:52.860] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6f2cd2b53b0f5774d3dd err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:52.948] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=117049ce796bb813fc56 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:54.882] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=354de5cf7096554e1af7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:54.905] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=41fd7790da4219ed6001
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:54.909] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=810c9af1e5b1bbe24ff0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:54.932] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=354de5cf7096554e1af7 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:54.967] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=41fd7790da4219ed6001 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:54.975] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=810c9af1e5b1bbe24ff0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.214] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=93eb6718d9b0ad6a58a7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.397] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4718c581e956afc6d0fb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.404] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5346b5af5233b55186ec
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.430] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=93eb6718d9b0ad6a58a7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.438] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4718c581e956afc6d0fb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.449] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5346b5af5233b55186ec err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.503] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e862a23df974742f6142
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.536] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e862a23df974742f6142 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.552] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1493d431e95b81d7c76b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.556] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7a07cf0673cb6a892e6c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.602] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e80292b8611dd7e7c7f4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.613] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c738f9579b849c1b360c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.671] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1493d431e95b81d7c76b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.677] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7a07cf0673cb6a892e6c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.678] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6de9c06b42cd939c8d84
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.693] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c6d120105fa38307bb35
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.723] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4b8e0af4233f8952f87d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.738] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=203b864e4eb2d2ecf2b2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.746] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e80292b8611dd7e7c7f4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.761] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c738f9579b849c1b360c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.783] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f5a6176e1bbfd0008377
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.798] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6de9c06b42cd939c8d84 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.820] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c6d120105fa38307bb35 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.865] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4b8e0af4233f8952f87d err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.889] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=203b864e4eb2d2ecf2b2 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:55.928] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ff1d249442efff20caa8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.175] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ff1d249442efff20caa8 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.190] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=685b1391d4673913f027
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.190] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9b67d61d8bdb77f418d4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.193] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eb3fb602209a548031b5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.202] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f5a6176e1bbfd0008377 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.252] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=685b1391d4673913f027 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.256] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9b67d61d8bdb77f418d4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.265] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eb3fb602209a548031b5 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.273] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b28611857a74613ac1dd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.280] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e135ad4b779984cf9845
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.284] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=52544909fa7836178a64
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.294] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b28611857a74613ac1dd err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.319] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7b9cee65ccf1d747b00e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.327] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e135ad4b779984cf9845 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.335] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=52544909fa7836178a64 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.338] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e97d2f1a37b2035a34b9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.354] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=68f7a4e4fea0cb73c5ee
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.356] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=853f3be286140327f4ea
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.360] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ca423f78615e9a1714e4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.360] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b1733f33a73384558974
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.361] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ad215ef83103c358954d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.361] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=02d64a81d865b2f2b790
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.363] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0f42ebaedc6272be41a4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.364] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5c7fc1221bc3e210d338
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.374] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7a2a74b5a54c54158cea
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.387] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7b9cee65ccf1d747b00e err="network id does not match: theirs 10200, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.417] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6c6007d5cbee374f6ba6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.437] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=626dde259cc2d8e1c44d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.478] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e97d2f1a37b2035a34b9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.495] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=529da00f4d2b59ec2916
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.497] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=54cbde1c86fa507dd12f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.503] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=68f7a4e4fea0cb73c5ee err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.507] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=853f3be286140327f4ea err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.509] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b1733f33a73384558974 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.512] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ca423f78615e9a1714e4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.513] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0f42ebaedc6272be41a4 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.513] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ad215ef83103c358954d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.513] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=02d64a81d865b2f2b790 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.516] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5c7fc1221bc3e210d338 err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.531] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7a2a74b5a54c54158cea err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.534] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6c6007d5cbee374f6ba6 err="network id does not match: theirs 99, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.564] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=626dde259cc2d8e1c44d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.606] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e3c8abc570e432efbf8d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.606] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e3c8abc570e432efbf8d err="network id does not match: theirs 1337803, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.620] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=529da00f4d2b59ec2916 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.860] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=431a06c6b4a9756a9c7f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.873] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0342a7ebb36d65f1cdaf
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.873] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0342a7ebb36d65f1cdaf err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.878] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=64547a29eac105f53a1c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.881] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2d4171ba4d289fa05ee6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.911] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=431a06c6b4a9756a9c7f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.938] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=64547a29eac105f53a1c err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.942] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2d4171ba4d289fa05ee6 err="network id does not match: theirs 100, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.968] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ade8a4b12c21c4ce163c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.968] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=66a045dc7b5b31478a68
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.970] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6b832c8e6b16fa1c2e7a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:56.997] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=49148ec97b87f454067c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.005] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=546e9e567d4868f3775c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.012] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f1aa53f3cdb004640c89
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.016] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6b832c8e6b16fa1c2e7a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.019] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ade8a4b12c21c4ce163c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.019] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=66a045dc7b5b31478a68 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.027] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=72f4d94298e1e37ba723
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.062] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a2b33f92c2c8cf29ebdf
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.098] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=274a624f3a415a8ed9f5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.114] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f52ff14917c431b88588
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.115] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=21caa5570778bdaca1b4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.125] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=62947312fbb54ee48146
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.127] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=546e9e567d4868f3775c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.127] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 39947273, latest header in db: 40090767
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.138] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b0eed1bdf1635ca37709
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.138] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b0eed1bdf1635ca37709 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.139] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f1aa53f3cdb004640c89 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.169] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=46a5e0ae492a781cdd39
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.174] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ed6faf8567fda6867fab
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.176] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e1ef433c033728bad069
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.179] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b2a58157e0122308971a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.181] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aab5c8acda1270890c4d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.199] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=72f4d94298e1e37ba723 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.213] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=274a624f3a415a8ed9f5 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.214] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9bc1867dc5608cb8e86e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.214] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a2b33f92c2c8cf29ebdf err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.236] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f52ff14917c431b88588 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.239] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=21caa5570778bdaca1b4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.270] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=62947312fbb54ee48146 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.319] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b202541baaaeccc6d13c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.320] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=46a5e0ae492a781cdd39 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.326] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ed6faf8567fda6867fab err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.333] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b2a58157e0122308971a err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.338] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aab5c8acda1270890c4d err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.388] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7bcdac14218f660ec31c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.441] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9bc1867dc5608cb8e86e err="network id does not match: theirs 80001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.546] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b202541baaaeccc6d13c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.551] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c7d965667ea5badd9cc2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.558] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7bcdac14218f660ec31c err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.576] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c689d21f721c08a50f3d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.590] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c7d965667ea5badd9cc2 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.628] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c689d21f721c08a50f3d err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.723] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=af2e1b12eabaac4162d1
[INFO] [03-08|01:55:57.728] [5/15 Bodies] Downloading block bodies   block_num=40090427 delivery/sec=782.4KB wasted/sec=0B remaining=339 delivered=339 cache=9.5MB alloc=3.5GB sys=4.0GB
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.747] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b4c8e41f97dfde84f854
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.779] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=34486b5be22988c8df02
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.850] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=af2e1b12eabaac4162d1 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.872] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c2095748e9cb36697b44
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.885] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b4c8e41f97dfde84f854 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.934] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=34486b5be22988c8df02 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.987] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=19cd2b38d55b79634b46
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:57.991] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c2095748e9cb36697b44 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:58.162] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=19cd2b38d55b79634b46 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:58.383] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a3635268ff0a33c9c2f0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:58.434] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a3635268ff0a33c9c2f0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:58.531] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0a686cfaeb4cfc7230fa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:58.538] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=63e4e7ef3aa24494ac1b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:58.539] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e4ffe9e527e4fd494be6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:58.596] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5b7c10349162a92cec1b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:58.656] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0a686cfaeb4cfc7230fa err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:58.667] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e4ffe9e527e4fd494be6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:58.668] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=63e4e7ef3aa24494ac1b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:58.752] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5b7c10349162a92cec1b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:58.841] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=68eece6d5392aaf3a2c4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:58.965] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=68eece6d5392aaf3a2c4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:59.186] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=056d8f4abb4b3411485a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:59.191] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=43d2c29d30c0644965f5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:59.234] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=056d8f4abb4b3411485a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:59.239] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=43d2c29d30c0644965f5 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:59.401] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dcd9d5e92622663cb482
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:59.401] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=27c602936bcf35e76108
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:59.401] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f913ed590d00ac3b1cab
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:59.558] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f913ed590d00ac3b1cab err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:59.558] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=27c602936bcf35e76108 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:59.558] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dcd9d5e92622663cb482 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:59.685] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5650808fd09b90535ab4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:55:59.982] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5650808fd09b90535ab4 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:00.618] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4385fdaae94a53b86768
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:00.681] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4385fdaae94a53b86768 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.026] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4d104c6ba5d341e06daa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.046] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ccd8104576be52799ec6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.046] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ccd8104576be52799ec6 err="shutting down"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.091] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4d104c6ba5d341e06daa err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.136] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=95597cf2da3fa3294644
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.150] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e8230a3adb5d7f413a09
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.194] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bb455505352cb9344447
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.199] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4663408d3c801d0cfba3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.199] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c7ddc5b58ef58f424bdc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.256] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=95597cf2da3fa3294644 err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.264] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1f24c76d2420fa3f1f96
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.278] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e8230a3adb5d7f413a09 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.343] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bb455505352cb9344447 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.350] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c7ddc5b58ef58f424bdc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.351] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4663408d3c801d0cfba3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.390] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=985d13279598f6775ddd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.449] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1f24c76d2420fa3f1f96 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.637] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=985d13279598f6775ddd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.750] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=85d43a0b399a2f9eb8d6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.755] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aba56ab3edb4e250e80d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.755] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=92554244c835307c37b0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.801] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=85d43a0b399a2f9eb8d6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.805] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aba56ab3edb4e250e80d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.809] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=92554244c835307c37b0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.813] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=17f7ad29e6519de5df6f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.821] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eb1982cf18153d74ede0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.821] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eb1982cf18153d74ede0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.885] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=42bf33cc39031e193626
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.921] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2f115a6f70fbd8180975
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.947] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cc59c6dfc94d0bde170d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.948] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b34d6945fd751e0017a1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:04.966] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=17f7ad29e6519de5df6f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.004] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=42bf33cc39031e193626 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.096] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cc59c6dfc94d0bde170d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.096] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b34d6945fd751e0017a1 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.127] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2f115a6f70fbd8180975 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.388] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=75eecb4654944b7fcb26
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.400] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=378d216850b14c786661
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.412] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=319d601e90151a6e9810
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.412] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f48144dda600747a6d20
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.443] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=24ca3311e1d2786c3da7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.508] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=75eecb4654944b7fcb26 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.516] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=771ce263e52ad9f262a1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.526] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3c09f85ee7cdb8494cfb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.528] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=378d216850b14c786661 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.541] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=60fc295d49d8f21af31f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.544] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0867ac502a1e867f4976
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.544] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d6caa1f72c2ca334d4bc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.546] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=319d601e90151a6e9810 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.547] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f48144dda600747a6d20 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.547] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f20fe5222b022c9d1aae
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.547] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1dee80d86db47c940e09
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.547] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f19d8ad5df99f853e4a9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.561] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3c09f85ee7cdb8494cfb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.582] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eb0f91407dd86a91b1d3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.586] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=60fc295d49d8f21af31f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.591] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d6caa1f72c2ca334d4bc err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.591] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0867ac502a1e867f4976 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.595] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1dee80d86db47c940e09 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.595] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f20fe5222b022c9d1aae err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.595] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f19d8ad5df99f853e4a9 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.636] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=72051fe393583d5fb1d4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.686] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3ae44f61e3d5e3e8cd9e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.694] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=505d462a3a7dc4c190e3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.701] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=771ce263e52ad9f262a1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.706] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c31e7bd4b63df41470d9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.728] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9adf2bf5f455a719bf00
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.749] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e70930a4a4247462c628
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.749] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e1446146a12085a9f463
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.759] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=01214f79fb91bb7a5455
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.768] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b27006715cbb01812f8a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.800] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eb0f91407dd86a91b1d3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.804] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3ae44f61e3d5e3e8cd9e err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.815] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=505d462a3a7dc4c190e3 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.831] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c31e7bd4b63df41470d9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.865] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9adf2bf5f455a719bf00 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.883] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=72051fe393583d5fb1d4 err="network id does not match: theirs 3888, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.898] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e70930a4a4247462c628 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.899] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e1446146a12085a9f463 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.909] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=01214f79fb91bb7a5455 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.923] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b27006715cbb01812f8a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:05.939] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bac098ec72ec839b38d8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:06.063] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a8ac7c345942a4f9be20
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:06.117] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a8ac7c345942a4f9be20 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:06.179] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bac098ec72ec839b38d8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:06.267] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b18fec2b7850108a45fa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:06.268] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8317f0fb3010a1c1150a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:06.292] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=52906494e391b65d75f7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:06.294] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fad7645ab14462c1aa0d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:06.304] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=52c9ee6309aa1b0cd3c5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:06.309] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b4a06b2d4f707b73a4c7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:06.332] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ae30170f6b97c40abe8b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:06.423] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b18fec2b7850108a45fa err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:06.426] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8317f0fb3010a1c1150a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:06.432] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b4a06b2d4f707b73a4c7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:06.461] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=52906494e391b65d75f7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:06.462] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ae30170f6b97c40abe8b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:06.465] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fad7645ab14462c1aa0d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:06.478] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=52c9ee6309aa1b0cd3c5 err="network id does not match: theirs 4919, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:07.257] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=21a91b2b976390ddfe0f
[INFO] [03-08|01:56:07.389] [txpool] stat                            block=40090155 pending=395 baseFee=39 queued=886 alloc=3.5GB sys=4.0GB
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:07.407] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=21a91b2b976390ddfe0f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:11.135] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6693b8c8981bb0285d5a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:11.183] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6693b8c8981bb0285d5a err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:11.459] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=76ddadf270d9fc26b629
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:11.509] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=76ddadf270d9fc26b629 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:11.624] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f300506e27cfcc60390f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:11.661] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=482ffdcd6fb1761250b8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:11.757] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f300506e27cfcc60390f err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:11.814] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=482ffdcd6fb1761250b8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.033] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2c1929ae52243d9973a1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.056] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2f30eea1a2d9408f4175
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.083] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2c1929ae52243d9973a1 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[INFO] [03-08|01:56:12.106] [5/15 Bodies] Processed                  highest=40090767
[INFO] [03-08|01:56:12.106] [5/15 Bodies] DONE                       in=2m34.378021504s
[INFO] [03-08|01:56:12.106] [6/15 Senders] Started                   from=40090297 to=40090767
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.118] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2f30eea1a2d9408f4175 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.159] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b3288191233a69c8f3c5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.186] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d96af86393a9871f5ea1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.239] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cb6fedd9bf9a7d6a110c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.240] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2f9b4cb2b16187e5c1d7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.247] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2fece0e13d856ab8aec4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.272] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b3288191233a69c8f3c5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.293] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=78488c3c04f8b012ed66
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.293] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2f9b4cb2b16187e5c1d7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.315] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d96af86393a9871f5ea1 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.315] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=660dc15e769208953303
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.353] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=78488c3c04f8b012ed66 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.353] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=24754941e37704f7c0fc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.353] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=24754941e37704f7c0fc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.385] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4dc9c6b62a2146b6815a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.391] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cb6fedd9bf9a7d6a110c err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.403] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2fece0e13d856ab8aec4 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.407] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=660dc15e769208953303 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.426] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=62593fbcff8ef0d01719
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.429] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=de94d7213a854ee5fdd6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.441] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7d131d7704cf25992f98
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.441] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bf0a79a2f973f91b41cd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.441] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eeedcba371cccdd990c1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.442] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fa69949f2d2a3de7affb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.487] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4533c9f591a94091ee2b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.511] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4dc9c6b62a2146b6815a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.518] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2f72bbe7848004ab6da0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.551] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=62593fbcff8ef0d01719 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.571] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fa69949f2d2a3de7affb err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.578] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=de94d7213a854ee5fdd6 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.594] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7d131d7704cf25992f98 err="network id does not match: theirs 74818, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.594] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bf0a79a2f973f91b41cd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.595] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eeedcba371cccdd990c1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.636] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4533c9f591a94091ee2b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.681] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2f72bbe7848004ab6da0 err="network id does not match: theirs 4919, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.814] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=875da9765ed73cb8cb5c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.829] [6/15 Senders] DONE                      in=722.728232ms
[INFO] [03-08|01:56:12.829] [7/15 Execution] Blocks execution        from=40090297 to=40090767
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.862] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=875da9765ed73cb8cb5c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.949] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8647ef408625a24a7316
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.965] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=239e514cbd69db1ec874
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.966] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2250203ffac45002e54e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.966] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a30e430e43a2a3b0c944
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.970] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5ec3732dc8e91682b27c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:12.981] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=99a2eabb93760509ea02
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.020] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5bf00fe8873c78feab8f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.026] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8fa7d53e0bbe25054811
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.027] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d9d4c10f5a4477315eeb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.034] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d1801a2ac8ff2b35831c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.042] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8983867b57a47b03f3e0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.067] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8647ef408625a24a7316 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.081] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d1801a2ac8ff2b35831c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.090] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2250203ffac45002e54e err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.091] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=239e514cbd69db1ec874 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.092] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8983867b57a47b03f3e0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.093] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a30e430e43a2a3b0c944 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.098] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5ec3732dc8e91682b27c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.114] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=99a2eabb93760509ea02 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.181] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8fa7d53e0bbe25054811 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.213] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9a2bba777a6313b9a2b0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.227] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7cd4e8e5d561b6df6ba9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.254] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ad93385af682bb5c8468
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.257] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=01cbc434a2abbdcfd4bc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.345] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9a2bba777a6313b9a2b0 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.363] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7cd4e8e5d561b6df6ba9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.410] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=01cbc434a2abbdcfd4bc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.412] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ad93385af682bb5c8468 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.621] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d5e45d853ca39df4dd89
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.655] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605046 to=2023-03-08T01:35:58Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.655] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605046&to-time=1678239358&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:13.672] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d5e45d853ca39df4dd89 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:14.878] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e98f1b32792c59cd0da7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:14.887] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f901ad0bb2a61658b76a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:14.921] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605046 to=2023-03-08T01:36:34Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:14.921] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605046&to-time=1678239394&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:14.991] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4f3201bd90720884319e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:15.029] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e98f1b32792c59cd0da7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:15.047] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f901ad0bb2a61658b76a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:15.199] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4f3201bd90720884319e err="network id does not match: theirs 2828, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:16.073] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605046 to=2023-03-08T01:37:10Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:16.073] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605046&to-time=1678239430&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:17.072] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a2530d333078aa9e91c7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:17.114] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=99e2e71ad94e688380bd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:17.118] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d586b315506ae045e748
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:17.119] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a2530d333078aa9e91c7 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:17.185] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=99e2e71ad94e688380bd err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:17.192] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d586b315506ae045e748 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:17.239] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eed622523c57b4a54e24
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:17.245] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a5c8f74b22cab461a7b2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:17.273] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4a224b16b2977e3f00bd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:17.372] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eed622523c57b4a54e24 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:17.382] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a5c8f74b22cab461a7b2 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:17.421] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4a224b16b2977e3f00bd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:17.452] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605046 to=2023-03-08T01:37:44Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:17.452] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605046&to-time=1678239464&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:17.479] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eab2f6244d91fe9971ac
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:17.731] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eab2f6244d91fe9971ac err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:18.764] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8ebac928875725fe17b6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:18.775] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=88b94ae625e57d2fe7df
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:18.824] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605050 to=2023-03-08T01:38:18Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:18.824] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605050&to-time=1678239498&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:18.844] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0847c168cccab160506f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:18.845] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c66e6a366e5a438efae3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:18.875] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8ebac928875725fe17b6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:18.892] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=88b94ae625e57d2fe7df err="network id does not match: theirs 35441, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:18.911] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0847c168cccab160506f err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:18.996] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c66e6a366e5a438efae3 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.074] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=276093a6b9d166b51587
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.079] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e50a71a29dfafa3b8d93
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.080] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aecf96305b4e35febd79
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.083] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3ea128e2e1acf4b625e8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.117] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=447a6e63d88abcc98589
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.122] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=276093a6b9d166b51587 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.129] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e50a71a29dfafa3b8d93 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.129] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aecf96305b4e35febd79 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.136] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3ea128e2e1acf4b625e8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.195] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ccd69f4c2f85bdfef3fb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.223] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=364a7f02e79e6f6ddac7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.229] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e5d55a7480ac6dac9a15
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.241] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=75c32b0f7ce1c79156bc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.254] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b9513a2b02768a3c7670
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.281] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8995a019ef6577140bfb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.304] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b9513a2b02768a3c7670 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.321] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=447a6e63d88abcc98589 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.339] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ad6116bf076bc2a87d20
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.339] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ad6116bf076bc2a87d20 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.345] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=364a7f02e79e6f6ddac7 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.354] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e5d55a7480ac6dac9a15 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.371] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=75c32b0f7ce1c79156bc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.433] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8995a019ef6577140bfb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.440] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ccd69f4c2f85bdfef3fb err="network id does not match: theirs 2151, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.461] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aaf4a9fa807297e78bc7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.585] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aaf4a9fa807297e78bc7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.675] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=63b0f1080df4b4b1657d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.752] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3abb8633f7f910f2d4d9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.839] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605050 to=2023-03-08T01:38:52Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.839] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605050&to-time=1678239532&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:19.849] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=63b0f1080df4b4b1657d err="network id does not match: theirs 111, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:20.052] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3abb8633f7f910f2d4d9 err="network id does not match: theirs 96, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:20.403] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9c4718c7e83e325d87e4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:20.450] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9c4718c7e83e325d87e4 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:20.579] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cd1a6a93973a92eb15c1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:20.603] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d2ae9d96dbb71e0310a7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:20.612] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1b1d03574863add48113
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:20.718] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cd1a6a93973a92eb15c1 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:20.750] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d2ae9d96dbb71e0310a7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:20.762] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1b1d03574863add48113 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:20.795] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6cf17ca14743de5bc231
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:20.804] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c30d2b02f7af8f539c17
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:20.841] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6cf17ca14743de5bc231 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:20.854] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c30d2b02f7af8f539c17 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:20.855] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ff3120258e1b5c8ed7ee
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:21.003] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b76bf1953c201e940fd6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:21.076] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605050 to=2023-03-08T01:39:26Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:21.076] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605050&to-time=1678239566&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:21.144] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ff3120258e1b5c8ed7ee err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:21.153] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b76bf1953c201e940fd6 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:21.179] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d68415dc0516a8ae8920
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:21.179] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d68415dc0516a8ae8920 err="network id does not match: theirs 1337, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:21.330] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c9d7d1ea2192a990378a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:21.373] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c9d7d1ea2192a990378a err="network id does not match: theirs 1112, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:21.395] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bd3d735b670834634dd7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:21.426] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ed8e18832b84a405614c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:21.441] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bd3d735b670834634dd7 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:21.488] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ed8e18832b84a405614c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:21.496] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1c4f11fcc853f429fc35
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:21.544] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a8bdf54100485e8d9589
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:21.624] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1c4f11fcc853f429fc35 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:21.664] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a8bdf54100485e8d9589 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:21.722] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=240a490ed506d50fccc2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:21.737] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0762bd3318327769f86f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:21.929] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=240a490ed506d50fccc2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:21.952] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0762bd3318327769f86f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:22.384] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605050 to=2023-03-08T01:40:00Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:22.384] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605050&to-time=1678239600&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:23.436] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605050 to=2023-03-08T01:40:34Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:23.436] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605050&to-time=1678239634&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:24.966] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=738a28c49f4ddb48564a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:25.025] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=738a28c49f4ddb48564a err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:25.111] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1db51ddc2322ae1f8afd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:25.241] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1db51ddc2322ae1f8afd err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:25.673] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605050 to=2023-03-08T01:41:08Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:25.674] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605050&to-time=1678239668&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:28.965] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9ede0d33c46cb2b4ee24
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.019] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9ede0d33c46cb2b4ee24 err="network id does not match: theirs 40925, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.060] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=66c47d11bbfd79ecbe59
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.061] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=66c47d11bbfd79ecbe59 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.072] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605050 to=2023-03-08T01:41:42Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.072] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605050&to-time=1678239702&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.076] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=df5e5dc0b27f582178e0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.109] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2e8089a5777a2fdf361e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.134] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=01d9b2024afa3ebe7323
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.157] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=df5e5dc0b27f582178e0 err="network id does not match: theirs 8, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.158] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2e8089a5777a2fdf361e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.163] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1f132468aea772c38014
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.178] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=90f3f106d1337bed49e5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.224] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f73e34d39939714cf212
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.246] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=01d9b2024afa3ebe7323 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.257] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a0c5603691c4c8028620
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.260] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9d4062ce8df2e4a8e277
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.261] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=25c9b2dd37ffa489f26c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.307] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=782c3f01afc6bd5c01e1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.308] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d3271e6e8e82568e3a9f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.311] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=90f3f106d1337bed49e5 err="network id does not match: theirs 1684, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.311] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=66a7a0f853dd499e6234
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.313] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=39237c43a0b4eaeba451
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.341] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b69ced9010fdb9924566
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.341] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b69ced9010fdb9924566 err="network id does not match: theirs 24242, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.380] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f73e34d39939714cf212 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.385] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=25c9b2dd37ffa489f26c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.388] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9d4062ce8df2e4a8e277 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.429] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a0c5603691c4c8028620 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.456] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=782c3f01afc6bd5c01e1 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.459] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d3271e6e8e82568e3a9f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.463] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=66a7a0f853dd499e6234 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.464] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=39237c43a0b4eaeba451 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.491] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=840dd91f49aef1373204
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.731] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=840dd91f49aef1373204 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.734] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=23f1703cbfe431fe8a5f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.740] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=746a38402bf3f16e68cf
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.778] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=602a6f232ccc5d89d913
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.782] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=23f1703cbfe431fe8a5f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.790] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=746a38402bf3f16e68cf err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.823] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=602a6f232ccc5d89d913 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.853] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ee816bfcb9f01677415f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.888] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fbc9935a2623640acfb9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.904] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b2dae58ee858eb960dd8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.907] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=79a9f965d4b5f7a0446b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.926] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e9ce0f4257632d27331e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.936] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f3ffeb3253041f305dde
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.946] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=99c3e6cb298d01f54c6d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.965] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7756750a5544c0b0d94d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.965] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7756750a5544c0b0d94d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.978] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ee816bfcb9f01677415f err="network id does not match: theirs 4919, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.989] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cc365eed55b74070b973
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.991] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5f6cdfc0302bf17fd7a8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:29.992] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=074258805af3caf32f0c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.012] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a2aa38323e1c27b2d11c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.029] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fbc9935a2623640acfb9 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.035] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5f2d2c44f2eb795c77c7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.036] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=02646a2f09cb5bab6b70
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.045] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=79a9f965d4b5f7a0446b err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.047] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e9ce0f4257632d27331e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.053] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b2dae58ee858eb960dd8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.053] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1e05cf050b560317355a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.072] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dc09362b35ecedda41ea
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.084] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f3ffeb3253041f305dde err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.097] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=99c3e6cb298d01f54c6d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.133] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3d6d9d3ebaaddedb5ace
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.133] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3d6d9d3ebaaddedb5ace err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.139] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cc365eed55b74070b973 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.141] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5f6cdfc0302bf17fd7a8 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.169] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=074258805af3caf32f0c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.178] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5f2d2c44f2eb795c77c7 err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.180] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=976483b9ebc3d3c8f3eb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.199] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a2aa38323e1c27b2d11c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.252] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=02646a2f09cb5bab6b70 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.258] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fbcd0ae80e4c80000dc8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.264] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3f7f8c999431cb76a5d4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.275] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1e05cf050b560317355a err="network id does not match: theirs 96, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.279] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c3a6a9754acee2d96d73
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.304] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dc09362b35ecedda41ea err="network id does not match: theirs 96, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.305] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fbcd0ae80e4c80000dc8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.314] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0799fb2c324f8a7d4a18
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.315] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3f7f8c999431cb76a5d4 err="network id does not match: theirs 80001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.337] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c3a6a9754acee2d96d73 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.427] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=976483b9ebc3d3c8f3eb err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.593] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2b066facee1b18e9b706
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.629] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0799fb2c324f8a7d4a18 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.808] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2b066facee1b18e9b706 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.833] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=19d93eec1f2705302c4f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.884] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=86dee9f4d8ddba4dc0e5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.942] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9b0ea0db948d7c3bdf54
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:30.959] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=19d93eec1f2705302c4f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.003] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9b0ea0db948d7c3bdf54 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.039] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=86dee9f4d8ddba4dc0e5 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.094] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=069b96ad347b355a5930
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.221] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=069b96ad347b355a5930 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.384] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0ae373dedf8d7d2f3ec8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.431] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0ae373dedf8d7d2f3ec8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.541] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6505643fa4daa9ca6430
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.553] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dc52f0533116e8c9ddb5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.558] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0fbd00053b4fecd31c16
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.564] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4c7b6a35fd9d5da9d6f7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.571] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ab94f7e08fc59e345616
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.595] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=53716b4692a979e02b79
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.639] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=414ae565b1205c124c1c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.665] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6505643fa4daa9ca6430 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.685] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dc52f0533116e8c9ddb5 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.689] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fd09db6ca7b44925caa0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.691] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0fbd00053b4fecd31c16 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.701] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4c7b6a35fd9d5da9d6f7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.711] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ab94f7e08fc59e345616 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.735] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1347b4a40a91322ed59d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.745] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1347b4a40a91322ed59d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.747] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=53716b4692a979e02b79 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.765] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=414ae565b1205c124c1c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.841] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fd09db6ca7b44925caa0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.894] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b4960ba1a159002b36b9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.902] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605050 to=2023-03-08T01:42:16Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:31.902] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605050&to-time=1678239736&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:32.026] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b4960ba1a159002b36b9 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:32.200] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=54414154913a5ca95675
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:32.251] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=54414154913a5ca95675 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:32.346] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6f90daa1a4476b87684a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:32.385] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0fad753edcacfd10eeff
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:32.407] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4a30abf0413edfe7295d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:32.466] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6f90daa1a4476b87684a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:32.528] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0fad753edcacfd10eeff err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:32.556] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=70805efe7cfa74a0755c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:32.558] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4a30abf0413edfe7295d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:32.701] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=88f68eab9d0e6037fde1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:32.754] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=88f68eab9d0e6037fde1 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:32.787] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=70805efe7cfa74a0755c err="network id does not match: theirs 800001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:32.836] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c894acffca2d7072b2ad
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:32.845] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b2fb85c97bdc3659f80b
[INFO] [03-08|01:56:32.852] [7/15 Execution] Executed blocks         number=40090487 blk/s=9.5 tx/s=735.0 Mgas/s=144.7 gasState=0.01 batch=3.4MB alloc=4.9GB sys=5.2GB
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:32.891] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3d7c55a2b799f42e15d3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:32.897] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3abb456390eac9b130cc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:32.919] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0f8064f1862c315791db
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:32.947] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0a7b73e14c13b5e02dd4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:32.956] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c894acffca2d7072b2ad err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:32.978] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b2fb85c97bdc3659f80b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:33.040] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3d7c55a2b799f42e15d3 err="network id does not match: theirs 8687, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:33.049] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3abb456390eac9b130cc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:33.123] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0a7b73e14c13b5e02dd4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:34.238] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605050 to=2023-03-08T01:42:50Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:34.238] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605050&to-time=1678239770&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:34.412] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=026310ce0d01d7961078
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:34.414] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=026310ce0d01d7961078 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:35.850] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=92f492cfaf38a02924f0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:35.900] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=92f492cfaf38a02924f0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:35.971] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=df288998824aa5cf8943
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:35.990] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d797d5fc69c77b9e3e50
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.007] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bfa150864ffd48de354d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.026] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=576ba7ff27eb6a243a16
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.051] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c58a21f22671f446c3d0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.058] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=31e64172da253edcda4a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.074] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=576ba7ff27eb6a243a16 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.076] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fcd347afadb077169835
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.093] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=883234b00b9c02a1ffff
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.098] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a7c457d78664b11ab9bd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.154] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fcd347afadb077169835 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.171] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=96c05ad8422e325f8881
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.203] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c58a21f22671f446c3d0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.213] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=31e64172da253edcda4a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.219] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d797d5fc69c77b9e3e50 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.227] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c689175773cedbc11695
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.231] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ee5638186909519cf7f2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.239] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a717eac18fa8ad158b22
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.267] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=883234b00b9c02a1ffff err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.275] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a7c457d78664b11ab9bd err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.295] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=96c05ad8422e325f8881 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.307] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bfa150864ffd48de354d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.319] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=428e70a630a962a98bf7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.331] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=df288998824aa5cf8943 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.376] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c689175773cedbc11695 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.383] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ee5638186909519cf7f2 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.395] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a717eac18fa8ad158b22 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.514] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=428e70a630a962a98bf7 err="network id does not match: theirs 15, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.592] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e996da9a241a36effa35
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.638] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e996da9a241a36effa35 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.699] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605050 to=2023-03-08T01:43:24Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.699] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605050&to-time=1678239804&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.706] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b0b67a14bddae7baf41c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.721] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b0975207a44f583fee73
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.722] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=228780ba4b20c334776e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.749] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=21a8f90909f65df9504d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.757] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b0b67a14bddae7baf41c err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.770] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=40bd05fc92beb1d28938
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.774] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=540ec6c41bbdfc2865ed
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.783] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=90c05d5e1145b308ade2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.784] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9431e373621a6ce50a29
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.788] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a12050913546dd75b387
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.797] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ee87b945892c5b1baa7c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.800] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a5e0399e2a08d4e989a8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.834] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b0975207a44f583fee73 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.834] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=228780ba4b20c334776e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.874] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=21a8f90909f65df9504d err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.894] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=540ec6c41bbdfc2865ed err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.894] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=40bd05fc92beb1d28938 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.903] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=146ccb271e50c663c34b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.903] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=146ccb271e50c663c34b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.910] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9431e373621a6ce50a29 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.910] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=90c05d5e1145b308ade2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.913] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a12050913546dd75b387 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.946] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ee87b945892c5b1baa7c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.951] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a5e0399e2a08d4e989a8 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.952] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0d931757a808d7306e3d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:36.976] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=04b99678308be5c7df81
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:37.125] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0d931757a808d7306e3d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:37.161] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=04b99678308be5c7df81 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:37.276] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bffab828e093ac6d6b57
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:37.349] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0402f1ebd9577789d5da
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:37.450] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bffab828e093ac6d6b57 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:37.467] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0402f1ebd9577789d5da err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:37.585] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3b8c3c825472d73fb617
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:37.707] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3b8c3c825472d73fb617 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:38.271] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a6eb95c991445dc2e388
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:38.384] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a6eb95c991445dc2e388 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:38.411] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7f7aa6307ea1eb72eb7f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:38.439] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b725654f3d41fac9fbd5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:38.440] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=991b2db0c007d313b2bf
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:38.549] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7f7aa6307ea1eb72eb7f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:38.586] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=74dd0df75d9be829a1cf
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:38.590] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b725654f3d41fac9fbd5 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:38.769] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=74dd0df75d9be829a1cf err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:38.805] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e271a0d8ef555f61c0ab
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:38.806] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e271a0d8ef555f61c0ab err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:39.259] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605050 to=2023-03-08T01:43:58Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:39.259] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605050&to-time=1678239838&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:41.593] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605050 to=2023-03-08T01:44:32Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:41.593] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605050&to-time=1678239872&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:41.719] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7ddeb457ce8938b60710
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:41.720] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7ddeb457ce8938b60710 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:44.109] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605052 to=2023-03-08T01:45:06Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:44.109] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605052&to-time=1678239906&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:46.919] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bcb42ff17a52af7ac120
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:46.966] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bcb42ff17a52af7ac120 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.063] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e3df54b81bf3340450f0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.103] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dc26702140ee74d7f20e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.106] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fec4e8a1178c75fd09f2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.121] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5b181b66875c05e2a493
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.182] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e3df54b81bf3340450f0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.213] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dc26702140ee74d7f20e err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.247] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fec4e8a1178c75fd09f2 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.271] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5b181b66875c05e2a493 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.567] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605052 to=2023-03-08T01:45:42Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.567] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605052&to-time=1678239942&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.699] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a7db91e31fa1e900372b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.736] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d6ba275a3636664b0fda
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.750] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a7db91e31fa1e900372b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.798] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d6ba275a3636664b0fda err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.820] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e57dfdc3e9e58d5476f3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.847] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=26bec0410e2b0edce03d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.848] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b4c2db578e844d1a5065
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.852] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=85011b3447c83115353a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.853] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=740817ee2d338637fad2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.871] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=90a31ce39cb3705398c0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.897] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e72b17b778dd9ec1c717
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.897] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8d549605cb8b8263c9e9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.898] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=76481908f3162c0f905a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.905] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a8dc54d5595873a969d8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.931] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e57dfdc3e9e58d5476f3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.971] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=26bec0410e2b0edce03d err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.973] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b4c2db578e844d1a5065 err="network id does not match: theirs 2828, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.977] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=85011b3447c83115353a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:47.977] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=740817ee2d338637fad2 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.009] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=90a31ce39cb3705398c0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.022] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=96782a9d43ff871ba3c3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.045] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e72b17b778dd9ec1c717 err="network id does not match: theirs 513100, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.047] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8d549605cb8b8263c9e9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.047] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=126b176e93c79d89b18d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.047] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=126b176e93c79d89b18d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.048] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=76481908f3162c0f905a err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.057] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a8dc54d5595873a969d8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.147] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fd7587fde13004ec6326
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.225] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=96782a9d43ff871ba3c3 err="network id does not match: theirs 39, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.315] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=98b87c49c58dc8e87031
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.323] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=66e417b0b620ffab4e62
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.360] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=98b87c49c58dc8e87031 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.373] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=66e417b0b620ffab4e62 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.419] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fd7587fde13004ec6326 err="network id does not match: theirs 52861, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.482] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5e363b4abef1fe047f94
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.487] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=37b13ea9139b9e69f4e2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.487] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=37b13ea9139b9e69f4e2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.507] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b4d44b78b225ae9266e9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.559] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b4d44b78b225ae9266e9 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.597] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=27810e1161b18aefad5c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.605] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5e363b4abef1fe047f94 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.634] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a0637005d81a2129febc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.709] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=09f1fde281ed2825165a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.720] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=27810e1161b18aefad5c err="network id does not match: theirs 73799, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.839] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a0637005d81a2129febc err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:48.860] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=09f1fde281ed2825165a err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:49.510] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4ab248f81759564e5612
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:49.655] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4ab248f81759564e5612 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:49.829] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605053 to=2023-03-08T01:46:46Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:49.829] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605053&to-time=1678240006&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:52.761] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605053 to=2023-03-08T01:47:20Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:52.761] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605053&to-time=1678240040&limit=50"
[INFO] [03-08|01:56:53.125] [7/15 Execution] Executed blocks         number=40090609 blk/s=6.0 tx/s=451.0 Mgas/s=91.3 gasState=0.01 batch=5.8MB alloc=3.1GB sys=6.0GB
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:55.366] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605053 to=2023-03-08T01:47:54Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:55.367] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605053&to-time=1678240074&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:55.874] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3ad18f186e7e0176b375
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:55.907] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3ad18f186e7e0176b375 err="network id does not match: theirs 40925, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:55.910] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=55e48679442a9e3ef2a3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:55.948] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e2cc6abbfc7d4566ccb6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:55.960] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=55e48679442a9e3ef2a3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:55.996] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=db7635a01142e7534408
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.014] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=74644760cb0ba0c77657
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.019] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e2cc6abbfc7d4566ccb6 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.037] sendMessageById                          msgcode=3 err="set tcp use of closed network connection"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.064] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=74644760cb0ba0c77657 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.095] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b44b8d3bec5f12b307eb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.099] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=54cadcec281d564edfc5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.112] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c412f38e907e4ac5998a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.130] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b3a4287ca6df46e0781a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.147] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=13113538f3ca7d898d99
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.152] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=65a904945037fb870de9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.157] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=86087374c7201cd1a737
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.198] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b44b8d3bec5f12b307eb err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.219] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3606107bcfb719643a65
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.219] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1ec3719eca489e6e1c87
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.229] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0bd9daf21ff735def452
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.235] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f6aea40338d1c7d893a4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.235] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f6aea40338d1c7d893a4 err="network id does not match: theirs 1337, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.240] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b3a4287ca6df46e0781a err="network id does not match: theirs 2019, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.244] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=54cadcec281d564edfc5 err="network id does not match: theirs 9372, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.244] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3a023ec1c37e032ebf06
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.263] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7a5f60b15e4fa7ee5055
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.264] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c412f38e907e4ac5998a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.268] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=13113538f3ca7d898d99 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.272] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=65a904945037fb870de9 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.278] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=86087374c7201cd1a737 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.324] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2387c50800be70833c82
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.370] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1ec3719eca489e6e1c87 err="network id does not match: theirs 100, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.371] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3606107bcfb719643a65 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.378] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=46ed9da020cb3f7849b5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.383] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0bd9daf21ff735def452 err="network id does not match: theirs 2020, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.413] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3a023ec1c37e032ebf06 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.440] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7a5f60b15e4fa7ee5055 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.527] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2387c50800be70833c82 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.619] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=46ed9da020cb3f7849b5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.704] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e3ae7adc4ab48845ea9a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.708] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dd85619d66b6b9dd2b6f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.709] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a06e3535e5bc2b7424b7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.751] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e3ae7adc4ab48845ea9a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.755] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dd85619d66b6b9dd2b6f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.758] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a06e3535e5bc2b7424b7 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.804] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=766ee2999ace724a2ddd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.826] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=59323ad6f7395490455f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.847] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=766ee2999ace724a2ddd err="network id does not match: theirs 40925, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.880] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=59323ad6f7395490455f err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.880] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=25ad262879f36381b13e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.884] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eaafdaed10432362594a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.918] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=49ae31f84ee04cb11060
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:56.959] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=33e53f4c898a3d06ab73
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:57.019] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eaafdaed10432362594a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:57.023] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=25ad262879f36381b13e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:57.026] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b80db08ba460a68be4e4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:57.089] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=49ae31f84ee04cb11060 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:57.116] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=33e53f4c898a3d06ab73 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:57.121] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=291571dd06928a50999e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:57.162] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b80db08ba460a68be4e4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:57.209] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=65582cac234405c72610
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:57.220] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=db6b5d39b6e257362d98
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:57.325] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=291571dd06928a50999e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:57.454] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=65582cac234405c72610 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:57.459] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605053 to=2023-03-08T01:48:28Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:57.459] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605053&to-time=1678240108&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:57.471] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=db6b5d39b6e257362d98 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:57.640] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=38731fd28be86cb257ee
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:57.762] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=38731fd28be86cb257ee err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:59.549] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605053 to=2023-03-08T01:49:02Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:59.549] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605053&to-time=1678240142&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:59.643] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=46f202d7cc6d5ba97adc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:59.688] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=46f202d7cc6d5ba97adc err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:59.798] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1816fb3080ae6163d042
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:59.826] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eedf29e4f195dd09934e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:59.921] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1816fb3080ae6163d042 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:56:59.963] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eedf29e4f195dd09934e err="network id does not match: theirs 2828, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:00.002] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=494f6ef473cc58da80b5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:00.228] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=494f6ef473cc58da80b5 err="network id does not match: theirs 96, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:01.155] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dd179ca60f5220b7d6a0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:01.183] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b39dab8e34857dd801a6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:01.286] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dd179ca60f5220b7d6a0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:01.314] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b39dab8e34857dd801a6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:01.941] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605053 to=2023-03-08T01:49:36Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:01.941] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605053&to-time=1678240176&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:01.945] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4c78d0baaa77a049e18c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:01.994] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4c78d0baaa77a049e18c err="network id does not match: theirs 120852483, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.019] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bff2dcb921988cb3aed8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.063] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=03c1e44e32e40371b7ae
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.095] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5fb17a0a0e171837305c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.101] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=da1486ae810464fc5f9a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.101] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=da1486ae810464fc5f9a err="network id does not match: theirs 1337, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.109] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bff2dcb921988cb3aed8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.128] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1e648aa48e01bbbe1bd8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.132] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=51c26ae72475ae9b22f6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.137] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7c685921ea9948c3c11e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.151] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1cb2f287413f5a0ceb2a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.175] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=03c1e44e32e40371b7ae err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.206] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=54a888b5836cac16d894
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.206] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=54a888b5836cac16d894 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.220] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7172f58b1b08a40f6bb4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.270] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1e648aa48e01bbbe1bd8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.272] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5fb17a0a0e171837305c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.277] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=51c26ae72475ae9b22f6 err="network id does not match: theirs 660868, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.286] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7c685921ea9948c3c11e err="network id does not match: theirs 2828, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.308] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1cb2f287413f5a0ceb2a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.487] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=38c53b4ddf349abadf65
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.535] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=38c53b4ddf349abadf65 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.630] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e77052decdc4f77fec22
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.677] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=43eb9a5eb30be0519d58
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.699] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=72b88f94fcfa70e1d5f9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.741] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=53d0aa8b7d4ac4af0c3c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.750] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e77052decdc4f77fec22 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.790] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=53d0aa8b7d4ac4af0c3c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.821] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=43eb9a5eb30be0519d58 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.824] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=72b88f94fcfa70e1d5f9 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.949] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4b0315a5bfd4c010cccd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:02.957] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c97bd74336e4d17c9592
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:03.013] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d0890d87cab2002f40cd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:03.015] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dfc5bbe658cb61ca176d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:03.101] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4b0315a5bfd4c010cccd err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:03.272] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9b4d318fb742145b6d5f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:03.324] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d0890d87cab2002f40cd err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:03.328] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dfc5bbe658cb61ca176d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:03.411] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9b4d318fb742145b6d5f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:03.425] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5f623015a6d0cff11cb0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:03.479] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5f623015a6d0cff11cb0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:04.344] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605055 to=2023-03-08T01:50:10Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:04.344] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605055&to-time=1678240210&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:04.823] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7d53595c3639f1804b74
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:04.939] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7d53595c3639f1804b74 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:05.563] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9b1a9c0793f3d47c44d5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:05.564] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9b1a9c0793f3d47c44d5 err="shutting down"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:06.444] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4e2fabfa21d8c7f3b0ac
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:06.592] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4e2fabfa21d8c7f3b0ac err="network id does not match: theirs 4844001004, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:06.627] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605055 to=2023-03-08T01:50:44Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:06.628] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605055&to-time=1678240244&limit=50"
[INFO] [03-08|01:57:06.783] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=18 eth67=4
[INFO] [03-08|01:57:07.390] [txpool] stat                            block=40090155 pending=561 baseFee=42 queued=1334 alloc=3.8GB sys=6.0GB
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:08.719] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ecc1610d95e188bd003b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:08.766] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ecc1610d95e188bd003b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:08.857] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f24a13fcb3480ff8e2f7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:08.860] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e7f5bc67a8135edfd959
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:08.864] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5fa3b05653901de8461e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:08.871] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=34e3cd4121f091e7e4b8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:08.877] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7d6437a2f17779cd0fa6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:08.885] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0fa03ffd1c367e03f0a3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:08.933] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=62456682f831b4a6f62b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:08.949] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5f515e9520baaff4755a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:08.963] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=73f7080aa5ae97fadddd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:08.966] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c8b598d9c694777c5a81
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:08.975] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f24a13fcb3480ff8e2f7 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:08.977] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=12c315ee253a7ea8fa0c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:08.985] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5fa3b05653901de8461e err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:08.988] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f7f19c78118a68593c07
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:08.996] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=34e3cd4121f091e7e4b8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.004] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7d6437a2f17779cd0fa6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.013] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 39600557, latest header in db: 40090767
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.043] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=62456682f831b4a6f62b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.069] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5f515e9520baaff4755a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.076] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ac7102dbfc19419b25cf
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.086] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9335dc5303eba6285398
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.090] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=73f7080aa5ae97fadddd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.091] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b47239a78f98ec67c45e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.092] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b47239a78f98ec67c45e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.095] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c8b598d9c694777c5a81 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.125] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f7f19c78118a68593c07 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.153] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=12c315ee253a7ea8fa0c err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.154] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fe16796b79275a20483a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.179] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0be08bf82fad3af528bb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.180] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0be08bf82fad3af528bb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.214] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9335dc5303eba6285398 err="network id does not match: theirs 508674158, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.233] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9fbc824cedc4023c28d8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.251] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605055 to=2023-03-08T01:51:18Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.251] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605055&to-time=1678240278&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.254] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d64ed01b4ffaabdc0994
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.267] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9fbc824cedc4023c28d8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.276] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ac7102dbfc19419b25cf err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.298] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d64ed01b4ffaabdc0994 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.303] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fe16796b79275a20483a err="network id does not match: theirs 30746, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.330] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f453526fecd683fdf618
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.362] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aa07ceb0d8f28b82b8a4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.362] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aa07ceb0d8f28b82b8a4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.390] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f453526fecd683fdf618 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.415] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2d95e52e24f7d1406d0d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.464] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f9867e186631b9c319c4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.464] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=017e53bac111cf5d30d1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.473] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=17dc0ef91b623c19cb24
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.477] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=23e292708e5474d1dd37
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.504] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1753be35b937886ec4f5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.540] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2d95e52e24f7d1406d0d err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.600] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=23e292708e5474d1dd37 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.600] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=17dc0ef91b623c19cb24 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.615] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f9867e186631b9c319c4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:09.644] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1753be35b937886ec4f5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:10.076] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=017d86c2222eeeff6532
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:10.119] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=587dc2db164bdcf712a8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:10.120] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4e69855ca3625ab8ccd8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:10.193] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=df08c863f257ee94426a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:10.234] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=03734fa8c4c852de1b4f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:10.247] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=587dc2db164bdcf712a8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:10.248] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4e69855ca3625ab8ccd8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:10.272] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=017d86c2222eeeff6532 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:10.327] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=df08c863f257ee94426a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:10.343] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b0f11d3d770e631076f6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:10.357] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c6ccc37b561ff32e800f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:10.411] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=03734fa8c4c852de1b4f err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:10.551] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b0f11d3d770e631076f6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:10.574] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c6ccc37b561ff32e800f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:11.997] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605055 to=2023-03-08T01:51:52Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:11.997] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605055&to-time=1678240312&limit=50"
[INFO] [03-08|01:57:12.877] [7/15 Execution] Executed blocks         number=40090741 blk/s=6.7 tx/s=447.3 Mgas/s=97.7 gasState=0.01 batch=8.4MB alloc=4.1GB sys=6.0GB
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:14.879] Fetching state updates from Heimdall     fromID=2605055 to=2023-03-08T01:52:26Z
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:14.880] Fetching state sync events               queryParams="from-id=2605055&to-time=1678240346&limit=50"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.489] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9ede0d33c46cb2b4ee24
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.542] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9ede0d33c46cb2b4ee24 err="network id does not match: theirs 40925, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.591] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f9e458f9858f9559bb9c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.596] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fcecc7e4c3a3e06d4b11
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.640] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f9e458f9858f9559bb9c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.647] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fcecc7e4c3a3e06d4b11 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.672] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=75c92a109fbb2f98873a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.679] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1f132468aea772c38014
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.748] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=34abc7aa7947145bb166
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.762] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=75c92a109fbb2f98873a err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.793] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2094fe2bbf1f608e038e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.794] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3d0d9523feaa87b4086d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.803] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f93a96a4501479296e7c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.814] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b328d313f2569abf224d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.816] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=98a49c02c5541fba106d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.819] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6e66cc1b45ebbd2b4767
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.864] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f7b75f4def7da59dc79f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.874] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=34abc7aa7947145bb166 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.888] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=05755270b03b5e458e03
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.941] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2094fe2bbf1f608e038e err="network id does not match: theirs 8687, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.945] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3d0d9523feaa87b4086d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.957] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f93a96a4501479296e7c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.963] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b328d313f2569abf224d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.968] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=98a49c02c5541fba106d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:17.971] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6e66cc1b45ebbd2b4767 err="network id does not match: theirs 9372, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:18.035] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dfa8028fe8b33faca0ab
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:18.035] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dfa8028fe8b33faca0ab err="set tcp use of closed network connection"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:18.039] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f7b75f4def7da59dc79f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:18.075] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=05755270b03b5e458e03 err="network id does not match: theirs 2151, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:18.154] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7f74d781f6da033cdbd4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:18.179] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b97b19a77a65e436dbd7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:18.183] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d647a7a9bcf9ade7feb7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:18.208] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7f74d781f6da033cdbd4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:18.240] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b97b19a77a65e436dbd7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:18.249] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d647a7a9bcf9ade7feb7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:18.321] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ebfc90f48f2b2da13192
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:18.350] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=68db6389e7598f88d53e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:18.350] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=68db6389e7598f88d53e err="shutting down"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:18.356] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=049f1cd699bc4f59f9cc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:18.367] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d7f7a140da3b5c0289f2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:18.380] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=86d7b5dfcc5706f1d4e0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:18.454] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ebfc90f48f2b2da13192 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:18.507] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=049f1cd699bc4f59f9cc err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:18.525] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d7f7a140da3b5c0289f2 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:18.545] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=86d7b5dfcc5706f1d4e0 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:19.088] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ea76ea0a5a0e913f283f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:19.150] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=860a99214d87061e1c4d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:19.202] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ea76ea0a5a0e913f283f err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:19.248] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=860a99214d87061e1c4d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:22.316] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=67855873651dedba20ad
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:22.366] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=67855873651dedba20ad err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:22.447] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6a46d958854366fef44a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:22.447] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6a46d958854366fef44a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:22.474] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4eda2fa330cb28faa5a5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:22.518] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=74c155edbd4bb3a0f8ae
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:22.520] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7f7e569f2add17f68694
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:22.600] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4eda2fa330cb28faa5a5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:22.669] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=74c155edbd4bb3a0f8ae err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:22.673] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7f7e569f2add17f68694 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:23.475] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eb7b95feaa74928192b8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:23.551] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=efa0e5923b893aec62f8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:23.580] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3f78d8c91841165f4115
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:23.580] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3f78d8c91841165f4115 err="shutting down"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:23.598] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eb7b95feaa74928192b8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:23.615] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=76ddadf270d9fc26b629
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:23.666] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=76ddadf270d9fc26b629 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:23.677] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=efa0e5923b893aec62f8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:23.773] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8156837d35d260c2c4a2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:23.780] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f300506e27cfcc60390f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:23.803] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5619b87f8457cca5dddd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:23.810] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=482ffdcd6fb1761250b8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:23.829] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8156837d35d260c2c4a2 err="network id does not match: theirs 83927, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:23.874] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5619b87f8457cca5dddd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:23.903] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c1b787ca1306c401151c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:23.906] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=36a6b2ce0a94ad07065f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:23.909] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bda16fe1701f46cbab04
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:23.915] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f300506e27cfcc60390f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:23.936] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3685cf8d30ee1ebd0b68
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:23.957] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=482ffdcd6fb1761250b8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:23.967] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c4b93c175d57cf51a4a5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.028] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=36a6b2ce0a94ad07065f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.031] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bda16fe1701f46cbab04 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.073] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3685cf8d30ee1ebd0b68 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.119] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c4b93c175d57cf51a4a5 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.367] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b8d69c8c035c3e786329
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.367] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=823ddc92f460e8281ed4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.409] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4c99c50df91640f684f7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.418] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b8d69c8c035c3e786329 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.418] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=823ddc92f460e8281ed4 err="network id does not match: theirs 941, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.479] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4c99c50df91640f684f7 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.489] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b16d371e627204fd2ce3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.505] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=34354b11e14ddaa494c9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.513] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f61b2e0069c93fb5539d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.516] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a51a2e3d15821d4eb3d8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.529] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a5cc2fd16942dd6f0593
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.539] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=06dc0b70e72edcd0d979
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.556] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f59f8062dd89ed652823
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.574] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4c731c7f685c438fedcc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.579] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0afb5e36d7be662829f9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.599] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b16d371e627204fd2ce3 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.620] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d3096f9afcc2d4ec63a8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.630] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0afb5e36d7be662829f9 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.642] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a51a2e3d15821d4eb3d8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.645] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=34354b11e14ddaa494c9 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.648] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8d1128bcc3434212379a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.659] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f61b2e0069c93fb5539d err="network id does not match: theirs 1337803, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.676] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7f4aebc9b6dee31eb716
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.682] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a5cc2fd16942dd6f0593 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.684] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d3096f9afcc2d4ec63a8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.695] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=06dc0b70e72edcd0d979 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.713] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f59f8062dd89ed652823 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.715] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1255a8462619fa75ba0d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.728] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4c731c7f685c438fedcc err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.736] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=10ac3a36cdff09a9d5f4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.745] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c231c952a84bcbb0bf02
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.781] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d2d28da1916787d5bd6f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.782] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2f3f3c1967b73e2c4942
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.782] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=92bdddc1d5a7bcf025ac
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.788] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8d1128bcc3434212379a err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.790] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eb7568c362dfe005ac8b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.832] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1255a8462619fa75ba0d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.835] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ebdee2a144ac20db0a31
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.877] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c231c952a84bcbb0bf02 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.878] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7f4aebc9b6dee31eb716 err="network id does not match: theirs 47525974938, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.913] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=af4f92a34871e859e617
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.931] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d2d28da1916787d5bd6f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.933] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=92bdddc1d5a7bcf025ac err="network id does not match: theirs 2828, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.933] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2f3f3c1967b73e2c4942 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.946] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eb7568c362dfe005ac8b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:24.989] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=10ac3a36cdff09a9d5f4 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:25.012] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ebdee2a144ac20db0a31 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:25.130] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=af4f92a34871e859e617 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:25.260] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=324118fc307a891cecb3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:25.313] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=693a163053abe25b193f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:25.318] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ef500defb4e593df5e52
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:25.362] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4e91800ec9d89c3fb292
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:25.386] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=324118fc307a891cecb3 err=EOF
[INFO] [03-08|01:57:25.431] [7/15 Execution] Completed on            block=40090767
[INFO] [03-08|01:57:25.431] [7/15 Execution] DONE                    in=1m12.602398052s
[INFO] [03-08|01:57:25.432] [8/15 HashState] Promoting plain state   from=40090297 to=40090767
[INFO] [03-08|01:57:25.432] [8/15 HashState] Incremental promotion   from=40090297 to=40090767 codes=true csbucket=AccountChangeSet
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:25.463] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=693a163053abe25b193f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:25.532] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4e91800ec9d89c3fb292 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:25.920] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=59553d484b02f7deeef1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:26.057] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=59553d484b02f7deeef1 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[INFO] [03-08|01:57:26.997] [8/15 HashState] Incremental promotion   from=40090297 to=40090767 codes=false csbucket=AccountChangeSet
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:27.876] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6b8a49ac6df93932f669
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:28.001] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=70b9600477a257ad9b25
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:28.029] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6b8a49ac6df93932f669 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:28.216] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=70b9600477a257ad9b25 err="network id does not match: theirs 836765867385771, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:29.964] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=69793190f39f8d35a495
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:30.085] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=69793190f39f8d35a495 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[INFO] [03-08|01:57:30.126] [8/15 HashState] Incremental promotion   from=40090297 to=40090767 codes=false csbucket=StorageChangeSet
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:30.856] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6d7c6d0a03a5de0d110d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:30.903] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f39301abebacf505f7c8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:30.903] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=07b20dc14611285d2148
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:30.917] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6d7c6d0a03a5de0d110d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:30.935] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4aaabcf012d4b31ec7f4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:30.936] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=18938fc8a87cf06d32f3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:30.937] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1d33b52b640029192590
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:30.973] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d07ed37782967067a2c2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:30.980] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=06548ef27cd53ffdebb9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.003] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0b9be6876489c6b43782
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.030] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3631a6313fe26e309b56
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.032] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cf7c268d6e9cc1c68dd7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.033] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8d183f8879603a9611b3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.034] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=36972798d81326fb8325
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.041] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f39301abebacf505f7c8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.041] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=07b20dc14611285d2148 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.044] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c30d2aa16e03a4a96ad9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.048] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=00f4bf24a9f1bed25796
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.086] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=18938fc8a87cf06d32f3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.087] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4aaabcf012d4b31ec7f4 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.090] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1d33b52b640029192590 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.094] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d07ed37782967067a2c2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.139] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0b9be6876489c6b43782 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.154] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=06548ef27cd53ffdebb9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.181] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3631a6313fe26e309b56 err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.183] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8d183f8879603a9611b3 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.187] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=36972798d81326fb8325 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.205] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c30d2aa16e03a4a96ad9 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.216] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=00f4bf24a9f1bed25796 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.323] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e2372b0e50d55874efe2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.327] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f428f0c5f8980e0b65e9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.328] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5bd63a056b253dc6aaf8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.348] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2b36e51992265c0db5dd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.371] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e2372b0e50d55874efe2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.378] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f428f0c5f8980e0b65e9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.378] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5bd63a056b253dc6aaf8 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.409] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2b36e51992265c0db5dd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.412] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1ef350292201416d2290
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.463] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=56124276026f10ef011e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.476] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1ef350292201416d2290 err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.477] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4fd18428ad2a93a13272
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.493] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=618cc5bd04b9a539c143
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.514] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6739f155855c4dc2057e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.539] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5cf34aa163b653e75d2e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.573] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dc351b83e9d63147222e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.576] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6d010dd6d11721405b35
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.581] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=56124276026f10ef011e err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.603] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4fd18428ad2a93a13272 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.610] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6d010dd6d11721405b35 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.614] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=618cc5bd04b9a539c143 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.694] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5cf34aa163b653e75d2e err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.710] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6739f155855c4dc2057e err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.748] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dc351b83e9d63147222e err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:31.900] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6383f4b6f803962986d9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:32.077] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=65c236e5f523fd6b3102
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:32.080] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b85f75ec0c9b531391b2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:32.095] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6383f4b6f803962986d9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:32.128] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=65c236e5f523fd6b3102 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:32.131] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b85f75ec0c9b531391b2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:32.313] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=666ae7ff3bcc2c307c0f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:32.426] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=df865582bd68fd9f50e4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:32.481] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=666ae7ff3bcc2c307c0f err="network id does not match: theirs 1313114, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:32.647] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=df865582bd68fd9f50e4 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:34.273] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=036d612eaba92a0052cf
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:34.363] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cdbd4a596beae56d6877
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:34.366] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=036d612eaba92a0052cf err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:34.388] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6aa1b71557be74c2cec5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:34.502] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cdbd4a596beae56d6877 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:34.540] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6aa1b71557be74c2cec5 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:35.009] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fe2e384d64dd6029b8e4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:35.176] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fe2e384d64dd6029b8e4 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:36.742] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=adf528b6e76f48522928
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:36.788] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=adf528b6e76f48522928 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:37.354] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7802052f781ad3ec72c9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:37.406] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7802052f781ad3ec72c9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:37.503] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=644ab51b6db3fbc77c3e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:37.628] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=644ab51b6db3fbc77c3e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:37.684] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=87ba3412eb059474b0ed
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:37.686] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c89d51245cc169f57ef8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:37.686] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=529fb1fa746a78328bac
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:37.712] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c29c112010a7536ea14d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:37.721] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a6867bdb74279502a4d1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:37.827] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=87ba3412eb059474b0ed err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:37.836] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c29c112010a7536ea14d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:37.901] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c89d51245cc169f57ef8 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:37.902] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=529fb1fa746a78328bac err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:37.953] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a470855fc7953c83918c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:37.955] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a6867bdb74279502a4d1 err="network id does not match: theirs 513100, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.006] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a470855fc7953c83918c err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.112] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f59c6dff807a7674ef04
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.171] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7e94c15cc0a691e9d543
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.238] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f59c6dff807a7674ef04 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.318] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9de656581ee3aa657a4a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.328] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7e94c15cc0a691e9d543 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.332] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d16b19189eb6711a07fc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.410] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6ac13ec9f53b4feb770c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.441] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3f343e33b2d2576e8f51
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.472] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d16b19189eb6711a07fc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.474] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cc69e045315f3f1768aa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.476] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c340a015ea62ac247cd0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.477] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1293163793911301084e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.523] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=203bc834d1fa2f34f309
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.548] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9de656581ee3aa657a4a err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.560] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4289e19bd73523051bf3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.565] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3f343e33b2d2576e8f51 err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.584] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6ac13ec9f53b4feb770c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.601] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cc69e045315f3f1768aa err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.604] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c340a015ea62ac247cd0 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.604] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1293163793911301084e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.675] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=203bc834d1fa2f34f309 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:38.727] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4289e19bd73523051bf3 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:39.293] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=59b5a3fc9e3195ece8ba
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:39.341] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=59b5a3fc9e3195ece8ba err="network id does not match: theirs 2019, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:39.419] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4ac7c5484ef4ed0c5eb2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:39.447] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aa2d8786b6477b66ad4a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:39.448] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d1e6c078cae55ed47e7e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:39.531] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4ac7c5484ef4ed0c5eb2 err="network id does not match: theirs 4, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:39.569] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f4e100d82646e86a4d09
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:39.572] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d1e6c078cae55ed47e7e err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:39.577] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aa2d8786b6477b66ad4a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:39.652] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=46061e16f8b7545c2ea4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:39.653] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=46061e16f8b7545c2ea4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:39.768] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f4e100d82646e86a4d09 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:43.994] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=576ba7ff27eb6a243a16
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:43.999] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=92f492cfaf38a02924f0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.041] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=576ba7ff27eb6a243a16 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.041] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ae38c182ed5c019c8267
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.046] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fcd347afadb077169835
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.048] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7262186cb5954d883c0f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.051] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=78b068c62590009c50ab
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.052] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=92f492cfaf38a02924f0 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.057] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8537aa6e42748bef26cc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.085] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ae38c182ed5c019c8267 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.086] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ecc1610d95e188bd003b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.096] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7262186cb5954d883c0f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.102] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=78b068c62590009c50ab err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.111] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8537aa6e42748bef26cc err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.119] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fcd347afadb077169835 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.125] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=df288998824aa5cf8943
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.134] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ecc1610d95e188bd003b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.138] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=96c05ad8422e325f8881
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.195] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c689175773cedbc11695
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.201] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=65ac782f122835c65d1a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.209] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=31e64172da253edcda4a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.217] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4369760463d5f907bc60
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.222] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5fa3b05653901de8461e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.223] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=11edf7581533aed1ac04
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.227] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f24a13fcb3480ff8e2f7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.235] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=df288998824aa5cf8943 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.236] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e394a351e675b9fe9552
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.236] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=80f9e66539204a1da200
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.237] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=34e3cd4121f091e7e4b8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.237] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7d6437a2f17779cd0fa6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.246] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=883234b00b9c02a1ffff
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.248] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a7c457d78664b11ab9bd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.251] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0fa03ffd1c367e03f0a3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.258] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=96c05ad8422e325f8881 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.274] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=62456682f831b4a6f62b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.292] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c8b598d9c694777c5a81
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.294] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5f515e9520baaff4755a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.300] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=73f7080aa5ae97fadddd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.325] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=65ac782f122835c65d1a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.329] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9335dc5303eba6285398
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.330] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f7f19c78118a68593c07
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.339] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5fa3b05653901de8461e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.343] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=12c315ee253a7ea8fa0c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.344] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c689175773cedbc11695 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.347] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f24a13fcb3480ff8e2f7 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.349] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4369760463d5f907bc60 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.358] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=11edf7581533aed1ac04 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.362] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=34e3cd4121f091e7e4b8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.362] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7d6437a2f17779cd0fa6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.363] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=80f9e66539204a1da200 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.363] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=31e64172da253edcda4a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.376] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ac7102dbfc19419b25cf
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.384] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=62456682f831b4a6f62b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.385] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ae08e1bf46269384000a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.411] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c8b598d9c694777c5a81 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.415] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5f515e9520baaff4755a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.419] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=883234b00b9c02a1ffff err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.419] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e394a351e675b9fe9552 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.423] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a7c457d78664b11ab9bd err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.426] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=73f7080aa5ae97fadddd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.454] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9335dc5303eba6285398 err="network id does not match: theirs 508674158, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.459] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b47239a78f98ec67c45e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.460] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b47239a78f98ec67c45e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.470] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f7f19c78118a68593c07 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.493] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fe16796b79275a20483a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.520] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=12c315ee253a7ea8fa0c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.576] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ac7102dbfc19419b25cf err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.600] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ae08e1bf46269384000a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.642] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fe16796b79275a20483a err="network id does not match: theirs 30746, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.828] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f453526fecd683fdf618
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.862] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aa07ceb0d8f28b82b8a4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.862] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aa07ceb0d8f28b82b8a4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.880] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f453526fecd683fdf618 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.955] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=264c84251c694d71fcaa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:44.976] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=17dc0ef91b623c19cb24
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:45.022] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f9867e186631b9c319c4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:45.022] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4e00f3cc8be9c50bb1bf
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:45.073] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=264c84251c694d71fcaa err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:45.106] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=17dc0ef91b623c19cb24 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:45.172] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f9867e186631b9c319c4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:45.172] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4e00f3cc8be9c50bb1bf err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:45.696] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=52e055de2004d5da4794
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:45.819] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=52e055de2004d5da4794 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:45.823] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=51f6540f990d4e406ba9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:45.967] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=51f6540f990d4e406ba9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:52.492] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bcb42ff17a52af7ac120
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:52.542] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bcb42ff17a52af7ac120 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.090] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dc26702140ee74d7f20e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.213] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dc26702140ee74d7f20e err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.260] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a7db91e31fa1e900372b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.285] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e3df54b81bf3340450f0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.303] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a7db91e31fa1e900372b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.369] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b7fdfaf4461e847c7c40
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.392] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e57dfdc3e9e58d5476f3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.405] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e3df54b81bf3340450f0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.408] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=669bfbdb06f8ba6b04f9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.409] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=24894b4c09c51c6ad22d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.418] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b4c2db578e844d1a5065
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.442] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=90a31ce39cb3705398c0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.450] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e93fdef172019f955731
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.452] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b7fdfaf4461e847c7c40 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.453] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9b250e75c04b35fc62fd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.470] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8d549605cb8b8263c9e9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.471] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=76481908f3162c0f905a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.479] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b8e5a04716fead4d0fa2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.482] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=09f1fde281ed2825165a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.497] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f615757fc236a833a66a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.503] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e57dfdc3e9e58d5476f3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.505] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c2e751e0c6b619232796
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.514] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5b181b66875c05e2a493
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.529] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=669bfbdb06f8ba6b04f9 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.529] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=24894b4c09c51c6ad22d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.539] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b4c2db578e844d1a5065 err="network id does not match: theirs 2828, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.570] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a0637005d81a2129febc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.571] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e93fdef172019f955731 err="network id does not match: theirs 3030, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.576] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=90a31ce39cb3705398c0 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.597] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9b250e75c04b35fc62fd err="network id does not match: theirs 1907, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.600] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=71a03b56e71f865381ff
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.617] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9a6d2483cafe91e4a3df
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.619] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8d549605cb8b8263c9e9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.619] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=126b176e93c79d89b18d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.620] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=126b176e93c79d89b18d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.621] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=76481908f3162c0f905a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.629] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2bfcc0286c8f6f54698f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.636] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b8e5a04716fead4d0fa2 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.638] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=09f1fde281ed2825165a err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.657] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c2e751e0c6b619232796 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.661] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f615757fc236a833a66a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.664] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5b181b66875c05e2a493 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.739] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=71a03b56e71f865381ff err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.825] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9a6d2483cafe91e4a3df err="network id does not match: theirs 4, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:53.858] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2bfcc0286c8f6f54698f err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.075] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8091bea1e32336e1f4f0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.079] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ff648b722ec70adb90dd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.124] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8091bea1e32336e1f4f0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.130] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ff648b722ec70adb90dd err="network id does not match: theirs 800, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.133] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a0637005d81a2129febc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.205] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9244a6baab46b9cefc84
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.205] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9244a6baab46b9cefc84 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.217] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cad3508d99951a232feb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.248] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c6aa111b4ce267bd1c8e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.277] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6cf1c959ef102a16c3c8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.290] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2b946fe28093b37f1664
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.338] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cad3508d99951a232feb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.349] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e6e04be0fee9496cad79
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.385] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c6aa111b4ce267bd1c8e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.427] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0553cba34510f0ae6b76
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.427] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6cf1c959ef102a16c3c8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.432] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e349121959f89a2faf58
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.446] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2b946fe28093b37f1664 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.483] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e6e04be0fee9496cad79 err="network id does not match: theirs 2828, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.576] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0553cba34510f0ae6b76 err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.607] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e349121959f89a2faf58 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.879] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=49a28d7f96ef09d48c70
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.880] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d75d1de8b9c71ec9cc70
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:54.890] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=81ccb1d0535aafdeca57
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:55.009] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5d020a62272f80a2af7c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:55.030] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=49a28d7f96ef09d48c70 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:55.031] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d75d1de8b9c71ec9cc70 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:55.046] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cdfcca354b85b2883e2e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:55.046] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cdfcca354b85b2883e2e err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:55.048] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=81ccb1d0535aafdeca57 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:55.225] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5d020a62272f80a2af7c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:55.541] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cf256c1500798b270d66
[DBUG] [03-08|01:57:55.593] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cf256c1500798b270d66 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:01.498] [8/15 HashState] DONE                    in=36.066950034s
[INFO] [03-08|01:58:01.500] [9/15 IntermediateHashes] Generating intermediate hashes from=40090155 to=40090767
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.320] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4718c581e956afc6d0fb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.327] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5346b5af5233b55186ec
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.362] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4718c581e956afc6d0fb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.373] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5346b5af5233b55186ec err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.456] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=305b9bdc48986d611d7c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.467] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=59722726bbd3cebf2cdd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.478] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7a07cf0673cb6a892e6c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.482] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1493d431e95b81d7c76b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.491] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=305b9bdc48986d611d7c err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.522] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e80292b8611dd7e7c7f4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.544] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c738f9579b849c1b360c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.583] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=59722726bbd3cebf2cdd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.599] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7a07cf0673cb6a892e6c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.606] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1493d431e95b81d7c76b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.610] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e87769564ba2163dd72d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.664] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e80292b8611dd7e7c7f4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.688] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9958f0648326713756b4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.689] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f5a6176e1bbfd0008377
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.689] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f5a6176e1bbfd0008377 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.696] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c738f9579b849c1b360c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.702] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=49eb6d629bdc99540618
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.720] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e87769564ba2163dd72d err="network id does not match: theirs 75, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.771] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=39af95e1a9d76d20a1b7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.797] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=daef5e2cfd047334cbba
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.839] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9958f0648326713756b4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.953] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=39af95e1a9d76d20a1b7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:03.999] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=daef5e2cfd047334cbba err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.167] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0c75002ad5682d27bd7a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.180] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=47990b7ae1b8a40d9230
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.196] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3d5e1007fa0ff348a8bb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.213] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=54485ec0eb943daf7a03
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.231] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=51e2fe6785d32cde81e0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.259] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6e41be6546dda8bccfdc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.271] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d9beaaad9d114ef3abf8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.286] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=30ddcfc90c66f6fff2d1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.307] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=97fa9b6328bd14ce3cb6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.307] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d3761dc0e5b721ae7db0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.309] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0c75002ad5682d27bd7a err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.312] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8ec8fc129ea0b59c6894
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.319] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e382c69454237d24ad8d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.332] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=47990b7ae1b8a40d9230 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.353] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3d5e1007fa0ff348a8bb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.366] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=51e2fe6785d32cde81e0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.367] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=94adb36bbe1b5e5efb1c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.379] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=54485ec0eb943daf7a03 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.407] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6e41be6546dda8bccfdc err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.423] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d9beaaad9d114ef3abf8 err="network id does not match: theirs 9372, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.438] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=30ddcfc90c66f6fff2d1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.482] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=97fa9b6328bd14ce3cb6 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.482] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d3761dc0e5b721ae7db0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.509] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6777102870371f111907
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.514] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e382c69454237d24ad8d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.529] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8ec8fc129ea0b59c6894 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.563] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=94adb36bbe1b5e5efb1c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:04.635] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6777102870371f111907 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:05.216] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bc8ead68e23f421b8990
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:05.263] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bc8ead68e23f421b8990 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:05.287] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6364147ca4c2fc4a29e6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:05.412] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f736a2f6833a1ab4d7be
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:05.446] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dfabfbabd41a82ceca0d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:05.478] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e1fcace96c7e0f90e65b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:05.487] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cc3943fe6bf347109e93
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:05.518] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6364147ca4c2fc4a29e6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:05.560] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f736a2f6833a1ab4d7be err="network id does not match: theirs 36, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:05.614] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dfabfbabd41a82ceca0d err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:05.659] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e1fcace96c7e0f90e65b err="network id does not match: theirs 9372, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:05.673] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cc3943fe6bf347109e93 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:05.881] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=122ab8e26531ea230c33
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:06.038] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=122ab8e26531ea230c33 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:07.266] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0e4e8e4c1a221a2d639f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:07.308] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0e4e8e4c1a221a2d639f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:07.801] [txpool] Commit                          written_kb=16784 in=411.860533ms
[INFO] [03-08|01:58:07.801] [txpool] stat                            block=40090155 pending=914 baseFee=60 queued=2024 alloc=5.8GB sys=6.2GB
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:09.594] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4d104c6ba5d341e06daa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:09.615] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ccd8104576be52799ec6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:09.616] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ccd8104576be52799ec6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:09.660] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4d104c6ba5d341e06daa err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:09.709] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=95597cf2da3fa3294644
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:09.741] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e8230a3adb5d7f413a09
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:09.767] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bb455505352cb9344447
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:09.775] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c7ddc5b58ef58f424bdc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:09.776] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4663408d3c801d0cfba3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:09.831] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=95597cf2da3fa3294644 err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:09.836] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1f24c76d2420fa3f1f96
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:09.877] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e8230a3adb5d7f413a09 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:09.918] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bb455505352cb9344447 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:09.932] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c7ddc5b58ef58f424bdc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:09.933] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4663408d3c801d0cfba3 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:09.960] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=985d13279598f6775ddd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.023] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1f24c76d2420fa3f1f96 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.128] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c6ad0ff7b79d56b10330
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.137] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3bb04d8bd80edcf0f710
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.169] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2714f0236c68f0f713a8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.176] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c6ad0ff7b79d56b10330 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.190] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3bb04d8bd80edcf0f710 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.208] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=985d13279598f6775ddd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.212] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6beadb946ce6d21e9c13
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.212] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6beadb946ce6d21e9c13 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.216] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2714f0236c68f0f713a8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.254] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=027a8e49b7d516f6997a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.329] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=595aa601776fd86d5244
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.329] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9059639209726d291f26
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.337] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=96d679c8d78388f16de0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.341] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e8ec50f3a45fc71cfa2d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.345] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5180677a96499ef9270e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.365] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=027a8e49b7d516f6997a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.374] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9059639209726d291f26 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.375] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=595aa601776fd86d5244 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.380] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=17f7ad29e6519de5df6f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.381] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eb1982cf18153d74ede0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.381] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eb1982cf18153d74ede0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.387] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=48d4ad8a43ff18690618
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.393] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e8ec50f3a45fc71cfa2d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.443] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=53d9df390683378243a6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.462] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2d1522b37573481356a4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.469] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5180677a96499ef9270e err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.475] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=42bf33cc39031e193626
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.481] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c7e8da1883c67cc16f1e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.486] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2f115a6f70fbd8180975
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.489] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=96d679c8d78388f16de0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.493] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fb93df01075089e98476
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.524] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cca5c7b6a24ce82c5c1e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.532] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=17f7ad29e6519de5df6f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.537] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bcc3398b895ee68b8881
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.540] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d763da698c04380236ce
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.562] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=48d4ad8a43ff18690618 err="network id does not match: theirs 7341, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.579] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2d1522b37573481356a4 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.594] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=42bf33cc39031e193626 err="network id does not match: theirs 33333, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.612] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c7e8da1883c67cc16f1e err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.626] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fb93df01075089e98476 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.646] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=53d9df390683378243a6 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.686] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bcc3398b895ee68b8881 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.690] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=07f017eb7c5646a879c7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.690] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=07f017eb7c5646a879c7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.693] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2f115a6f70fbd8180975 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.697] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d763da698c04380236ce err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.745] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f9eef12b2caac359f9b0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.747] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cca5c7b6a24ce82c5c1e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.902] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=20294e28bab8cf38e6d3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.919] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1dee80d86db47c940e09
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.919] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cc0691680863f6e1c5c8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.953] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5f5b7572e1a45b388bc1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.969] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1dee80d86db47c940e09 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.970] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cc0691680863f6e1c5c8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.971] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=20294e28bab8cf38e6d3 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:10.997] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f9eef12b2caac359f9b0 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:11.005] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a7f4e6437f3f5a3052c0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:11.028] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8c5f8088086472311509
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:11.043] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5f5b7572e1a45b388bc1 err="network id does not match: theirs 9372, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:11.065] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5b06ac0525595c09fe96
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:11.097] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a7f4e6437f3f5a3052c0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:11.131] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=13df20791a46e3e17266
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:11.160] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8c5f8088086472311509 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:11.218] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5b06ac0525595c09fe96 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:11.288] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=13df20791a46e3e17266 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:11.298] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8e7cce5e84a3a6c723d1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:11.325] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b4d4b31a70335e768a86
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:11.422] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8e7cce5e84a3a6c723d1 err="network id does not match: theirs 122, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:11.444] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b4d4b31a70335e768a86 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:11.652] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b8de3b59d3e5c54dbd1b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:11.703] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b8de3b59d3e5c54dbd1b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:11.817] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=01fab69115dbe9e9ca9a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:11.924] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e894d50b0cf550822de6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:11.949] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=01fab69115dbe9e9ca9a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:12.106] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=882de53b93c2d72ef332
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:12.110] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e894d50b0cf550822de6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:12.228] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=882de53b93c2d72ef332 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:13.300] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9a94833822cdc93cd404
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:13.351] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9a94833822cdc93cd404 err="network id does not match: theirs 199, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:13.777] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=81e09f59f58c45cd13d2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:13.830] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=81e09f59f58c45cd13d2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:13.936] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2111ea05b9e011b28321
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:13.944] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cb7f9349f5ed4f51723b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:13.959] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=59b60d16e5b83c23c879
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:13.969] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=58a2d8e346faac297b3b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:14.066] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2111ea05b9e011b28321 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:14.080] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cb7f9349f5ed4f51723b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:14.101] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=59b60d16e5b83c23c879 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:14.102] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=58a2d8e346faac297b3b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:14.173] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ac08bd6dc84d55295130
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:14.179] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d31e2e9cd666c564dd77
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:14.425] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ac08bd6dc84d55295130 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:14.433] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d31e2e9cd666c564dd77 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:14.639] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c43fd7051e88779180ee
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:14.721] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c43fd7051e88779180ee err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.087] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9ede0d33c46cb2b4ee24
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.142] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9ede0d33c46cb2b4ee24 err="network id does not match: theirs 40925, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.192] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=67855873651dedba20ad
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.195] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fcecc7e4c3a3e06d4b11
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.196] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8c8592008d0a990dae50
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.237] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bdb612c2dd864bc443a1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.241] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=67855873651dedba20ad err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.244] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fcecc7e4c3a3e06d4b11 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.245] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8c8592008d0a990dae50 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.303] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bdb612c2dd864bc443a1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.365] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2aee18acbe644d1ce584
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.391] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7b02a9e6f30e6f8c1bbf
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.400] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c599298ac80393ea3552
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.400] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c599298ac80393ea3552 err="network id does not match: theirs 11297108109, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.409] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=98a49c02c5541fba106d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.419] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=86d7b5dfcc5706f1d4e0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.431] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8a4fb490d718b87b5bf0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.431] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8a4fb490d718b87b5bf0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.461] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f7b75f4def7da59dc79f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.472] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ac4369d2eea61ab9f043
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.482] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=05755270b03b5e458e03
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.498] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c3fe813a7f35b00b689c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.501] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2aee18acbe644d1ce584 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.518] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a4f132cd5c1887297fdb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.529] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=67ef26ac48796981eb0f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.540] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7b02a9e6f30e6f8c1bbf err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.543] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f263dd8afe241bddcf31
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.544] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c69aee2136462361e39c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.548] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=93aadc3ade482cf5063b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.549] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a0c2b7b9caf35bc7f710
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.553] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6e66cc1b45ebbd2b4767
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.560] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=98a49c02c5541fba106d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.582] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=86d7b5dfcc5706f1d4e0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.627] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c3fe813a7f35b00b689c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.639] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f7b75f4def7da59dc79f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.653] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a4f132cd5c1887297fdb err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.661] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ac4369d2eea61ab9f043 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.669] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=67ef26ac48796981eb0f err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.671] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=05755270b03b5e458e03 err="network id does not match: theirs 2151, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.692] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f263dd8afe241bddcf31 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.699] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=93aadc3ade482cf5063b err="network id does not match: theirs 97, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.700] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a0c2b7b9caf35bc7f710 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.706] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6e66cc1b45ebbd2b4767 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.730] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=809f1d011320fcd97420
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.751] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7f74d781f6da033cdbd4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.769] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b97b19a77a65e436dbd7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.772] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=809f1d011320fcd97420 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.802] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7f74d781f6da033cdbd4 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.829] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b97b19a77a65e436dbd7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.949] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=049f1cd699bc4f59f9cc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:16.963] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d7f7a140da3b5c0289f2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.000] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f4b877cc506477c23709
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.035] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c16c627c0ac2e90d0e58
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.040] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8b3d2770c48e1719cfc9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.084] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c16c627c0ac2e90d0e58 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.092] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8b3d2770c48e1719cfc9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.099] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=049f1cd699bc4f59f9cc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.119] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d7f7a140da3b5c0289f2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.177] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f4b877cc506477c23709 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.183] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aa56a0f80b2c644ef016
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.196] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3db50027b27b4a74c7c0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.267] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3db50027b27b4a74c7c0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.270] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=181a2d248c039fead889
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.282] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5aff84b81d274a602439
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.306] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4feb838f117e335ca7b3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.307] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aa56a0f80b2c644ef016 err="network id does not match: theirs 2828, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.431] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4feb838f117e335ca7b3 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.439] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=181a2d248c039fead889 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.467] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5aff84b81d274a602439 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.570] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dfd5212c1afb110481d2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.639] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dfd5212c1afb110481d2 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.642] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1b21797c14e8bdc2b0bb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.710] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a497aa7d48889b104882
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.738] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d4424f9f0e28c1466d1f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.851] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a497aa7d48889b104882 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.894] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d4424f9f0e28c1466d1f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:17.990] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a10389f35d17e81390f4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:18.141] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a10389f35d17e81390f4 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:18.191] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=71961c75890f7e50bc57
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:18.443] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=71961c75890f7e50bc57 err="network id does not match: theirs 51895, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:20.326] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=27efe9d3902bfa28b712
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:20.342] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d2e51ff302b14ae14b7e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:20.471] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d2e51ff302b14ae14b7e err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:20.624] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=27efe9d3902bfa28b712 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:20.800] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5dc6d96bf4e7e5d97cb1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:20.955] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5dc6d96bf4e7e5d97cb1 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:21.036] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5467e23e92c333fb8b71
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:21.164] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5467e23e92c333fb8b71 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:22.975] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d7c8dc4aab27ea07ae1c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:22.987] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=da22acd559a13d33b8de
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:22.991] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6d57e06493e03710e729
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:22.992] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fd145f9c1aa71eb7d90a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.020] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d7c8dc4aab27ea07ae1c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.039] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=da22acd559a13d33b8de err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.045] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6d57e06493e03710e729 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.046] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fd145f9c1aa71eb7d90a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.141] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ee3a8507b445112431e0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.169] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=510aa9c6ecbf611bda20
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.186] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e3226671cebbf92bec11
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.213] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e36fb4b0eb1424246da5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.281] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ee3a8507b445112431e0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.311] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=510aa9c6ecbf611bda20 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.336] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e3226671cebbf92bec11 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.378] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e36fb4b0eb1424246da5 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.702] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f4157b9faa56a8d90926
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.727] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f296a7d6b621ea18a6c8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.732] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=892074c4dd0a08b06f33
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.749] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f4157b9faa56a8d90926 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.780] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f296a7d6b621ea18a6c8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.795] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=892074c4dd0a08b06f33 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.795] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9fe5f998ea7c05d3c9a0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.825] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=630ffb912f5e939781ba
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.825] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=630ffb912f5e939781ba err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.827] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f044825999e770183d61
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.829] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6a414faefdec87afd7b7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.841] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9fe5f998ea7c05d3c9a0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.891] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f044825999e770183d61 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.904] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c5a90fccb52a2faf5c31
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.908] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9ff8109cd19e9f88b564
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.911] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e325d90aa5a7d21415db
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.912] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=004e70266a579c9ed2b0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.919] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2efa3ddd06e6b1c82d21
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.939] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6a414faefdec87afd7b7 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.966] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6357b73a363d1a3aa5cb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.967] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6357b73a363d1a3aa5cb err="network id does not match: theirs 1337, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:23.971] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4b4282de3903e3e2a4f4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.003] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6ad70cb644f671da096e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.053] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c5a90fccb52a2faf5c31 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.059] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9ff8109cd19e9f88b564 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.063] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e325d90aa5a7d21415db err="network id does not match: theirs 80001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.063] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=004e70266a579c9ed2b0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.072] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d4ac96fe98147c6364c6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.076] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2efa3ddd06e6b1c82d21 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.103] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4b4282de3903e3e2a4f4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.155] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6ad70cb644f671da096e err="network id does not match: theirs 2828, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.196] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8839713766d68be6cb94
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.257] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d4ac96fe98147c6364c6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.311] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=60ef7401cb79e8853b1d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.317] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fe5cbdb6783fa7bd338c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.319] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e935053251aa9e771afe
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.359] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=60ef7401cb79e8853b1d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.366] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fe5cbdb6783fa7bd338c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.369] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e935053251aa9e771afe err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.444] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8839713766d68be6cb94 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.471] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b48c4d02a6c5c875e77e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.500] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=82ad202f3dde8e7a5ac1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.529] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6fbc216421f281774069
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.529] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=71721da555793764ffe6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.580] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6fbc216421f281774069 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.597] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b48c4d02a6c5c875e77e err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.616] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=580cb63012ae5912615d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.643] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=82ad202f3dde8e7a5ac1 err="network id does not match: theirs 69420, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.658] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=71721da555793764ffe6 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.670] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=580cb63012ae5912615d err="network id does not match: theirs 2020, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.708] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3db1d348cac643784740
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.722] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f12de5dc7fbda7e3fef9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.727] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7ca6324665523e98f3b2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.759] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3b190cb8b2bdc19dbc84
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.859] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3db1d348cac643784740 err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.873] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f12de5dc7fbda7e3fef9 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.878] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7ca6324665523e98f3b2 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:24.885] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3b190cb8b2bdc19dbc84 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:25.329] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6425215b48673feb3233
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:25.380] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6425215b48673feb3233 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:25.970] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3a4c85759a6a6f299ea0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:25.981] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a42b1a70dc757aa416c7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:26.029] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1d3a39a88fd3248b7c42
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:26.098] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3a4c85759a6a6f299ea0 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:26.115] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a42b1a70dc757aa416c7 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:26.183] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1d3a39a88fd3248b7c42 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:27.030] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d58c4a3cc262892e3e5d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:27.185] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d58c4a3cc262892e3e5d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:27.509] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=85d20605f0c1bb9a68ad
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:27.523] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=77122f687aadf9bd90e9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:27.552] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e72b17b778dd9ec1c717
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:27.554] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b997489cc9dfe0670a6a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:27.564] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=110b5e2d09292b475c7e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:27.588] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f38a82312482f544a73c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:27.630] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=85d20605f0c1bb9a68ad err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:27.660] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=77122f687aadf9bd90e9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:27.700] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e72b17b778dd9ec1c717 err="network id does not match: theirs 513100, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:27.706] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b997489cc9dfe0670a6a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:27.720] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=110b5e2d09292b475c7e err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:27.754] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f38a82312482f544a73c err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.124] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=87e2bb9a50ff702a94f5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.176] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=87e2bb9a50ff702a94f5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.176] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f871502207702a4add7d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.182] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bb50d2e942a1f50f93aa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.218] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cde135bedc99c9146202
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.218] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cde135bedc99c9146202 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.224] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f871502207702a4add7d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.233] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bb50d2e942a1f50f93aa err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.273] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=349e06189e23144d3cec
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.304] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1a489f2ff00faeb4314e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.316] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4ee82b8536187bf7ea01
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.331] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b9a4b2c5b92b9d15768d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.377] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f59bcf62ac918c412486
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.381] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9161b0992e194534f6b0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.399] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=349e06189e23144d3cec err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.406] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e10531314c0dbab9e19f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.423] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=03734fa8c4c852de1b4f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.434] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ccd7dea65eb267097afc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.443] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1a489f2ff00faeb4314e err="network id does not match: theirs 11155111, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.455] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6b57efe0ec521f13c49f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.465] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4ee82b8536187bf7ea01 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.480] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=57d01dd35209dd1151da
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.483] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b9a4b2c5b92b9d15768d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.531] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9161b0992e194534f6b0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.553] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f59bcf62ac918c412486 err="network id does not match: theirs 9372, ours 137"
[INFO] [03-08|01:58:36.554] [9/15 IntermediateHashes] Calculating Merkle root current key=6bea27b0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.573] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e10531314c0dbab9e19f err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.600] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=03734fa8c4c852de1b4f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.606] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6b57efe0ec521f13c49f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.638] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ccd7dea65eb267097afc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.681] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=57d01dd35209dd1151da err="network id does not match: theirs 2828, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.906] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=91e21f943ac6649076df
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.922] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fb724b5e9e54577ad29c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.957] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=431c6a04f3b56a23f209
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.957] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d553f69fbf0bdbe58e30
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:36.998] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=311429a2387615e6086f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:37.038] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fb724b5e9e54577ad29c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:37.039] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0adb17a106a8296e2195
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:37.091] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=431c6a04f3b56a23f209 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:37.093] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0e83d80996a5a32ce8c7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:37.094] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d553f69fbf0bdbe58e30 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:37.155] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0e83d80996a5a32ce8c7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:37.182] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eb1773076a9960d848ad
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:37.189] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8f38a1c7383e7ee8c41f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:37.213] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0adb17a106a8296e2195 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:37.213] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e5c72fd6ede8c91ebb4f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:37.230] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=94ace6f8a45f80e56490
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:37.250] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eedc8a2e65a2cd9247ac
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:37.336] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e5c72fd6ede8c91ebb4f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:37.377] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=94ace6f8a45f80e56490 err="network id does not match: theirs 3161, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:37.406] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eedc8a2e65a2cd9247ac err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:37.424] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=44a3e67da51a4db4b57b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:37.429] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eb1773076a9960d848ad err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:37.441] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8f38a1c7383e7ee8c41f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:37.669] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=44a3e67da51a4db4b57b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:39.147] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4c6d78173f28cd91902c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:39.196] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4c6d78173f28cd91902c err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:39.815] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5ed5430691aa40bab2ed
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:39.875] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5ed5430691aa40bab2ed err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:39.934] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b5e6ab4d1dca622a888f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:39.940] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ccddf8ab7a3185740f22
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:39.994] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f19c07a00999cdbe7a1f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:39.999] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=98f749216b9824cfa0f6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:40.031] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d3ef6130ec117ab70dba
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:40.062] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ccddf8ab7a3185740f22 err="network id does not match: theirs 122, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:40.131] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e151d135ca072eb3f81d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:40.144] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f19c07a00999cdbe7a1f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:40.201] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d3ef6130ec117ab70dba err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:40.347] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e151d135ca072eb3f81d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:42.104] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ced94507406479e2cc9c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:42.149] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ced94507406479e2cc9c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.291] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=92f492cfaf38a02924f0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.341] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=92f492cfaf38a02924f0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.353] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9520eeaa06df25825c21
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.355] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=085a95f3429fa6141e1d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.405] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9520eeaa06df25825c21 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.407] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=085a95f3429fa6141e1d err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.453] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4fb812cf57cc67ffa81f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.487] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e4849f05410095c7a999
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.488] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7b77b88c3f90be2b61f6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.489] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b66ed60c19ca0325d74c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.492] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=16c91dfbe5101f49d8de
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.504] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4fb812cf57cc67ffa81f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.532] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=23e93f23066819573e46
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.556] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=be269b10e9579072b79b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.557] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e4849f05410095c7a999 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.588] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c342d2f153d526a458a2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.607] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b66ed60c19ca0325d74c err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.608] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b0f11d3d770e631076f6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.608] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7b77b88c3f90be2b61f6 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.639] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=16c91dfbe5101f49d8de err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.658] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=daf3083b4a4a271fb02b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.661] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=341b9d636dadcebaf25d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.694] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=92fceaa68c88420781aa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.695] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=92fceaa68c88420781aa err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.709] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c342d2f153d526a458a2 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.789] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=daf3083b4a4a271fb02b err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.815] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b0f11d3d770e631076f6 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.859] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8f9dcb013145b7d52602
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:43.867] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=341b9d636dadcebaf25d err="network id does not match: theirs 102030, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.115] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8f9dcb013145b7d52602 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.157] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=37b58d96c918964c569e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.158] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2da9d0f1716044df2923
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.185] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d86d72c0eb7e38b0adb6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.198] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e59f6e9ae86cebd275a2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.208] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=37b58d96c918964c569e err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.210] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2da9d0f1716044df2923 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.244] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e59f6e9ae86cebd275a2 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.269] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d86d72c0eb7e38b0adb6 err="network id does not match: theirs 51895, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.272] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ccbaae702d477c5fd4d7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.272] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ccbaae702d477c5fd4d7 err="network id does not match: theirs 11297108109, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.308] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=33ae5d0ce1ded61d0402
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.311] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bf61fde7c3c27d83e96f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.356] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b78c9e1cef8b3eacffab
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.402] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d5ede52b7857bcf157bc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.403] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cddfe040aefa4dc9314e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.415] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=753f6f564032257d9f7d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.435] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=33ae5d0ce1ded61d0402 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.436] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bf61fde7c3c27d83e96f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.476] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b78c9e1cef8b3eacffab err="network id does not match: theirs 97, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.546] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cddfe040aefa4dc9314e err="network id does not match: theirs 15168, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.547] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=23ba8bb9c87c1e215d10
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.551] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d5ede52b7857bcf157bc err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.563] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=753f6f564032257d9f7d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:44.761] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=23ba8bb9c87c1e215d10 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:46.623] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b5a5f6b4d11d05b5cdf3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:46.635] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=40415d2d044cfb1ef0e6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:46.666] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4f3042c4c880c6f11222
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:46.728] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=58aa5c350a5c9a7f7f04
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:46.750] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b5a5f6b4d11d05b5cdf3 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:46.772] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=40415d2d044cfb1ef0e6 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:46.817] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4f3042c4c880c6f11222 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:46.911] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=58aa5c350a5c9a7f7f04 err="network id does not match: theirs 2828, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:47.531] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=23e93f23066819573e46 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:47.941] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ca24f5bc9a4e27e2659a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:47.990] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ca24f5bc9a4e27e2659a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:48.023] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=36f43e43c82780d99462
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:48.025] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=43265564db884e00e52e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:48.098] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d7c2f993679b5c350a1e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:48.104] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=43265564db884e00e52e err="network id does not match: theirs 2828, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:48.111] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=36f43e43c82780d99462 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:48.155] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e32e3943d7cf0ed36f33
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:48.227] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d7c2f993679b5c350a1e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:48.311] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e32e3943d7cf0ed36f33 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:49.002] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4ab14393e6c4bfa714dc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:49.190] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4ab14393e6c4bfa714dc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.261] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c2f9f7d06bf6ea14aa2b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.288] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2e5e3001a1ecea261741
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.305] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c882274cc013e1b1f044
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.313] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c2f9f7d06bf6ea14aa2b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.319] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=88f68eab9d0e6037fde1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.351] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c882274cc013e1b1f044 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.352] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2e5e3001a1ecea261741 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.372] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=88f68eab9d0e6037fde1 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.378] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2d6c600070c31f1a5952
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.403] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1ca992893a2626c26b91
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.424] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e7c9f0c285ae1803dda8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.457] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f9cfe25a89739b1ec6b7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.470] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ec4e98a13765d93deb6a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.491] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2d6c600070c31f1a5952 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.492] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6138b526596497867979
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.493] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=35feb0618923084a8597
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.500] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=399d11d06ffa2f618170
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.506] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e35cf79e652905eb7b50
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.508] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9d37a35cf2a508cdb2a0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.511] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=374b00b81713cbee3a34
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.515] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1e90009ae180620d4855
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.518] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=97cf9b07aa06aae60e6f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.524] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1ca992893a2626c26b91 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.533] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2b6ddac97709a582fc08
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.546] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=70fc4c304c9b8e75e2d0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.549] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=819fcae79d4fbab9425b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.558] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e7c9f0c285ae1803dda8 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.607] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f9cfe25a89739b1ec6b7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.612] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6138b526596497867979 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.618] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=35feb0618923084a8597 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.624] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=399d11d06ffa2f618170 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.627] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ec4e98a13765d93deb6a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.632] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e35cf79e652905eb7b50 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.653] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=374b00b81713cbee3a34 err="network id does not match: theirs 10200, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.656] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9d37a35cf2a508cdb2a0 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.658] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2b6ddac97709a582fc08 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.666] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1e90009ae180620d4855 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.670] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=97cf9b07aa06aae60e6f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.698] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=819fcae79d4fbab9425b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.714] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=70fc4c304c9b8e75e2d0 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.916] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=45abf6e42db92b101e60
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.924] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5b40781c6c797a0fbfad
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.926] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d6ea4c60fc3a7b2f9ea8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.961] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=45abf6e42db92b101e60 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.975] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5b40781c6c797a0fbfad err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:50.977] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d6ea4c60fc3a7b2f9ea8 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.026] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6aea29700e8ccc39053f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.026] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6aea29700e8ccc39053f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.088] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fb98850cc4c8503caf4d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.104] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=627fd0309b841173300a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.131] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6b6308db5042df14b506
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.150] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d92cf7e1da2278118027
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.176] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5ab33fbbb92ea5e60bf7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.191] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7db010d55b8901759ebd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.192] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=15cdcc1e0e3d374752c3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.206] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=627fd0309b841173300a err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.207] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=69a1bb403f890bcc1f7f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.214] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fb98850cc4c8503caf4d err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.235] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=037d3a2a5451e6b8d848
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.280] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5dff2a6ed2150cc56d65
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.280] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5dff2a6ed2150cc56d65 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.283] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6b6308db5042df14b506 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.296] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5ab33fbbb92ea5e60bf7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.299] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d92cf7e1da2278118027 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.315] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=15cdcc1e0e3d374752c3 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.331] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7db010d55b8901759ebd err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.343] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=69a1bb403f890bcc1f7f err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.368] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ad5c0fd9993aa16de722
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.386] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=037d3a2a5451e6b8d848 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.585] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ad5c0fd9993aa16de722 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.685] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4a5c5d696567f3509077
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:51.728] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4a5c5d696567f3509077 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:52.466] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ed64203c141a3e5a0f48
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:52.518] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ed64203c141a3e5a0f48 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:53.615] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4882363a696983188997
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:53.663] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4882363a696983188997 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:53.822] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f736a2f6833a1ab4d7be
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:53.834] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4b94dbe2ac44ef23d8f2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:53.970] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f736a2f6833a1ab4d7be err="network id does not match: theirs 36, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:58:53.990] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4b94dbe2ac44ef23d8f2 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.442] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4718c581e956afc6d0fb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.447] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5346b5af5233b55186ec
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.483] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4718c581e956afc6d0fb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.493] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5346b5af5233b55186ec err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.599] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1493d431e95b81d7c76b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.600] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7a07cf0673cb6a892e6c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.610] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=685b1391d4673913f027
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.641] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e80292b8611dd7e7c7f4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.661] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c738f9579b849c1b360c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.673] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=685b1391d4673913f027 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.716] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c2095748e9cb36697b44
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.721] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1493d431e95b81d7c76b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.722] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7a07cf0673cb6a892e6c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.761] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0c75002ad5682d27bd7a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.770] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1e6918b9e8b2f46ab294
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.770] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b615585cdececeecbbb1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.777] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1588f355cb5e4dbf014f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.783] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e80292b8611dd7e7c7f4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.784] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7a2a74b5a54c54158cea
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.788] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b1733f33a73384558974
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.810] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f5a6176e1bbfd0008377
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.812] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f5a6176e1bbfd0008377 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.813] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c738f9579b849c1b360c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.835] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c2095748e9cb36697b44 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.907] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0c75002ad5682d27bd7a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.910] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b615585cdececeecbbb1 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.917] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1e6918b9e8b2f46ab294 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.930] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1588f355cb5e4dbf014f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.934] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7a2a74b5a54c54158cea err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:02.940] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b1733f33a73384558974 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.205] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=abbb7cda4cd2ca549038
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.235] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dde54c4c2c4d65357d93
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.257] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=abbb7cda4cd2ca549038 err=EOF
[EROR] [03-08|01:59:03.297] [9/15 IntermediateHashes] Wrong trie root of block 40090767: 40d54dee049354865bf365e8bae4449d291952b40c2b6a6c3e6ca1f7b2946fa9, expected (from header): 2d43a7b1c5c1903b65701213022dde10f34862925526e42b54e5af676e42c6cc. Block hash: ca2eab23a5399d6793e7dc167a55d93aa12d90c73101fadd476de51438818cfb
[WARN] [03-08|01:59:03.297] Unwinding due to incorrect root hash     to=40090461
[INFO] [03-08|01:59:03.297] UnwindTo                                 block=40090461 bad_block_hash=0xca2eab23a5399d6793e7dc167a55d93aa12d90c73101fadd476de51438818cfb
[INFO] [03-08|01:59:03.297] [9/15 IntermediateHashes] DONE           in=1m1.798806935s
[INFO] [03-08|01:59:03.297] [8/15 HashState] Unwinding started       from=40090767 to=40090461 storage=false codes=true
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.315] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dde54c4c2c4d65357d93 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.369] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=05e6b0452bfa3ffbbe75
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.378] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b94f36504c8325df8951
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.394] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=07ddd8b4e631476d033c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.397] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=02d64a81d865b2f2b790
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.397] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e97d2f1a37b2035a34b9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.397] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=68f7a4e4fea0cb73c5ee
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.398] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=af5d4ebfb8c778bb4b50
[INFO] [03-08|01:59:03.401] [8/15 HashState] Unwinding started       from=40090767 to=40090461 storage=false codes=false
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.402] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ca423f78615e9a1714e4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.403] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=853f3be286140327f4ea
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.419] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b94f36504c8325df8951 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.440] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=07ddd8b4e631476d033c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.442] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=84fd243c61d75467d521
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.445] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=af5d4ebfb8c778bb4b50 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.454] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fcce2a0a9d4398d8f3d8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.477] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a3298afad3b7476d06be
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.477] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a3298afad3b7476d06be err="shutting down"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.481] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=38f8b60135517644ef18
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.481] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=38f8b60135517644ef18 err="network id does not match: theirs 2021, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.500] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=05e6b0452bfa3ffbbe75 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.511] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=84fd243c61d75467d521 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.529] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=02b9f4fcdb0607dd6fcb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.541] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=22b9503ece1ef254d90c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.545] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=17b3005b55664c357249
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.546] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=02d64a81d865b2f2b790 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.546] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e97d2f1a37b2035a34b9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.546] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=68f7a4e4fea0cb73c5ee err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.549] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5819f8b4e55b095ce572
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.553] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ca423f78615e9a1714e4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.555] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=853f3be286140327f4ea err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.555] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5a7ab62b4a6970a823a1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.556] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5a7ab62b4a6970a823a1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.599] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2d95c854c410fe757386
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.604] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8d8eae0f77d579b3167c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.625] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=84773a9e9a1b668e4361
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.628] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fcce2a0a9d4398d8f3d8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.636] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f006ee1baafdb47b4ec6
[INFO] [03-08|01:59:03.641] [8/15 HashState] Unwinding started       from=40090767 to=40090461 storage=true codes=false
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.642] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=02b9f4fcdb0607dd6fcb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.664] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=22b9503ece1ef254d90c err="network id does not match: theirs 2828, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.665] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6749f6927cf11bb66664
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.666] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=17b3005b55664c357249 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.672] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5819f8b4e55b095ce572 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.750] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2d95c854c410fe757386 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.761] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8d8eae0f77d579b3167c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.791] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=84773a9e9a1b668e4361 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.808] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f006ee1baafdb47b4ec6 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.850] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6749f6927cf11bb66664 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.969] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9cfeca4487230b43d73b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:03.981] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=405779b38a9b302479e1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:04.014] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9cfeca4487230b43d73b err="network id does not match: theirs 246, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:04.031] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=405779b38a9b302479e1 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:04.123] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5856a57b1c2e8564f068
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:04.242] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e3e25f40432d6f040f78
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:04.243] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5856a57b1c2e8564f068 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:04.277] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0fff89bb9d8085987bd8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:04.326] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0fff89bb9d8085987bd8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:04.353] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e3e25f40432d6f040f78 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:04.400] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ba5ca101e01e1490140b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:04.469] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ba5ca101e01e1490140b err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:04.612] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=40214feb0541d2004010
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:04.632] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=df16f38e554c6252f7ad
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:04.741] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ae462b3a5c66a1de8f4d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:04.751] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cd1b7933818f0601c417
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:04.778] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=381bea9841164b32c0d3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:04.785] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=df16f38e554c6252f7ad err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:04.827] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=40214feb0541d2004010 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:04.866] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ae462b3a5c66a1de8f4d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:04.882] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cd1b7933818f0601c417 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:04.899] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=381bea9841164b32c0d3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:04.911] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=79a9a8cd104e0abb98bd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:04.983] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=73e1edb3b36d1c6a3617
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:05.098] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=79a9a8cd104e0abb98bd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:05.229] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=73e1edb3b36d1c6a3617 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:06.715] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1dbb8e333618451095a6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:06.749] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1dbb8e333618451095a6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:06.765] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=09b0ae854db3cdba869d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:06.778] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f26c2571b95113de7631
[INFO] [03-08|01:59:06.783] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=25 eth67=4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:06.825] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=09b0ae854db3cdba869d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:06.951] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=537bf16dbecee833383f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:06.954] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=19f45d4a4818b4cde0a0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:06.973] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f26c2571b95113de7631 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:07.101] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=537bf16dbecee833383f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:07.106] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=19f45d4a4818b4cde0a0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:07.200] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=065267118adc8afecfb3
[INFO] [03-08|01:59:07.392] [txpool] stat                            block=40090155 pending=1262 baseFee=74 queued=2901 alloc=5.3GB sys=7.0GB
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:07.476] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=065267118adc8afecfb3 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:07.697] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e1c2ddcccfc70f187397
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:08.357] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e1c2ddcccfc70f187397 err=EOF
[INFO] [03-08|01:59:11.545] [7/15 Execution] Unwind Execution        from=40090767 to=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.026] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=576ba7ff27eb6a243a16
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.074] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=576ba7ff27eb6a243a16 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.078] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fcd347afadb077169835
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.148] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=df288998824aa5cf8943
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.154] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fcd347afadb077169835 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.169] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=96c05ad8422e325f8881
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.207] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9746697eabf409fd3ac9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.211] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6ec4ea9f9a47d1e4ceed
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.224] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c689175773cedbc11695
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.240] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9893ad0c80939add2bac
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.242] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=31e64172da253edcda4a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.256] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9746697eabf409fd3ac9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.259] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a6eb95c991445dc2e388
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.260] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=df288998824aa5cf8943 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.262] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6ec4ea9f9a47d1e4ceed err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.269] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=92a25ead5579feb1573a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.270] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=92a25ead5579feb1573a err="network id does not match: theirs 2021, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.271] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a7c457d78664b11ab9bd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.279] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=883234b00b9c02a1ffff
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.292] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=96c05ad8422e325f8881 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.304] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e1ff2bbdbc1c39497fde
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.304] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9893ad0c80939add2bac err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.305] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e1ff2bbdbc1c39497fde err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.308] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a6eb95c991445dc2e388 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.332] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b0975207a44f583fee73
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.334] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=228780ba4b20c334776e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.353] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6d3e0cde7697f3ab6fb9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.360] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=40bd05fc92beb1d28938
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.360] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eef1402b4326d0c5b9f1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.374] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c689175773cedbc11695 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.399] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=31e64172da253edcda4a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.416] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dae817d8f30c67e22daa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.421] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3b7f4b033678d0b986d4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.424] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3317984978d68c4d3199
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.443] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b0975207a44f583fee73 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.445] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a7c457d78664b11ab9bd err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.445] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=228780ba4b20c334776e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.456] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=883234b00b9c02a1ffff err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.475] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6d3e0cde7697f3ab6fb9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.487] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eef1402b4326d0c5b9f1 err="network id does not match: theirs 9011, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.487] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=40bd05fc92beb1d28938 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.492] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=04b99678308be5c7df81
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.511] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=428e70a630a962a98bf7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.539] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=146ccb271e50c663c34b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.539] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=146ccb271e50c663c34b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.567] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dae817d8f30c67e22daa err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.576] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3b7f4b033678d0b986d4 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.578] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3317984978d68c4d3199 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.682] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=04b99678308be5c7df81 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.708] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9f731270446e1847391f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.719] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=428e70a630a962a98bf7 err="network id does not match: theirs 15, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.747] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e996da9a241a36effa35
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.749] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b8e5fc235e70c29da650
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.762] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 40009154, latest header in db: 40090767
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.793] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e996da9a241a36effa35 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.797] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b8e5fc235e70c29da650 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.806] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a2e37c960dc71493551d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.853] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a2e37c960dc71493551d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.904] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=53984042300c325c18e7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:12.906] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=21a8f90909f65df9504d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:13.015] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=af711cbc11c1dfafa87d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:13.031] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=53984042300c325c18e7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:13.032] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=21a8f90909f65df9504d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:13.087] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8674c6b633d320c7c189
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:13.166] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=af711cbc11c1dfafa87d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:13.273] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8674c6b633d320c7c189 err=EOF
[INFO] [03-08|01:59:18.984] Timings (slower than 50ms)               Headers=30.118s BlockHashes=168ms Bodies=2m34.378s Senders=722ms Execution=1m12.602s HashState=36.066s IntermediateHashes=1m1.798s Unwind HashState=8.247s Unwind Execution=6.109s Unwind Bodies=1.293s
[INFO] [03-08|01:59:18.986] RPC Daemon notified of new headers       from=40090155 to=40090767 hash=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 header sending=2.364078ms log sending=348ns
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:18.992] [1/15 Snapshots] DONE                    in=6.235µs
[INFO] [03-08|01:59:18.992] [2/15 Headers] Waiting for headers...    from=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:18.993] slow peer or too many requests, dropping its old requests name=erigon/v0.0.5-bor-9b...
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:18.993] slow peer or too many requests, dropping its old requests name=bor/v0.3.3-stable/li...
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:18.993] slow peer or too many requests, dropping its old requests name=bor/v0.3.3-stable/li...
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:18.993] slow peer or too many requests, dropping its old requests name=erigon/v0.0.5-bor-9b...
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:18.993] slow peer or too many requests, dropping its old requests name=bor/v0.3.3-stable/li...
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:18.993] slow peer or too many requests, dropping its old requests name=bor/v0.3.3-stable/li...
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:18.993] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=28 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.580] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=76ddadf270d9fc26b629
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.629] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=76ddadf270d9fc26b629 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.732] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e9c9d6f7b781bbcbba2d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.736] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b42b42ca8e3e2339b1e8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.778] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0227e69934bec516d036
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.780] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=482ffdcd6fb1761250b8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.784] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b42b42ca8e3e2339b1e8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.795] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b22e2d9a4b05d61673db
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.841] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2e00559fc55f742fe131
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.848] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f300506e27cfcc60390f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.854] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e9c9d6f7b781bbcbba2d err="network id does not match: theirs 3030, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.872] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c20a8eeacf8990b8cbc3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.879] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=33532e47a14dba7603c9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.887] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d4a35646e952599882d2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.889] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a3bfb352daaebe26c5f5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.898] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0227e69934bec516d036 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.926] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b22e2d9a4b05d61673db err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.931] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=482ffdcd6fb1761250b8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.940] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cc151b845c17c675b568
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.946] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b3778b75339f7b3c2162
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.947] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=27c602936bcf35e76108
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.946] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c451777b8359fd598264
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.988] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c20a8eeacf8990b8cbc3 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.993] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2e00559fc55f742fe131 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:19.999] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=33532e47a14dba7603c9 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.005] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=86456735dda4f3260f0a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.012] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d4a35646e952599882d2 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.048] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.064] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a3bfb352daaebe26c5f5 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.091] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cc151b845c17c675b568 err="network id does not match: theirs 97, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.100] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c451777b8359fd598264 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.104] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=27c602936bcf35e76108 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.118] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f300506e27cfcc60390f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.128] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=86456735dda4f3260f0a err="network id does not match: theirs 111, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.148] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b3778b75339f7b3c2162 err="network id does not match: theirs 22776, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.292] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=17b0198d78fadd433c33
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.292] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=17b0198d78fadd433c33 err="network id does not match: theirs 11297108109, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.551] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a695b3e0dc7f7550e563
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.552] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=22ddb13116fd0b18de66
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.559] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0c7707055b5711fd0699
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.596] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5903eda5882091920bb9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.601] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a695b3e0dc7f7550e563 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.603] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=77962763dbe0925a2b09
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.603] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=22ddb13116fd0b18de66 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.605] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a0e9c1de4eddf4f28247
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.612] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0c7707055b5711fd0699 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.638] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5903eda5882091920bb9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.652] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=77962763dbe0925a2b09 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.657] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a0e9c1de4eddf4f28247 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.692] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=24894b4c09c51c6ad22d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.745] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f3839bef0712f8fffb80
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.749] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d19e13619c6b50ad3f05
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.754] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=46fc82d8b3d5f69ccd00
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.756] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6d2a825d0e15a98801b2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.760] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eac287353aa99e9df314
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.761] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=37c30b25e74180cc6ad5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.764] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f913ed590d00ac3b1cab
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.764] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=398a449b51e211575c4d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.764] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=24db5f97219baa2ea845
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.771] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aef35e9ec9bd45d730e2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.804] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=497e3107ac2a9b053318
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.811] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=24894b4c09c51c6ad22d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.835] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=21fb82832a1bdde60af7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.859] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=db46886cb46671e5f2e5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.867] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f3839bef0712f8fffb80 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.873] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=956ce40c4b519266b154
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.878] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f89b1c05ab884cffca71
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.878] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f89b1c05ab884cffca71 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.883] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=10088b056e28cbbf9d18
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.883] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6d2a825d0e15a98801b2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.897] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d19e13619c6b50ad3f05 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.899] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=21fb82832a1bdde60af7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.905] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aef35e9ec9bd45d730e2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.905] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=46fc82d8b3d5f69ccd00 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.916] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eac287353aa99e9df314 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.918] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=37c30b25e74180cc6ad5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.919] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=398a449b51e211575c4d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.919] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f913ed590d00ac3b1cab err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.920] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=24db5f97219baa2ea845 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.958] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=956ce40c4b519266b154 err="network id does not match: theirs 3331, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.958] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=497e3107ac2a9b053318 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:20.963] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2265909fea550d285a8d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.063] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=db46886cb46671e5f2e5 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.066] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.099] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=10088b056e28cbbf9d18 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.154] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=754e9b05ec043024a159
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.160] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aa9fe5d302b8be1f1cdf
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.160] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=726b5e9e4320a234b6d1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.160] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2512e42fe1c910348082
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.167] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d8ab1aee0ff820c1d50f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.190] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=603e43815574b127c73a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.190] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=603e43815574b127c73a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.195] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2265909fea550d285a8d err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.202] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=754e9b05ec043024a159 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.210] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=726b5e9e4320a234b6d1 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.210] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2512e42fe1c910348082 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.210] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aa9fe5d302b8be1f1cdf err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.222] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d8ab1aee0ff820c1d50f err="network id does not match: theirs 2022, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.251] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=af4fd2cf124486db5451
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.312] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=af4fd2cf124486db5451 err="network id does not match: theirs 99, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.361] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a1242b57c2e2aa93a62c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.514] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a1242b57c2e2aa93a62c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.549] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=edae342ba5fe5d830bef
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.563] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5a0e404fe10bfea95117
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.588] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ae51716dfbddfe80a7f0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.593] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=01e738489b8090013868
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.659] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ce453569ee247a9803ba
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.660] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ce453569ee247a9803ba err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.734] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=966721fd8cad329c7a28
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.739] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ae51716dfbddfe80a7f0 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.745] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f293cc0db9179804be69
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.746] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=01e738489b8090013868 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.790] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f293cc0db9179804be69 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.798] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=edae342ba5fe5d830bef err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.816] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5a0e404fe10bfea95117 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.845] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=966721fd8cad329c7a28 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.920] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=148e3c5aa12cd45feed3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.956] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3064e9894597322e3208
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.968] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c9d7534cc682d7db1162
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:21.985] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d7bac40a2b49eed3d8df
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:22.106] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3064e9894597322e3208 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:22.112] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:22.123] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=148e3c5aa12cd45feed3 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:22.140] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=44413b0a1535248194a9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:22.221] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d7bac40a2b49eed3d8df err="network id does not match: theirs 35441, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:22.339] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=247b6e30e42f2fd95ce3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:22.385] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=44413b0a1535248194a9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:22.461] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=247b6e30e42f2fd95ce3 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:22.574] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=94919240a683defb1e3e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:22.712] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=94919240a683defb1e3e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:23.113] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:24.113] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:25.133] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:25.939] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e96c9d75eeb7bd2dde6d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:26.134] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:26.189] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e96c9d75eeb7bd2dde6d err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:26.983] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9ede0d33c46cb2b4ee24
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.000] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bcb42ff17a52af7ac120
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.005] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e80865316ba53407f8f3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.037] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9ede0d33c46cb2b4ee24 err="network id does not match: theirs 40925, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.049] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bcb42ff17a52af7ac120 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.057] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e80865316ba53407f8f3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.135] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.141] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e3df54b81bf3340450f0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.161] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dc26702140ee74d7f20e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.176] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1f132468aea772c38014
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.200] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5b181b66875c05e2a493
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.261] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e3df54b81bf3340450f0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.283] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dc26702140ee74d7f20e err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.351] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5b181b66875c05e2a493 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.776] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e66c7a7ecec1c3139eb2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.802] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d9422e7ee60e25f4bfba
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.810] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=091314d3aa32e6854ed2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.824] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e66c7a7ecec1c3139eb2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.854] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9b4d1508b4008c6de7c3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.858] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=091314d3aa32e6854ed2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.860] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d9422e7ee60e25f4bfba err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.874] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5c2c76133f8b7835be33
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.908] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e57dfdc3e9e58d5476f3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.924] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b4c2db578e844d1a5065
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.929] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9b4d1508b4008c6de7c3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.931] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=26bec0410e2b0edce03d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.957] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=90a31ce39cb3705398c0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.960] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3be414dda2af050428b0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.975] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5e15024c57b42bba2943
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.981] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bb18e5a4705deee1483c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:27.994] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=09f1fde281ed2825165a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.014] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6e0fdf40b37b34c438b5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.021] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e57dfdc3e9e58d5476f3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.035] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=67f30378ff873b705704
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.045] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b4c2db578e844d1a5065 err="network id does not match: theirs 2828, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.047] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=50894ef9ed93171090b9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.053] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=af2151e8e9c1fdbb5e2b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.059] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=26bec0410e2b0edce03d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.066] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5c2c76133f8b7835be33 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.093] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=90a31ce39cb3705398c0 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.102] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3be414dda2af050428b0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.107] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5e15024c57b42bba2943 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.131] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bb18e5a4705deee1483c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.151] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=09f1fde281ed2825165a err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.165] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6e0fdf40b37b34c438b5 err="network id does not match: theirs 941, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.199] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=67f30378ff873b705704 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.215] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=50894ef9ed93171090b9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.235] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4e634df925ca4fcb1dc1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.238] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=af2151e8e9c1fdbb5e2b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.274] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b8b3ceddfa7c01a8fce8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.351] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7d0d91a616442878328f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.381] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d690ccc28f1b9b3f914c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.381] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d690ccc28f1b9b3f914c err="shutting down"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.396] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7d0d91a616442878328f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.450] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.512] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4e634df925ca4fcb1dc1 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.515] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c5994be6b42d5b4c8c2c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.574] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b8b3ceddfa7c01a8fce8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.641] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c5994be6b42d5b4c8c2c err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.676] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bb0f3d8d27602d20abb3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.738] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a39303c40db88d4589a9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.786] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bb0f3d8d27602d20abb3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:28.886] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a39303c40db88d4589a9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:29.432] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eeed2536b67ff0ae8cbf
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:29.553] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eeed2536b67ff0ae8cbf err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:30.113] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:31.113] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:32.136] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:32.956] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9eb26d1f5b84c3860b75
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:32.993] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6a702e1655b1c4bf5e26
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:32.993] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d2aa8201f56f33515ba3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.001] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9eb26d1f5b84c3860b75 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.001] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4b04f8890438de19996e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.014] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aea2013c5daa50d2b58b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.014] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aea2013c5daa50d2b58b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.017] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=276b2b919f31841bd914
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.017] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=276b2b919f31841bd914 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.025] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=110af76646831cc7eb44
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.054] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4b04f8890438de19996e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.058] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6a702e1655b1c4bf5e26 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.058] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d2aa8201f56f33515ba3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.097] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=110af76646831cc7eb44 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.120] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b801749478cd035edb46
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.252] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b801749478cd035edb46 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.306] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5c7fc1221bc3e210d338
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.308] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0f42ebaedc6272be41a4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.339] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=53e85102ba93645790cd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.455] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5c7fc1221bc3e210d338 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.458] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0f42ebaedc6272be41a4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.504] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=53e85102ba93645790cd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.735] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=960246f7cee883a047dd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.735] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f0fbece48b1e20d43488
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.741] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=37b3a8c51ce3337edf97
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.744] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3abe5f4f761a65f40042
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.754] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9b67d61d8bdb77f418d4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.756] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eb3fb602209a548031b5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.776] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b22d76a568d1cf770d94
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.783] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f0fbece48b1e20d43488 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.783] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=960246f7cee883a047dd err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.793] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=37b3a8c51ce3337edf97 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.797] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3abe5f4f761a65f40042 err="network id does not match: theirs 2020, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.819] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eb3fb602209a548031b5 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.820] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9b67d61d8bdb77f418d4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.844] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b22d76a568d1cf770d94 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.856] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=431a06c6b4a9756a9c7f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.865] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=96c62009bdfd1bcf8356
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.898] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6f86758ee7729a926f3d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.900] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=854af722fd0abeed65fa
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.905] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=431a06c6b4a9756a9c7f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.914] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f742df06dd9b9f07416e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.918] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=96c62009bdfd1bcf8356 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.922] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f916c49fff48f1dd8a35
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.923] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ad215ef83103c358954d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.925] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7498c6b58cb3972cfb44
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.942] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=498099ca0b0cd1bceee9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:33.973] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=038fd420bfb26a6cbb59
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.024] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ea652acd903c62614925
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.033] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=854af722fd0abeed65fa err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.038] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6f86758ee7729a926f3d err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.040] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d5ed4378b0910a349a0e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.059] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9ce63fb1053e18f0380b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.060] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f742df06dd9b9f07416e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.070] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dcd9d5e92622663cb482
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.071] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f916c49fff48f1dd8a35 err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.072] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ad215ef83103c358954d err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.073] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eb7568c362dfe005ac8b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.073] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1d3a39a88fd3248b7c42
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.075] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7498c6b58cb3972cfb44 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.085] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ac40ca43bfa62499ac40
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.085] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ac40ca43bfa62499ac40 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.095] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=498099ca0b0cd1bceee9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.136] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.143] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=038fd420bfb26a6cbb59 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.155] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=394c8302ed8085201837
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.166] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ea652acd903c62614925 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.211] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9ce63fb1053e18f0380b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.226] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dcd9d5e92622663cb482 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.228] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eb7568c362dfe005ac8b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.231] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1d3a39a88fd3248b7c42 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.241] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5650808fd09b90535ab4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.355] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=394c8302ed8085201837 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.483] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5650808fd09b90535ab4 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.511] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dc1495b3d7f1c89cedbf
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.513] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=79241cf73eb32511d32b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.545] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1c23038f4407b6b2b462
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.545] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1c23038f4407b6b2b462 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.560] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dc1495b3d7f1c89cedbf err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.564] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=79241cf73eb32511d32b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.601] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=47b51f05e6530b90c4a9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.605] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e17d4472cc4f37f93373
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.606] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0072b8e39f9f68960204
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.607] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ebfb2560518f472d583e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.612] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=35fa6bf475aea84f06e4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.642] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fcf0aa54e6163c5174ad
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.648] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2b5bf1891e8e50c49da3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.651] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9095e3ff985c85070aa8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.652] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=36e62b8b79adfa5ddefe
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.655] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=69dc69ab1277f0ac9c19
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.665] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=932a5d532690b6a0a167
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.686] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fcf0aa54e6163c5174ad err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.695] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2b5bf1891e8e50c49da3 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.710] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=35fa6bf475aea84f06e4 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.724] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d2c35fb14066895c6082
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.725] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=47b51f05e6530b90c4a9 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.731] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0072b8e39f9f68960204 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.735] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ebfb2560518f472d583e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.776] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=69dc69ab1277f0ac9c19 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.793] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=932a5d532690b6a0a167 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.800] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=36e62b8b79adfa5ddefe err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.800] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9095e3ff985c85070aa8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.803] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3373edca7b79cedbc3c9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.810] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=936c84c628d7a7be8196
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.856] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ac188124ab586c5b5bba
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.880] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d2c35fb14066895c6082 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.885] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9f8eb7c7e7dc0669ac9d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.886] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9f8eb7c7e7dc0669ac9d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.904] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ff1d249442efff20caa8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.923] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3373edca7b79cedbc3c9 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.932] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0e8a6d22c23d46a6115d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.933] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0e8a6d22c23d46a6115d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:34.940] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=936c84c628d7a7be8196 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:35.007] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ac188124ab586c5b5bba err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:35.150] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ff1d249442efff20caa8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:35.321] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:35.486] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=be181b1e21c52ff1d919
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:35.530] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3a925dc0934cb66c319f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:35.561] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ce198b176e28cfbaa6d0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:35.621] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=be181b1e21c52ff1d919 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:35.697] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c81dee73caa2d8dc17dc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:35.705] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=06316293cf6790229a54
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:35.730] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ce198b176e28cfbaa6d0 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:35.738] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c81dee73caa2d8dc17dc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:35.752] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=06316293cf6790229a54 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:35.853] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6f90daa1a4476b87684a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:35.908] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e6e04be0fee9496cad79
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:35.974] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6f90daa1a4476b87684a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:36.042] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e6e04be0fee9496cad79 err="network id does not match: theirs 2828, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:36.429] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:36.513] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=40aa3a9251c2ec0b54d8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:36.663] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=40aa3a9251c2ec0b54d8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:36.700] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b9a9a2cb7a28a0b762ca
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:36.838] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f158ff119afaf7beb82f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:36.871] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b9a9a2cb7a28a0b762ca err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:37.172] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f158ff119afaf7beb82f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:37.572] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:38.714] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[INFO] [03-08|01:59:38.992] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:39.714] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:40.219] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2d296c098263a6d088d2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:40.265] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2d296c098263a6d088d2 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:40.718] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.419] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8ce1d43f8a29889cd174
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.434] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5546399b2d4815f5b257
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.434] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a9dc5bd4ff15507a8344
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.478] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c4ca56233e5497d695d7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.484] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5546399b2d4815f5b257 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.485] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a9dc5bd4ff15507a8344 err="network id does not match: theirs 941, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.549] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8ce1d43f8a29889cd174 err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.576] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c666023207d6eccf80a6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.583] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7476309c9d9a8f62b459
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.587] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cc758438a255daaeb0a5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.633] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6885e347f0fb8e811600
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.691] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c4ca56233e5497d695d7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.699] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c666023207d6eccf80a6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.713] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cc758438a255daaeb0a5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.718] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.766] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b5974730d411516b5c57
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.784] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6885e347f0fb8e811600 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.799] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0b3a6eb97c531f69eacf
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.850] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ae732f984d6f5ea255df
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.851] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ba053232c4d32f164a8b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.915] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=31df643943821f1a6b53
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.931] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8319ab58582d0cd2bc0d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.970] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ae732f984d6f5ea255df err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.974] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ba053232c4d32f164a8b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.982] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b5974730d411516b5c57 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:41.993] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8319ab58582d0cd2bc0d err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.034] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0b3a6eb97c531f69eacf err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.035] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=90441a41dc526596f4c0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.036] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=90441a41dc526596f4c0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.045] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5d46e0acd9a1c69ab5ae
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.045] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dabe43b638ec1fcd6559
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.062] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8d3ac33faa3296568b83
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.067] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=31df643943821f1a6b53 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.073] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7505dbb65a0fe6ca5d5f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.119] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=85cce2b7eccf68782d5b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.153] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=817be0aa410530d50ccd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.163] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5d46e0acd9a1c69ab5ae err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.163] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dabe43b638ec1fcd6559 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.184] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7d4bccabb63ae29de97b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.190] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8d3ac33faa3296568b83 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.197] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=60ba8ef4b6f6596d47dd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.209] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7505dbb65a0fe6ca5d5f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.219] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7d4bccabb63ae29de97b err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.255] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=60ba8ef4b6f6596d47dd err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.269] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=85cce2b7eccf68782d5b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.282] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d02e8516d6d95f8bc5da
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.282] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d02e8516d6d95f8bc5da err="shutting down"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.297] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f446f15c3c17b2f8cd7e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.325] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=42ae54a7867b0990dd99
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.325] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=42ae54a7867b0990dd99 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.327] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=817be0aa410530d50ccd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.347] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f446f15c3c17b2f8cd7e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.355] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bddeb0bb267b81bb9cc2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.355] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2b0ac85d8a4ace980df3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.474] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a1a64ceb7b28c2d94ec8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.476] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2b0ac85d8a4ace980df3 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.576] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bddeb0bb267b81bb9cc2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.583] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b937bdf38f2d68d22940
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.598] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f39766bd9346267b1566
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.611] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a1a64ceb7b28c2d94ec8 err="network id does not match: theirs 10200, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.718] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.723] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9ab5b018977a39361620
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.768] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9ab5b018977a39361620 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.836] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b937bdf38f2d68d22940 err="network id does not match: theirs 50315, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.836] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f39766bd9346267b1566 err="network id does not match: theirs 100, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:42.882] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ed118a39b34d75bf9c51
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:43.005] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ed118a39b34d75bf9c51 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:43.036] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=711599916262c9ca3bd2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:43.037] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=711599916262c9ca3bd2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:43.718] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:45.719] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:45.848] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ab2319661bbd67eb86c3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:45.968] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ab2319661bbd67eb86c3 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:46.247] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1e6356ada79c0b6118ed
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:46.379] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1e6356ada79c0b6118ed err="network id does not match: theirs 13379, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:46.863] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:48.004] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:48.670] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c2f9f7d06bf6ea14aa2b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:48.720] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c2f9f7d06bf6ea14aa2b err="network id does not match: theirs 248, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:48.790] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2d6c600070c31f1a5952
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:48.813] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1ca992893a2626c26b91
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:48.833] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e7c9f0c285ae1803dda8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:48.869] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ec4e98a13765d93deb6a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:48.870] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c120db39a45f34beb27e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:48.875] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f9cfe25a89739b1ec6b7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:48.898] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=399d11d06ffa2f618170
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:48.901] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2d6c600070c31f1a5952 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:48.905] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=35feb0618923084a8597
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:48.905] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2b6ddac97709a582fc08
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:48.924] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=374b00b81713cbee3a34
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:48.934] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1ca992893a2626c26b91 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:48.953] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9e357113d58a85978a45
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:48.966] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e7c9f0c285ae1803dda8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.019] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ec4e98a13765d93deb6a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.019] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=399d11d06ffa2f618170 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.021] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c120db39a45f34beb27e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.028] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f9cfe25a89739b1ec6b7 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.030] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=35feb0618923084a8597 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.031] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2b6ddac97709a582fc08 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.055] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=374b00b81713cbee3a34 err="network id does not match: theirs 10200, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.102] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9e357113d58a85978a45 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.147] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.442] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=84404ae36766bc792abb
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.481] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aa668cd5b90f4b822874
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.489] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=de132187bf4963d96f06
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.493] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=84404ae36766bc792abb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.501] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bca401fb1d350e962666
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.501] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bca401fb1d350e962666 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.513] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3012a6c4e989f267fdab
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.528] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aa668cd5b90f4b822874 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.541] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=de132187bf4963d96f06 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.576] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3012a6c4e989f267fdab err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.592] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8c260dd6057e139b4280
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.620] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=239668b8961736a9ca42
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.644] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c8384a2b7da172df8c56
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.654] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=552dc040a4b83546795b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.665] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3d81d564348d44b0648e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.682] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=06bb52feea53e3ee8c35
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.687] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2109c3c687ad42cfb9c0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.691] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2c6737f80084f3a623ba
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.692] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ce8be4ede88e4f198a67
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.692] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ab9abf0f957a9323c0be
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.718] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=668a44362ddc17500c4a
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.718] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8c260dd6057e139b4280 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.731] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e3a3e8ece95e388e5fac
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.752] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=239668b8961736a9ca42 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.763] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c8384a2b7da172df8c56 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.772] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e23e7c101da39d9f0329
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.805] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3d81d564348d44b0648e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.808] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=552dc040a4b83546795b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.825] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=93aefd5adc3dcc48fe40
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.832] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=06bb52feea53e3ee8c35 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.837] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2109c3c687ad42cfb9c0 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.837] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ce8be4ede88e4f198a67 err="network id does not match: theirs 413901, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.844] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2c6737f80084f3a623ba err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.876] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0ae60fb60cfb6d08fb7f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.884] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1ea644c738bc9adb0ca1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.886] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=668a44362ddc17500c4a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.893] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e3a3e8ece95e388e5fac err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.939] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ab9abf0f957a9323c0be err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:49.989] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e23e7c101da39d9f0329 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.033] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0ae60fb60cfb6d08fb7f err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.068] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=93aefd5adc3dcc48fe40 err="network id does not match: theirs 2151, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.135] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1ea644c738bc9adb0ca1 err="network id does not match: theirs 2151, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.186] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eb704ed5f4a8245dc34c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.187] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3d8e01ccb34e3d1262d1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.227] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=448ab269002a2b390940
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.237] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eb704ed5f4a8245dc34c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.238] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3d8e01ccb34e3d1262d1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.289] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.290] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=448ab269002a2b390940 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.315] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ad93028f8c9644a33065
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.326] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=74de8243066284ce0896
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.332] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0ce8544c3aea1ea72ce9
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.336] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=80a79da8023a70fa6dd7
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.341] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1092baef5c1c4983705f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.379] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ad93028f8c9644a33065 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.385] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=80a79da8023a70fa6dd7 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.391] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1092baef5c1c4983705f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.439] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4fd8c944c766af87337f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.445] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=74de8243066284ce0896 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.454] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0ce8544c3aea1ea72ce9 err="network id does not match: theirs 2022, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.469] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9450c34367a2ab57ceae
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.471] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1d64dbee55aaf2c98ea1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.488] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=35fe96e38aa2b26f70dc
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.518] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ada4055accab94a82655
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.564] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4fd8c944c766af87337f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.573] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f31573caf89bafe279dd
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.573] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f31573caf89bafe279dd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.610] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9450c34367a2ab57ceae err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.611] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=35fe96e38aa2b26f70dc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.612] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1d64dbee55aaf2c98ea1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.636] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7ea70c8e6cd33a9160f5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.639] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7ea70c8e6cd33a9160f5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.657] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ada4055accab94a82655 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.749] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fc899554e5b777602394
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:50.934] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fc899554e5b777602394 err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:51.073] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aaaf58dbd541755c5eff
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:51.092] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0e317b4179ceeec1d88d
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:51.101] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ff205e00d48541423747
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:51.198] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aaaf58dbd541755c5eff err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:51.218] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0e317b4179ceeec1d88d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:51.240] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ff205e00d48541423747 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:51.292] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fdff60108f9f0bba448c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:51.293] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fdff60108f9f0bba448c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:51.431] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:51.941] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3994ac9822ebc4b2b75c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:52.106] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3994ac9822ebc4b2b75c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:52.487] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:52.753] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3e99245c72f11b1ad84e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:52.952] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3e99245c72f11b1ad84e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:53.629] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:54.226] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=07c863ddf8050fca87c8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:54.638] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=07c863ddf8050fca87c8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:54.771] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:54.904] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=46080b961483fb19dab1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:54.923] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bd7696dbe77a4e402ab5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:54.926] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=27df48e9a3f81f2ee647
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:54.937] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=70fc4c304c9b8e75e2d0
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:55.082] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=46080b961483fb19dab1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:55.086] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bd7696dbe77a4e402ab5 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:55.090] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=27df48e9a3f81f2ee647 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:55.105] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=70fc4c304c9b8e75e2d0 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.202] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=76ddadf270d9fc26b629
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.216] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.252] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=76ddadf270d9fc26b629 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.315] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b0e86ef15a3fe8c00bf4
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.323] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=25ccab552a0d9444edde
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.327] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4010e0540e76b1bff9ab
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.348] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9d0d397492857ab3c3d2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.360] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b0e86ef15a3fe8c00bf4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.362] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f300506e27cfcc60390f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.372] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=25ccab552a0d9444edde err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.373] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4010e0540e76b1bff9ab err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.407] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=482ffdcd6fb1761250b8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.410] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9d0d397492857ab3c3d2 err="network id does not match: theirs 97, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.482] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9ae949095437ca5b4020
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.494] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f300506e27cfcc60390f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.530] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5111498f54dd4813b839
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.534] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=31025ceb7291fad63418
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.540] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=18a144d44de9ddca54b3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.549] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a3167925d50d0a19c32c
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.558] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=482ffdcd6fb1761250b8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.606] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9ae949095437ca5b4020 err="network id does not match: theirs 800001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.631] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1083746330dd09ba9679
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.631] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=96bb709e65f35a2c91ac
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.682] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5111498f54dd4813b839 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.690] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=31025ceb7291fad63418 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.695] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=18a144d44de9ddca54b3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.711] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a3167925d50d0a19c32c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.814] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2e5decc39f463e487eb1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.834] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=96bb709e65f35a2c91ac err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.984] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=238b33a4c91472551ecf
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.987] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=04526991b0548ab943b6
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.989] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c407b852e24ecb4b8690
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.989] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6b0edffff79c789c9480
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:56.998] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1083746330dd09ba9679 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.033] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=238b33a4c91472551ecf err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.035] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ece27e3735232087055b
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.036] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=04526991b0548ab943b6 err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.040] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c407b852e24ecb4b8690 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.040] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6b0edffff79c789c9480 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.046] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9bd7686d5b7f3a1b7ac5
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.046] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9bd7686d5b7f3a1b7ac5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.088] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=54e614e038a8fdef7952
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.098] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=484554fcfb6616d69e76
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.109] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2e5decc39f463e487eb1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.111] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ece27e3735232087055b err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.131] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aafed4fde9b208d0cbb8
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.131] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=af66743c2693a2f9b16e
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.143] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b79d9b17cb5c4697705f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.149] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=31ddf3d8e0248a92ec94
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.176] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=54e614e038a8fdef7952 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.180] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fb3e1a67c4c9a00bd670
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.191] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=751875696c9a6988e4b2
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.191] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a4d356c652028b720a97
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.192] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=484554fcfb6616d69e76 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.209] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d035dff81f869a6910d1
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.214] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1fdf7472273a05da0e73
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.250] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aafed4fde9b208d0cbb8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.252] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=af66743c2693a2f9b16e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.274] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=31ddf3d8e0248a92ec94 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.298] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b79d9b17cb5c4697705f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.315] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fb3e1a67c4c9a00bd670 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.333] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1a5ac8de7536e0459f11
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.342] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=751875696c9a6988e4b2 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.343] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a4d356c652028b720a97 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.348] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.357] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d035dff81f869a6910d1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.364] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1fdf7472273a05da0e73 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.428] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=338c127af06423a5e5b3
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.481] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1a5ac8de7536e0459f11 err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.484] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=348daa9f1743b15f1ecf
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.484] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7633d1362780ed8bce54
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.484] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7633d1362780ed8bce54 err="network id does not match: theirs 668273, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.577] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=338c127af06423a5e5b3 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.590] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9de67e749bbc4b36344f
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.659] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=348daa9f1743b15f1ecf err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.819] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9de67e749bbc4b36344f err="network id does not match: theirs 2077, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.943] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dd1ebe96a60da4d25342
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:57.957] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=928507df38f1b05f1eff
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:58.051] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0e85ba6aa6b82c371610
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:58.067] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=928507df38f1b05f1eff err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:58.095] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dd1ebe96a60da4d25342 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:58.172] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0e85ba6aa6b82c371610 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:58.426] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:58.463] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8e22637bfce56203df62
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:58.463] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8e22637bfce56203df62 err="network id does not match: theirs 668273, ours 137"
[INFO] [03-08|01:59:58.993] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|01:59:59.772] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:01.772] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.157] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=92f492cfaf38a02924f0
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.160] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=576ba7ff27eb6a243a16
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.205] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=92f492cfaf38a02924f0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.208] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=576ba7ff27eb6a243a16 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.209] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fcd347afadb077169835
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.282] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fcd347afadb077169835 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.283] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=df288998824aa5cf8943
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.291] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=87f2ad8c0f2b7381e000
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.303] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=96c05ad8422e325f8881
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.363] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c0225b113dbb5a68fe7d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.364] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c689175773cedbc11695
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.372] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=31e64172da253edcda4a
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.394] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=df288998824aa5cf8943 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.406] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=87f2ad8c0f2b7381e000 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.414] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a7c457d78664b11ab9bd
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.416] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=883234b00b9c02a1ffff
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.423] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=96c05ad8422e325f8881 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.515] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c0225b113dbb5a68fe7d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.517] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c689175773cedbc11695 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.528] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=31e64172da253edcda4a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.591] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a7c457d78664b11ab9bd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.595] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=883234b00b9c02a1ffff err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.770] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b0b67a14bddae7baf41c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.816] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b0b67a14bddae7baf41c err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.911] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3b8c3c825472d73fb617
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.913] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.922] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bffab828e093ac6d6b57
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.943] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a717eac18fa8ad158b22
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.961] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=540ec6c41bbdfc2865ed
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.968] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=991b2db0c007d313b2bf
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:02.981] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ee5638186909519cf7f2
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.028] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0d931757a808d7306e3d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.033] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3b8c3c825472d73fb617 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.078] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9431e373621a6ce50a29
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.085] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=540ec6c41bbdfc2865ed err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.092] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bffab828e093ac6d6b57 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.095] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a717eac18fa8ad158b22 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.201] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9431e373621a6ce50a29 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.205] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0d931757a808d7306e3d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.352] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ee5638186909519cf7f2 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.380] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=74dd0df75d9be829a1cf
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.562] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=74dd0df75d9be829a1cf err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.564] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=245a6e327de2cf31e137
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.569] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=790aaf1f4918260e5a03
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.592] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8f919f28570f89f29e85
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.610] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=245a6e327de2cf31e137 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.618] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=790aaf1f4918260e5a03 err="network id does not match: theirs 2151, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.650] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8f919f28570f89f29e85 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.672] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=254e0417ba337c01f28b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.718] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=57ab852325b596626987
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.772] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=254e0417ba337c01f28b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.773] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=af711cbc11c1dfafa87d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.841] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=57ab852325b596626987 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.923] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=af711cbc11c1dfafa87d err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:03.993] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a12050913546dd75b387
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:04.055] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:04.161] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a12050913546dd75b387 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:04.465] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=228780ba4b20c334776e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:04.577] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=228780ba4b20c334776e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:04.912] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0402f1ebd9577789d5da
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:04.913] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=164dbde661186f1dfb61
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:05.035] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0402f1ebd9577789d5da err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:05.038] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=164dbde661186f1dfb61 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:05.199] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:06.340] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:06.938] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1c5aab405b3845e4141f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:06.972] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7a9f316c4ee74ddc7284
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:06.991] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aadef6d7e12b03710393
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:07.067] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1c5aab405b3845e4141f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:07.149] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aadef6d7e12b03710393 err=EOF
[INFO] [03-08|02:00:07.389] [txpool] stat                            block=40090155 pending=1711 baseFee=85 queued=4139 alloc=3.5GB sys=7.0GB
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:07.482] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.321] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9ede0d33c46cb2b4ee24
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.323] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2cfe04a16a0e0a944d82
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.335] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=098e5e601de9a58ccbd0
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.335] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e17728b0b8680f19fb65
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.368] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2cfe04a16a0e0a944d82 err="network id does not match: theirs 941, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.377] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9ede0d33c46cb2b4ee24 err="network id does not match: theirs 40925, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.385] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=098e5e601de9a58ccbd0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.385] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e17728b0b8680f19fb65 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.388] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0f60091f3d2f593b6d9d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.388] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0f60091f3d2f593b6d9d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.494] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d75c324e6b5bf49c5cb2
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.508] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6ac8ecc1be6e11f4c2b4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.532] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a07f18e6fe0923c91637
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.532] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=99bc895436a51dc89d1d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.535] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0cbc19a2648c2a6427b8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.537] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a1ced5b1dd7e306bb9a3
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.624] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d75c324e6b5bf49c5cb2 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.625] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.630] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=57287513994d38b8a00b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.631] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=435f4c9d1227f43793b4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.634] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cf122297933be1b80c22
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.634] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cc85db813460b9fee029
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.639] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2ad5d96b7647aa4bab26
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.639] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e99a63accac67f401d3d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.645] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6ac8ecc1be6e11f4c2b4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.681] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a07f18e6fe0923c91637 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.681] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=99bc895436a51dc89d1d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.686] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0cbc19a2648c2a6427b8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.687] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=14257a41327d4f4f8a67
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.688] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6045e5aed2e5d1298d12
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.689] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a1ced5b1dd7e306bb9a3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.692] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=94c67d8071e700bbeb80
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.751] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=435f4c9d1227f43793b4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.752] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=57287513994d38b8a00b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.756] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cf122297933be1b80c22 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.757] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cc85db813460b9fee029 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.763] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2ad5d96b7647aa4bab26 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.812] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e99a63accac67f401d3d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.836] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=14257a41327d4f4f8a67 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.836] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6045e5aed2e5d1298d12 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.843] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=94c67d8071e700bbeb80 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:08.851] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=52a75ba229b0f475368f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.083] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=52a75ba229b0f475368f err="network id does not match: theirs 18159, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.095] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0764bf0a5c2652dcc304
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.140] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0764bf0a5c2652dcc304 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.222] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f296a7d6b621ea18a6c8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.246] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6c7cf361abc611f1dd52
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.251] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e3df54b81bf3340450f0
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.269] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7cc01f9ebc529b4a1ad8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.270] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e07424b67a97ac735cd1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.283] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=69a1bb403f890bcc1f7f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.311] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=98136449bf8370e60822
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.326] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f296a7d6b621ea18a6c8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.347] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2f4905c14064e251b5d0
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.366] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6357b73a363d1a3aa5cb
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.367] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6357b73a363d1a3aa5cb err="network id does not match: theirs 1337, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.367] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f9d0d382758991517d71
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.371] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e3df54b81bf3340450f0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.393] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=98136449bf8370e60822 err="network id does not match: theirs 2100, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.400] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e07424b67a97ac735cd1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.419] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=69a1bb403f890bcc1f7f err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.476] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2f4905c14064e251b5d0 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.487] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 39600557, latest header in db: 40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.518] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f9d0d382758991517d71 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.577] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1b84a22b2d183d644535
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.782] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1b84a22b2d183d644535 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.788] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:09.941] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=90ee94e6c8b9789baa11
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:10.069] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=47cd25be7d4da7a3a2b5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:10.078] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=047a247589719fbae360
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:10.093] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=90ee94e6c8b9789baa11 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:10.285] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=47cd25be7d4da7a3a2b5 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:11.415] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=794fd9fc0ed6a05acf85
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:11.468] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=794fd9fc0ed6a05acf85 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:11.571] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:12.714] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:13.857] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:14.999] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:15.698] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aee7fb5481673c77148e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:15.931] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aee7fb5481673c77148e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:15.933] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2bc608566d5a1da799df
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:15.934] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eb852c5b88179f3f847f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:15.960] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=baa6a45b012ae37b4cd0
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:15.982] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2bc608566d5a1da799df err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:15.982] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4bb98f73ad8572899da0
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:15.986] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eb852c5b88179f3f847f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.022] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=baa6a45b012ae37b4cd0 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.046] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4bb98f73ad8572899da0 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.068] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0a497d6509347865d8ac
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.141] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.145] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1b7a2bc017ecbb44f9d5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.145] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=34ac6eaed5934da0beae
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.183] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0a497d6509347865d8ac err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.302] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1b7a2bc017ecbb44f9d5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.302] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=34ac6eaed5934da0beae err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.313] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e325d90aa5a7d21415db
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.324] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2efa3ddd06e6b1c82d21
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.465] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e325d90aa5a7d21415db err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.480] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2efa3ddd06e6b1c82d21 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.575] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fc406a6b459d07e1e47c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.575] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fc406a6b459d07e1e47c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.631] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3adcda599547a64e3efe
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.631] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3adcda599547a64e3efe err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.679] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f5cd1e327ad29017f836
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.681] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e8ddbcdc72014281ca1d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.681] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a524b5605ae5c3d14c5d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.727] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f5cd1e327ad29017f836 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.732] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a524b5605ae5c3d14c5d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.741] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1fe6a26525a77bdaec65
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.751] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f72514f5914b9d3b7411
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.802] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e8ddbcdc72014281ca1d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.870] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b3d1392ef6ff23ab1f6b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.893] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1fe6a26525a77bdaec65 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.895] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e03fe766103c4a14f4ec
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.903] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ff48ed0b898fb74ed5ab
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:16.906] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f72514f5914b9d3b7411 err="network id does not match: theirs 10200, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:17.052] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e03fe766103c4a14f4ec err="network id does not match: theirs 513100, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:17.086] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b3d1392ef6ff23ab1f6b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:17.135] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ff48ed0b898fb74ed5ab err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:17.282] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:17.359] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=32cf42e377509a32f2f8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:17.412] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=32cf42e377509a32f2f8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:17.716] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2957802dff18449c2a72
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:17.865] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2957802dff18449c2a72 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:18.423] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[INFO] [03-08|02:00:18.993] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:19.424] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:19.577] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=193205a4cae6ccb9a72c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:19.902] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=193205a4cae6ccb9a72c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:20.440] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.447] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.473] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4718c581e956afc6d0fb
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.474] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5346b5af5233b55186ec
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.515] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4718c581e956afc6d0fb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.517] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5346b5af5233b55186ec err="network id does not match: theirs 20230805, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.585] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f4bb936f6022b8d27989
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.629] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7a07cf0673cb6a892e6c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.633] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1493d431e95b81d7c76b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.662] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f4bb936f6022b8d27989 err="network id does not match: theirs 513100, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.675] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f4985be957dcf3c8894b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.675] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bdf7ddf7d1eca690b234
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.678] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e80292b8611dd7e7c7f4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.688] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ff745dd78005d19285ac
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.692] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c738f9579b849c1b360c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.701] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=22657fe61619b68b92ac
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.713] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2abd2ffca80219c60dfb
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.727] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f4985be957dcf3c8894b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.740] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7af08ff7cefeb0c62b86
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.741] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=58653f8bdc74e97cc895
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.750] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7a07cf0673cb6a892e6c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.755] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1493d431e95b81d7c76b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.796] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bdf7ddf7d1eca690b234 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.805] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b7642200de91e4075cec
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.814] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ff745dd78005d19285ac err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.823] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e80292b8611dd7e7c7f4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.829] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6d47e9d25c308f71e9d2
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.829] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6d47e9d25c308f71e9d2 err="set tcp use of closed network connection"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.831] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7f46495fa9991ec63417
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.843] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c738f9579b849c1b360c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.852] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2abd2ffca80219c60dfb err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.870] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=beed516b9b0b877c1e3b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.876] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bbd9408577a839eb7074
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.893] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7af08ff7cefeb0c62b86 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.893] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=58653f8bdc74e97cc895 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.897] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=89b8a2ff9875041e1ac6
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.920] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b7642200de91e4075cec err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.921] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3ddc491a70fec84d33e2
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.959] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7f46495fa9991ec63417 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:21.996] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9097197b3324c31a17e1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.018] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=beed516b9b0b877c1e3b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.026] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bbd9408577a839eb7074 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.059] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=89b8a2ff9875041e1ac6 err="network id does not match: theirs 322, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.078] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cf5bf4e799138774d75a
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.096] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3ddc491a70fec84d33e2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.097] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b0e2b0a18b1e39b24e53
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.118] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cf5bf4e799138774d75a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.138] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9097197b3324c31a17e1 err="network id does not match: theirs 30746, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.147] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b0e2b0a18b1e39b24e53 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.263] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3bb1f245b1ffcdf2b493
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.296] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=75b09da628ae26dcba54
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.297] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5bec1c34334a0e84d159
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.319] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=08daaa9e7a51eadeb98b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.324] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=405c31b81676ff376b65
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.367] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=08daaa9e7a51eadeb98b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.374] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=405c31b81676ff376b65 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.380] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3bb1f245b1ffcdf2b493 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.428] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=561239f4852d315032c2
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.447] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=75b09da628ae26dcba54 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.448] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5bec1c34334a0e84d159 err="network id does not match: theirs 63000, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.455] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.491] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=caddad26904ada3cae61
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.504] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=537bcfd7626269196de3
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.535] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0eca820e97e5d8870e36
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.564] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c8be2af858a371ccdbbe
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.564] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f4a587784c9ad7387cea
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.572] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=40b8eb028fea9f06d2d2
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.574] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ed5204996f69f8701d5c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.574] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ed5204996f69f8701d5c err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.633] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c8be2af858a371ccdbbe err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.633] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=537bcfd7626269196de3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.644] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=561239f4852d315032c2 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.673] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bbcda33b1cc8cc90d2f2
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.673] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7aee31d3649f960b31cb
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.679] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f4a587784c9ad7387cea err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.685] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ed534d95eb0514f97be3
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.690] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0eca820e97e5d8870e36 err="network id does not match: theirs 96, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.738] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=45725927cc1ffe051981
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.740] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=caddad26904ada3cae61 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.748] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=40b8eb028fea9f06d2d2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.792] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4f187274019b916cf5ae
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.840] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7aee31d3649f960b31cb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.888] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=45725927cc1ffe051981 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.893] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bbcda33b1cc8cc90d2f2 err="network id does not match: theirs 51712, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.914] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ed534d95eb0514f97be3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:22.967] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4f187274019b916cf5ae err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:23.238] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ae919bac99ad7e61c025
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:23.313] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d932ac10c677abf32a1d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:23.367] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d932ac10c677abf32a1d err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:23.372] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ae919bac99ad7e61c025 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:23.456] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:23.535] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f44d98843d8e8d26f147
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:23.728] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f44d98843d8e8d26f147 err="network id does not match: theirs 1313114, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:24.043] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6c269f2e2b59ab2f9e59
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:24.097] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6c269f2e2b59ab2f9e59 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:24.456] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:25.456] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:26.204] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f5a6176e1bbfd0008377
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:26.456] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:27.461] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:28.921] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d8e9ac8ef3e8a23280f9
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:28.925] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=55aa159de3de5a6f7e38
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:28.981] sendMessageById                          msgcode=3 err="set tcp use of closed network connection"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:28.988] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=55aa159de3de5a6f7e38 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.052] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2b6c20fbf1da3b2144ad
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.087] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=657267927fa81fe7c1ce
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.100] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fad4160d15f486b072c3
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.105] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a5a1600cf1927b517106
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.178] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2b6c20fbf1da3b2144ad err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.225] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fad4160d15f486b072c3 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.230] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=657267927fa81fe7c1ce err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.255] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a5a1600cf1927b517106 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.274] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e30d4548d4c9a33fcf80
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.275] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e30d4548d4c9a33fcf80 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.461] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.529] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6627a9b09afa680cabc5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.578] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6627a9b09afa680cabc5 err="network id does not match: theirs 511, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.674] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f275a71c9c68a1f7dced
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.678] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a48e3e83c39b9432ea0d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.680] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f14e8582af689c6dbf05
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.725] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b1b0d6d67d0952c1e5c3
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.726] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=337c9f13e92568513c6d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.727] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f275a71c9c68a1f7dced err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.733] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a48e3e83c39b9432ea0d err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.735] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e79ff5076aecaef5e174
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.771] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=19a3f593a3bf2508303a
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.783] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f1b447e1e7344a202c1b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.806] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f14e8582af689c6dbf05 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.808] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=660448ca921bf54e6e5e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.872] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b1b0d6d67d0952c1e5c3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.875] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=337c9f13e92568513c6d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.887] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e79ff5076aecaef5e174 err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.900] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=660448ca921bf54e6e5e err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.921] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6d65ae3e7ab5c0dcd846
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.926] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aa0449608b4bda197a83
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.931] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=caa54adf87fb7b543653
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.943] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=19a3f593a3bf2508303a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:29.958] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f1b447e1e7344a202c1b err="network id does not match: theirs 1116, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:30.035] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=68dd0dd6f2002b903132
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:30.097] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6d65ae3e7ab5c0dcd846 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:30.104] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aa0449608b4bda197a83 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:30.106] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=caa54adf87fb7b543653 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:30.267] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=68dd0dd6f2002b903132 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:30.349] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3f55933c8542067fad94
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:30.350] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=46eb2ddd79e1953993a1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:30.377] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f5a6176e1bbfd0008377 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:30.397] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3f55933c8542067fad94 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:30.402] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=46eb2ddd79e1953993a1 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:30.436] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d9a1a48c533c998075b4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:30.462] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:30.531] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d9a1a48c533c998075b4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:30.643] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1d5c81c8f0ee15b0dfd6
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:30.665] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0199d8529b4708c78115
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:30.703] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0a52d5ace4391019d147
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:30.788] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0199d8529b4708c78115 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:30.838] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1d5c81c8f0ee15b0dfd6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:30.851] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0a52d5ace4391019d147 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:31.176] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dcba824fe18d041082ad
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:31.176] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dcba824fe18d041082ad err="network id does not match: theirs 11297108109, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:31.463] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:31.662] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=345675390bda82d7de56
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:31.743] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=53355a73e92e71b8c0e7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:31.787] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=345675390bda82d7de56 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:31.905] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=53355a73e92e71b8c0e7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:32.464] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:34.377] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:34.410] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=668d23eae57649a0a1c4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:34.577] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=668d23eae57649a0a1c4 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:34.773] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=76ddadf270d9fc26b629
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:34.824] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=76ddadf270d9fc26b629 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:34.901] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=59b5a3fc9e3195ece8ba
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:34.947] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f300506e27cfcc60390f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:34.952] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=59b5a3fc9e3195ece8ba err="network id does not match: theirs 2019, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:34.973] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=482ffdcd6fb1761250b8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:34.975] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ac33661f5f2af88d9313
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.073] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8ce1d43f8a29889cd174
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.079] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f300506e27cfcc60390f err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.123] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=482ffdcd6fb1761250b8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.125] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c4ca56233e5497d695d7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.127] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ac33661f5f2af88d9313 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.209] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8ce1d43f8a29889cd174 err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.293] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c4ca56233e5497d695d7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.403] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b98d02fd73946df74874
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.403] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b98d02fd73946df74874 err="network id does not match: theirs 2021, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.463] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.486] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ba053232c4d32f164a8b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.490] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ae732f984d6f5ea255df
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.547] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ce55af5d87c4d8021b9c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.556] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=33664e1c45149220fa15
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.575] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8319ab58582d0cd2bc0d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.607] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ba053232c4d32f164a8b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.614] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ae732f984d6f5ea255df err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.637] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8319ab58582d0cd2bc0d err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.694] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dabe43b638ec1fcd6559
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.695] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5d46e0acd9a1c69ab5ae
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.707] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8d3ac33faa3296568b83
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.711] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=33664e1c45149220fa15 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.751] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e211048a014d7eb74b0b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.794] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b4f9d978c92e1487a7a4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.815] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dabe43b638ec1fcd6559 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.820] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8e85a9ab5e6929ce502e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.836] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8d3ac33faa3296568b83 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.902] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e211048a014d7eb74b0b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.905] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b4f9d978c92e1487a7a4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.909] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8bece66b6a1df490b6e8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.921] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b7b4e08403fe57d8d152
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.936] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bddeb0bb267b81bb9cc2
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.936] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c77c32703f8b7c4b8f27
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.940] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 0, latest header in db: 40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:35.944] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8e85a9ab5e6929ce502e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.037] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c1da1395eb4a734cf0b5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.077] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8bece66b6a1df490b6e8 err="network id does not match: theirs 18159, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.091] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2a980c66a3981b7fc653
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.117] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c77c32703f8b7c4b8f27 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.142] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2a980c66a3981b7fc653 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.230] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2092381e47dabfc46341
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.234] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b46ae6443b055d07b18c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.234] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5ab33fbbb92ea5e60bf7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.241] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1ed90b13c6f21ac4126d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.241] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1ed90b13c6f21ac4126d err="network id does not match: theirs 318, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.270] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bddeb0bb267b81bb9cc2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.271] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c1da1395eb4a734cf0b5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.290] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d19e13619c6b50ad3f05
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.303] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=398a449b51e211575c4d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.303] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=31025ceb7291fad63418
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.327] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6e906d91bea6de18dbf6
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.329] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8a8c15cd8f0aa3df4202
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.344] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=72652aedbc74928e6887
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.348] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2092381e47dabfc46341 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.354] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b46ae6443b055d07b18c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.356] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5ab33fbbb92ea5e60bf7 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.394] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8a8c15cd8f0aa3df4202 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.409] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=72652aedbc74928e6887 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.440] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d19e13619c6b50ad3f05 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.459] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=398a449b51e211575c4d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.459] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=31025ceb7291fad63418 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.464] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.482] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6e906d91bea6de18dbf6 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.486] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5650808fd09b90535ab4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.734] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5650808fd09b90535ab4 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.740] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3b000d1f063236763e96
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.740] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3b000d1f063236763e96 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.770] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8be6a7fe6d82cf713d82
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.817] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8be6a7fe6d82cf713d82 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:36.897] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=510842bc6a7a4562a3dc
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:37.010] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=510842bc6a7a4562a3dc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:37.058] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7e355f407e2ca637a04d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:37.110] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7e355f407e2ca637a04d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:37.200] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bce2fd3e8d738e9a1040
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:37.322] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bce2fd3e8d738e9a1040 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:37.342] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=803c3e89922490c1db5d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:37.464] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:37.540] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=803c3e89922490c1db5d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:38.844] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=da76c0b054fbe5774897
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:38.904] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=da76c0b054fbe5774897 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[INFO] [03-08|02:00:38.993] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:38.993] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:39.398] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=05f2ce8537efc1bf49a7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:39.610] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=05f2ce8537efc1bf49a7 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:40.305] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:41.836] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:42.803] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5ef06e5b26518674aadf
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:42.818] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=35ef073af77ac15a5935
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:42.822] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0a5c8ad03ad0e34427cd
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:42.832] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=62a9571c59423236b8ee
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:42.838] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:42.845] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5ef06e5b26518674aadf err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:42.858] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0a5c8ad03ad0e34427cd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:42.860] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e9ef6ed1ca33f50cd2a1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:42.866] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=35ef073af77ac15a5935 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:42.881] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=62a9571c59423236b8ee err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:42.921] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e9ef6ed1ca33f50cd2a1 err="network id does not match: theirs 32382, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:42.958] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f073bf83b1280f404fa3
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:42.969] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f9d3e2f1772df759e855
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:42.976] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=069f31f2ee802a81e23a
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.050] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c1be5eee4680ec8e5025
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.070] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f073bf83b1280f404fa3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.095] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f9d3e2f1772df759e855 err="network id does not match: theirs 63001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.098] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ac43eb0e153cf86da369
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.098] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=48c506d2c04296bda4f8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.098] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ac43eb0e153cf86da369 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.106] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=069f31f2ee802a81e23a err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.119] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0db0540e3b882f299551
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.124] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0db0540e3b882f299551 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.128] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=be8d61a0ba14615ec94c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.207] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c1be5eee4680ec8e5025 err="network id does not match: theirs 190250, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.280] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=48c506d2c04296bda4f8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.332] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=be8d61a0ba14615ec94c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.479] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c70290fea22dd9a796f0
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.507] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b24ddcf87f8961ebdf79
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.508] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b24ddcf87f8961ebdf79 err="network id does not match: theirs 5521742, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.526] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c70290fea22dd9a796f0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.556] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a2d3716ebed0e1bee155
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.581] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=54e614e038a8fdef7952
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.592] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a2d3716ebed0e1bee155 err="network id does not match: theirs 2020, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.593] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=484554fcfb6616d69e76
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.628] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4a095219e4504e5407cf
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.632] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4ed2d2afbd2f6a344721
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.650] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bac27ba451f4cca27d85
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.668] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=54e614e038a8fdef7952 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.669] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fb3e1a67c4c9a00bd670
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.687] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=484554fcfb6616d69e76 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.719] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fad209de538d06b7e9fa
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.740] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4398c47e7b93ca4c6d87
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.740] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=515f7dcb5cdbb2c6dd3d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.742] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=51ae4ab05c05ef1ad80f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.750] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4a095219e4504e5407cf err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.751] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f4b678aca5b7982e110d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.757] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4ed2d2afbd2f6a344721 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.784] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bac27ba451f4cca27d85 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.800] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fb3e1a67c4c9a00bd670 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.869] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=515f7dcb5cdbb2c6dd3d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.873] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fad209de538d06b7e9fa err="network id does not match: theirs 17, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.886] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f4b678aca5b7982e110d err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.912] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=51ae4ab05c05ef1ad80f err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.915] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4398c47e7b93ca4c6d87 err="network id does not match: theirs 1024, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.978] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ca5c48690cc6b61f724a
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:43.978] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ca5c48690cc6b61f724a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:44.200] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:44.500] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3d36f54819c109adcfb5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:44.547] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3d36f54819c109adcfb5 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:44.592] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c3a649c8713a47248031
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:44.660] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c3a649c8713a47248031 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:44.720] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f7a93fb0e9011a7fda6a
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:44.765] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b8c40e17ddbf1ab58d79
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:44.825] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e73f06ef49dae6f9f4c0
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:44.875] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f7a93fb0e9011a7fda6a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:44.919] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b8c40e17ddbf1ab58d79 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:44.946] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e73f06ef49dae6f9f4c0 err="network id does not match: theirs 3001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:45.717] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d94023bd452ec22352cd
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:45.899] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:45.983] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=84138fa290debc8c0b14
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:46.018] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d94023bd452ec22352cd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:46.114] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=84138fa290debc8c0b14 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:46.211] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fe8c4c088af7192b3228
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:46.262] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fe8c4c088af7192b3228 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:46.315] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9bf900b73c1a8b6b14f0
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:46.337] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9bf900b73c1a8b6b14f0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:46.433] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=34995430b6efcd49134a
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:47.828] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:47.846] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=34995430b6efcd49134a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:49.586] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:50.598] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:51.732] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.267] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=015252e1c245c1c8c5c9
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.267] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c2d33c44cf90bb9dbaa8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.289] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b408ea25e594a6e100b5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.289] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2e1142e966cbd99d9908
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.315] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=015252e1c245c1c8c5c9 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.316] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c2d33c44cf90bb9dbaa8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.338] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2e1142e966cbd99d9908 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.349] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b408ea25e594a6e100b5 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.378] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=925513895d4a10bf09ed
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.412] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=645ab6bba0071003a54e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.430] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=925513895d4a10bf09ed err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.432] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b18a0ad2872165710fdf
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.495] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=18441cbec1851c1548e3
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.533] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=645ab6bba0071003a54e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.550] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3f6652994624fc0d51ef
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.552] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b18a0ad2872165710fdf err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.569] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9ce63fb1053e18f0380b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.571] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=03f6e5981fc4ae90e0ee
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.605] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=18441cbec1851c1548e3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.613] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fd63f42db0fd6d9cd789
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.622] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e459dca44c9fb3d94c7e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.695] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3f6652994624fc0d51ef err="network id does not match: theirs 69420, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.696] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0794e3d66647b6cfc637
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.718] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9ce63fb1053e18f0380b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.723] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=03f6e5981fc4ae90e0ee err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.756] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.781] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fd63f42db0fd6d9cd789 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.836] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e459dca44c9fb3d94c7e err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.935] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3375aba7a0bec4b32f6c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.935] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3375aba7a0bec4b32f6c err="network id does not match: theirs 11297108099, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:52.947] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0794e3d66647b6cfc637 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.026] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a05d1cefd253ea01372f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.048] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b6ee489ae7f7e8dcdb63
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.055] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4e833a5d71e662556031
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.078] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bb7b43e22eebfd870e42
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.080] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8c7cd3e10dc91dfd9ecc
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.081] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=59307e551f2fac7eb35a
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.132] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8c7cd3e10dc91dfd9ecc err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.137] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=407a616d0e4f732efd0f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.139] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=407a616d0e4f732efd0f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.152] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a05d1cefd253ea01372f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.185] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b6ee489ae7f7e8dcdb63 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.220] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4e833a5d71e662556031 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.224] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=23ca284bacde8e9e9681
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.229] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bb7b43e22eebfd870e42 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.231] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ffd3b2a408694d13c872
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.231] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ffd3b2a408694d13c872 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.234] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=59307e551f2fac7eb35a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.243] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ec2b6e713a065a006530
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.276] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2277eb200b780fbb6ac5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.276] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=00b3c3525a5dff9a2160
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.280] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9c7149b124ca75d4dab7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.348] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=23ca284bacde8e9e9681 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.376] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ec2b6e713a065a006530 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.379] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0596e8ea121c55b09622
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.379] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9c22e63365adf5b6eb9a
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.419] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a5eaeced47ba3656c14b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.426] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=88c4dfe54e09f90f26a7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.426] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2277eb200b780fbb6ac5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.427] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=00b3c3525a5dff9a2160 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.432] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9c7149b124ca75d4dab7 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.530] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0596e8ea121c55b09622 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.530] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9c22e63365adf5b6eb9a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.586] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a5eaeced47ba3656c14b err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.592] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a405dd71f0779b43fa77
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.651] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=88c4dfe54e09f90f26a7 err="network id does not match: theirs 96, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.848] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a405dd71f0779b43fa77 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.891] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=053e87bd382b01506072
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.910] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=39a994fea2f627b89d17
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.944] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=053e87bd382b01506072 err="network id does not match: theirs 2020, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.945] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=71a4d47d5b503b7457b5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.972] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=39a994fea2f627b89d17 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.993] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ad68461b9c61a7c4e8bd
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:53.993] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ad68461b9c61a7c4e8bd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:54.031] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=71a4d47d5b503b7457b5 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:54.033] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=19021fbd82ab283ec85b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:54.056] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d2722747e38ffafd833d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:54.074] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9ef83a100000363a93f5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:54.086] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fa1b4b37145cb43fbd68
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:54.087] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4c71dbe96742c3649a0c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:54.094] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=95a656c215b07e6f4b36
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:54.114] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:54.158] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=19021fbd82ab283ec85b err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:54.193] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d2722747e38ffafd833d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:54.198] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9ef83a100000363a93f5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:54.216] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4c71dbe96742c3649a0c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:54.228] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=95a656c215b07e6f4b36 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:54.236] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fa1b4b37145cb43fbd68 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:54.725] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cad6ec1937e3d543e2fa
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:54.854] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cad6ec1937e3d543e2fa err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:55.042] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4e5824c79d8c8713fa9f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:55.043] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4e5824c79d8c8713fa9f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:55.744] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:57.580] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[INFO] [03-08|02:00:58.993] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=40090461
[INFO] [03-08|02:00:58.993] Req/resp stats                           req=0 reqMin=0 reqMax=0 skel=14 skelMin=40090460 skelMax=40090652 resp=136 respMin=40090460 respMax=40090977 dups=14032
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:58.993] [downloader] Queue sizes                 anchors=0 links=214 persisted=65535
[DBUG] [03-08|02:00:58.993] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:00.327] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:00.833] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9ede0d33c46cb2b4ee24
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:00.886] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2e5e3001a1ecea261741
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:00.888] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9ede0d33c46cb2b4ee24 err="network id does not match: theirs 40925, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:00.951] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2e5e3001a1ecea261741 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.006] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8f1f039bb32d88f5feef
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.022] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2db1faced4c669a595b3
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.029] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=39d276bc1b237fe933b0
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.132] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8f1f039bb32d88f5feef err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.152] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2db1faced4c669a595b3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.182] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=39d276bc1b237fe933b0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.194] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a40147d6d3d29389b4f5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.194] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a40147d6d3d29389b4f5 err="network id does not match: theirs 1337, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.616] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0764bf0a5c2652dcc304
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.619] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f4157b9faa56a8d90926
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.661] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0764bf0a5c2652dcc304 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.664] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f4157b9faa56a8d90926 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.666] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e8f6e04a7cdbbaf5fa77
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.703] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2e9b193c54587f00ec4c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.704] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2e9b193c54587f00ec4c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.720] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e8f6e04a7cdbbaf5fa77 err="network id does not match: theirs 2022, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.752] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6a414faefdec87afd7b7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.769] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6c7cf361abc611f1dd52
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.790] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7cc01f9ebc529b4a1ad8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.795] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7555df34c33ad86c8592
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.796] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e07424b67a97ac735cd1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.804] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=69a1bb403f890bcc1f7f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.830] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e72b17b778dd9ec1c717
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.833] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c5a90fccb52a2faf5c31
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.842] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0cbc19a2648c2a6427b8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.857] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.862] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=75e06c9da16fce45dfa4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.864] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6a414faefdec87afd7b7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.912] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7555df34c33ad86c8592 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.932] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e07424b67a97ac735cd1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.934] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=539116e27e262bf182ca
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.934] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=78df280aa4014f2264e6
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.941] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=69a1bb403f890bcc1f7f err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.946] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=539116e27e262bf182ca err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.950] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0472fbb6a1e9f9598475
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.950] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0472fbb6a1e9f9598475 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.963] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e23e7c101da39d9f0329
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.980] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e72b17b778dd9ec1c717 err="network id does not match: theirs 513100, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.985] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c5a90fccb52a2faf5c31 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:01.997] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0cbc19a2648c2a6427b8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.008] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 39600557, latest header in db: 40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.014] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=75e06c9da16fce45dfa4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.014] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4730da2453a8981f0421
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.120] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=78df280aa4014f2264e6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.173] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4730da2453a8981f0421 err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.180] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e23e7c101da39d9f0329 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.266] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5188037851b430fc2ea5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.266] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c4a7bf3d1369c86d1778
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.268] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5fbed29d20c1d8dca18b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.306] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aa1548dd96502159a7b4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.317] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5188037851b430fc2ea5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.317] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c4a7bf3d1369c86d1778 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.322] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5fbed29d20c1d8dca18b err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.365] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a3f70302d41cf98f7c9d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.376] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aa1548dd96502159a7b4 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.418] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a3f70302d41cf98f7c9d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.426] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e0ba86fa988bf2b71279
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.449] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=081463264c2c166205f8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.468] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e0fe05d54eae3436a919
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.481] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2ba6b9166b91c8f4b632
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.498] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=081463264c2c166205f8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.502] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b62c85f8db7ed4a11f0a
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.551] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e0ba86fa988bf2b71279 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.599] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bb127503f5d6e794b206
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.619] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c830d72d378a3566dd22
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.619] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e0fe05d54eae3436a919 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.625] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b62c85f8db7ed4a11f0a err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.636] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2ba6b9166b91c8f4b632 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.647] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cebe700d03210bfdf994
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.648] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f7adf3c9839a84717ed1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.649] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6fa639ce28b7c7a58ee2
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.681] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=37f35bedbfaaab54f8fc
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.721] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9f2d8cf73dc4e735cf3e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.754] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c830d72d378a3566dd22 err="network id does not match: theirs 63000, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.796] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cebe700d03210bfdf994 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.796] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f7adf3c9839a84717ed1 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.800] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6fa639ce28b7c7a58ee2 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.816] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bb127503f5d6e794b206 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.842] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=37f35bedbfaaab54f8fc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.842] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6efc93a637bd7e4f12c7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:02.907] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9f2d8cf73dc4e735cf3e err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:03.087] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6efc93a637bd7e4f12c7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:03.131] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=91215b1d77c892897048
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:03.131] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7d6ad978ba407514e5d1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:03.183] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=91215b1d77c892897048 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:03.186] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7d6ad978ba407514e5d1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:03.561] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:03.929] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=acc155db0485c22092b4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:03.980] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=acc155db0485c22092b4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:03.994] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eab6c74a65c1f7b493cd
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:04.043] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eab6c74a65c1f7b493cd err="network id does not match: theirs 4, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:04.049] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=97d1e857f6b3d4ee35b5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:04.161] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=97d1e857f6b3d4ee35b5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:04.781] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:06.258] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d7cfc0d8c5194638553e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:06.385] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:06.460] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d7cfc0d8c5194638553e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:06.472] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0a078f0c38106439684e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:06.480] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0a078f0c38106439684e err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[INFO] [03-08|02:01:06.783] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth67=5 eth66=32
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:06.864] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6cac3616294a42ddc526
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:06.914] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6cac3616294a42ddc526 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:06.921] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d3ad147318250e5b5113
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:06.923] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a8756f325e9b7190600d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:06.972] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d3ad147318250e5b5113 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:06.973] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a8756f325e9b7190600d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:06.985] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=647ab5084c3b469d54b1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:06.990] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e3e5bd440ae77ab62670
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:06.990] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cf7b1f1d64d3fcde0aab
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.015] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=349e06189e23144d3cec
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.033] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=647ab5084c3b469d54b1 err="network id does not match: theirs 941, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.041] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cf7b1f1d64d3fcde0aab err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.041] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e3e5bd440ae77ab62670 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.044] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3b0923132dc6f876928b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.054] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4ee82b8536187bf7ea01
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.057] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1a489f2ff00faeb4314e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.069] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b9a4b2c5b92b9d15768d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.104] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f5f8214010a68a4d08ab
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.110] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f59bcf62ac918c412486
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.139] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=349e06189e23144d3cec err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.155] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3b0923132dc6f876928b err="network id does not match: theirs 2151, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.162] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0b8ec0a32769443e08c8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.167] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=62c26d7d738f5737c917
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.176] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ccd7dea65eb267097afc
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.198] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4ee82b8536187bf7ea01 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.203] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1a489f2ff00faeb4314e err="network id does not match: theirs 11155111, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.221] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b9a4b2c5b92b9d15768d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.241] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f5f8214010a68a4d08ab err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.251] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e492ad51666db1a2fc49
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.260] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eef34965dd1e7b79cdda
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.283] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f59bcf62ac918c412486 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.299] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0b8ec0a32769443e08c8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.303] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=62c26d7d738f5737c917 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.326] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e08c33ff8f5eaf558be5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.380] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ccd7dea65eb267097afc err="network id does not match: theirs 29032022, ours 137"
[INFO] [03-08|02:01:07.392] [txpool] stat                            block=40090155 pending=2201 baseFee=104 queued=5483 alloc=4.4GB sys=7.0GB
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.439] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eef34965dd1e7b79cdda err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.466] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e492ad51666db1a2fc49 err="network id does not match: theirs 96, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.531] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f880b02e4c7655358db1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.579] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e08c33ff8f5eaf558be5 err="network id does not match: theirs 101010, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.793] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9c0cfb087fc1c4b4bad3
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.797] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=510a580e9216d3225a80
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.821] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bf6b74c108f588e669bc
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.843] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=510a580e9216d3225a80 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.862] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=62c89969b1fe195d2dbe
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.873] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f880b02e4c7655358db1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.915] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.916] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9c0cfb087fc1c4b4bad3 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.927] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5ec5bd776302c85cbc7f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.928] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b88e1033de393e8ba057
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.979] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a09b93d00ef9d7b9199e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:07.997] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=62c89969b1fe195d2dbe err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:08.013] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=39d85e997e7d27a2e7c5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:08.049] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5ec5bd776302c85cbc7f err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:08.104] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a09b93d00ef9d7b9199e err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:08.128] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=54b6ef1414edc88da5cb
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:08.128] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=54b6ef1414edc88da5cb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:08.129] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b88e1033de393e8ba057 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:08.148] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=02be4e5933b1e1c34925
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:08.196] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=02be4e5933b1e1c34925 err="network id does not match: theirs 22125, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:08.243] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=39d85e997e7d27a2e7c5 err="network id does not match: theirs 18159, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:09.694] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:11.123] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.307] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=76ddadf270d9fc26b629
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.356] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=76ddadf270d9fc26b629 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.375] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.467] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f300506e27cfcc60390f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.512] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=482ffdcd6fb1761250b8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.591] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8ce1d43f8a29889cd174
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.592] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5546399b2d4815f5b257
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.599] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f300506e27cfcc60390f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.640] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5546399b2d4815f5b257 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.647] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a3167925d50d0a19c32c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.648] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c4ca56233e5497d695d7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.663] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=482ffdcd6fb1761250b8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.674] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0a68a16149cfcb047ca8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.675] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0a68a16149cfcb047ca8 err="network id does not match: theirs 1994, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.720] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8ce1d43f8a29889cd174 err="network id does not match: theirs 10001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.737] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c666023207d6eccf80a6
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.771] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f69d3a3d164c351fef61
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.792] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0461bbe078febc5340fe
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.802] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a3167925d50d0a19c32c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.804] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c4ca56233e5497d695d7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.806] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=67bf8ac3899c268ae489
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.843] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=635852a1188d90eb1990
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.856] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c666023207d6eccf80a6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.886] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2f9b4cb2b16187e5c1d7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.899] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2f30eea1a2d9408f4175
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.906] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f69d3a3d164c351fef61 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.937] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2f9b4cb2b16187e5c1d7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.941] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0461bbe078febc5340fe err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.958] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2f30eea1a2d9408f4175 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:12.961] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=67bf8ac3899c268ae489 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.001] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bddeb0bb267b81bb9cc2
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.005] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b3288191233a69c8f3c5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.017] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=635852a1188d90eb1990 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.024] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ba053232c4d32f164a8b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.025] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ae732f984d6f5ea255df
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.034] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d96af86393a9871f5ea1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.042] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bddeb0bb267b81bb9cc2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.103] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8319ab58582d0cd2bc0d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.116] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b3288191233a69c8f3c5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.145] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ba053232c4d32f164a8b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.147] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ae732f984d6f5ea255df err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.160] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d96af86393a9871f5ea1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.166] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8319ab58582d0cd2bc0d err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.218] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dabe43b638ec1fcd6559
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.222] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d894347f9dc8b2c4a480
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.238] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8d3ac33faa3296568b83
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.283] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d894347f9dc8b2c4a480 err="network id does not match: theirs 64668, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.285] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eeedcba371cccdd990c1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.285] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7d131d7704cf25992f98
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.299] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=24754941e37704f7c0fc
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.299] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=24754941e37704f7c0fc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.338] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dabe43b638ec1fcd6559 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.367] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8d3ac33faa3296568b83 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.373] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4703d9f00c0691f51b0c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.380] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e7b56504cd7af0193a52
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.396] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=247d004496c47ec49360
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.402] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5a3415e386d99893dae2
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.403] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=61e4212707c3cbd6cfa1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.412] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c930a2238d77ab0b654b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.438] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7d131d7704cf25992f98 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.439] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eeedcba371cccdd990c1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.510] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4703d9f00c0691f51b0c err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.518] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e7b56504cd7af0193a52 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.544] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=247d004496c47ec49360 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.552] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5a3415e386d99893dae2 err="network id does not match: theirs 413902, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.554] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=61e4212707c3cbd6cfa1 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.570] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c930a2238d77ab0b654b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.794] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=af78ccce4980c88537bd
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.863] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=af78ccce4980c88537bd err="network id does not match: theirs 199, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.967] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3428224e8c06d202d614
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.967] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d45dc76f12cca2aada88
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.988] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=00ea3ac8c45fcfdac651
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:13.991] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0621c9654e5456aad011
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:14.001] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a3eaf066fccebac19a30
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:14.038] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=00ea3ac8c45fcfdac651 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:14.046] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0621c9654e5456aad011 err="network id does not match: theirs 333999, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:14.122] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3428224e8c06d202d614 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:14.122] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d45dc76f12cca2aada88 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:14.141] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=54344ccaef7e64cb48a2
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:14.174] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a3eaf066fccebac19a30 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:14.202] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=724e2be0bdec6b9893b9
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:14.203] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:14.268] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=54344ccaef7e64cb48a2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:14.359] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=724e2be0bdec6b9893b9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:14.756] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4a3d7f35aa7fb76f9dd2
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:14.822] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4a3d7f35aa7fb76f9dd2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:15.128] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1cabc2241f548936c8d7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:15.253] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1cabc2241f548936c8d7 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:15.314] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cffecd453a945035dabe
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:15.613] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cffecd453a945035dabe err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:15.732] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:16.319] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f2e1bd7df3c46592b11d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:16.368] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f2e1bd7df3c46592b11d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:16.746] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:17.383] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e4fee6d5094571d458de
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:17.388] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6d130d921a0971b48ec5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:17.432] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e4fee6d5094571d458de err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:17.438] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6d130d921a0971b48ec5 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:17.557] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f1c6f5479021fac02369
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:17.595] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ffb7fd42cf734b989b94
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:17.595] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=116f0f10526b7bb34ab3
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:17.692] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9e6619312a09f89197e8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:17.693] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f1c6f5479021fac02369 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:17.752] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=116f0f10526b7bb34ab3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:17.752] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ffb7fd42cf734b989b94 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:17.895] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9e6619312a09f89197e8 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:18.062] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[INFO] [03-08|02:01:18.993] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=40090461
[INFO] [03-08|02:01:18.993] Req/resp stats                           req=0 reqMin=0 reqMax=0 skel=14 skelMin=40090460 skelMax=40090652 resp=158 respMin=39600557 respMax=40090987 dups=13459
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:18.993] [downloader] Queue sizes                 anchors=0 links=224 persisted=65535
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.262] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4d124196e99691ed5de7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.305] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1a2a9f7669505bb530e3
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.315] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4d124196e99691ed5de7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.336] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=05f54093bddec575a13d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.353] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1a2a9f7669505bb530e3 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.399] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=044dacedc42321b688f4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.402] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=05f54093bddec575a13d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.410] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=646c42583f6ba85b9e6f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.424] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f0233f9e2a0c92d7cc7f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.426] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f2a31b2c6b3868920f88
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.454] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ea5e04647ba38b1707fa
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.464] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7f5e6e8da6899af6dbaa
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.472] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=86ec15e50a92ec16aa8c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.504] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ea5e04647ba38b1707fa err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.510] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=38b42e5d165b40e34640
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.512] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3fe0751470d3617f5193
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.512] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=20b77e6adf9077ed5efa
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.514] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9213c065c0822fedb779
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.516] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7f5e6e8da6899af6dbaa err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.520] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=044dacedc42321b688f4 err="network id does not match: theirs 4919, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.538] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=646c42583f6ba85b9e6f err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.558] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f2a31b2c6b3868920f88 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.583] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f0233f9e2a0c92d7cc7f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.630] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=86ec15e50a92ec16aa8c err="network id does not match: theirs 248, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.651] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ed3e3e87bd46ab857ab8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.652] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=63d1843bc65e8b0a4da7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.660] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=38b42e5d165b40e34640 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.662] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=20b77e6adf9077ed5efa err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.662] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3fe0751470d3617f5193 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.667] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c0f52a7521dc9b31a096
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.667] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9213c065c0822fedb779 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.698] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=98ce4ae70d1999ecedb4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.698] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=98ce4ae70d1999ecedb4 err="network id does not match: theirs 11297108109, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.703] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ed3e3e87bd46ab857ab8 err="network id does not match: theirs 3737, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.703] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=63d1843bc65e8b0a4da7 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.791] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b46ae6443b055d07b18c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.791] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a40988d6d5d7e8412026
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.795] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=66b0ef7d6d664071c22d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.802] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=57013ac5fec5b07a93bb
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.820] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c0f52a7521dc9b31a096 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.851] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7355f4f7f47f42b3ea15
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.861] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e4f71e678af89999549c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.906] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b3023b3559939b2101f4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.914] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b46ae6443b055d07b18c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.918] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=66b0ef7d6d664071c22d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.931] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=57013ac5fec5b07a93bb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:19.993] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:20.002] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7355f4f7f47f42b3ea15 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:20.008] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8d7182258d60f9a51623
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:20.009] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a40988d6d5d7e8412026 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:20.018] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e4f71e678af89999549c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:20.084] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b3023b3559939b2101f4 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:20.236] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8d7182258d60f9a51623 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:20.245] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f533461c4a66eb792bf3
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:20.295] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f533461c4a66eb792bf3 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:20.444] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b25c399a86dd33d3ccc6
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:20.487] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a1e30b38f0066f39b2c1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:20.823] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2f13f87aa61aa80df852
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:20.877] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2f13f87aa61aa80df852 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:21.136] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:21.634] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=132cb1922c84a2f73376
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:21.684] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=132cb1922c84a2f73376 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:22.359] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:22.920] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a5443c61044f410456ca
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:23.094] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a5443c61044f410456ca err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:23.641] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2d8ce929e3601296f3d2
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:23.765] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2d8ce929e3601296f3d2 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:23.892] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.034] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.053] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=22ddb13116fd0b18de66
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.054] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=05d2beaaf24f8a70d65f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.095] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=637da785fa2cbf613ef8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.103] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=05d2beaaf24f8a70d65f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.104] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=22ddb13116fd0b18de66 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.157] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=637da785fa2cbf613ef8 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.162] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b9dcbc14416f53e2a053
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.208] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1e01af2225bcd5c4d262
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.216] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b9dcbc14416f53e2a053 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.244] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=09379340bb87f1e78991
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.258] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=460d59b7a2982e060df7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.279] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9f83175ca450d38bc9db
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.282] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1e01af2225bcd5c4d262 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.310] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=39b7e1a733cfe93420b8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.360] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=154c04051aa792245b09
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.365] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0e794451f43f980d2563
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.377] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=09379340bb87f1e78991 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.415] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=460d59b7a2982e060df7 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.437] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9f83175ca450d38bc9db err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.437] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=39b7e1a733cfe93420b8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.512] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=154c04051aa792245b09 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.518] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0e794451f43f980d2563 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.752] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=21035ab27b118089494c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.758] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=21035ab27b118089494c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.875] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7148dd04137856c7e8a9
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.924] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6c4ba36d50159e3302c0
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.924] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7148dd04137856c7e8a9 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.954] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6c4ba36d50159e3302c0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:25.960] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5a76de9731e316079a6c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.002] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5a59ee2b27c0303f66ce
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.002] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5a59ee2b27c0303f66ce err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.008] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5a76de9731e316079a6c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.022] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=580e0480d279f1fe04f3
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.073] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d95341e48aed3d08f4b7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.077] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aa4d0a9010a4b23f84ee
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.087] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d75859eacb0c81765365
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.134] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=319d7d22d8c3dfb34647
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.135] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=319d7d22d8c3dfb34647 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.143] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=65ab925ad502727df599
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.145] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=580e0480d279f1fe04f3 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.146] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=da9d80bde6ef0f0591ca
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.162] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f38e9b31e38a0878cf3d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.179] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9b3bc990278a7ff2eb68
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.197] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d75859eacb0c81765365 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.222] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d95341e48aed3d08f4b7 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.229] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aa4d0a9010a4b23f84ee err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.284] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=65ab925ad502727df599 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.287] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=da9d80bde6ef0f0591ca err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.310] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f38e9b31e38a0878cf3d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.333] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2ce52845ae65cad80e45
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.333] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2ce52845ae65cad80e45 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.337] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9b3bc990278a7ff2eb68 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.386] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.600] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=797a5bfb61e2dacbf131
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.614] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=694d8084c4c1d6ca20df
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.614] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=694d8084c4c1d6ca20df err="network id does not match: theirs 1994, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.651] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=797a5bfb61e2dacbf131 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.731] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ce722db5e26ca2f61ac5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:26.846] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ce722db5e26ca2f61ac5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:27.212] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6c9832dac1e6d9667792
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:27.233] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4d3d0cfc2f2a2996fc09
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:27.267] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6c9832dac1e6d9667792 err="network id does not match: theirs 3, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:27.297] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4d3d0cfc2f2a2996fc09 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:27.377] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b668fa754f88bdb0bd6b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:27.377] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b668fa754f88bdb0bd6b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:27.408] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4530aae2113e2b28c6c1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:27.559] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4530aae2113e2b28c6c1 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:27.914] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:29.444] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:29.454] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b7dba1bdf45c62d38c89
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:29.536] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6c4760c2e46c7f8bb097
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:29.576] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b7dba1bdf45c62d38c89 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:30.976] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.076] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b42b42ca8e3e2339b1e8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.076] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ea23ac04eaced70b1c47
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.081] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8887d69b188666473687
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.086] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6dd5e48c2e1d4d2a63ed
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.122] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0227e69934bec516d036
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.123] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b42b42ca8e3e2339b1e8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.124] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ea23ac04eaced70b1c47 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.131] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8887d69b188666473687 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.136] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6dd5e48c2e1d4d2a63ed err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.147] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b22e2d9a4b05d61673db
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.187] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2e00559fc55f742fe131
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.205] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=42a61235763196613ac0
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.230] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c20a8eeacf8990b8cbc3
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.233] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a3bfb352daaebe26c5f5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.242] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0227e69934bec516d036 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.259] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b821cfa7a53445dbb02e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.282] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b22e2d9a4b05d61673db err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.283] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ba472c35f833156dc4b4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.289] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=27c602936bcf35e76108
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.289] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c451777b8359fd598264
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.290] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b3778b75339f7b3c2162
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.316] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=42a61235763196613ac0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.339] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2e00559fc55f742fe131 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.355] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c20a8eeacf8990b8cbc3 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.395] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b821cfa7a53445dbb02e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.401] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.410] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a3bfb352daaebe26c5f5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.435] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ba472c35f833156dc4b4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.443] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=27c602936bcf35e76108 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.446] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c451777b8359fd598264 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.493] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b3778b75339f7b3c2162 err="network id does not match: theirs 22776, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.640] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=17b0198d78fadd433c33
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.640] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=17b0198d78fadd433c33 err="network id does not match: theirs 11297108109, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.726] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=77a34c8612927f2e1411
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.751] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=276c0d228d68245873e3
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.752] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=60cfcde2d5d84612f617
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.757] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=09124125c06b61fa940f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.762] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9852feb22a18a9a15554
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.797] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=276c0d228d68245873e3 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.800] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=60cfcde2d5d84612f617 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.806] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=09124125c06b61fa940f err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.834] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b49f433e3ae871b5c9e6
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.847] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=77a34c8612927f2e1411 err="network id does not match: theirs 10500, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.899] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e60596edf62910e5e3f2
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.900] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9852feb22a18a9a15554 err="network id does not match: theirs 1818, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.903] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e2ec87053830d3c51328
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.931] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=21eb5f41989d2b84c98c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.950] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e60596edf62910e5e3f2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.955] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a5bec68485e4d831d8a1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.960] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8c864822591bf26c274f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:32.989] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=340f4b66e80df7bca25a
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.007] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b49f433e3ae871b5c9e6 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.050] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=115d4f28e1a63300c052
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.051] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b225e40cb8e9f1c67ed1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.051] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c528925f1a79baf3fc8b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.065] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=21eb5f41989d2b84c98c err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.070] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b90ef66b7e85131476b3
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.104] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a5bec68485e4d831d8a1 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.111] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8c864822591bf26c274f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.111] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e2ec87053830d3c51328 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.153] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=340f4b66e80df7bca25a err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.176] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=115d4f28e1a63300c052 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.176] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b225e40cb8e9f1c67ed1 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.178] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c528925f1a79baf3fc8b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.205] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b90ef66b7e85131476b3 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.485] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ce0507e98a5e479c3b75
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.498] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8af896bb5e8a6c656729
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.525] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=22d9e35ad218156ec632
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.529] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ce0507e98a5e479c3b75 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.531] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4a7560fa100a8e10eb12
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.547] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8af896bb5e8a6c656729 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.553] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fb77a8f5404e820ce25d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.571] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=22d9e35ad218156ec632 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.579] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4a7560fa100a8e10eb12 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.649] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fb77a8f5404e820ce25d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.659] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4a65561f1d2d3f5f75f1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.730] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bdd87910d7ba1d566f42
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.789] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4a65561f1d2d3f5f75f1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.846] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=bc61c3e3cd50510987b1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.878] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bdd87910d7ba1d566f42 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.922] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5075efa146480406b610
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.922] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5075efa146480406b610 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:33.996] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=bc61c3e3cd50510987b1 err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:34.048] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:34.313] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fcd0c18f500d10292ca5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:34.558] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fcd0c18f500d10292ca5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:34.908] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e982178ec8927039cbed
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:35.060] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e982178ec8927039cbed err="network id does not match: theirs 4919, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:35.389] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a23ed89ca0e1471bb8b2
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:35.411] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=58e697e1a6ca9c1049e6
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:35.440] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a23ed89ca0e1471bb8b2 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:35.470] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=58e697e1a6ca9c1049e6 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:35.577] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:35.698] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e6a5d4319b7aadff1ce5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:36.595] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b7eff06a2c4bbb0c29cc
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:36.596] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e6a5d4319b7aadff1ce5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:36.743] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b7eff06a2c4bbb0c29cc err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:36.869] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:38.165] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:38.661] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4a1d1911da017404923f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:38.663] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6d529c67948b471c9c15
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:38.665] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=45f249eb259dd8f12d28
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:38.667] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d4937b274b4557464021
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:38.709] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4a1d1911da017404923f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:38.710] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6d529c67948b471c9c15 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:38.714] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=45f249eb259dd8f12d28 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:38.717] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d4937b274b4557464021 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:38.772] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5819958926c9d8557696
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:38.840] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5819958926c9d8557696 err="network id does not match: theirs 2100, ours 137"
[INFO] [03-08|02:01:38.993] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=40090461
[INFO] [03-08|02:01:38.993] Req/resp stats                           req=0 reqMin=0 reqMax=0 skel=14 skelMin=40090460 skelMax=40090652 resp=115 respMin=40090460 respMax=40090993 dups=13836
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:38.993] [downloader] Queue sizes                 anchors=0 links=230 persisted=65535
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:39.994] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:41.800] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:43.331] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:44.404] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:45.875] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:45.988] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c53c323aa58f1d3cfc15
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.006] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b7ada54ce4e62c8f1b91
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.006] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=928dc1ea03ae555e60d0
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.016] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c514103da46ba128cd8e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.017] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2ecb9d06a6bb874f1fbf
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.017] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=da6f6d21ff7ef9d1deb8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.023] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c53c323aa58f1d3cfc15 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.047] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=656cad0aa67666c30775
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.054] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9f01322cc7df111a4358
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.058] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f6f29bddfece57aa517d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.066] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=da6f6d21ff7ef9d1deb8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.066] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c514103da46ba128cd8e err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.066] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2ecb9d06a6bb874f1fbf err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.112] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=656cad0aa67666c30775 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.128] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b7ada54ce4e62c8f1b91 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.155] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=356ab0a095c5e0e4adf5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.160] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=52416ab95aa470228733
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.202] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9f01322cc7df111a4358 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.207] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f6f29bddfece57aa517d err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.217] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cb737e1862c1363b9a58
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.220] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=734b2ce61153a88c8690
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.229] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d91dd3660426843f4e44
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.276] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=356ab0a095c5e0e4adf5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.281] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=52416ab95aa470228733 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.368] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cb737e1862c1363b9a58 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.372] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=734b2ce61153a88c8690 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.385] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d91dd3660426843f4e44 err="network id does not match: theirs 22040, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.442] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b2f2e05c755ae28c3e99
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.457] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ae28f2b87d9692fc1715
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.483] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b2f2e05c755ae28c3e99 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.486] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1d07129e50a772515a89
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.505] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ae28f2b87d9692fc1715 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.550] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1d07129e50a772515a89 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.594] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b6d364d905449a237b28
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.609] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a8363ba3269ba1e30cbd
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.630] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9ad270298763182d413e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.635] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8d7505eb76b5780611f7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.645] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b6d364d905449a237b28 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.656] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=37806e66c3e4fd333e05
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.662] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=41f7d2775a8f24578069
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.671] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a9502cb0045ab8b01188
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.707] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8d7505eb76b5780611f7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.713] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=41f7d2775a8f24578069 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.736] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a8363ba3269ba1e30cbd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.767] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9ad270298763182d413e err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.791] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c9d3548b1504bf6319bd
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.795] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=73802000916464c40df5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.796] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=db06b34d792bd7ea4f1e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.804] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=37806e66c3e4fd333e05 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.826] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a9502cb0045ab8b01188 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.858] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=761f2ba9f67674c909f6
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.872] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8e9c5099b7bf5a89509c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.888] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0b39147c5cfb9b6202eb
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.894] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e3004aa3b7af188e3f51
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.912] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6da965f08431f77366e0
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.934] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=546da8dc31839017238b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.941] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c9d3548b1504bf6319bd err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.945] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=73802000916464c40df5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:46.948] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=db06b34d792bd7ea4f1e err="network id does not match: theirs 80001, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:47.007] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=761f2ba9f67674c909f6 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:47.045] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0b39147c5cfb9b6202eb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:47.096] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e3004aa3b7af188e3f51 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:47.121] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6da965f08431f77366e0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:47.156] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=546da8dc31839017238b err="network id does not match: theirs 53015, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:47.446] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:47.552] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=65ff7a3b9212716817c7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:47.611] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=65ff7a3b9212716817c7 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:47.678] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f1befe51c492e0ad5203
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:47.680] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=06a3e5e1c6f063f22494
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:47.681] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3e052dce69abd715402f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:47.700] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=002b513fddf15873d6fe
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:47.804] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f1befe51c492e0ad5203 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:47.806] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=06a3e5e1c6f063f22494 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:47.832] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=002b513fddf15873d6fe err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:47.837] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3e052dce69abd715402f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:48.160] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8e9c5099b7bf5a89509c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:48.475] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:49.253] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8793b615a671a135ff65
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:49.295] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8793b615a671a135ff65 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:49.526] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a877e5d69a6d74353244
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:49.575] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=81e7ec398c5e52fe0ec4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:49.704] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a877e5d69a6d74353244 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:49.777] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=81e7ec398c5e52fe0ec4 err="network id does not match: theirs 9624031031, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:49.946] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:50.662] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1d7307174b20cbfaf0d5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:50.830] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1d7307174b20cbfaf0d5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:51.480] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:51.873] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=94bcc9a4a8436e61f659
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:52.076] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=94bcc9a4a8436e61f659 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:52.557] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.156] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=76ddadf270d9fc26b629
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.205] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=76ddadf270d9fc26b629 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.310] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5fb78b47f044a07182f3
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.315] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=925513895d4a10bf09ed
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.323] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f300506e27cfcc60390f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.332] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e8e70d69c36dd883491b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.355] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=482ffdcd6fb1761250b8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.362] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5fb78b47f044a07182f3 err="network id does not match: theirs 9372, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.367] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=925513895d4a10bf09ed err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.368] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=32566bca8bbe0cf00089
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.394] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e8e70d69c36dd883491b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.434] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=18441cbec1851c1548e3
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.451] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2092381e47dabfc46341
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.453] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=86250a7266b9b939da68
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.457] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f300506e27cfcc60390f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.490] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=32566bca8bbe0cf00089 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.504] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=482ffdcd6fb1761250b8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.505] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4a7284a8f872b56a39a4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.506] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3f6652994624fc0d51ef
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.547] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=18441cbec1851c1548e3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.573] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2092381e47dabfc46341 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.574] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=86250a7266b9b939da68 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.636] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aca04ae1a54cb0320f83
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.640] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=98cf2797f6dafa0695f2
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.640] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=98cf2797f6dafa0695f2 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.653] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3f6652994624fc0d51ef err="network id does not match: theirs 69420, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.655] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4a7284a8f872b56a39a4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.804] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3375aba7a0bec4b32f6c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.804] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3375aba7a0bec4b32f6c err="network id does not match: theirs 11297108099, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.887] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aca04ae1a54cb0320f83 err="network id does not match: theirs 2019, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.914] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c35057041f2294a68e22
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.915] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:53.961] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c35057041f2294a68e22 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.014] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fd576f703fae18bd5692
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.031] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0a748c494cc518945b3f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.054] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fd576f703fae18bd5692 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.082] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0a748c494cc518945b3f err="network id does not match: theirs 941, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.110] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4368036dbab10188530c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.117] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=717dbc41e5754e82d3ea
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.123] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2477cecbcc82c8b0614d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.155] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5203ffc5b4ab52112297
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.159] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=677bf31c4b8e1f78bff6
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.177] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f6a8ce084b6e1a12c8fc
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.193] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4368036dbab10188530c err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.223] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cf38fa54fb60df9423a1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.234] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5673712120f4f263f007
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.252] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5bac0649aaff19dee08b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.253] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d635d7bb39ff38b3a06f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.266] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5203ffc5b4ab52112297 err="network id does not match: theirs 3, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.267] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=717dbc41e5754e82d3ea err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.275] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2477cecbcc82c8b0614d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.300] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f6a8ce084b6e1a12c8fc err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.334] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=677bf31c4b8e1f78bff6 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.347] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cf38fa54fb60df9423a1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.385] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5673712120f4f263f007 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.469] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5bac0649aaff19dee08b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.469] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d635d7bb39ff38b3a06f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.509] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1cd2648a945860721b1b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.574] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1cd2648a945860721b1b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.636] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=917c5b6511bdd9ba8358
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.685] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=28d6260763109ac8e9e8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.691] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=39ad2e89f2e8b62e1b43
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.691] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=39ad2e89f2e8b62e1b43 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.766] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=917c5b6511bdd9ba8358 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.773] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=114e47b97bfb3fa3be6e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.797] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0ec5f6341b0fe7cb424b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.799] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=95146e1cce50d3c74183
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.835] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=59c1691b053cfe456ffd
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.857] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=36e9fa5c0eee4711fe4f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.857] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0ec5f6341b0fe7cb424b err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.863] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0cd4d20641c9118a734e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.891] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=114e47b97bfb3fa3be6e err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.901] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=96d118c437ab0e99fade
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.962] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=95146e1cce50d3c74183 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:54.983] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=59c1691b053cfe456ffd err="network id does not match: theirs 122, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:55.001] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=548a8b6d40d095eefa0a
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:55.006] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cb9d53951438d66f8631
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:55.015] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=36e9fa5c0eee4711fe4f err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:55.027] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0cd4d20641c9118a734e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:55.047] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:55.060] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=97dda5ffee5c9608594b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:55.082] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=96d118c437ab0e99fade err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:55.122] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=548a8b6d40d095eefa0a err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:55.132] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cb9d53951438d66f8631 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:55.212] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=97dda5ffee5c9608594b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:55.446] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cdcaa50625da9d85f056
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:55.572] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cdcaa50625da9d85f056 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:55.672] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=609237b57c74c1c33b2f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:55.821] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=609237b57c74c1c33b2f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:56.527] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:58.056] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[INFO] [03-08|02:01:58.992] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=40090461
[INFO] [03-08|02:01:58.992] Req/resp stats                           req=0 reqMin=0 reqMax=0 skel=14 skelMin=40090460 skelMax=40090652 resp=104 respMin=40090460 respMax=40090998 dups=12878
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:58.992] [downloader] Queue sizes                 anchors=0 links=235 persisted=65535
[DBUG] [03-08|02:01:59.993] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:01.053] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:01.681] slow peer or too many requests, dropping its old requests name=erigon/v0.0.5-bor-9b...
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:01.681] slow peer or too many requests, dropping its old requests name=erigon/v0.0.5-bor-9b...
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:01.682] slow peer or too many requests, dropping its old requests name=erigon/v0.0.5-bor-9b...
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:01.682] slow peer or too many requests, dropping its old requests name=erigon/v0.0.5-bor-9b...
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:01.683] slow peer or too many requests, dropping its old requests name=erigon/v0.0.5-bor-9b...
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:01.683] slow peer or too many requests, dropping its old requests name=erigon/v0.0.5-bor-9b...
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.024] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b97bb92f07c3f6dfd1da
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.051] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5a9d36d340782556482c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.075] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b97bb92f07c3f6dfd1da err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.081] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dbfa68ee59f45d0cc764
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.081] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dbfa68ee59f45d0cc764 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.095] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0d3bf9f51ccde8e3613b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.113] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5a9d36d340782556482c err="network id does not match: theirs 79879, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.139] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0d3bf9f51ccde8e3613b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.177] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=32bd85f3079b2ee8c3d4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.177] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cbfd86b8d83d4fedf242
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.178] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cbfd86b8d83d4fedf242 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.198] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=732ad4b723d11cb241a5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.227] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ad843fb01172ecbca5ff
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.234] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3c64f8a7b944815c1181
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.256] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4e81265f576a5aaa9043
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.293] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=65ab925ad502727df599
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.294] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=04dea89ce789b9d00c1d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.303] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.303] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=32bd85f3079b2ee8c3d4 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.306] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=90d8945150abb8491740
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.321] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=03f6e5981fc4ae90e0ee
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.337] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ad843fb01172ecbca5ff err="network id does not match: theirs 75, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.341] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=732ad4b723d11cb241a5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.347] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fd63f42db0fd6d9cd789
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.371] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b720352e8216c9efc470
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.371] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b720352e8216c9efc470 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.382] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4e81265f576a5aaa9043 err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.390] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3c64f8a7b944815c1181 err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.432] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=65ab925ad502727df599 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.438] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=04dea89ce789b9d00c1d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.455] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=90d8945150abb8491740 err="network id does not match: theirs 32520, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.476] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=03f6e5981fc4ae90e0ee err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.518] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fd63f42db0fd6d9cd789 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.556] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=46ed689bf4923128791b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.814] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d8159390c4ff7c04d6c7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.821] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=04b19d2223c5b63ab9c1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.829] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a695b3e0dc7f7550e563
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.831] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=46ed689bf4923128791b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.857] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d8159390c4ff7c04d6c7 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.868] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=202f20a8d03095c002c7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.873] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=04b19d2223c5b63ab9c1 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.880] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a695b3e0dc7f7550e563 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.890] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d1b24881b4882121cbba
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.908] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=202f20a8d03095c002c7 err="network id does not match: theirs 7341, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.920] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b56a0b03a96efb57ddf5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.940] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d1b24881b4882121cbba err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.945] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=961c25031f8ca5582117
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.945] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=961c25031f8ca5582117 err="network id does not match: theirs 1337, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.964] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c0fc997eb64cc68f79da
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.966] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c0fc997eb64cc68f79da err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.967] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=20a90eff6e4d8857454e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:02.973] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b56a0b03a96efb57ddf5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.029] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d859855608f1e4deee4b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.032] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d19e13619c6b50ad3f05
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.038] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=24db5f97219baa2ea845
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.040] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0cbc19a2648c2a6427b8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.041] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f913ed590d00ac3b1cab
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.072] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=85b2089672fcf4f4998d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.085] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c1d4f404aff3e7479326
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.085] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cfb8e096d19cf92d7c65
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.087] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=20a90eff6e4d8857454e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.109] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=154c04051aa792245b09
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.118] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=efe7d8f1faececb27e41
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.135] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=db46886cb46671e5f2e5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.141] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aed7284bce8d914a8f4e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.141] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aed7284bce8d914a8f4e err="network id does not match: theirs 9731, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.151] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d859855608f1e4deee4b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.167] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=85b2089672fcf4f4998d err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.185] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d19e13619c6b50ad3f05 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.189] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d453727542e20b0e4583
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.193] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=24db5f97219baa2ea845 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.196] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0cbc19a2648c2a6427b8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.196] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f913ed590d00ac3b1cab err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.200] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d453727542e20b0e4583 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.235] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c1d4f404aff3e7479326 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.235] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cfb8e096d19cf92d7c65 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.255] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=154c04051aa792245b09 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.269] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=efe7d8f1faececb27e41 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.340] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=db46886cb46671e5f2e5 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.408] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=477bbda9ab9237bea60f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.408] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=477bbda9ab9237bea60f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.484] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=16c6d4c0cb94a0eeeaa3
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.490] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fd57bdcbcde47be282a9
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.490] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b6f77adcea2f302ff6c5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.493] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=eed557c7d48dae6e0069
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.493] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9f43b38c8ee867a6c862
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.527] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9f43b38c8ee867a6c862 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.531] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=16c6d4c0cb94a0eeeaa3 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.540] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b6f77adcea2f302ff6c5 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.540] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fd57bdcbcde47be282a9 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.543] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=eed557c7d48dae6e0069 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.635] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=84a8dc00ccc9e3a8f74e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.640] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=2e0737d5c6ed0ebc24bf
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.689] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1f73a1e846e664cc3726
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.731] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ae657d4de8e485ef6c22
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.732] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e45d6d1b90efdf9a5f26
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.755] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=84a8dc00ccc9e3a8f74e err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.823] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e45d6d1b90efdf9a5f26 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.844] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ae657d4de8e485ef6c22 err="network id does not match: theirs 16718, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:03.980] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:04.233] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=638593e3c39736ee71b3
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:04.237] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=57ea13c2bd2f46567bd1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:04.278] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=638593e3c39736ee71b3 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:04.287] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=57ea13c2bd2f46567bd1 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:04.401] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=da57fe108045ad4fd024
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:04.407] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f529c1bbe50d611c1b02
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:04.475] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b75a712f974039ab96dd
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:04.532] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=da57fe108045ad4fd024 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:04.540] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f529c1bbe50d611c1b02 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:04.642] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b75a712f974039ab96dd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:04.766] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=2e0737d5c6ed0ebc24bf err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:05.636] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:06.405] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=24b8867eb39ef198d90b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:06.407] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f2dd9f71bd8484c98c27
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:06.416] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=99655746e1b99987789c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:06.451] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9b26b03e4d55ef81022f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:06.455] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=279d13d18eb7011293ab
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:06.530] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=24b8867eb39ef198d90b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:06.535] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f2dd9f71bd8484c98c27 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:06.548] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=99655746e1b99987789c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:06.600] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9b26b03e4d55ef81022f err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:06.607] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=279d13d18eb7011293ab err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:06.866] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:07.129] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=de38cecbefb4ae82a075
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:07.137] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a160c8642c57ea31395a
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:07.141] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4012242bc5c9062b4051
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:07.173] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=de38cecbefb4ae82a075 err="network id does not match: theirs 32520, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:07.184] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a160c8642c57ea31395a err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:07.187] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4012242bc5c9062b4051 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:07.349] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d9891a2c3abf9812d702
[INFO] [03-08|02:02:07.390] [txpool] stat                            block=40090155 pending=2836 baseFee=182 queued=6722 alloc=3.4GB sys=7.0GB
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:07.501] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d9891a2c3abf9812d702 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:07.582] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1d54dd0059bfd5745f33
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:07.849] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1d54dd0059bfd5745f33 err="network id does not match: theirs 5555, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.213] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=410cafd48c948beeedcb
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.274] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.283] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4718c581e956afc6d0fb
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.284] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5346b5af5233b55186ec
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.325] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4718c581e956afc6d0fb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.327] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5346b5af5233b55186ec err="network id does not match: theirs 20230805, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.426] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=305b9bdc48986d611d7c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.434] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1493d431e95b81d7c76b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.437] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7a07cf0673cb6a892e6c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.487] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=305b9bdc48986d611d7c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.487] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e80292b8611dd7e7c7f4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.504] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=410cafd48c948beeedcb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.504] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c738f9579b849c1b360c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.514] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e87769564ba2163dd72d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.542] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6184fbc4d096f82cad10
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.554] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1493d431e95b81d7c76b err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.558] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7a07cf0673cb6a892e6c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.564] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=51e2fe6785d32cde81e0
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.596] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d9beaaad9d114ef3abf8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.597] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6e41be6546dda8bccfdc
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.624] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e87769564ba2163dd72d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.624] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9958f0648326713756b4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.630] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=49eb6d629bdc99540618
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.634] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e80292b8611dd7e7c7f4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.650] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f5a6176e1bbfd0008377
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.650] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f5a6176e1bbfd0008377 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.650] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d3761dc0e5b721ae7db0
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.657] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c738f9579b849c1b360c err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.667] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6184fbc4d096f82cad10 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.700] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=51e2fe6785d32cde81e0 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.722] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=daef5e2cfd047334cbba
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.727] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8ec8fc129ea0b59c6894
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.748] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d9beaaad9d114ef3abf8 err="network id does not match: theirs 9372, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.749] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6e41be6546dda8bccfdc err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.778] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9958f0648326713756b4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.828] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d3761dc0e5b721ae7db0 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.869] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9663e910cf043b2b75df
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.925] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=daef5e2cfd047334cbba err="network id does not match: theirs 3161, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:08.944] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8ec8fc129ea0b59c6894 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:09.095] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0c75002ad5682d27bd7a
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:09.110] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=47990b7ae1b8a40d9230
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:09.118] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ffb7fd42cf734b989b94
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:09.120] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3d5e1007fa0ff348a8bb
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:09.136] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=54485ec0eb943daf7a03
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:09.156] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9663e910cf043b2b75df err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:09.169] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b5457e359ead35ff38e4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:09.205] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b5457e359ead35ff38e4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:09.206] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=02274287705debd7dcd1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:09.240] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0c75002ad5682d27bd7a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:09.259] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=02274287705debd7dcd1 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:09.262] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=47990b7ae1b8a40d9230 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:09.274] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ffb7fd42cf734b989b94 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:09.275] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3d5e1007fa0ff348a8bb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:09.300] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=54485ec0eb943daf7a03 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:09.397] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=30ddcfc90c66f6fff2d1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:09.502] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:09.549] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=30ddcfc90c66f6fff2d1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:09.954] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=122ab8e26531ea230c33
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:10.132] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=122ab8e26531ea230c33 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:11.079] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:12.484] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:13.364] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e382c69454237d24ad8d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:13.557] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e382c69454237d24ad8d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:13.689] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5619b87f8457cca5dddd
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:13.762] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5619b87f8457cca5dddd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:13.798] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=36a6b2ce0a94ad07065f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:13.824] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a83f06f56a79c229c7ec
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:13.851] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5ea905c96a42e64aaa0c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:13.920] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=36a6b2ce0a94ad07065f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:13.924] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7ce0f78ed387f609edf1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:13.959] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a83f06f56a79c229c7ec err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.002] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5ea905c96a42e64aaa0c err="network id does not match: theirs 97, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.099] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=52c389d8bea0ea7ba179
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.109] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7ce0f78ed387f609edf1 err="network id does not match: theirs 220906, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.151] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=69f7a2c0cc979403b34c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.248] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=51251a9902e658154456
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.250] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b8d69c8c035c3e786329
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.293] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4c99c50df91640f684f7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.296] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=51251a9902e658154456 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.297] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b8d69c8c035c3e786329 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.303] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3801630b734100710c85
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.334] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c0e1b886b45aefd75048
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.351] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3801630b734100710c85 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.363] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4c99c50df91640f684f7 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.369] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=52c389d8bea0ea7ba179 err="network id does not match: theirs 8687, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.378] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=dd2c39a7f5d35b6f9a7e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.391] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c0e1b886b45aefd75048 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.394] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3414fe33b273c6c7b4d4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.404] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.431] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fbdd87f7b2e655eabab0
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.446] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=efc9a5528a188e035170
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.450] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=69f7a2c0cc979403b34c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.474] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=34b8393b65dd56486712
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.488] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=dd2c39a7f5d35b6f9a7e err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.491] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=341a2e8b4146702456f7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.515] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3414fe33b273c6c7b4d4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.526] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=34b8393b65dd56486712 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.541] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1a30205d8796b845783b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.554] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d3096f9afcc2d4ec63a8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.567] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=efc9a5528a188e035170 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.571] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fbdd87f7b2e655eabab0 err="network id does not match: theirs 9372, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.598] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a595acca3e08504cc97e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.606] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e2714dade8cebe4829fc
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.616] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d3096f9afcc2d4ec63a8 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.617] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f4fb16a36f8cdfbeb31f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.618] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7f054e6deeb86593eb75
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.619] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7e708639329a2c401ee5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.631] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8e80c709cc5b60d32223
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.633] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=341a2e8b4146702456f7 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.664] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5e195518161ced21ac8c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.671] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9febfb033b5ac65a4274
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.682] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e41b7d372f7f21dc741c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.703] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7b836b693a3732634284
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.711] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1a30205d8796b845783b err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.715] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a595acca3e08504cc97e err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.721] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=decd0fce76c9553a61af
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.727] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e2714dade8cebe4829fc err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.743] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7f054e6deeb86593eb75 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.753] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7e708639329a2c401ee5 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.768] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8e80c709cc5b60d32223 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.813] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e41b7d372f7f21dc741c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.823] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9febfb033b5ac65a4274 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.840] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7b836b693a3732634284 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.851] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f4fb16a36f8cdfbeb31f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.861] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=af4f92a34871e859e617
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.861] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=308c6d574e09ee83837a
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.868] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=decd0fce76c9553a61af err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.894] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5e195518161ced21ac8c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.941] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7663650c3c64e0e81735
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:14.941] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7663650c3c64e0e81735 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:15.012] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=18c9a8431f5afc33a5d0
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:15.063] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c638222777ac47bcbb93
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:15.072] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a13cbdce53a9c9473c76
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:15.076] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=af4f92a34871e859e617 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:15.107] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c638222777ac47bcbb93 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:15.108] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=308c6d574e09ee83837a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:15.117] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a13cbdce53a9c9473c76 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:15.157] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b274c18d2696a12d33f0
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:15.212] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7cccd01ef5059a100191
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:15.231] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b274c18d2696a12d33f0 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:15.268] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4197112821845e3957de
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:15.283] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d1cd5b30df5a141e6d8d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:15.303] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=18c9a8431f5afc33a5d0 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:15.329] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7cccd01ef5059a100191 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:15.397] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4197112821845e3957de err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:15.423] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=68a4a1d4a60154186149
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:15.435] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d1cd5b30df5a141e6d8d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:15.561] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:15.980] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b819dc0f7c41f490748e
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:16.034] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=77d7e04a6e31221ad2a9
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:16.153] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b819dc0f7c41f490748e err="network id does not match: theirs 9372, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:16.234] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=77d7e04a6e31221ad2a9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:16.480] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9d7d6d8193ac8ac888e9
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:16.504] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=79c3d350de9a8813df7b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:16.535] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9d7d6d8193ac8ac888e9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:16.569] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=79c3d350de9a8813df7b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:16.580] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:16.671] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=92104c62bca70099b90d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:16.822] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=92104c62bca70099b90d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:16.895] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=890bf52b4e1ced7ce0dd
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:17.020] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=890bf52b4e1ced7ce0dd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:17.503] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7550734857fde354e4d1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:17.535] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=96651d6c016668c34cf4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:17.536] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7550734857fde354e4d1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:17.583] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=96651d6c016668c34cf4 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:17.665] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1255a8462619fa75ba0d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:17.779] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1255a8462619fa75ba0d err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:17.833] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[INFO] [03-08|02:02:18.993] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=40090461
[INFO] [03-08|02:02:18.993] Req/resp stats                           req=0 reqMin=0 reqMax=0 skel=14 skelMin=40090460 skelMax=40090652 resp=110 respMin=40090460 respMax=40091003 dups=13065
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:18.993] [downloader] Queue sizes                 anchors=0 links=240 persisted=65535
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:18.993] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.249] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9ede0d33c46cb2b4ee24
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.291] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.297] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=1c5fe4ac75a2e0e41948
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.304] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9ede0d33c46cb2b4ee24 err="network id does not match: theirs 40925, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.345] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=66c47d11bbfd79ecbe59
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.345] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=66c47d11bbfd79ecbe59 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.348] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=1c5fe4ac75a2e0e41948 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.362] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=df5e5dc0b27f582178e0
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.418] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=01d9b2024afa3ebe7323
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.436] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ef36f019bbdaa2a7b467
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.442] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=df5e5dc0b27f582178e0 err="network id does not match: theirs 8, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.445] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=de4cd383b8bed062a3b7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.463] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=90f3f106d1337bed49e5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.511] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f73e34d39939714cf212
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.518] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cc24fe4fe27fdd5169df
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.529] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=01d9b2024afa3ebe7323 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.536] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aca3e7869215ee3c95c9
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.543] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6c8eb7943d608aba6eb7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.557] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ef36f019bbdaa2a7b467 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.569] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=de4cd383b8bed062a3b7 err="network id does not match: theirs 47897, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.589] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9cda585613740167802f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.594] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=39237c43a0b4eaeba451
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.598] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=90f3f106d1337bed49e5 err="network id does not match: theirs 1684, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.620] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b69ced9010fdb9924566
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.620] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b69ced9010fdb9924566 err="network id does not match: theirs 24242, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.629] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cc24fe4fe27fdd5169df err="network id does not match: theirs 75, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.648] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aca3e7869215ee3c95c9 err="network id does not match: theirs 5566, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.658] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fc3143a2efc374d38341
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.667] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f73e34d39939714cf212 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.725] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=604e8a2624fc00680bcb
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.727] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=c9d35c8b59b643b0bef4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.735] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9cda585613740167802f err="network id does not match: theirs 3165, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.743] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=39237c43a0b4eaeba451 err="network id does not match: theirs 1, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.889] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fc3143a2efc374d38341 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.940] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=604e8a2624fc00680bcb err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.941] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=c9d35c8b59b643b0bef4 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:20.969] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=70b22ba3ddd5c733cfe7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.021] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=70b22ba3ddd5c733cfe7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.090] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9d2bd42618fe73a494ed
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.113] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cb47ae77649d6fd974ca
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.117] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0a8c028922ad590999f6
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.129] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e878127cf1209be842ed
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.165] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=51e93552220139e502c4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.194] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=face1d8d0d4a1604e59c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.201] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d81392e3cd1c00898f36
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.201] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9d2bd42618fe73a494ed err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.231] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0a8c028922ad590999f6 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.235] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cb47ae77649d6fd974ca err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.240] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=999968dd0e3ba4f778dd
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.248] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e878127cf1209be842ed err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.257] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=8566219f1c5f6b157f2c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.270] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6b74efdcc9c5e8200136
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.270] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6b74efdcc9c5e8200136 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.270] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=aae893312f287af0f86b
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.294] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cc9eac2cf6027a09b086
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.315] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=51e93552220139e502c4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.348] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=face1d8d0d4a1604e59c err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.357] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=495f844e6b5ba4871349
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.358] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d81392e3cd1c00898f36 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.391] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=20e42b9db6eb16c6b7c8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.427] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=999968dd0e3ba4f778dd err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.442] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=aae893312f287af0f86b err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.454] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=8566219f1c5f6b157f2c err="network id does not match: theirs 190260, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.496] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cc9eac2cf6027a09b086 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.581] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=495f844e6b5ba4871349 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.642] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=20e42b9db6eb16c6b7c8 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.710] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=807bbde650d875f3a076
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:21.825] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=807bbde650d875f3a076 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:22.000] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=16133c33faa5f73bb39a
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:22.049] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6e7455ad9fb6c79901ca
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:22.069] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9c79e8aba2acbf779150
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:22.072] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:22.106] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=4d5e9317d8b5f0f5ed75
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:22.125] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=16133c33faa5f73bb39a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:22.201] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6e7455ad9fb6c79901ca err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:22.204] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ddc1daee45840ae58b55
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:22.226] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ddc1daee45840ae58b55 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:22.231] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=4d5e9317d8b5f0f5ed75 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:22.407] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9c79e8aba2acbf779150 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:22.621] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ca2d1c21f63f94e695c2
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:22.675] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7e6649dec3663edd91d3
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:22.744] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ca2d1c21f63f94e695c2 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:22.748] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=80dcc15319d524d500ce
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:22.798] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=daa6be8d7eff26603c58
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:22.846] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7e6649dec3663edd91d3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:22.882] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=80dcc15319d524d500ce err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:22.947] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=daa6be8d7eff26603c58 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:23.773] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:25.748] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:26.887] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=44c45bad39a6ae9d209f
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:26.920] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=44c45bad39a6ae9d209f err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.372] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.384] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=685b1391d4673913f027
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.448] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=685b1391d4673913f027 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.528] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=af9a676f5187d8189c42
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.558] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b1733f33a73384558974
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.572] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7a2a74b5a54c54158cea
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.582] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=af9a676f5187d8189c42 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.671] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=b3601301c1f67953e371
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.698] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5c462933859a0411d187
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.707] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b1733f33a73384558974 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.727] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7a2a74b5a54c54158cea err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.731] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3ea7550a233e1e878610
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.732] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ccf7c739bb320406263a
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.747] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=84773a9e9a1b668e4361
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.821] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=b3601301c1f67953e371 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.836] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5c462933859a0411d187 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.874] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=9b67d61d8bdb77f418d4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.876] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=3c23cf5d667c1834a120
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.888] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3ea7550a233e1e878610 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.889] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ccf7c739bb320406263a err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.910] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=84773a9e9a1b668e4361 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.938] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=9b67d61d8bdb77f418d4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.942] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=3c23cf5d667c1834a120 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.962] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=0fb85f9f3215f805b2d5
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:27.989] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a25bb714b389b9101dde
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.018] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=f338bf16b83d4a5a63de
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.030] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=fd56f0e010724cbbf4f1
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.034] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=6e935eca89b230002294
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.034] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=6e935eca89b230002294 err="network id does not match: theirs 11297108099, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.051] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=02d64a81d865b2f2b790
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.112] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a25bb714b389b9101dde err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.145] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=05e6b0452bfa3ffbbe75
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.155] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=f338bf16b83d4a5a63de err="network id does not match: theirs 128, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.172] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=ca423f78615e9a1714e4
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.173] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=853f3be286140327f4ea
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.173] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=e97d2f1a37b2035a34b9
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.175] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=fd56f0e010724cbbf4f1 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.179] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=68f7a4e4fea0cb73c5ee
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.204] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=02d64a81d865b2f2b790 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.212] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d9ca8de5ebcaeff328e7
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.230] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=0fb85f9f3215f805b2d5 err="network id does not match: theirs 9829, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.279] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=05e6b0452bfa3ffbbe75 err="network id does not match: theirs 167003, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.321] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=ca423f78615e9a1714e4 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.321] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=853f3be286140327f4ea err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.322] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=e97d2f1a37b2035a34b9 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.330] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=68f7a4e4fea0cb73c5ee err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.355] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=5c353f0d611b357bf97d
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.382] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d9ca8de5ebcaeff328e7 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.401] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.404] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=5c353f0d611b357bf97d err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.497] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=7428ac2ba7bfb0ceb8cd
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.531] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=677d95a74596ea1eaab3
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.618] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=7428ac2ba7bfb0ceb8cd err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.626] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=563fdfb1acfbb1048de0
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.634] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=287dd4c3f0a5a34db021
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.657] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=563fdfb1acfbb1048de0 err="network id does not match: theirs 35443, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.669] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=287dd4c3f0a5a34db021 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.670] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=677d95a74596ea1eaab3 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.700] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d5d9316ede102167d636
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.769] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d5d9316ede102167d636 err="network id does not match: theirs 5, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.792] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=cf9380494c50a368a2ba
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:28.842] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=cf9380494c50a368a2ba err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:29.052] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=74a0b71af1296a94ed2c
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:29.228] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=74a0b71af1296a94ed2c err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:29.721] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=a9f3e05e3a268ea09481
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:29.771] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a9f3e05e3a268ea09481 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:29.871] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=10d977a7321d877c20f8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:29.930] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:29.997] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=10d977a7321d877c20f8 err=EOF
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:30.769] [p2p] start with peer                    peerId=d08c53c86071f3d16ba8
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:30.817] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=d08c53c86071f3d16ba8 err="network id does not match: theirs 56, ours 137"
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:31.463] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461
[DBUG] [03-08|02:02:32.606] [downloader] Request skeleton            anchors=0 highestInDb=40090461

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