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Agoric Testnet Validator Initial Setup

Setting up an Agoric Testnet validator node has been a pleasure to operate right out of the gate. With clear cut setup instructions from the Agoric team, Oracle Miner was able to get their node up within an hour. Node stability is the name of the game and the Agoric program stack so far has proven to be extremely stable.

The validator node is currently being ran on a ESXi Ubuntu 20.04 server VM with 4 vCPU, 8GB RAM and SSD disks. This server has abundant resources available to scale up as we endure the next phases of the Agoric Testnet. Looking forward to completing future challenges and assisting the team with any bugs or issues encountered.

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am Aderks on github.
  • I am aderks ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 7F35 D3C8 BACE BE23 4E24 D254 17FE 787D E7A4 1E46

To claim this, I am signing this object:

[1649187653059] DEBUG (IndexerAgent/1 on 6e518d47e97c): Fetched indexing rules
    count: 8
    rules: [
        "identifier": "global",
        "decisionBasis": "rules"
        "identifier": "0xff24306a9219c2e53d2464beec399d49c67ebfc27d864cf0f14bfaf428f3c2f1",
{"level":"ERROR","source":{"package":"consensus","file":"consensus/src/"},"thread_name":"consensus","hostname":"233c4615f2c2","timestamp":"2022-09-01T03:26:27.153849Z","data":{"error":"[EpochManager] Verify event\n\nCaused by:\n    0: Failed to verify Commit Vote\n    1: Author is unknown\n\nStack backtrace:\n   0: tokio::runtime::task::core::CoreStage<T>::poll::{{closure}}\n             at ./usr/local/cargo/registry/src/\n      tokio::loom::std::unsafe_cell::UnsafeCell<T>::with_mut\n             at ./usr/local/cargo/registry/src/\n      tokio::runtime::task::core::CoreStage<T>::poll\n             at ./usr/local/cargo/registry/src/\n      tokio::runtime::task::harness::poll_future::{{closure}}\n             at ./usr/local/cargo/registry/src/

Keeps repeating the following:

[INFO] [01-19|02:51:04.223] [5/16 Bodies] Downloading block bodies   block_num=38068523 delivery/sec=0B wasted/sec=742.9KB remaining=184002 delivered=185485 cache=256.0MB alloc=4.0GB sys=7.8GB
[DBUG] [01-19|02:51:15.272] Sent Body request                        peer=61b20341 min=38068524 max=38068651
[DBUG] [01-19|02:51:15.273] Sent Body request                        peer=590387e2 min=38068652 max=38068779
[DBUG] [01-19|02:51:15.274] Sent Body request                        peer=d348c888 min=38068780 max=38068907
[DBUG] [01-19|02:51:15.275] Sent Body request                        peer=d5f33f53 min=38068908 max=38069035
[DBUG] [01-19|02:51:15.276] Sent Body request                        peer=2c0a63cb min=38069036 max=38069163
[DBUG] [01-19|02:51:15.276] Sent Body request                        peer=1f6e4c61 min=38069164 max=38069291
Aderks /
Created March 8, 2023 02:27
[WARN] [03-08|01:52:53.601] no log dir set, console logging only
[INFO] [03-08|01:52:53.601] Starting metrics server                  addr=
[WARN] [03-08|01:52:53.609] no log dir set, console logging only
[INFO] [03-08|01:52:53.609] Build info                               git_branch=heads/v2.40.1 git_tag=v2.40.1-dirty git_commit=94b4cee5a898a47b9241ce824622af6350e5dc5b
[INFO] [03-08|01:52:53.609] Starting Erigon on Bor Mainnet...
[INFO] [03-08|01:52:53.610] Maximum peer count                       ETH=300 total=300
[INFO] [03-08|01:52:53.610] starting HTTP APIs                       APIs=net,web3,eth,admin,debug,txpool,engine,rpc,trace
[INFO] [03-08|01:52:53.611] torrent verbosity                        level=WRN
[INFO] [03-08|01:52:55.713] Set global gas cap                       cap=50000000
Aderks /
Created March 8, 2023 02:34
[WARN] [03-08|02:05:44.255] no log dir set, console logging only
[INFO] [03-08|02:05:44.257] Starting metrics server                  addr=
[WARN] [03-08|02:05:44.267] no log dir set, console logging only
[INFO] [03-08|02:05:44.267] Build info                               git_branch=heads/v2.36.0 git_tag=v2.36.0-dirty git_commit=3ec0ed769fc9ee11c5a23b213309a82fb0921ac7
[INFO] [03-08|02:05:44.267] Starting Erigon on Bor Mainnet...
[INFO] [03-08|02:05:44.268] Maximum peer count                       ETH=300 total=300
[INFO] [03-08|02:05:44.269] starting HTTP APIs                       APIs=net,web3,eth,admin,debug,txpool,engine,rpc,trace
[INFO] [03-08|02:05:44.270] torrent verbosity                        level=WRN
[INFO] [03-08|02:05:46.373] Set global gas cap                       cap=50000000